Management Response

: Ethiopia
: 2017 - 2020 , Ethiopia (CO)
: Mid-termn evaluation of Enhancing equal participation and representation of women in leadership in Ethiopia Program
: Ethiopia

UN Women received the recommendations of the MTE which were also presented to partners and national stakeholders. This MTE will be an opportunity to adapt the ProDoc and continue responding to the needs of women political participation in the country.

: Approved
Recommendation: Sort hierarchical Issues, Institutionalization and Establishment of the WTLGE Training Program
Management Response: UN Women understands the need for coordination and complementary between the leadership capacity building support provides to its partners both at federal and regional level. Hence, it encourages collaboration between these actors. For instance, in Amhara and Oromia regions, where the institutionalization of a Transformative Leadership for Gender Equality Training curriculum is currently being supported, UN Women is facilitating experience sharing to ensure that the later benefits from all interventions carried out already in Amhara. Where a curriculum exists, for instance in Oromia region, UN Women supports its contextualization to address the challenges women leaders face based on a needs assessment carried out in the region. For UN Women evidence-based interventions are critical to ensure relevance. Though the general challenges women face towards participation and representation in leadership spaces are similar, their capacities and needs are various partially due to their varied access and the patriarchal ecosystem they live in. Hence, capacity building needs assessment is critical to identify their specific needs. Therefore, UN Women will continue to carry out need assessments where it decides to support a leadership enhancement intervention.
Description: There appears to be a risk that the center of Bahir Dar University, and its programme based on a regional needs assessment and baseline, would not be accepted by all regional stakeholders as a truly national, multi-regional solution. The programme on transformative leadership training at Bahir Dar University, which according to Amhara-based stakeholders is foreseen to eventually evolve into an independent center in its structure and funding, is currently only serving the Amhara region. The programme is about to be given revised credentials upgrading its status from an affiliated entity under the Gender and Developments Program (soon to be a faculty) to that of a full-fledged training center. UN Women should immediately address any tendencies that might result in competing curricula and training mechanisms. UN Women ECO should maximize coordination between regional and central-level stakeholders to prevent any inefficiencies such as potential, nascent or already existing divergent curriculum design initiatives or training approaches being further pursued. ECO also needs to critically reconsider the sustainability of funding separate needs assessments at regional level as part of its scaling up and roll-out intervention strategy.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Experience sharing between Oromia State Leadership Academy and Bahir Dar University Transformative Leadership for Gender Equality training program. UN Women 2020/07 Completed
2. Create coordination mechanism between TLGE training programs overseen by regional and federal level partners. UN Women 2021/02 No Longer Applicable UN Women facilitated one experience sharing mission between Bahirdar University, TLGE Training Center and Oromia Leadership Academy and Oromia Bureau of Women, Children and Social Affairs project focal persons. However, the TLGE training program in Oromia Region could not take off as planned due to the security situation in the country at the time. Currently, there is no longer funding for the Oromia TLGE programs including capacity building trainings and establishment of TLGE training center. Hence, this action point is no longer applicable.
Recommendation: Adaptation & Roll-out to Regions
Management Response: UN Women already started the effort to ensure coordination among partners where an experience sharing mission is planned to take place between Oromia Leadership Academy, Curriculum Development Committee Members and Bahir Dar University, Curriculum Development Committee members which are currently the main partners in this intervention. Regarding training delivery approach and method, it has been similar from the start as UN Women closely worked with all its stakeholders and ensured that in all TL capacity building intervention knowledge is transferred to each of its partners from Federal level MoWCY to Regional level in Amhara and Oromia Regions. TORs and resource persons are shared across regions. As for needs assessment, at least for the currently targeted regions, Amhara and Oromia, it is critical to ensure cultural specificities as correctly noted by the evaluators in this recommendation.
Description: The implementation approach of the Transformational Leadership Training programme needs to be reconsidered in favor of implementing standard modules of transformative leadership training. Rather than reinventing the wheel by creating specific stand-alone curriculum and content for each and every region, the focus should shift to state-of-the-art translations and, if need be, culturally sensitive vetting of content by, to the extent possible, adapting any generic standard content to local realities and specific needs (e.g., choosing examples based on local socio-cultural specificities and idiosyncracies; using or adding specific terminology and concepts in local language or dialect(s) etc.). In view of programme implementation, the cascading, recycling and adaptation processes should also be checked for tracking quality of the training delivered and the way forward in proceeding in alignment with the specificities of the respective region of implementation.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Undertake baseline study in Oromia to ensure adaptability of training delivery methodology and content with local socio-cultural specificities and specific needs of women leaders in the area. Oromia BoWCYA and Oromia State University 2020/09 Completed
2. Translate training materials to local vernaculars UN Women and Oromia BoWCYA 2021/04 Completed Translated one in Afan-Oromo language, as of the largely spoken languages in Ethiopia
Recommendation: Improve the efficiency and impact of trainings through a series of interrelated measures.
Management Response: UN Women is currently supporting Bahir Dar University to copy, edit and clean a Facilitators Guide and Learners Handout in addition to the technical support provided during the entire training material preparation process. It also identified the need to create a pool of master trainers and organized a first-round training solely focusing on adult learning skills which will be followed by content-based training for the same batch of trainees. The Transformative Leadership module is already considered as foundational module based on which other modules will be developed. This is already being implemented where a Women Political Empowerment module is being developed by Bahir Dar University where the previously developed Transformative Leadership Training Modules are taken as foundational courses.
Description: These should include, among others, such measures as a. standardizing female leadership in governance training materials; b. focus of central level training on training of master trainers; c. implementing standard modules of transformative leadership training (including model curriculum of foundations), different modules should start with the foundation modules that work for all contexts.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Finalize copy/editing of Bahir Dar University TLGE Training materials UN Women, Amhara BoWCYA and Bahirdar 2020/07 Completed The copy/editing of the Training materials have been completed. It should however be noted that the training materials are living documents at this stage and can not be published since it is expected that continuous update will be made on content and structure based on feedback from the different cohorts of trainees. This is also based on the experience of ACTIL which has not so far made it straining materials public after 6 years.
2. Organize content-based TOT for master trainers and develop TOT and refresher training program UN Women and Amhara BoWCYA 2020/08 Completed
3. Ensure that TL standard modules are used while continuing to develop additional courses under the TLGE Training program in Amhara region and when support continues in other training programs that might be delivered at federal and regional level. UN Women, Amhara BoWCYA and Bahir Dar University 2020/12 Ongoing WILG team has already started using the standard training materials in the different capacity building trainings it is providing in 2020 and 2021.
Recommendation: Sustainability of current efforts
Management Response: UN Women understands the need to further advocate for promotion of legislative quota and affirmative action to increase the participation of women in leadership. Such advocacy has been going on since 2019 where UN Women started to implement an electoral support project towards Ethiopia’s 6th general election. UN Women will expand its effort on this by revising its women in leadership and governance program to include such advocacy . Also, UN Women already supported the development of a mentorship guideline as part of its transformative leadership capacity building support. This will be reviewed to expand its application to participation of women in political parties.
Description: To enhance the sustainability of current efforts to build a pool of female aspirants, the most important issues to be immediately considered are: a. Advocating for legislating and subsequent implementation of female quotas for political parties to ensure a gender balance among electoral candidates; b. Widening the scope of aspirant scouting and of support measures provided to female political talent; esp. training as well as non-training support (such as coaching and mentorship) provided to aspirants among all political parties, in preparation of elections even within parties (determination of party ticket through party-internal voting which means training to not-yet-elected, potential party candidates).
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Finalize partnership with the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission to advocate for positive measure towards women’s increased participation and representation in leadership and decision-making. UN Women 2020/05 Completed Partnership has already been finalized and various awareness creation and capacity building initiatives area already taking place. So far two capacity building trainings on Gender and Elections with a component of learning on Temporary Special Measures were organized while a panel discussion on gender response electoral process were conducted. While partnership has been created with EHRC and couple of activities took place, the intervention will continue to expand.
2. Revise current program document to include thematic area for women’s political participation and explore ways to expand partnership with other key stakeholders to advocate for legislative measures to promote affirmative action for women’s representation in leadership. UN Women 2020/08 Completed
3. Explore ways to use the Mentorship Guideline already developed for political party structures and aspirant women. UN Women 2021/07 Ongoing The timeline is revised taking into consideration the time required to incorporate suggested changes in the revised program document.
Recommendation: Enhance the Inclusiveness and Gender-friendliness of Training Interventions
Management Response: It is common sight to see women leaders coming to training carrying either infants together with caretakers or toddlers. Noting this, UN Women has already included the setting up of a day-care space as part of its support to Bahir Dar University Transformative Leadership program. It is also exploring a way to check with training participants beforehand whether they are coming with children and caretakers to facilitate meal and sleeping arrangements by factoring such issues in its training budget.
Description: To allow mothers of small children and infants to participate in training sessions offered through the programme it is recommended to introduce adequate measures to take care of the children during the training, through off-site or on-site support. On-site support could consist in a sort of “day care service“ at the institutional training centre, or ensuring that there are hired temporary caretakers/nanny staff available at the training site, if trainings are conducted in external facilities (hotels etc.).
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Support Bahir Dar University TLGE Centre in furnishing its Day Care facility. UN Women, Amhara BoWCYA, Bahir Dar University 2020/09 Ongoing
2. Develop a standard questionnaire to identify trainees that will bring children to training facilities and facilitate support mechanism. UN Women, Amhara BoWCYA and Bahir Dar University 2020/07 Ongoing Completed in Bahir Dar and ongoing in other regions
3. Lobby other leadership training institutions and partners engaged in facilitating leadership training for women to consider gender sensitivity towards women with children. UN Women 2020/12 Ongoing
Recommendation: Revise Theory of Change
Management Response: UN Women understands the need to revise its TOC most significantly due to the change in the political landscape of the country in line with Option a) of the evaluation where it will restrict the scope of the formulation in the TOC and at the level of its result statements. It however does not plan to expand its outreach to economic governance and other similar sectors since this is outside the scope of the UN Women HQ Flagship Program Initiative guideline where UN Women globally focus on enhancing women’s political participation under its result area one. Leadership in other sectors is expected to be covered by other portfolios of UN Women i.e. for instance Women Economic Empowerment will have a component of women’s leadership in the economic sector. The program teams at UN Women Ethiopia will ensure coordination within different interventions and thematic areas.
Description: The ToC of the programme should be reviewed, not least in light of the changed overall political landscape. Also, there are some weaknesses in the current formulation, from a syntactical point of view. For instance, the current formulation used for the ToC (and at Outcome statement-level) generically refers to leaders without further specification of the targeted domain(s). This can be interpreted as if the scope goes beyond political governance including the judiciary, the economic realm, the security sector etc. This ambiguity calls either a.) for restricting the scope of the formulation in the ToC and at the level of result statements; or, alternatively, b.) widening the overall scope of the project to also include such areas as economic governance, judiciary, tertiary education, the security sector (army, police etc.).
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Revise Women in Leadership and Governance program document including its result framework and TOC UN Women 2020/08 Completed .
Recommendation: Revise the M&E Arrangements including Indicators & means of Verification
Management Response: As already indicated in the evaluation, under the TLGE Training program a pre and post training assessment tool has been prepared and will be used for all other TL trainings. UN Women also plans to develop a long-term impact assessment tool. One of the objectives of the MTE was to provide input on how to ensure indicators are SMART and inputs from the MTE in addition to other comments from partners will be used to further refine the program indicators. UN Women is currently supporting a national status of women in leadership assessment which will help build the first step towards having a national baseline data. This combined with the different in-depth baseline studies, adequate quantitative data is expected to be generated to serves as a baseline to track progress. UN Women is also supporting the development of a database system where all capacity building trainings will be registered with details including who, where what, when. As for qualitative measures to track changes, UN Women ensured that its partners such as Bahir Dar University learn from institutions such as ACTIL that has a system in place to track changes in different capacity building training cohorts. Accordingly, UN Women will build upon already started initiatives to ensure that the programs’ changes are tracked both in qualitative and quantitative terms.
Description: A standard, easily understandable multiple-choice tool that can be easily and quickly administered and analyzed should be designed for pre-post training assessments. The tool could be applied for assessing all types of transformative leadership trainings at the central and regional level(s). A long-term training impact assessment tool for assessing the results of all types of transformative leadership trainings should be designed. In this respect, the Bahir Dar training programme developed a standard pre and post assessment tool and this could be used. In terms of enhancing the SMARTNESS of existing indicators, UN Women should team up with relevant stakeholders to discuss limits and possibilities, distribution of tasks and responsibilities, funding and technical issues to expand the set of outcome indicators of the programme. At the technical level, a number of to-be-introduced new indicators, data sources and related tools are to be considered. This includes quick-fix quantitative measures (such as, e.g., a dashboard to quantify the gender ratio of key managerial or technical leadership positions held across key institutions at central and regional level(s) incl. the judiciary, economy etc.; or a “Governance GEWE“ index created by combining related key indicators) and qualitative measures (longitudinal knowledge/skills survey to track the effect of trainings by collecting qualitative data among cohorts of trainees; perception survey tool). Supported by UN Women, some promising steps pointing in that direction involving experts at the Ministry and the central statistics agencys, are currently already underway and can be built on.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Revise the WILG Program document including its result framework and its indicators. UN Women 2020/08 Completed
2. Identify methods to continuously gauge quantitative and qualitative change resulted by the Program’s intervention UN Women 2020/12 Ongoing
3. Identify ways to influence current data and statistics collection methods to consider women’s representation and participation in leadership and decision making at all levels. Collaborate with other teams both within UN Women and other organisations. UN Women 2020/12 Ongoing