Management Response

: Georgia
: 2014 - 2015 , Georgia (CO)
: Final evaluation of project "Innovative Action for Gender Equality in Georgia"
: Georgia

The final external evaluation of UN Women EU supported project Innovative Action for Gender Equality has provided highly instrumental findings, lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations for UN Women Georgia country future office programming. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation have been taken into the consideration in the development of Georgia Strategic Note for the years 2016-2020. The evaluation has found that overall, UN Women has made important contributions in all areas of its interventions under the IAGE.

: Approved
Recommendation: Continue the initiatives started by the Project so to further invest in sustaining positive results and to contribute to the Project goal to adopt and implement relevant policies and legislation to address specific healthcare, social and economic needs of excluded groups of women in Georgia
Management Response: Accepted. UN Women Georgia CO in its Strategic Note 2016-2020 has prioritized work on the levels of legislation, policies, institutions and grassroots to further address specific needs of different excluded groups of women in Georgia. Thematic areas of UN Women CO programmatic intervention are: Economic Empowerment of Women, especially the poorest and most excluded (UNW SP Impact area 2); Ending violence against women and girls (UNW SP Impact area 3) and support to women’s leadership and participation in peace and security action (UNW SP Impact area 4).
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1.1. Continue providing technical support to the Prime-Minister’s Office in the process of development of Institutional Mechanism on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in the executive branch of the government UN Women CO GEO 2016/12 Completed As a result of the technical support provided to the Government of Georgia in establishing an institutional mechanism on gender equality and violence against women and girls within the executive branch, relevant legislative amendments establishing the Inter-Agency Commission on Gender Equality, Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GE/VAW Commission) have been adopted and its charter approved. The GE/VAW Commission has been established under the Prime Minister’s Office and is comprised of line ministries and relevant governmental agencies on the deputy ministerial level. The mechanism is tasked with policy making in the area of gender equality, women's empowerment, violence against women and girls and domestic violence. It will further coordinate and monitor implementation of these policies.
1.2. To support the development of the ToR and recruitment of gender specialist on WEE to work for the Institutional Mechanism on GEWE and Gender Adviser in the IDP Ministry UN Women CO GEO 2016/12 Completed UN Women Georgia CO hired Gender Adviser in the MRA in April 2016 - the sustainability of this function / position has been ensured also by the MoU signed between the MRA and UN Women in April 2016.
1.3. Provide technical support in mainstreaming gender into the National Action Plan on IDPs’ access to livelihoods 2016-2017 UN Women CO GEO 2016/02 Completed The Action Plan was adopted by the government on 18 December 2015. The majority of UN Women recommendations aimed at mainstreaming gender into this policy document have been taken into the consideration. These include: request for sex segregated data, inclusion of gender specific indicators and targets.
1.4. To provide technical support to the DV Council to evaluate the DV NAP 2013-2015 and facilitate informed and participatory process of drafting and implementation, monitoring and reporting of the subsequent DV NAP (2016 - ?) UN Women CO GEO 2016/03 Completed The drafting and consultations’ process around the DV NAP for 2016-2017 have been finalized in the first quarter of 2016.
1.5. To provide technical support to the DV Council to carry out analysis and prepare needed amendments to VAWG, especially sexual and domestic violence related legislation and policies UN Women CO GEO 2016/12 Completed The Parliament of Georgia confirmed the commitment of combating violence against women through endorsing ratification of the Istanbul Convention and adopting milestone legal framework aimed at harmonization of the domestic legislation with the Istanbul Convention - a package of amendments to 24 laws accompanying the Convention on 4 May, 2017. In accordance with the package of legislative amendments, the scope of the legislative framework on domestic violence will be expanded to also cover violence against women in general, taking into consideration the gendered nature of domestic violence and addressing the phenomenon of violence against women in a holistic manner.
1.6. To provide technical support to the government of Georgia in the development of the new phase of NAP 1325 (2016-2017) UN Women CO GEO 2016/03 Completed The drafting and consultations’ process around the NAP 1325 (2016-2017) have been finalized in the first quarter of 2016. Compared to the NAP 2012-2015 the new draft pays attention to specific needs of IDP and conflict affected women, in particular to strengthening their participation in local decision-making and planning. In addition, the costing exercise of the new NAP 1325 has been also completed.
Recommendation: UN Women and partners should explore how they can continue to support the realization of rights of IDP, imprisoned, ethnic minority and rural women through a set of individual actions for these different groups.
Management Response: Accepted. UN Women CO will continue to fulfil its coordination function on gender through chairing of the Gender Theme Group that unites all the key development players working on gender equality issues in Georgia. Also UN Women will continue / engage as a member in relevant policy advisory structures that deal with ethnic minority, imprisoned, IDP and rural women’s issues.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
2.1. To chair GTG meetings and co-chair / support ad hoc GTG task force mechanisms according to GTG Annual Work Plan 2016 UN Women CO GEO 2016/12 Completed This is routine work for UN Women Georgia CO, with at least 6 GTG meetings conducted annually, accompanied with relevant annual work-plan development, implementation and reporting.
2.2. To join the Consultative Board of the Ministry of Corrections (MOC) to ensure regular policy dialogue with the government on the needs and priorities of female prisoners UN Women CO GEO 2016/03 Completed UN Women has been invited by the MOC to join the Consultative Board as an observer in the end of 2015
2.3. To provide technical support to the Public Defender’s Office to address the needs and priorities of different excluded groups of women UN Women CO GEO 2016/12 Completed UN Women has supported the PDO Gender Equality Department to come up with methodologies for assess a) situation of women prisoners; b) implementation of National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security - addressing the needs of IDP and conflict affected women; c) quality of service provision in the state-run shelters and crisis centers for the victims/survivors of violence.
Recommendation: UN Women should continue supporting ongoing evidence-based advocacy and awareness raising among relevant duty bearers (including current project partners) at national and local levels through producing research studies, reports and analyses of status of women from different groups.
Management Response: Accepted. IAGE project has provided UN Women Georgia CO with the opportunity to create baseline studies on the needs and priorities of different excluded groups of women. Evidence generated from these studies will continue to inform UN Women programming and policy dialogue with the government. Further studies will be conducted as needed and as UN Women programming resources allow. In addition, UN Women will use the findings and recommendations generated through UN Women supported Participatory Gender Audits of different state institutions to improve gender mainstreaming in the audited entities.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
3.1. To place all the baseline studies conducted in the frameworks of IAGE at UN Women Georgia web-page. UN Women CO GEO 2016/02 Completed All IAGE knowledge products are placed at the web-page; UN Women Georgia CO will continue to share its knowledge products among others through the UN Women Georgia CO web-page –
3.2. To conduct the assessment of agriculture and rural development policies on gender in selected regions of Georgia UN Women CO GEO 2016/03 Completed "Gender Assessment of Agriculture and Local Development Systems" has been carried out by UN Women in partnership with Austrian Development Agency and Swiss Cooperation Office in the first quarter of 2016.
3.3. To incorporate the findings of IAGE baseline studies as well as assessment of agriculture and rural development policies into UN Women programmes and its policy dialogue with the government UN Women CO GEO 2016/12 Completed The IAGE baseline studies' findings have informed the development of government action plan on ending violence against women and domestic violence (2016-2017) and action plan on women, peace and security (2016-2017). Further, the findings and recommendations of the assessments have been incorporated in sector-specific policies of the Ministry of Corrections and State Ministry for Reconciliation and Civic Equality.
3.4. To follow up to findings and recommendations of Participatory Gender Audits conducted by UN Women CO in 2013-2015 UN Women CO GEO 2016/12 Completed In the period of 2013-2015 UN Women Georgia CO has completed 6 Participatory Gender Audits of the following entities: Parliament of Georgia, IDP Ministry, Ministry of Defence; Ministry of Internal Affairs; Ministry of Regional Development and Infrastructure; Tbilisi Municipality. Follow-up work has been carried out with all the audited entities, with significant results achieved in terms of consideration of the PGA recommendations. Details on the number of recommendations positively considered and changes made are provided in UN Women Georgia CO quarterly and annual reports.
Recommendation: UN Women and partners should further utilise its neutral role to continue facilitating initiated networking among like-minded actors and stakeholders within cultural or local activist spheres at local level and across the ABL, as well as in the (sub)region and internationally.
Management Response: Accepted. UN Women Georgia CO has prioritize confidence building and people-to-people diplomacy interventions with the engagement of women in its Strategic Note and AWP for 2016 and in several cost-share project proposals that have been developed and submitted to different bilateral donors (Norway, USAID). Thus, the implementation of this recommendation will greatly depend on the availability of non-core resources to be mobilized by the CO for this work.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
4.1. To engage Abkhaz, Georgian and South Ossetian youth in human rights, peace and tolerance education UN Women CO GEO 2017/12 Completed UN Women Georgia CO is actively fundraising to support women's p2p initiatives - please refer to the LEADS to see CO's relevant work with the UK.
4.2. To engage Abkhaz Georgian and Ossetian teachers in tolerance and peace education UN Women CO GEO 2017/12 Completed UN Women Georgia CO is actively fundraising to support women's p2p initiatives - please refer to the LEADS to see CO's relevant work with the UK.
4.3. To support people-to-people interventions for the representatives of media and youth UN Women CO GEO 2017/12 Completed UN Women Georgia CO is actively fundraising to support women's p2p initiatives - please refer to the LEADS to see CO's relevant work with the UK.