Evaluation Details

: Country portfolio évaluation; Evaluation de la Note Stratégique 2020 - 2024
: All UNSDCF/SN Outcomes: OUTCOME 1: By 2024, people live in a rule of law environment of peace and accountability through strong public institutions, media and civil society exercising their roles and responsibilities for effective and inclusive governance. OUTCOME 2: By 2024, people are resilient to conflict, live reconciled and in harmony in a peaceful and secure environment that respects human rights and positive cultural traditions. OUTCOME 3: By 2024, Malian people, particularly the most vulnerable, are actively participating in the economy and benefiting from the rewards of strong, inclusive and resilient economic growth and the creation of decent jobs. OUTCOME 4: By 2024, communities are managing natural resources and the environment in a sustainable and equitable manner and are more resilient to the adverse effects of climate change. OUTCOME 5: By 2024, vulnerable groups, including women, children, adolescents and youth, have more equitable access to quality basic social services, according to their age and gender-specific needs, including in humanitarian situations. Outcome 6: By 2024, vulnerable people have improved access to social welfare services, including in humanitarian context
: Mali
: 2022 - 2023,Mali CO
: Not Rated
: $38,299,583.00
: $70,000.00
: ---
: Danemark; New Core

Evaluation Documents

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