Management Response

: Ethiopia
: 2017 - 2020 , Ethiopia (CO)
: End evaluation of “Preventing and Responding to Violence against Women and Girls in Ethiopia” Programme
: Ethiopia

UN Women appreciated the relevance and usefulness of the evaluation findings and its recommendations. The evaluation was expected to inform the development of the new EVAWG programme, as can be seen from the accepted recommendations, and key actions have been identified and will be monitored for compliance.

: Approved
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 1 (FOR UN WOMEN): Support the revitalization and capacity building of the National Coordinating Body on Prevention and Response to Violence Against Women and Girls, including assistance in articulating the Body’s role and accountabilities in coordinating national policies and plans for addressing all forms VAWG, and its human and financial resourcing requirements. Provide technical assistance towards the development of standards that reflect context appropriate and globally recognized approaches to preventing and responding VAWG, and a robust monitoring framework and system.
Management Response: The recommendation is fully accepted, and UN Women will continue providing technical and financial support to revitalize the National Coordinating Body (NCB) on the prevention and response to VAWG. UN Women will support the strengthening of this body in selected regions and at the federal level by providing trainings on the Essential Services Package for survivors of VAWG, support its adopt and integration of global standards and guidelines on essential services and follow up on the implementation of essential services. UN Women will be working closely with Federal Office of General Attorney (FOGA), current chair of NCB, in providing the above support and setting up a monitoring framework and system.
Management Response Category: Not applicable
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Provide technical and financial support to FOAG to revitalize and strengthen the National Coordinating Body on Prevention and Response to Violence Against Women and Girls, both at federal and regional levels UN Women in collaboration with FOGA 2019/06 Ongoing Following the signing of the MOU in 2019, UN Women participated in the NCB meetings where the commitment from UN Women side was shared with the Attorney General, Ato Berhanu. Following that, to revitalize the NCB, UN Women organized the essential service package training for members of the NCB. Moreover, UN Women has planned to roll out the NCB in regions where UN Women has program implementation. As part of the effort to revitalize the National Coordination Body on Prevention and response to violence against women and children (NCB), ECO has supported the first high-level meeting of NCB since 2015 including Attorney General, State Minister of MOWCY, state Minister of MoE and Deputy attorney General The meeting has resulted in the NCB’s buy-in to support the ongoing revision of the five-year (2020-2024) National Action Plan and Strategy on prevention and response to violence against women and children. It was also agreed for the NCB to continue conducting its regular meetings every quarter, to open-up the membership to more interested organizations from government, CSO and UN Agencies; and for the chair and co-chair of the body (Federal Attorney General and Ministry of Women, Children and Youth respectively) to hold members accountable as per the memorandum of understanding signed.
2. Provide financial and technical support to the national coordinating Body in implementing essential services and set up an agreed upon monitoring framework UN Women in collaboration with FOGA 2019/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women provided training on the UN Global Essential services package for women and girls subject to violence for members of the NCB. The training was provided on the justice sector, health, social services represented from all regions and NCB members. To be able to set up the monitoring framework, the first step was to revise the NCB National Action plan and strategy that has expired since 2015 and accordingly UN Women is recruiting a consultant who will support the one hired by UNICEF to develop the National Action plan and strategy.
3. Support NCB, through FOGA, in establishing and running One Stop centers in Tigray and Amhara regions UN Women in collaboration with FOGA 2019/12 Overdue-Not Initiated Government has supported establishment of one stop centers in the two regions with the support of UNICEF. However, based on need, UN Women signed MOU with the Hawassa city administration to establish one stop center.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 2 (FOR UN WOMEN) In collaboration with UN sister agencies, take a leadership role in undertaking a joint mapping and analysis process to detail the UN’s specific work on EVAWG in Ethiopia, at all levels. Consider establishing an informal working group at programme and practitioner level to ensure ongoing programming coherence and synergy.
Management Response: This recommendation is partially accepted. It is noted that there has been limited coordination on EVAWG among UN agencies which might have created a risk of duplication. UN Women as a mandated agency to coordinate and lead UN efforts on GEWE, has recently been assigned to chair UNDAF’s Result sub-group on women (part of the Equality and Empowerment UNDAF group). Through this result sub-group, UN Women will attempt to ensure coordination among UN agencies and coherence in their programmes to eliminate EVAWG in Ethiopia. On the other hand, establishing and leading an informal UN working group would be a duplication of the UNDAF groups coordination efforts, the Protection cluster and GBV sub-cluster in addition to the Ethiopia Network of Women’s Shelters that brings together all organizations working on shelters in Ethiopia including prevention and advocacy intervention.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. UN Women together with UNFPA and Packard foundation to ensure development of robust and detailed analysis on VAW findings from 2016 EDHS UN Women together with UNFPA, Packard foundation 2019/02 Completed The further analysis of VAW findings of EDHs 2016 was finalized and published. Policy brief is also developed in English and Amharic. Follow up actions will be taken to ensure Popularization and proper use of the findings. In particular, UN Women in partnership with relevant stakeholders will ensure integration of the recommendations regarding how to strengthen the data collection, sampling and analysis of VAW module of the next EDHS (2021). UN Women, UNFPA, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and Ministry of Women, Children and Youth organized a virtual Policy Dialogue on the findings of the Further Analysis of Violence Against Women from the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health. The policy dialogue enabled stakeholders to exchange information and build consensus on recommendations between the government and CSO’s stakeholders through open discussion to forge alliances, make decisions and strongly influence the trajectory of the 2021 EDHS. The policy dialogue created a platform to hear from the Central Statistical Agency on the status of the EDHS 2021, next steps and the gaps both at resource and technical level.
2. Support Ethiopian Network of shelters to develop a standard operating procedure that is in alignment with global standards on essential services provision UN Women 2019/05 Completed A national SOP for shelters providing services for women and girls who experienced violence is finalized. The final document was validated in the presence of MoWCY, other government institutions, shelter service providers and UN agencies. Currently, the SOP is translated to Amharic and comments are provided. Once the translation is finalized, it will be rolled out to organizations providing shelter services.
3. A joint/coordinated programme on access to justice for GBV survivors in Gambela UN Women together with UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, and UNHCR 2019/12 Ongoing UN Agencies started implementation as coordinated effort and UNDP/UNHCR are discussing which modality the programme will have. UN Women started the Community Safety and Access to Justice programme in Gambella and implementation is underway.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 3 (FOR UN WOMEN): Provide high-level technical support towards a robust and detailed analysis of the 2016 EDHS VAW data, particularly related to intimate partner violence, and develop strategic approaches for using the data to ensure it informs policy and planning.
Management Response: While the inclusion of VAW indicators in the 2016 EDHS for the first time is an important step forward in documenting the status of women in Ethiopia. UN Women understands that it is imperative to further analyse the data to determine the full impact of VAW on Ethiopian women and society. UN Women s collaborated with UNFPA and Packard foundation to support the undertaking of additional analysis of 2016 EDHS VAW findings and their correlation with other variables. The draft analysis is ready for validation, the validated findings will assist government and stakeholders in planning and implementing appropriate policy initiatives and programs to mitigate and eventually eliminate VAW. UN Women will also organize policy dialogue forum on the findings of the analysis to inform policies and help guide the next EDHS.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Ensure development of robust and detailed analysis on VAW findings from 2016 EDHS in collaboration with UNFPA and Packard foundation UN Women in collaboration with UNFPA and Packard Foundation 2019/02 Completed The further analysis of VAW findings of EDHs 2016 was finalized and published. Follow up actions will be taken to ensure Popularization and proper use of the findings. In particular, UN Women in partnership with relevant stakeholders will ensure integration of the recommendations regarding how to strengthen the data collection and analysis of VAW module of the next EDHS (2021).
2. Organize a policy dialogue on the detailed analysis report with relevant stakeholders and policy makers UN Women in partnership with CSA and MOWCA 2019/07 Overdue-Initiated UN Women, UNFPA, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation and Ministry of Women, Children and Youth organized a virtual Policy Dialogue on the findings of the Further Analysis of Violence Against Women from the 2016 Ethiopia Demographic and Health. The policy dialogue enabled stakeholders to exchange information and build consensus on recommendations between the government and CSO’s stakeholders through open discussion to forge alliances, make decisions and strongly influence the trajectory of the 2021 EDHS. The policy dialogue created a platform to hear from the Central Statistical Agency on the status of the EDHS 2021, next steps and the gaps both at resource and technical level.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 4 (FOR UN WOMEN): In partnership with the CSA and other stakeholders, prepare for the next generation EDHS (2021), including by training VAW data experts in collection, implementation and interpretation of VAW prevalence data. Consider developing a specific curriculum based on globally recognized VAW prevalence survey methodologies.
Management Response: UN Women will work closely with CSA and MOWCA to ensure that quality, comprehensive and reliable national data on VAW is collected in the next EDHS which will be held in 2021. UN Women aims to do this through building experts and data collectors’ capacity on VAW data collection, analysis and report writing based on globally VAW prevalence survey methodologies standards. In addition, UN Women will actively participate in technical working group meetings and ensure all global standard indicators on VAW survey are included in the next EDHS.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Ensure CSA experts and data collectors are trained on global standard VAW data collection, analysis and report writing UN Women in collaboration with CSA and MOWCA 2020/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women participated in two rounds of stakeholders’ meetings on EDHS 2021 organized by CSA to discuss the overall framework of EDHS 2021, scope of work, type of data as well as modules to be included in the survey. In addition, during the policy dialogue of the EDHS 2016 further analysis, discussion conducted on how the recommendations could be included in the 2021 EDHS. However, the national preparation for EDHS 2021 was generally not progressing as planned due to CIVID 19.
2. Ensure the inclusion of all global standard indicators on VAW in the next EDHS through providing intensive technical support to CSA UN Women in collaboration with MOWCA 2021/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women participated in two rounds of stakeholders’ meetings on EDHS 2021 organized by CSA to discuss the overall framework of EDHS 2021, scope of work, type of data as well as modules to be included in the survey. In addition, during the policy dialogue of the EDHS 2016 further analysis, discussion conducted on how the recommendations could be included in the 2021 EDHS. However, the national preparation for EDHS 2021 was generally not progressing as planned due to CIVID 19.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 5 (FOR UN WOMEN): Invest in the development of the Network of Shelters to become a recognised leader in contributing to policy development, standard setting and good practices in VAWG essential services. Provide technical assistance to refine the Network’s Terms of Reference and develop Strategic and Operational Plans. The Plans should outline goals, milestones, key partnerships, roles, responsibilities, requirements and benefits of members, functions of a Secretariat, human and financial resourcing requirements, and strategies for engagement throughout the country.
Management Response: Following the momentum that was created in 2017, the Ethiopian Network of Women’s Shelters (ENWS) and UN Women acknowledges the need to have an overall strategy (2018-2020) to support the network’s agenda. In June 2018, UN Women supported the ENWS to develop an extensive five-year strategic plan (2018-2022) and detail implementation and operational mechanisms. The strategic plan is based on the assessment of shelters “Shelters for women and girls who are survivors of violence in Ethiopia”, which was commissioned by UN Women, UN Global essential service package and the context of Ethiopia. The developed strategic plan focuses on seven intervention areas: referral and coordination, enhancing rehabilitation and reintegration services, developing national SOPs for shelters, capacity building for first line service providers, coordinated prevention initiatives on violence against women and girls, national policy intervention and communication and outreach.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Hire a national coordinator for the ENWS UN Women 2019/02 Completed UN Women have hired a national coordinator for the ENWS as of January 2019.
2. Support Ethiopian Network of shelters to develop a standard operating procedure aligned with global standards on essential services provision UN Women 2019/05 Completed With the support of UN Women and UNFPA and under the leadership of the Ministry of women, Children and Youth, a national SOP for shelters providing services for women and girls who experienced violence is finalized. The final document was validated in the presence of MoWCY, other government institutions, shelter service providers and UN agencies. Currently, the SOP is translated to Amharic and comments are provided. Once the translation is finalized, it will be rolled out to organizations providing shelter services.
3. Support Ethiopian network of women shelters partnership with private sectors to enhance the economic empowerment and reintegration of survivors of violence. UN Women 2019/11 Ongoing UN Women has supported the ENWS to strengthen their partnership with the private sectors for survivor’s economic empowerment an opportunity. In this regard, the ENWS have had two round of consultations meeting with selected private sectors in which the later have made promised to offer their support. UN Women has also succeeded in printing the ministry of women and children and youth on board in terms of supporting and endorsing this initiative with private sectors. The ENWS is currently planning on establishing a data base with detail information on survivors who are ready for reintegration, employment or training with the aim of making it easily accessible for the private sector whenever they are ready to give this opportunity. Due to COVID-19 pandemic, this effort was postponed to 2021.
4. Develop a working manual for the network members psychologists/counsellors on psycho-social support for survivors UN Women 2019/07 Completed UN Women is in the process of recruiting a national and international consultant to develop a working manual and provide training of trainers on counselling to VAWG survivors. This intervention will target the professional counsellors assigned/working in the different service providing centers. UN Women supported the development of an operational working manual on counselling for professional counsellors, who are currently providing counselling services in One Stop centers, shelters and hotlines. Rounds of Training of Trainers were provided to federal and regional level service providers and follow up mentorship workshop was organized where participants of the TOT contributed practical inputs to the enrich the document. The training and working counselling manual is now finalized.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 6 (FOR UN WOMEN): Support the development of policies and protocols elaborating the responsibilities and powers of justice sector organizations in responding to VAWG; coordination strategies; monitoring and reporting procedures; and other accountability mechanisms. Consider including health sector institutions along with justice sector support, especially actors responsible for forensic evidence collection and medical documentation of GBV related injuries, to ensure harmonized practice.
Management Response: UN Women will continue to work towards improvement of institutional and operational capacity of the justice sector organizations through supporting the development of tools, guidelines and curriculums on handling and responding to VAWG cases. UN Women will also build the capacity of service providers including, police, prosecutors, judges and health professional on providing quality essential services for survivors of violence. UN Women will also support the establishment and strengthening of coordination bodies (including NCB), referral systems and one stop centers that provide coordinated services for women and girls. Moreover, UN Women will ensure that the essential services package that set out roles and responsibilities of each service provider is adopted and internalized by the coordination bodies. UN Women will also work closely with FOGA to put in place a clear accountability mechanism for the NCB.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Support the FOGA in the finalization of the special investigation, prosecution and counselling manual on VAWG case. UN Women in collaboration with FOGA 2019/05 Completed UN Women in partnership with FAG developed a special investigation and prosecution manual on VAW whereby people working in the special investigation units and those, in the Justice sector, who will have encounter with survivors will be trained on.
2. Provide technical and financial support to make fully operational the management information system within the Dire Dawa one-stop centre and replicate it within one-stop centres in other regions, with the view to collecting, analyzing and monitoring cases of VAWG. UN Women in collaboration with FOGA and Dire Dawa One stop centre 2019/06 Ongoing Due to the unrest in the DireDawa city, this initiative was postponed to this year. Hence, UN Women has planned to financially an technically support the one-stop center this year. In addition, UN Women has supported the establishment of a one-stop centre in Hawassa city and is planning on replicating the MIS initiative as well. The Federal Attorney General decided the MIS installment to be done after the finalization of the Assessment of cases of VAWG reported, investigated, prosecuted and adjudicated. However, after the assessment is finalized, the setting up could not be implemented due to COVID-19 and other government priorities.
3. Provision of on the job training for members of police officers, prosecutor and judges in handling and referring of VAWG cases in Oromia Tigray and Amhara regions. UN Women in collaboration with FOGA and regional BoJs, AWSAD and Agar 2019/07 Ongoing UN Women has supported trainings for the justice sector in Oromia, Amhara and on handling and referring to VAWG cases. In addition, UN Women has provided a 5 days training on the policing and justice module of the Global essential services package for the 71 participants from the three justice sectors (Police, Prosecutors and Judges). This training was provided as part of rolling out the full Global essential services package. On the job training for 2020 was not conducted due to COVID-19.
4. Train health sector service providers to respond to VAWG in Amhara and Oromia regions UN Women in collaboration with AWSAD and Agar 2019/07 Ongoing UN Women has provided a 5 days training on the health module of the Global essential services package for the 39 health service providers from all regional states in the country. This training was provided as part of rolling out the full Global essential services package. Because of COVID-19, trainings to health care providers was postponed to 2021.
5. Engendering of curriculums and systems of regional Police University/Colleges toward preventing and responding to GBV through mainstreaming gender in the institutions. UN Women 2020/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ethiopia Police University College (EPUC). The University college is in the process of its curriculum and modules for the Diploma, Degree and Masters Programme. UN Women hired a national consultant who will be closely working with the university college in the revision of the Curriculum, modules and short-term courses.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 7 (FOR UN WOMEN): Support a comprehensive assessment of the legal and policy framework on VAWG. The assessment should review gaps, in accordance with international human rights standards and from a gender perspective, in the national criminal, civil, and family law framework related to VAWG, with a specific focus on areas in need of reform to enhance prevention, protection, prosecution, adjudication and provision of remedies. The Review should build on and extend the ‘Multi-Sectoral Assessment of the Role of the Justice Sector in Addressing GBV’, and findings contribute to the development of a National Policy and Strategy on VAWG.
Management Response: UN Women is in the process of undertaking a robust ‘protection assessment in Hawassa city’ as part of a new initiative. The assessment will have a section on legal and policy framework analysis both at national and regional level. In addition, UN Women planned an assessment on the adoption of family law in Somali region that will provide accurate information. UN Women will thus consider undertaking comprehensive assessment of legal and policy framework on VAWG’ if recommended by the above studies.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Undertake a protection assessment in Hawassa city UN Women 2019/03 Completed UN Women has undertaken a protection assessment in Hawassa city with the objective of identifying the safety and protection of women and girls in the city. This assessment was completed, and findings were used to inform new programmes and interventions in the city. For example, a new women’s shelter that accommodated 70 survivors at a time (the biggest in the country) have been established in the city based on the recommendation of the assessment. In addition, to establish a one-stop center, MOU was signed among the stakeholders and the one stop cener will be opened in 2020.
2. Undertake assessment attitudes and barriers in Somali region to adopt the family law UN Women 2019/06 Completed UN Women has undertaken an assessment on the general socio-economic status of women and girls and barriers hindering the adoption of Family law in Afar and Somali regions. The assessment is finalized and edited. Once published, UN women will ensure popularization and use of the findings by all relevant actors including policy makers and parliamentarians.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 8 (FOR UN WOMEN): Deepen relationships with legal aid providers and enhance justice sector support to survivors by increasing understanding of laws, rules and procedures of courts among shelter staff, community members and survivors. This could be achieved through developing targeted and standardized learning programmes and associated tools, tailored for each audience.
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted and will be embodied in the new programme on EVAWG. UN Women will continue to work towards strengthening the coordination and networking among justice sector and shelters in Oromia and Amhara regions. Using the essential services package, UN Women will support capacity building of front line service providers on providing coordinated essential services. Public awareness on the rights of women to access essential services will also be ensured using standardized tools tailored for targeted audience.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Conduct consultations and trainings for community members, women, religious and traditional leaders, school community in Oromia and Amhara on VAWG and women’s rights and UN Women in partnership with AWSAD and Agar 2019/11 Ongoing UN Women, though the different implementing partners operating in Oromia and Amhara have continued supporting community consultations with various groups including schools, religious leaders etc. This support will continue until the desired social norm change on VAWG is achieved. Going forward, UN Women has a plan to use tested gender transformative approaches to facilitate such engagements at the grassroots level. UN Women, together with two of its implementing partners in Amhara and Oromia, started implementing SASA! A comprehensive community mobilization approach to prevent violence against women and HIV. SASA! is an exploration of power—what it is, who has it, how it is used, how it is abused and how power dynamics between women and men can change for the better.
2. Capacity building of law enforcement bodies and health sector on handling and responding to VAWG cases in Amhara and Oromia regions UN Women in partnership with AWSAD and Agar 2019/07 Ongoing UN Women through its implementing partners has supported capacity building of justice sectors and health care providers in Amhara and Oromia on handling and referring to VAWG cases.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 9 (FOR UN WOMEN) Provide support to ensure counseling practice is based on a set of agreed principles and standards, that counselors are equipped basic and appropriate techniques for working with survivors, and that professional supervision is in place to monitor counselors’ self-care and professional competence and ensure ethical and safe practice. Consider a comprehensive assessment of counseling services for VAWG survivors in Ethiopia.
Management Response: Various studies (including the UN Women commissioned national Assessment on Women’s Shelters) have already indicated the gap in the quality and accessibility of professional counselling tailored for survivors of VAWG. Thus, the part related to undertake a national assessment is not valid as the information is already available. UN Women will, however, work towards increasing the availability of quality and standard counselling services for survivors of violence through various interventions.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Organize a national training on standard counselling skills and techniques for working with VAWG survivors for professional counselors working in shelters, one-stop centers, special investigation units, courts and other service providing sectors UN Women 2019/07 Ongoing UN Women has supported a Training of Trainers (ToT) on tailored counselling to VAWG survivors and on the development of an operational working manual on counselling for professional counsellors, who are currently providing similar services. Before the ToT, a pre-assessment was conducted virtually for individuals from each shelter, one stop centres and hotline service. The findings show that there is a different level of knowledge and understanding across the sectors regarding VAWG counselling technics. Hence, the findings informed the approach and content of the ToT. Accordingly, the training was held virtually in four rounds and 34 (1 man and 33 women) counsellors from women’s shelters, One-Stop centres, and hotline service providers have participated. A follow-up workshop to the Training of Trainers was conducted to review the training of trainer manual and to incorporate participants’ feedback on the manual. All the five modules of the GBV training of trainer manual for counselling and case management and a series of handouts were reviewed during the workshops.
2. Develop a working manual for the ENWS members psychologists/counsellors on psycho-social support for survivors UN Women 2019/08 Completed UN Women supported the development of an operational working manual on counselling for professional counsellors, who are currently providing counselling services in One Stop centres, shelters and hotlines. Rounds of Training of Trainers were provided to federal and regional level service providers and follow up mentorship workshop was organized where participants of the TOT contributed practical inputs to the enrich the document. The counselling manual is now finalized.
3. Training for Oromia and Amhara BoWCA, Police Commission, Bureau of Health, BoJ, Police and Prosecutors on survivor focused service provision, counselling and survivor handling. UN Women 2019/07 Ongoing As part of essential services package, UN Women organized the first of its kind national training/workshop for police, public prosecutors, Judges, health care providers and social service providers have participated. The workshop created a platform to discuss how they better collaborate to render services for survivors of VAW. UN Women partners in Amhara and Oromia continued to provide training for service providers including representatives from BoWCYA, Police, Bureau of Health and the justice sector.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 10 (FOR UN WOMEN) In cooperation with relevant national and regional governments and civil society, define and establish a VAWG Workforce Competency Framework, aligned with global standards and best practice, that outlines the core elements and competencies needed by service providers in responding to survivors. In partnership with government, develop a capacity building strategy, based on the framework, designed to systematically train frontline VAWG workers, with appropriate methods and tools that are harmonized across agencies and sectors. The strategy should include opportunities and mechanisms for refresher training, and disseminating information, resources and evidence-based tools.
Management Response: This recommendation is partially accepted as the framework proposed would overlap the essential services package which outline core competencies and skills needed by all service providers. UN Women will ensure that existing workforces on VAWG including the NCB and ENWS are operating up to this essential services standard, globally recognised, and advocate with government for coherent capacity building.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Alignment with strategy, Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Partnership, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Provide financial and technical support to the national coordinating body in implementing essential services UN Women in partnership with FOGA 2019/12 Ongoing UN Women has sensitized the technical committee members of the national coordination body through a 5 days training on the coordination module of the global essential services package. The NCB is not yet operational due to the delay in the finalization of the revised TOR, revised National strategy on prevention and responses to VAWG and plan of action. This document are ongoing with the support of UNICEF. Once finalized, Un women will process with supporting the NCB to implement the essential services package. Currently, UN Women is recruiting a consultant with gender expertise, who will support the one hired by UNICEF to develop the National Action plan and strategy.
2. Organize a national training on standard counselling skills and techniques for working with VAWG survivors for professional counselors working in shelters, one-stop centers, special investigation units, courts and other service providing sectors UN Women in partnership with FOGA 2019/07 Completed UN Women has supported a Training of Trainers (ToT) on tailored counselling to VAWG survivors and on the development of an operational working manual on counselling for professional counsellors, who are currently providing similar services. Before the ToT, a pre-assessment was conducted virtually for individuals from each shelter, one stop centres and hotline service. The findings show that there is a different level of knowledge and understanding across the sectors regarding VAWG counselling technics. Hence, the findings informed the approach and content of the ToT. Accordingly, the training was held virtually in four rounds and 34 (1 man and 33 women) counsellors from women’s shelters, One-Stop centres, and hotline service providers have participated. A follow-up workshop to the Training of Trainers was conducted to review the training of trainer manual and to incorporate participants’ feedback on the manual. All the five modules of the GBV training of trainer manual for counselling and case management and a series of handouts were reviewed during the workshops.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 11 (FOR UN WOMEN) Increase and improve partnerships with the police, BOJs, MoWCA, BoWCAs and other partners to determine and strengthen sustainable approaches to timely communication, systematic coordination of services, and more effective referral pathways and mechanisms between the justice sector and other providers.
Management Response: UN Women will continue its partnership with these sectors to strengthen the referral systems and coordination of services for survivors in selected regions of the country. To ensure sustainability of the programme results, UN Women will continue building institutional and human capacity of these sectors to better prevent VAWG and respond to the needs of survivors of VAWG.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Strengthen coordination and referral mechanisms such as NCB and ENWS on VAWG UN Women 2021/12 Ongoing UN Women signed MOU with the FAG one of the objective is to support the National Coordination Body. In 2019, UN Women organized a national workshop on Essential services package among which using the Coordination module, the NCB members were trained. The training enabled participants to discuss challenges and way forward which UN Women will follow up in 2020. Moreover, UN Women proposed the inclusion of ENWS to be represented in the NCB so as to facilitate and strengthen referral linkages in the future. UN Women together with UNFPA and MoWCY supported the development and finalization of SOP for shelters to be able to provide the minimum standard services to survivors of violence. The document was developed after a rapid assessment conducted on the ENWS members and with the contribution and endorsement of ENWS. The network is now a registered CSO and UN Women supported the official launching of the networks. There was an initiative to establish network with the private sectors to link rehabilitated survivors with private sectors for job and other opportunities. UN Women also supported ENWS members to participate in the 4th World Conference in Taiwan on Women Shelters to strengthen the role of women shelters in systematic approaches to combating violence against women; reinforce, mobilize, and increase the effectiveness and influence of the global and regional shelter networks.
2. Build the capacity of frontline service providers including, police, prosecutors, health professionals, women’s affairs officers etc on handling and responding to VAWG UN Women 2021/12 Overdue-Initiated UN Women has organized a “National Workshop on the United Nations Joint Global Programme on Essential Services Package for Women and Girls Subject to Violence” from 14 – 18 October 2019 in Addis Ababa. With the aim of providing a coordinated response for women and girls who have experienced violence in Ethiopia, the rollout of the global package was organized in four parallel sessions as per the four different modules of the packages: health, Police and justice, Coordination and social services. Hence 162 participants from the justice sector, health, women’s shelters and women’s affairs have participated in the training. At the end of the training, participants have developed an action plan on how to strengthen their coordination in their respective regions. Un women will follow-up on the implementation of the action plans at least in the regions where the EVAWG programme is fully operational. In 2020, because of COVID-19, follow up activities postponed to 2021.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 12 (FOR DONOR PARTNERS) Consider and discuss options for combining VAWG programme funds and harmonizing reporting systems
Management Response: UN Women accepted this recommendation and has already agreed with donors to combine funds and harmonize reporting systems
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1.Quarterly meeting with all donors UN Women and donors 2020/12 Ongoing UN Women held the first quarterly coordination meeting with Irish Aid, Embassy of Denmark and Embassy of Sweden on 10 December 2018. Donors agreed on a harmonized donor reporting system with aligned modalities, which will enable UN Women to share the same reports with all donors. At the future quarterly coordination meetings UN Women will discuss the program’s progress and work plans with the donors. In 2019, a total of three meetings were held with program donors. Parallel with this, different bilateral meeting were held with program donors. In 2020, two rounds of virtual meetings were organized with the Embassy of Denmark to review and discuss M&E framework of the Programme and reflect on the annual reports.