Evaluation Details

: Iraq National Constitution and Referendum Awareness Campaign (INCRAC) Project
: Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt)
: 2010 - 2011,Regional Office for Arab States (Egypt) RO
: Not Rated
: $20,000.00
: $20,000.00
: ---
: 1. Increased number of national development strategies (including PRSs, SWAPs, post-conflict reconstruction strategies, and other nationally-owned plans) incorporate gender equality in line with national commitments to women's empowerment (e.g., MDGs, SC1325, etc.) and human rights (e.g., CEDAW and regional human rights commitments) 2. Gender equality experts, advocates and their organizations and networks enhance their capacity and influence to ensure that there are strong gender equality dimensions in national laws, policies and strategies Evalaution is completed, now drafting the management response

Evaluation Documents

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