Management Response

: Kyrgyzstan
: 2015 - 2017 , Kyrgyzstan (CO)
: Country Portfolio Evaluation
: Kyrgyzstan

The CPE was scheduled towards the end of the three-year implementation period of the Strategic Note. It was commissioned to review performance of the CO against indicators and the five standard evaluation criteria. The CPE was to be a systematic assessment of the contributions made by UN Women to development results with respect to GEWE. Its primary objective was to inform the development of the new Strategic Note, also based on a review of the implementation of the ongoing Strategic Note. It was to also feature a case study on the Gender in Society Perception Survey (GSPS) joint programme. With the CPE preparations for development of the new Strategic Note (SN) having started with the Mid-Term Review of the then current SN in October 2016, the CPE was timely. It influenced the SN in becoming well-focussed on excluded and vulnerable groups. The strong focus of the CPE on the Coordination Mandate of UN Women, lead to a prioritization on Coordination in the new SN. The CPE validated a number of best practices established under the Operational and also the Coordination Mandate of the CO for use and upscaling in the new SN. Findings of the CPE were also shared with the CSAG during its review meeting of the draft SN and feedback was provided. Thus, the CPE did justice to its of primary objective of helping inform the new SN. As a next step, presentations of the key findings of the CPE will be shared with the extended GTG and other stakeholders. The findings of the report state that: I. The Country Portfolio Evaluation (CPE) of Kyrgyzstan Strategic Note (2015-2017) certified that the UN Women country portfolio in Kyrgyzstan is well-aligned with the national policies, strategies and emergent trends and its design and implementation has directly contributed to implementation of CEDAW commitments. Despite limited core funding and human resources, UN Women Country Office has achieved considerable results in all impact areas, and especially through its normative mandate, by leveraging its strong ties with civil society. Investments to strengthen legislative frameworks, increase national capacity to implement CEDAW commitments and generate strong evidence to inform policy development, have contributed to the sustainability of results. II. The CO nurtured existing partnerships and established new ones throughout 2015-2017. Strong ties within the UNiTE campaign and its network allowed for efficient advocacy efforts to include the legislative changes on gender issues. Access to the parliamentarians (via the Women MP’s Forum) and key government stakeholders, including in the areas of agriculture, religion and statistics, provided the office with the opportunities to support an expanded range of ministries in integrating GE into legislation, government strategies, evidence-based policies and budgets. A Contribution Analysis undertaken to assess the likely performance story of UN Women in contributing to observable changes in the outcomes from the SN DRF identified a number of plausible contributions of UN Women in most instances and those were high. One particular limitation was the formulation of some of the SN outcomes that were overly ambitious and therefore difficult to account for. Within the limited three-year period of the SN, it is difficult to change attitudes for a majority of people because social norms change takes time and requires a longer-term investment to see such transformative results. III. Despite its limited human and financial resources for normative work, the CO has been very effective in providing technical expertise and supporting advocacy work on the amendments of a number of policies and laws. UN Women CO led the process and provided technical support to the Government on the development of first NAP on UNSCR1325. UN Women has also played an integral role in advancing the implementation of international human rights commitments and Concluding Observations by supporting the national gender machinery in developing a CEDAW Country Action Plan. It has also provided significant substantive support for gender-responsive nationalization of SDGs and prioritization of SDG5, a role widely recognized and appreciated by the government and UNCT partners. The CO played a key role in integrating gender analysis into the UNCT Common Country Assessment (CCA) in 2016 which enabled country partners to identify key challenges related to GEWE and priority actions needed to address these challenges within the UNDAF. The UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office accepts all recommendations made by the evaluators.

: Approved
Recommendation: 1
Management Response: Building on work to date, UN Women will follow an integrated multidimensional approach as an entry point to operationalizing its Strategic Note 2018-2022 to support policy development with a focus on SDG implementation and gender transformative results.
Description: “UN Women’s should use its multidimensional and integrated programming approach and results as an entry point for supporting broader policy efforts, particularly SDG implementation and adjust its results frameworks and organizational approach to fully align with this approach.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 76
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Articulate linkages between thematic areas at the Strategic Note design stage (including programme theories of change to reflect broader holistic change) and during monitoring and reporting on results to ensure understanding and support by all partners and stakeholders for integrated programme strategies and approaches. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/11 Completed The Strategic Note design was completed on the basis of wide consultation starting with the 2016 MTR prior to the CPE report being available. The new programme is fully integrated between thematic areas prioritized by the CO, as was confirmed by the PRG. The ToCs reflect the ambition to foster holistic change through coherent implementation of the Triple Mandate.
2. Design all future programmes with targeted interventions addressing all three UN Women mandate areas, with realistic project budget allocation and timeframes to allow for intended policy results and through increased use of joint programming to integrate coordination into operational work. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing Regular programme meetings are held to ensure that all the three mandate areas of UN Women are addressed, and the CO Annual Work Plan 2019 was updated to reflect this better. The process of updating programme staff about linkages of the Global Strategic Plan and CO Strategic Note is also ongoing. The National Programme Officer and M&E Specialist will ensure that all proposals address all three areas of the UN Women mandate and develop a checklist with specific criteria for project development. Currently the Country Office exceeds the recommended percentage share (40%) for joint programming.
3. Continue to provide significant substantial support for gender-responsive localization and implementation of the SDGs and prioritization of SDG 5. This will be achieved by working towards specific mention of gender targets in national strategies, here the 40 Steps and the 2040 Agenda. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The CO will continue implementing the global flagship initiative Making Every Woman and Girl Count which in 2019 will focus on collecting data on women facing intersecting forms of discrimination. During the ongoing nationwide Beijing +25 consultations, the Beijing Platform for Action critical areas are clustered with the SDGs. In addition, UN Women will provide support to the national M&E framework that provides support to national parliament, respective line ministries and the National Gender Machinery (NGM) in introducing a workable M&E mechanism. The country office Annual Work Plan for 2019 was also rearranged and formulated to strengthen the SDG localization aspect. In the second quarter of 2019, the CO will start its technical assistance to NGM in leading the SDGs localization, development of its road map through the gender expert group and UN Women's expertise in the area.
4. Provision of direct support to the National Statistics Committee to gender disaggregate data against all 2040 Agenda indicators. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The workplan for the Country Office's implementation of the global flagship initiative Making Every Woman and Girl Count will provide direct support the National Statisctics Committee to compile Tier I and Tier II indicators in the minimum set and the SDGs.
Recommendation: 2
Management Response: The recommendation is accepted. As the recommendation mentions, UN Women will continue engaging with women and men, including youth in rural areas, as has been the case in the past. Working on social norm change is one of the two outcomes of the new SN 2018-2022 and will therefore be a key focus for the next five years. Linkages with policy efforts and coordination with partners will be ensured through a more focused SN.
Description: “Continue to prioritise engagement with rural women and work on social norm change as a means to address key barriers to women’s economic and political participation and prevent VAWG and conflict. Ensure that this work is linked to policy efforts and other initiatives of partners in order to scale up and sustain results.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 77
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Continue the development of knowledge products within JP ARWEE. Complete the manual on social transformation, which integrates lessons learnt and experience with GALS. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/05 Ongoing The draft manual on social transformation (Gender Action Learning System, GALS) has been finalized and is at the stage of prototyping as part of the Communities Combatting Gender-Based Violence (EIDHR) project. After prototyping nationwide, the manual will be translated into Russian and possibly English and published by the end of 2019.
2. A workshop will be conducted in March 2018 to present the knowledge documented in-country prior to knowledge products being made available for sharing through regional platforms. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/04 Completed The workshop was conducted on 22 July 2018 attended by project beneficiaries, national partners, and donor representatives. During the workshop, the project beneficiary showcased their product as a result of the project activities on the ground. The event demonstrated programme participants increasing their income in average for 32 percent and agriculture productivity increase for more than 60 percent. This indicator is an example of the fact that rural women’s economic empowerment leads to economic development of the country’s regions. Programme participants launched businesses – bakeries and mini-shops for production of pastries, preserved and dried food (fruits and vegetables); hothouses; sewing, felt and carpet-weaving shops; photo-studios and computer courses. UN Women also presented the final evaluation report of the programme’s Phase 1, as well as the programme’s workplan for the next period until September 2019.
3. Address social norm change as one of the two outcomes for the new SN 2018-2022. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/11 Completed Social norm change is now a part of the Outcome KGZ_D_3.1 of the CO's new SN 2018-2022.
4. In its annual workplans from 2019 onwards the Country Office will include advocacy activities calling for the qualification through education and participation through work of women and girls in realizing the 40 Steps and the Agenda 2040 that will be confirmed in 2018. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated Participation is a key element in all of the CO projects. In the civic education component of the Preventing Violent Extremism programme UN Women will provide its technical expertise in development of a methodology for non-discrimination and gender expertise of textbooks. In addition, the Joint Programme on Rural Women's Economic Empowerment coordinated by UN Women, focuses on the area of Women's Economic Empowerment. The Country Office Strategic Note will be revised in line with the results of the Mid-Term Review planned for 2020.
5. During the development of the GMS scheduled for 2018, the CO will reinforce partnerships with other UN agencies towards joint programming in support of the participation, specifically of excluded and vulnerable women, in politics. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The CO submitted a proposal on Women in Politics together with UNDP at the end of 2018 to the government of Norway. In addition, the CO is currently developing proposals and coordinating the GTG in concept note development for the UN Secretary General's Peacebuilding Fund Gender and Youth Promotion Initiative (GYPI) by 20 May 2019.
Recommendation: 3
Management Response: The recommendation is accepted. UN Women welcomes this suggestion and agrees on the potential of the reputational asset achieved through platforms such as GTG and extended GTG in broader development fora. The CO believes in the synergistic effects of joint programming which will further deepen coordination and normative work and be pursued in the upcoming country programme period.
Description: “Ensure greater strategic positioning of UN Women and identify increased entry points through elevating the GTG, revitalising the extended GTG, participation in broader development fora, and increased joint programming to deepen coordination and normative work and scale up and sustain operational results.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 78
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Designation of the UN Women Country Representative chair of the GTG and extended GTG to attract higher level participation and shift the focus from a technical to a more strategic level. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/09 Completed The CO has already convened two monthly GTG and one extended GTG meetings by early November 2017 as Chair, taking over from the NPO.
2. Work with GTG members to develop multidimensional joint programmes to support implementation of key priority areas under the GTG strategy. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing Project ideas have been collected from GTG, branstomed and shaped into concept notes for the Youth Promotion Initiative and the Gender Promotion Initiative for the UN Secretary General's Peacebuilding Fund's call for proposals to be submitted by 20 May 2019. The GTG is also planning a retreat for summer 2019 (lthe beginning of the 3rd quarter) to formulate a common programmatic approach to EVAWG, WPP, WEE and nationalization of SDGs.
3. The Country Office will actively participate in the DPCC Human Rights and Governance sub-group and advocate the utility of achieving SDGs to promote the GEWE agenda with the state by periodically making related presentations. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The Country Office presented its work on SDG localization in 2018 and has so far done a presentation on the Beijing +25 process in 2019. CEDAW reporting will also be presented to support alternative reporting and consultations.
4. The CO will continue follow-up on its work in support a functional analysis of the host ministry of the gender machinery and its coordination of the government’s work on GE by providing experts to the ministry and co-hosting roundtables on the reform with government, civil society and development partners. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/12 Completed The CO’s regular normative work on CEDAW and National Action Plans will contribute to advancing gender equality and women's empowerment (GEWE). As a result of the functional analysis that the CO conducted in the fall of 2018, the Ministry of Labour and Social Development created the division of strategic planning with the core function of gender mainstreaming. This division is directly reporting to the minister raising GEWE issues to the level of strategic management. The change of management of the ministry affected implementation of the recommendation, however, the functional analysis report is informing the Beijing +25 national review and the CO's work on capacity development of the National Gender Machinery and implementation of the National Action Plan on Gender Equality.
Recommendation: 4
Management Response: The recommendation is accepted. UN Women Country Office will support its government partners and key national actors within its limited financial abilities and staff capacity to address key gaps in gender-related data and statistics conducive to achievement and reporting on SDGs.
Description: “Support duty bearers and rights holders to further advance implementation of national and international GEWE commitments through a targeted focus on gender responsive planning, budgeting and statistics.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 78
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Provide budget watchdogs, including parliamentarians, civil society and local women networks and leaders with knowledge and tools to advocate for gender-responsive priorities and budgets through the organisation of off-site training programmes. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The Country Office's normative work as well as the Prevention of Violent Extremism Programme, Cross-border project and Joint Programme on Women's Economic Empowerment are contributing towards improved abilities on inclusive decision making, gender responsive policies and budgeting both at the national and local levels. Gender-responsive budgeting is in the focus of the ongoing consultations of the Beijing+25 review process.
2. The Country Office will advocate with development partners engaging the national Statistics System for application of global standards regarding disaggregation of SDG data. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2019/12 Ongoing UN Women is a member of the Development Partners Coordination Council Access to Justice and Human Rights, Social Protection, Education, and Democratic Governance and will present findings on gender statistics to at least two of them. A (sub)regional meeting in Bishkek, with the Statistics Advisor of the UN Women Regional Office is planned with donors with the support of the UN Women Country Office in Kyrgyzstan to advocate for this. Preliminary, the meeting is planned for the second quarter of 2019.
3. The CO will seek to partner with Ministry of Finance to seek integration of GRB into programme budget procedures. This will be done in collaboration with the Parliament’s Budget Committee and the Forum of Women Parliamentarians. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing A round table on the topic was held with the Ministry of Finance in December 2018. UN Women CO plans to arrange meetings on integrating Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB) into programme budgets with the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Ministry of Finance during 2019.
Recommendation: 5
Management Response: The recommendation is accepted and had been implemented at the time of the CPE report becoming available. The CO built and historically coordinated effective advocacy partnerships through the UNiTE network. In 2016 the CO conducted inclusive and highly participatory MTR discussions which helped inform the new Strategic Note, also based on the work to date.
Description: “Create a broader platform, through UN Women’s convening role, to bring together civil society for joint advocacy efforts and engage them in informing and advising on the development and implementation of UN Women’s next Strategic Note.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 79
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. At the end of the term, the CSAG membership is being renewed using revised and more inclusive criteria for membership. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/12 Completed This group reviewed and endorsed the new Strategic Note in summer 2017. The new CSAG was already confirmed.
2. Convene meetings with civil society to the end of advocating for specific gender targets for SDG localisation, national development strategies and the related action plans. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/12 Ongoing The consultations on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action (Beijing+25) have been conducted with broad involvement of civil society during 2019 and SDGs have been clustered according to Beijing Platform for Action critical areas. In addition, CEDAW reporting consultations with civil society will advocate for specific targets for SDG localization. The next Civil Society Advisory Group meeting is planned for the second quarter of 2019.
3. Develop communication tools and strategies focused on greater us of social media to support advocacy efforts in partnership with social media contributors and youth. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The draft CO communication strategy was developed in 2018. Five data-driven stories were developed in cooperation with the School of Data on different multimedia platforms and included a variety of multimedia instruments and some of them went viral on social media. The five areas are: Economic Participation of Women and Unpaid Housework, Contraceptives and Women’s Health, Ala-Kachuu (kidnapping for forced marriage), Women in Parliament and Education. In addition, UN Women is cooperating with the Bilesinbi? (Do You know?) platform, a forum mainly used by young people to learn about sensitive issues they can't ask openly (mostly related to sexuality, reproductive health and relationships). UN Women provides expert support to the platform to provide competent responses to identified knowledge gaps related to gender roles in households, distribution of tasks in the family, gender relations and how to respond to gender-based violence, and sexual and reproductive health. In addition, in 2019 UN Women supports the Technovation Kyrgyzstan Coding Caravan that arranges workshops on computer programming, coding, creating application prototypes and video making for girls around Kyrgyzstan. To improve gender-responsive communication, a training is planned for the UN communications and GTG groups in summer 2019. The UN Women CO also contributes plenty of content to the UN Women Central Asia facebook page and twitter as well as instagram accounts that have recently been opened.
Recommendation: 6
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted. CO will strengthen its engagement with marginalized and vulnerable communities and enhance their ability and voice.
Description: “Strengthen engagement with rights holders from marginalised and vulnerable communities and support their efforts to advance normative, policy and advocacy efforts to advance their rights and priorities.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 79
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. The Country Office to commits to ensure that in each future project specific attention is paid to at least one marginalised stakeholder constituency. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The National Programme Officer and M&E Specialist will ensure Leaving No One Behind in project design and develop a project development checklist. UN Women will support the launch of an e-database on violence against sex workers in the context of the global Flagship Programming Initiative Making Every Woman and Girl Count. All of the CO's projects currently work with at least one marginalized stakeholder constituency.
2. The CO will use the UNiTE platform and network to support and participate in conducting advocacy campaigns to advance the rights of marginalised and vulnerable communities. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Overdue-Initiated The CO will support a dialogue platform and promotion of intersectionality discourse of members of UNiTE movement during 2019 as well as to support the Informal Coalition of NGOs working with inter-sectional discrimination Tais+ focusing on sex workers, drug users, women with HIV, LBTIQ in developing a CEDAW alternative report. Joint advocacy campaigns such as the 16 days of activism against gender-based violence organized in coordination with the UNiTE network will also support this key activity.
3. Adjust M&E system to collect monitoring data on intersecting forms of discrimination UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing The indicators for the Strategic Note 2018-2022 collect disaggregated data. Project and SN indicator data is planned to be collected at a quarterly or minimum biannual basis and each project will have an M&E plan that will include disaggregated indicators (currently 4/5 projects have up to date monitoring plans).
Recommendation: GSPS Case Study Management Response 1
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted based on earlier instructions from the Regional Office. Publication of Pillar Reports was not foreseen in the project document. The CO will be able to implement this recommendation subject to timely approval of all five pillar reports by the Regional Office which has decided to review and approve these reports.
Description: “Finalise and publish all five GSPS pillar report by the end of the third quarter of 2017” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 99
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Publish the reports as independent research reports commissioned under the GSPS project with support from the UN Women Advisor on Women, Peace and Security of the UN Women ECA Regional Office. UN Women Regional Advisor on Women, Peace and Security at ECA Regional Office (clearance); UN Women Kyrgyzstan CO (publication) 2017/12 Ongoing The religion and EVAWG reports have been printed and disseminated at local and regional conferences. Four pillar reports will be officially published on the UN Women website during the second quarter of 2019. It has been agreed that the last pillar report on Women's Political Participation will not be prepared for publication given quality deficits of a report not initially meant for publication, but rather to feed into an integrated report of all pillars that was cancelled by the RO in favour of the four pillar reports being published.
2. Complete the anonymization of raw data and make it available to the research community in order to equip them with knowledge and information to support their sustained involvement in gender-based research. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/12 Completed The raw data anonymization of Religion, Migration, Economics and VAWG pillars is complete.
Recommendation: GSPS Case Study Management Response 2
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted. UN Women will produce five infographic policy briefs illustrating key findings and recommendations.
Description: “Produce thematic infographic policy briefs for the five pillar areas, quantitative research and summary report that highlight the key quantitative and qualitative findings and policy recommendations.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 100
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Produce thematic infographic policy briefs for the five pillar areas. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/03 Completed Instead of policy briefs the UN Women Country Office in Kyrgyzstan has decided to produce multimedia presentations advocating for GEWE in all the five pillar areas. GSPS data as well as other reliable sources of information, have been used in producing them. The areas are: 1. Economic participation of women and unpaid housework - an average urban couples’ day in a video reconstruction. Kyrgyz version: Russian version: 2. Story on contraceptives and women’s health: The story was published in a form of a test with the usage of graphics and illustrations as a storytelling. Kyrgyz version: Russian version: 3. Story on ala-kachuu (kidnapping for forced marriage): The video for the story on ala-kachuu was produced. It included illustrations and the results of research by University of Central Asia. Kyrgyz version: Russian version: 4. Story on women in parliament: The story was written in a long-read format which includes infographics and human-stories. Kyrgyz version: Russian version: 5. Story on education: The story on education was presented in a storytelling format which enables readers to explore the publication step by step. It includes graphics and illustrations. Kyrgyz version: Russian version:
Recommendation: GSPS Case Study Management Response 3
Management Response: The scope of GSPS project included five major thematic pillars that would inform policy briefs. However, the GSPS summary report which included cross-pillar analyses written by the Principal Investigator was not accepted by the RO and the CO was stopped from hiring the PI to revise and finalise the report. There is thus no integrated report available to lead into a substantive policy brief on gendered aspects of community-level conflict and threats to women's participation in peacebuilding, and highlight the important role of women in mitigating these threats to gender equality and peace. To produce this policy brief from the available reports requires additional analytical work. The CO will need to recruit one or more researchers to produce this key deliverable.
Description: “Develop a sixth policy/evidence briefs that draws on the evidence and findings from all reports and analyses the gendered aspects of community-level conflict and threats to women's participation in peacebuilding, and highlights the important role of women in mitigating these threats to gender equality and peace.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 100
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable, Peace and security (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Humanitarian action
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Feature examples of women’s contribution to community conflict prevention and resolution drawn from UN Women’s “Livelihoods through Participation and Equal Access to Water” programme as well as other PBF projects in any sixth’ brief. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/06 Completed Examples of success stories have been published in social media and the project evaluation and the CO will continue disseminating the evaluation brief.
2. Use the policy/evidence brief to support and inform the development of future PBF projects. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/11 Completed Draft reports, existing policy briefs and key finding have been used in and beyond the development of future PBF projects. For example, GSPS data was used in developing two projects in 2017, namely the EC EIDHR on Transformation of Gender Relations and UN PBF Joint Programme on Prevention of Violent Extremism - both of which were selected by the donor.
3. Organise a UNCT discussion with agencies involved in peacebuilding programme to discuss the GSPS findings and, in particular, gendered aspects of community-level conflict. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/10 Completed GSPS data is being shared and discussed also beyond the gendered aspects of community-level conflict. Recently GSPS data on VAWG was shared with the Extended GTG. The UNCT has used GSPS data during development of the CCA and UNDAF.
Recommendation: GSPS Case Study Management Response 4
Management Response: GSPS pillar reports, particular the report on VAWG were widely used in the 2016 UNiTE campaign and will be used this year also. UN Women CO in the context of the UNiTE campaign made interactive presentations of VAWG pillar findings to journalists. The GSPS visual component has been used in producing UN Women communication materials. GSPS research will inform the Strategic Note 2018-2022 evidence-based behaviour change communication strategy (BCC).
Description: “Develop communications materials with key messaging related to each of the pillar areas to support policy-based advocacy efforts by networks and platforms such as UNiTE and use the evidence from the pillar reports to support and inform UN Women’s future work on Behavioural Change Campaign.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 100
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Advocacy, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Develop communications materials with key messaging related to each of the pillar areas to support policy-based advocacy efforts by networks and platforms such as UNiTE. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/06 Completed The VAWG has been report printed and disseminated during 16 days campaign in 2018 - the religion report shared at an event focusing on media and radicalization. In 2016, the reports were presented to journalists and materials produced (at least 30 produced). They have also been provided to other UN Agencies. In 2018-2019, the country office managed the collaborative production of five data-driven stories by the School of Data on different multimedia platforms and included a variety of multimedia instruments. UN Women supported the School of Data to collect data through consultations with the National Statistics Committee (NSC). The areas, in line with the GSPS pillar areas and using GSPS data in addition to other reliable data sources, are economic participation of women and unpaid housework, contraceptives and women’s health, ala-kachuu (kidnapping for forced marriage), women in parliament and education.
2. Use the evidence from the pillar reports to support and inform UN Women’s future work on Behaviour Change Communication Campaign. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/06 Ongoing A Social Norm and Behaviour Change Communication (SNBCC) Strategy on early and forced marriages and has been informed by the EVAWG pillar report and data. A team of consultants is in the process of hiring and the first draft strategy is expected by summer 2019 which will be rolled out and followed up by a behaviour change communication campaign. The activity is planned to be completed by the end of 2019.
Recommendation: GSPS Case Study Management Response 5
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted. After the data analysis phase a three-day workshop on elaborating policy and a subsequent final conference was held in September 2016. Participants of these two events included key ministry and law enforcement agency employees, Women MPs, civil society, international development organization, academia and Faith-Based Organizations representatives, as well as UN staff. Throughout 2017 UN Women made a series of presentations of GSPS findings to stake holders such as the Joint Steering Committee of the Peace-building Fund, during several conferences, and to Development Partners such as US Embassy, ADB, GIZ, and various universities.
Description: “Organise thematic expert-led roundtables for each of the five pillar areas to be hosted in cooperation with relevant ministries to present the quantitative and qualitative GSPG findings and discuss the main policy recommendations.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 100
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Human Rights, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Make presentations of GSPS findings to a broad range of stakeholders (including relevant government officials, the Parliament Form of Women MPs, civil society, academia, UNCT and other international actors). UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/12 Completed UN Women has made numerous presentations on GSPS findings to a broad range of stakeholders since 2016, including UNCT, relevant government officials, civil society and academia and will continue using GSPS findings in presentations to stakeholders when relevant. The CO had originally contracted a consultant who was to attend to this in 2017 but die to RO request to rewrite pillar reports the consutlant was busy with this instead.
2. Organise presentations on GSPS findings and geographic specifics in cooperation with Local Self Governments at the local level where demand is high. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2018/12 Completed The GSPS data have been used in trainings conducted under the EIDHR project and UNiTE campaign in local areas. The GSPS findings have become part and parcel of the CO programme and its usage in presentations and trainings for local authorities will continue down the road.
Recommendation: GSPS Case Study Management Response 6
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted. GSPS findings were used in development of the SN 2018-2022. GSPS reports informed the design of the Joint Programme PVE funded by the PBF.
Description: “In the next 2018-2022 Strategic Note, there is a need to identify clear entry points, platforms and partnerships for using the GSPS evidence to advance UN Women’s policy/normative work. For example, the Action Plan on preventing violent extremism could provide an important opportunity to bring important evidence about gender norms and perceptions related to this area and to influence policy actions. The evidence will also be important for UN Women’s operational work, particularly its programme interventions aimed at influencing community-level social norm and behavioural change.” Country Programme Evaluation, p. 100
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, National ownership, Capacity development, Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Youth engagement, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Develop the Strategic Note 2018-22 based also on GSPS findings for identification of clear entry points, platforms and partnerships to advance UN Women’s policy/normative work. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2017/11 Completed
2. Use GSPS data and findings when developing new projects. UN Women Kyrgyzstan Country Office 2022/12 Ongoing GSPS data and findings were used when developing a project proposal to the EU Commission's EIDHR funding modality in 2017 that was won and will be used in further project development as well and will be added as a point on the checklist that will be developed by the National Programme Officer and M&E Specialist for project development. These data has also been a good reference point for Beijing+25 review process, statistics project(s), as well as the PBF GPI 2019 project proposals.