Plan Details (2019 - 2023)

: 2019 - 2023
: Current
: References made to the Strategic Note 2019-2023, the Monitoring, Evaluation and Research Plan (MERP) of UN Women Burundi CO was developed in consultation with key stakeholders and reflects the Office's commitment to implement RBM principles, its contribution to the UNDAF and National Action Plan 2017 - 2021 of National Gender Strategy evaluations.
: UNW BDI SN-MERP 2019-2023.docx


Title Type Impact Area Region / Countries Joint Evaluation (Yes/No) Planned End Date (mm/yyyy) Status Management Response Quality Rating
Country Portfolio Evaluation for Strategic Note 2019-2023
Corporate Evaluation-Country-level Evaluation
SP 2014-2017 Impact Area 4
Completed Very Good