Management Response

: China
: 2016 - 2016 , China (PP)
: China

The recommendations are not well presented in the evaluation report. After we received the evaluation report, we have had a TAC meeting in April to follow up. TAC has revised the rules to allow private sector donors to become a TAC member. For other recommendations such as: to facilitate more networks among CGF partners (4.2), and to facilitate CGF partners to attend conferences (4.2), we think we have already being doing this, but this work could be enhanced. Since the current 7th batch of projects are almost complete, we will follow if next call for proposals are announced and next batch of projects are implemented (by Dec 2018).

: Approved
Recommendation: • Private sectors’ TAC membership
Management Response: Not agreed.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
• Private sectors’ TAC membership TAC, UN Women 2016/07 Completed TAC meeting held and private sector’s TAC membership has been agreed. This has been completed as of May 2016.
• Perhaps we can envisage a TAC where a larger body participates in deliberations and plays an advisory role, while a smaller group, call it an executive committee if you will, makes grant decisions. Expanding the TAC will require a transparent, fair nomination process which builds solidarity among TAC members, rather than simply providing privileges to some. TAC UN Women 2016/07 No Longer Applicable Not practical and TAC has rejected.
• Freedom of donors to support certain theme UN Women 2016/07 No Longer Applicable This is against the nature of CGF, and TAC has rejected
Recommendation: 4.2 From revolving fund to inclusive platform • The CGF should shift from an emphasis on grant making and capacity building to give equal priority to networking between grantees and communicating grantee results.
Management Response: Not applicable. CGF has already being doing a lot networking. We can’t do more.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
• Grants and services could receive equal priority. Grants could range from say $50,000 to zero. One could make the case for bringing potential grantees into the community, giving them some training and getting to know them better before considering them for a grant. Second phases of projects could receive smaller grants or no grants, only support services. UN Women 2018/12 Completed We will try this in next call for proposals.
• CGF staff could function somewhat like a secretariat for the community, organizing grantee networking and training events, encouraging participation by the CGF community in UN Women-sponsored conferences, and coordinating communications and media outreach UN Women 2016/07 Completed CGF has already being doing a lot networking and facilitating grantees to attend conferences. We can’t do more.