Management Response

: Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey)
: 2015 - 2018 , Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey) (RO)
: UN Women´s Contribution to UN Coordination on GEEW in ECA
: Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (Turkey)

Evaluation recommendations have been fully accepted by ECA RO. A MR action plan has been initiated in order to materialise organisational commitments to respond to the recommendations.

: Approved
Recommendation: The UN Women ECA RO should continue to strengthen the strategic aspects of its UN system coordination at the regional level.
Management Response: UN Women ECA RO agrees with this recommendation. Under the framework of ECA Regional Working Group on Gender (RWGG), UN Women ECA Regional Office is already taking some joint initiatives to address some of the suggestion made by the evaluation report. Those include inter-agency information sharing through the online Yammer platform, regional analysis of GTGs/RGGs, regional analysis of CCAs/UNDAFs, and development of a regional guidance note on gender and SDGs. UN Women ECA RO continues to be an active member of Regional UNDG and RCM to ensure gender is on the main agenda at the Regional Director level. Addressing the knowledge gaps in GEEW and facilitating discussions on strategic issues entail the entire substantive work of UN Women and broader knowledge management work of the UN Women, which is beyond the work of UN Coordination. To promote joint communication and advocacy on specific gender issues at the regional level, ECA RO continues to catalyse the joint communication led by Regional Directors, under the framework of Regional UNDG and RCM. Donor outreach and communication are led by HQ, including those with SIDA. ECA RO coordinates with HQ to ensure that HQ’s communication with donors highlights the importance of donor support to UN coordination work.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Continue information sharing with GTG/RGGs and RWGG members on UN coordination work through inter-agency Yammer group on gender UN Women ECA RO Regional with Working Groups on Gender 2017/12 Completed
Conduct the regional analysis of GTG work and CCA/UNDAFs under the 2016 joint workplan of Regional Working Groups on Gender UN Women ECA RO 2016/12 Completed
Develop a regional guidance note on gender and SDGs under the 2016 joint workplan of RWGG, together with UN agencies and other non-UN partners ECA RO with Regional Working Group on Gender 2016/12 Completed
Convene a meeting with UNDP to explore the possibility of joint programme/initiatives in certain thematic areas at the regional level (ex: care economy, innovation, climate resilience and agricultural sustainability, Governance Peace and Security) ECA RO with UNDP RO 2017/03 Completed
Recommendation: The UN Women ECA RO should enhance its support to countries on UN system coordination.
Management Response: UN Women ECA RO agrees with this recommendation. Under the framework of ECA Regional Working Group on Gender (RWGG) as well as Peer Support Group, UN Women ECA RO is already providing some specific country support, including documentation and information sharing and RBM training for GTGs/RGGs. Together with UNDP and UNFPA regional offices, UN Women ECA RO is currently exploring how Regional Offices can jointly better support country initiatives on SDGs in a coherent and effective manner. As the evaluation report noted, development of corporate guidance and resources on UN coordination needs to be led and managed by the HQ (Coordination Division). Together with other Regional Offices, ECA RO advocates with HQ for the need to develop corporate guidance and practical tools on UN coordination work, including the revision of the GTG guidance document and development of standardized training materials that can be used by ROs, COs and PPs. Regional Planning and Coordination Specialists from all regional offices (including one from ECA RO) will discuss further with the Coordination Division in HQ in October in NY. Resource mobilization at the country level is under the responsibility of CO Representative. Development of pooled funding mechanisms at the regional and country levels seem not feasible option considering the current constraints in financial and human resources.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Continue to collect and share promising practices on UN coordination, including those from GTGs and Results Group on Gender, under the 2016 joint workplan of RWGG, ECA RO UN Women ECA RO 2017/12 Completed
Work with key UN agencies at the regional level, including UNDP and UNFPA, to analyse comparative advantage and complementarity of UN agencies to examine how regional level collaboration on SDGs can translate into joint initiatives and joint programme at the country level in the context of SDGs and 2030 Agenda UN Women ECA RO 2017/12 Completed
Provides Results-Based Management Training to GTGs and Result Groups on Gender to support development of joint programmes at the country level and to strengthen twin-track approach of gender in UNDAF planning process at the country level, under the support mechanism of PSG and RWGG UN Women ECA RO 2017/02 Completed Completed: Turkey RGG, Macedonia HRGTG, Kosovo GTG Planned: Kyrgyzstan GTG, Serbia GTG/RGG, BiH RGG, Ukraine GTG
Recommendation: UN Women COs in ECA should articulate an overall strategy and approach to GEEW coordination, including a clear strategy to influence and lead the UNCT on GEEW, coordinate the GTG, and enhance capacity of UN agencies to mainstream GE.
Management Response: UN Women ECA RO agrees with this recommendation and will coordinate with MCOs.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Convene a meeting with COs in ECA region to jointly develop a strategy on UN coordination work at the country level for delegated offices. UN Women ECA RO and MCOs 2017/03 Completed
Recommendation: UN Women programme presence offices in ECA should articulate strategic priorities for GEEW coordination within their overall mandate based on an assessment of the institutional environment, their own resource base, the donor environment, and the needs and opportunities within the country context.
Management Response: UN Women ECA RO agrees with this recommendation and will coordinate with ECA POs.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Convene a meeting with Programme Presence Offices in ECA region to jointly develop a strategy on UN coordination work at the country level for Programme Presence Offices. UN Women RO and PPOS 2017/03 Completed