Management Response

: Georgia
: 2016 - 2020 , Georgia (CO)
: Systematization of Final Results of the UN Joint Programe “For Gender Equality”
: Georgia

The Systematization of Final Results (SFR) of the UN Joint Programme for Gender Equality (UNJP) provides analysis of the relevance of the UNJP II implementation strategy and approaches to UN and national development policy priorities; reviews the relevance of the logical framework; assesses effectiveness and organizational efficiency in progressing towards the achievement of the project’s results; assesses the sustainability of the results and the feasibility of ongoing, nationally-led efforts in the thematic areas tackled by the project from the viewpoint of national ownership, national capacity development, partnership and coordination between the participating UN agencies (PUNOs) and other development partners. The evaluation documents lessons learned, assesses specific thematic case studies and outlines challenges informing future work of UNDP, UNFPA and UN Women in the frameworks of future joint programmes. As a result of the SFR 14 recommendations were received. Out of them 13 have been accepted and one – partially accepted by the JP partners. The recommendations mainly concern the importance of addressing the needs of the most disadvantaged groups of women, including LGBTQI community in formulation of Phase III of the programme. The recommendations also emphasize the need for the continued advocacy for women’s political participation, services for survivors of VAWG/DV and SHR&RR. The value of a collaborative work of the Participating UN Agencies (PUNOs) has also been stressed. Finally, PUNOs have been recommended to develop strategies to respond to the lessons learned from the UNJP. Most of the recommendations will be addressed in the subsequent phase of the UNJP. Only those 11 recommendations that were addressed to UN Women and/or all PUNOs (including UN Women) are reflected in the GATE System.

: Approved
Recommendation: In its formulation of Phase III of the programme, the UNJP should continue to refine the Theory of Change and programme design to ensure alignment with the needs of the most disadvantaged women and girls and in line with key UN principles including Leave No One Behind.
Management Response: All UNJP PUNOs agree with this recommendation. The principle of Leaving No One Behind (LNOB) is a core concept of the UN mandate. The key priority groups that will be targeted by the UNJP III while operationalizing the LNOB principle are women with disabilities, single mothers, rural women, including women belonging to ethnic minorities, survivors of violence against women, including sexual violence and representatives of LBTIQ+ community.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
During the development of the next phase, ensure that intersectional disadvantage as well as an explicit focus on the most disadvantaged women and girls is taken into account. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed For the subsequent programming, the PUNOs target single mothers, the LBTIQ+ and women with disability as proven one of the most disadvantaged groups during the pandemic. The project will continue targeting rural women, including those belonging to ethnic minority groups (residing in Kakheti region) as well as survivors of violence against women, including sexual violence.
Seek out and reflect evidence to support greater understanding of the needs and circumstances of key target groups such as women with disabilities, single mothers, rural women, including belonging to ethnic minorities. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed The PUNOs have explored opportunities for carrying out a joint vulnerability assessment of different groups of women to be targeted by phase III (that is planned to start in July 2022).
Conduct Perception Study on SOGI in Georgia. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed In the frameworks of the UNJP’s transitional phase, the PUNOs in partnership with Women’s Initiatives’ Supporting Group (WISG) have conducted another round of the perception study on SOGI in Georgia (the first round carried out by WISG in 2015). The study allows for a comparative analysis of trends in existing challenges regarding the LGBTIQ community in Georgia. Results of the study should create bases for implementing other activities of the Phase II of the programme as well as for planning Phase III proposal.
Develop Special Report on LGBTIQ Human Rights Situation in Georgia and to ensure that these target groups are better reflected in the PDO’s annual human rights report Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed In the frameworks of the UNJP’s transitional phase, the PUNO’s supported the Public Defender of Georgia to develop the first ever Special Report of the Public Defender on LGBTIQ Human Rights Situation in Georgia and to ensure that these target groups are better reflected in the PDO’s annual human rights report. The report forms an unprecedented solid evidence base for policy dialogue and advocacy for LGBTIQ issues in the future.
Develop a public awareness-raising strategy to promote zero tolerance towards homo, bi and transphobia and popularize existing services for the LGBTIQ community Georgia offices of UN women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed In the frameworks of the UNJP’s transitional phase, the PUNOs have already contracted WISG to design a public awareness-raising strategy to promote zero tolerance towards homo, bi and transphobia and popularize existing services for the LGBTIQ community to be based on the findings of the public perceptions study on LGBTIQ issues.
Based on the findings of the studies, develop a package of recommendations on legislative amendments, policy initiatives, state programmes and specialized services needed to meet the needs of the LGBTIQ community. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed In the frameworks of the UNJP’s transitional phase, the Responsible Partner WISG has developed package of recommendations on legislative amendments, policy initiatives, state programmes and specialized services needed to meet the needs of the LGBTIQ community. The package is based on the findings of the public perceptions study on LGBTIQ issues and the PDO Special Report on LGBTIQ.
Provide technical support and proposals aimed at mainstreaming LGBTIQ issues in any legislative and policy-making processes related to discrimination, gender-based violence, hate crimes or related areas, including into the subsequent cycles of the national human rights strategy and action plan and national action plan on violence against women and domestic violence. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed In the frameworks of the UNJP’s transitional phase, the PUNOs have partnered with NGO WISG to provide policy advice and mainstream LGBTIQ issues in any legislative and policy-making processes related to discrimination, gender-based violence, hate crimes or related areas, including into the subsequent cycles of the national human rights strategy and action plan and national action plan on violence against women and domestic violence.
Consider the focus on the most disadvantaged women and girls in Phase III proposal. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed PUNOs are organizing series of bilateral and multilateral consultation sessions in the wake of the Phase III drafting to plan engagement levels, areas and target groups based on the review of progress and needs identified as a result of vulnerability analysis / gathered data and stakeholder consultation process.
Recommendation: In its formulation of Phase III of the programme, the UNJP should commit to a more aspirational programme, aiming for ambitious results with bold targets.
Management Response: All UNJP PUNOs agree with this recommendation. The targets set under Phase II of the program have been met and surpassed. Considering experience of Phase II, realistic and more ambitious targets will be set for the next proposal, including the contingency plan for underachievement.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
During the development of the next phase of the programme, assess previous programme targets, consider opportunities to aim higher and ensure a common understanding of the possibility of failure to reach the targets. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed This exercise is on-going, also as a part of regular donor reporting.
Ensure endorsement for more aspirational targets among project partners. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed Within the drafting process, PUNOs have ensured more aspirational targets.
Recommendation: The UNJP should explore the link between its efforts related to vocational educational training and other economic empowerment programs and its efforts to provide economic rehabilitation to women survivors of VAWG/DV.
Management Response: During 2020, UNDP and UN Women introduced first synergies between VET support and protection of survivors of VAWG/DV, this collaboration will be expanded in Phase III.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
In the future phase, in connection with other UN work in this area, assess the opportunities to engage women survivors, including the development of a means to assess survivor readiness for economic rehabilitation. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed The EU-funded EVAWGG project implemented by UN Women is supporting the State Care Agency in strengthening psychosocial rehabilitation services of GBV survivors to increase their readiness for socioeconomic rehabilitation. UNDP continued activities aimed at women’s economic empowerment, including victims of violence. In partnership with UNJP, women’s economic empowerment is supported through EU funded ENPARD project, as well.
In planning the next project phase, develop a joint area of programming between PUNOs to tackle this opportunity in innovative ways. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed The EU-funded EVAWGG project implemented by UN Women is supporting the State Care Agency in the development of a socioeconomic rehabilitation programme for GBV survivors. UN Women and UNDP will ensure synergies and coordination between these two endeavors by making sure that the Agency’s beneficiaries have access to UNDP-supported VET programmes.
Recommendation: The UNJP should continue its advocacy for services for survivors of VAWG/DV including access to shelters, access to psycho-social services and post-shelter rehabilitation.
Management Response: UN Women agrees with this recommendation and considers continuation of this efforts by UNJP as essential to ensure sustainability of its results.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Continue advocacy of services for survivors of VAWG/DV including access to shelters, access to psycho-social services and post-shelter rehabilitation. UN Women Georgia office 2021/12 Completed UN Women continues to support the long-standing partners - the Government of Georgia and legal entity of public law (LEPL) Agency For State Care And Assistance For the (Statutory) Victims of Human trafficking (formerly State Fund State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Victims of Human Trafficking and hereinafter the State Care Agency)a in increasing access to the state VAWG/DV specialized services for survivors of VAWG/DV and the LGBTQI+ community amongst them, by looking at the barriers to access, if any, and developing a strategy to eliminate these. In addition, in order to ensure a sustainable result, UN Women together with its partner – Advice Center for Women SAKHLI continues to advocate for a successful transition of VAWG Crises Centers established in Zugdidi and Telavi to local authorities after the completion of the Phase II of the programme. In addition, through UN Women’s EU-funded EVAWGG project, one more shelter will be opened in Tbilisi in 2022 with commitment by the Agency to take over funding after 2023.
Recommendation: The UNJP should hone its VAWG/DV focus to target women with multiple and intersectional areas of social disadvantage.
Management Response: UN Women agrees with this recommendation and is committed to integrate LGBTIQ+ women, single mothers and women living with disabilities in its programming in the III phase of UNJP
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Support the Government of Georgia in the development of a concept on specialized service-provision to the LGBTQI community. UN Women Georgia office 2021/12 Completed UN Women supports the long-standing partners - the Government of Georgia and legal entity of public law (LEPL) Agency For State Care And Assistance For the (Statutory) Victims of Human trafficking (formerly State Fund State Fund for Protection and Assistance of Victims of Human Trafficking and hereinafter the State Care Agency)a in increasing access to the state VAWG/DV specialized services for survivors of VAWG/DV and the LGBTQI community amongst them, by looking at the barriers to access, if any, and developing a strategy to eliminate these. In 2020, UN Women consulted LGBTIQ community members together with WISG and the PDO on the need for specialized services, especially in the times of the pandemic and relief efforts. As a result, the need for a crisis center with “out-patient” services has been identified. The State Care Agency has further been consulted and it has been agreed to develop a concept on the specialized service provision to the LGBTIQ community, which will be developed during the UNJP transitional phase.
Monitor implementation of the legislation in relation to the rights of the LGBTQI community with a focus on GBV and hate crimes. UN Women Georgia office 2021/12 Completed During the UNJP transitional phase, UN Women will support the Public Defender of Georgia to monitor implementation of the legislation in relation to the rights of the LGBTQI community with a focus on GBV and hate crimes.
Strengthen capacity of patrol, district and criminal police officers to ensure efficient response to VAWG/DV cases and hate crimes against the LGBTQI community. UN Women Georgia office 2021/12 Completed UN Women in partnership with WISG has developed training modules on SOGI, LGBTIQ and discrimination and provided trainings for patrol, district and criminal police officers during the transitional phase of the UNJP.
Strengthen capacity of the Legal Aid Service of Georgia to provide legal consultation and court representation services to members of the LGBTQI community and women with disabilities. UN Women Georgia office 2021/12 Completed UN Women in partnership with WISG has developed training modules on SOGI, LGBTIQ and discrimination and provide trainings for lawyers of the Legal Aid Service of Georgia in 2021.
Support the Chief Prosecutor's Office of Georgia to strengthen capacities of prosecutors to ensure efficient response to VAWG/DV cases and hate crimes against the LGBTQI community. UN Women Georgia office 2021/05 Completed UN Women in partnership with WISG has developed training modules on SOGI, LGBTIQ and discrimination and provided trainings for prosecutors in 2021.
Strengthen capacities of CSOs on advocacy around LGBTQI and women with disabilities issues. UN Women Georgia office 2021/12 Completed UN Women in partnership with WISG has developed training modules on SOGI, LGBTIQ and discrimination and provided trainings for CSO representatives in 2021. The recommendation was not directed at UNDP, however, UNDP foresees it to continue its work aimed at strengthening capacities of CSOs on advocacy around LGBTIQ issues. UNDP has started this activity since 2019 and plans to support local CSOs on advocacy around LGBTIQ issues until the end of the second phase, as well.
Develop a communications strategy to promote zero tolerance towards homo, bi and transphobia and popularize existing services for the LGBTIQ community. UN Women Georgia office 2021/12 Completed PUNOs in partnership with WISG have prepared the communication strategy, which will serve as a communication tool for the Phase III of the programme. The strategy is being strongly informed by the findings of the public perceptions on LGBTIQ issues to be implemented in 2021.
Explore opportunities for addressing the needs of single mothers, survivors of VAW, including sexual violence and ethnic minority women in Pankisi gorge in UNJP Phase III. Georgia offices of UN Women and UNFPA. 2023/12 Completed The PUNOs will place special emphasis on strategic litigation work with single mothers; support for survivors of VAW, including sexual violence and work in Pankisi gorge with ethnic minority women in the subsequent phase of the UNJP, as these target groups have been identified as one of the most vulnerable. The III phase of UNJP has been signed in July 2022 with the target beneficiaries spelled out in this recommendation fully incorporated.
Recommendation: The UNJP should work with partners for a more holistic data collection process in key areas of GEEW
Management Response: Within the EU-funded EVAWGG project, UN Women has started active work rendering technical support to the government in the area of collection of administrative data regarding violence against women and girls.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Develop a concept on a unified VAWG/DV case management system that will allow for an efficient coordinated inter-agency response to these cases by sharing case-related information in real time and in observance of the relevant privacy and confidentiality laws and considerations. UN Women Georgia office 2023/03 Completed Within the EU-funded EVAWGG project, UN Women has contracted Equality Now, an international NGO to work with key stakeholders and administrative data producers on VAWG/DV, especially in law enforcement, the judiciary and social services, as well as civil society to develop a concept on a unified VAWG/DV case management system that will allow for an efficient coordinated inter-agency response to these cases by sharing case-related information in real time and in observance of the relevant privacy and confidentiality laws and considerations. The system will further eliminate existing inconsistencies and gaps in administrative data produced across sectors. In this process, UN Women will closely consult international best practices, as well as the knowledge base accumulated by the entity worldwide, such as its 2020 Background Paper: A Synthesis of Evidence on the Collection and Use of Administrative Data on Violence against Women. UN Women will collaborate with UNFPA on the issue, as the partner agency involved in the VAW response with a focus on health system. The concept note has been developed and shared with all the relevant stakeholders in July 2022.
Include support to strengthening the data collection mechanism in Phase III proposal. Georgia offices on UN Women and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed Support to strengthening the data collection mechanism in Phase III proposal incorporated.
Recommendation: The UNJP should maintain a targeted focus on strengthening civil society, especially local women’s organizations and networks.
Management Response: All UNJP PUNOs agree with this recommendation. New partnership has already been initiated with WISG to conduct the perception study on SOGI. UN agencies will integrate the perspective of strengthening Civil Society Organizations on the grass-root level in the UNJP III.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Conduct a fresh stakeholder mapping of the civil society, identifying ways to sustain successful local organizations. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed PUNOs have conducted an informal mapping to inform the design of the III Phase programme document.
In planning the next phase, develop a concept for long-term support and empowerment of CBOs and CSOs, ensuring promotion of a value-driven approach. Georgia office of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2022/12 Completed PUNOs place special emphasis on the capacity development of CBOs and CSOs, i.a. through establishing a small grants mechanism within the UNJP III.
Recommendation: The UNJP should develop a strategy for maintaining the long-term support of current champions and expanding the categories of champions to match the needs of its target beneficiaries
Management Response: The PUNOs will ensure further capacity development of the current and new champions including on advocacy for LGBTIQ issues and their engagement in future interventions.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Ensure that current champions, including politicians, community leaders and sports figures, are supported and engaged in next steps; assess their willingness to embrace new directions within the programme. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed The PUNOs will ensure further capacity development of the current and new champions including on advocacy for LGBTIQ issues and their engagement in future interventions.
Consider identifying new champions that reflect targeted demographics, including representatives of international private sector. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA 2022/12 Completed The PUNOs have reflected identification of new champions in the phase III proposal.
Recommendation: The UNJP should develop a coordinated and timed transition plan to the end of the programme and move to a more targeted set of activities.
Management Response: The ongoing bridging year has been conceived with an emphasis on transition and, where appropriate, phase-out of certain activities. Based on the final evaluation findings, UNJP team will revise the log-frame and will draft Phase III proposal accordingly. The activities that have been fully achieved and ready for the national ownership transition will be dropped, while others in need of further advocacy will be carried over in Phase III with realistic targets set.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Review progress of the ongoing bridging phase and conduct a strategic analysis of the UNJP’s engagement levels in each area. Reframe engagement wherever appropriate. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed PUNOs organized a formal brainstorming session in the wake of the Phase III drafting to plan engagement levels, areas and target groups based on the review of progress and needs identified as a result of a stakeholder consultation process.
Recommendation: The UNJP should develop a holistic and evidence-based strategy for the inclusion of the LGBTQI community in the programme, that acknowledges and respects the diversity of the community and its members and adopts a Do No Harm approach.
Management Response: All UNJP PUNO’s agree with this recommendation. UNJP is jointly leading a perception study on SOGI issues in 2021 based on which a communication strategy will be elaborated to lead advocacy and programming of SOGI issues within the framework of a new proposal.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Conduct a robust survey of public attitudes towards LGBTQI community. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed The UNJP Responsible Partner WISG conducted a public perceptions study on LGBTIQ issues.
Develop Special Report on LGBTIQ Human Rights Situation in Georgia and ensure that these target groups are better reflected in the PDO’s annual human rights report. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed UNDP, UN Women and UNFPA supported the Public Defender of Georgia to develop Special Report on LGBTIQ Human Rights Situation in Georgia and to ensure that these target groups are better reflected in the PDO’s annual human rights report.
Based on gathered evidence, develop a long-term strategy of engagement and public advocacy on LGBTQI issues, identifying particular opportunities that will allow the community to participate safely and effectively (respecting the Do No Harm principle). Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed The PUNOs have contracted WISG to jointly come up with a conceptual framework for further engagement of the UNJP on LGBTIQ issues based on the evidence based developed during the UNJP transitional phase.
Recommendation: The UN in Georgia should internalize and develop strategies to respond to the lessons learned from the UNJP, including leadership expectations and administrative hurdles.
Management Response: UNJP PUNOs agree with this recommendation and will discuss its implementation with its main target audience – the UN Country Team.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Develop a summary of “lessons learned” from UNJP. Georgia offices of UN Women, UNDP, and UNFPA 2021/12 Completed PUNOs have developed a summary of “lessons learned” from joint programming.