Management Response

: Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)
: 2010 - 2011 , Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal) (RO)
: SGBV Programmes in CARO subregion Evaluation
: Regional Office for West and Central Africa (Senegal)


: Approved
Recommendation: Recommendation 1: UN Women CARO should develop a strategy that articulates its envisaged roles, foci and approaches for combating VAW in the sub-region, and communicate its new strategy to all staff, partners and stakeholders.
Management Response: Recommendation One is accepted
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1.1. Initiate coherent CARO and Country Offices (=CO) strategy with clearly articulated theory of change, goals, outcomes, outputs, roles, foci and approaches. COs to act similarly [PENDING CONFIRMATION BY RPD] RPD or Officer-in-Charge (OIC), Programme Officer (VAW) (VAW), Country Programme Managers (=CPM) 2012/03 Over due A proposal for development of VAW Strategy is being drafted by CARO's VAW Programme Officer
1.2. Systematically address sustainability of results in all VAW programming interventions CPMs 2012/03 Over due Concomitant with VAW strategy development
1.3. Make sure that projects are aligned to VAW Strategy: at project design, during project implementation and ensure that projects have a plan for sustainability CPMs, Programme Officer (VAW) 2012/03 Over due Concomitant with Strategy Development
1.4. Include context specific communication strategy of CARO VAW Programming including CO VAW Programming Communication Officer, CPMs 2012/03 Over due Take into account specific country contexts as related to GBV
1.5. Ensure systematic implementation of UN Women's visibility policy in VAW programming CPMs, Programme Officer (VAW) 2012/03 Over due
1.5. Ensure systematic implementation of UN Women's visibility policy in VAW programming CPMs, Programme Officer (VAW) 2012/03 Over due
1.6. Initiate and enforce requirement to have at least one formal exchange opportunity each year on VAW programming with CSOs in each thematic area RPD or Officer-in-Charge (OIC), 2012/03 Over due
Recommendation: Recommendation 2: UN Women CARO and Country Offices should better align their VAW programming scope and foci with available human and financial resources, and ensure the most strategic use of existing resources.
Management Response: Recommendation Two is accepted
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
2.1. Increase delegation of responsibilities and initiate process of country office decentralisation RPD, OIC 2012/03 Over due
2.2. Recruit in each country office one programme officer exclusively dedicated to VAW and provide them with appropriate induction RPD or OIC, CPMs, 2012/03 Over due TORs for VAW Programme Officers are being developed by CARO's VAW PO
2.2. Recruit in each country office one programme officer exclusively dedicated to VAW and provide them with appropriate induction RPD or OIC, CPMs, 2012/03 Over due TORs for VAW Programme Officers are being developed by CARO's VAW PO
2.3. Select partners on the basis of objective and agreed upon criteria that are outlined in the VAW Programme Strategy CPMs 2012/03 Over due Field presence in remote areas may not take place at the expense of more upstream coordination work
2.4. Ensure that selected partners forge with each other relations of synergy, complementarity and mutual leveraging CPMs 2012/03 Over due In vast countries like DRC, close proximity between similar interventions will be a factor of efficiency
Recommendation: Recommendation 3: UN Women CARO and Country Offices should strengthen their approach to monitoring, reporting on and documenting the progress and achievements of their VAW work and allocate resources for this.
Management Response: Recommendation Three is accepted
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
3.1. Increase human and financial resources for M&E at Sub-Regional and Country Offices levels RPD or OIC, CPMs 2012/03 Over due
3.2. Initiate prerequisite for approval whereby all projects must have a clear result framework with provisions and budget for result monitoring during project implementation CPMs, M&E Officer(s) 2012/03 Over due
3.3. Strengthen document filing and retrieval system Programme Officers (VAW), CPMs 2015/01 Over due
3.4. Allocate sufficient funds for M&E in each VAW project budget, including resources for baselines, outcome monitoring and RBM capacity building for programme staff and implementing partners RPD or OIC, CPMs 2012/03 Over due
3.5. Allocate resources for evidence-based documentation (and dissemination) of lessons drawn from VAW project implementation CPM 2012/03 Over due DRC CO to document the 6 year experience of the Multipurpose Centre