Evaluation Details

: Partnership for Equality and Capacity Enhancement (PEACE): Towards Implementation of UNSCRs 1325 and 1820 Project
: DRF 4.1
: Nepal
: 2012 - 2013,Nepal CO
: Not Rated
: $525,000.00
: $20,000.00
: ---
: UN Peace Fund for Nepal
: Overall, the project was successful in contributing to the Government?s initiatives on the UNSCR 1325 and 1820 NAP formulation and implementation. The project has played an important role in supporting government institutions in the formulation and implementation of the NAP and has contributed to increasing national capacity. The project has provided support to the Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction (MoPR) and related ministries in the NAP process. The project has been found to be an important intervention to support the peace process in Nepal. The project?s operations are seen as inclusive, transparent and efficient, and able to accommodate multiple and sometimes conflicting expectations of stakeholders. The key challenges encountered by the project included difficulties in managing the activities targeted with the High Level Steering Committee (HLSC) and the lack of formal agreement with the lead ministry i.e. Ministry of Peace and Reconstruction (MOPR) which resulted in less than expected support in managing and coordinating project activities.

Evaluation Documents

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