Evaluation Details

: Mozambique CPE 2017-2021
: SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 2: to increase women's access to economic empowerment and opportunities SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 3: to prevent violence against women and girls and expand access to services SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 4: to increase women's leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response; SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 6: a comprehensive set of global norms, policies and standards on gender equality and women's empowerment is in place that is dynamic, responds to new and emerging issues, challenges and opportunities and provides a firm basis for action by Governments and other stakeholders at all levels
: Mozambique
: 2017 - 2020,Mozambique CO
: Very Good
: $6,428,532.00
: $30,000.00
: $30,000.00
: Core
: The CPE was completed in September 2021.

Evaluation Documents

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216.50 KB
2.41 MB