Management Response

: Strategic Partnership, Civil Society, Communications and Resource Mobilization Division
: 2020 - 2020 , Strategic Partnership, Civil Society, Communications and Resource Mobilization Division (HQ)
: Final evaluation of ‘Raising Awareness of Gender Equality Among Young People’ in Japan
: Strategic Partnership, Civil Society, Communications and Resource Mobilization Division

UN Women Japan Liaison Office (JLO) welcomes the findings, lessons learned, and recommendations made in the final evaluation of the project. JLO will use the recommendations for project planning with the business sector in the future and activities of JLO for raising the profile of UN Women in Japan and promoting further understanding of the importance of the gender equality.

: Approved
Recommendation: Effective use of new networks for further advocacy of gender equality in Japan: through this project, many high school students, university students, Shiseido members, and members of the general public learned about UN Women and gender equality. UN Women should cherish and utilize the network of new UN Women fans that have been recruited through the project and maintain the connection by inviting them to participate in upcoming events and activities to further deepen their understanding of gender equality and women’s empowerment and motivate them to take action.
Management Response: UN Women Japan Liaison Office will maintain the network of the stakeholders, including the government, corporates, the youth, and experts, and share the information of not only relevant events and activities but campaigns held or supported by UN Women.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Advocacy, Resource mobilization
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Youth engagement, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
JLO organizes a contact list of the stakeholders for dissemination of information. Project Manager 2020/04 Completed
JLO institutionalizes the practice of information dissemination on campaigns, events, and activities of UN Women to the key stakeholders from the project. Director of Japan Liaison Office or other designated staff 2020/07 Completed Following the restructuring JLO after the project ends, the roles of communications have been re-assigned to staff. The current situation, the COVID19 pandemic, has been limiting activities of UN Women JLO and other organizations in Japan for promoting gender equality. Events have been cancelled and will not be held until the government provide further guidance on event organization.
Recommendation: Project management: we recommend that the UN Women JLO, the headquarters, and the regional office consult and develop a clear and common understanding of the business partnership schemes or other forms of business collaboration options that can be implemented in Japan. Then, if there are similar opportunities in the future, consult closely with the headquarters and consider the business case of the project.
Management Response: When a corporate approaches JLO for proposing a new partnership with UN Women for implementing a project in Japan at an equivalent or larger size of budget to ‘Raising Awareness of Gender Equality Among Young People,’ JLO will review the project plan and lead the internal discussion on the proposal with relevant internal stakeholders, including the HQs and the regional office of Asia and the Pacific, for whether UN Women accept the proposal. JLO is expected to make decisions on proposals for collaboration in Japan (at small budget size and not a partnership). In these cases, JLO consults with other internal stakeholders, only when required or expected to provide additional benefits to the collaboration.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Resource mobilization
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Organizational efficiency, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
If JLO received a proposal of a new partnership from a corporate for conducting a project in Japan at a certain level of size, JLO will consult with internal stakeholders, incl. the HQs and the regional office of Asia and the Pacific, for discussing the capacity of UN Women on the project implementation. Director of Japan Liaison Office or other designated staff 2020/04 No Longer Applicable The action is applicable when received a proposal for a new partnership from a company. However, UN Women JLO has not received the proposal from the private sector to implement a project in Japan.
Recommendation: Raising-awareness of young generation: Shiseido has been making company-wide efforts to build a society in which women can play an active role. This project confirmed the importance and effectiveness of raising awareness of young Japanese women and men at an early stage. Various positive effects are expected by targeting young people who will be future leaders. It is recommended that Shiseido continue to take on leadership as a Japanese company to inspire young generations and to promote their innovative actions towards a gender-equal society.
Management Response: JLO confirmed Shiseido would continue including the youth as one of the targets in the Sustainability Strategy and its implementation. UN Women will continue sharing information with the company for exploring the possibilities of collaboration on gender equality and women's empowerment.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Resource mobilization
Organizational Priorities: Youth engagement
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
JLO shares the latest information of the UN Women's responses in 2020 to the COVID19 pandemic with Shiseido. Project manager 2020/04 Completed