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Through the Flagship global facility, link support to the implementation of SDGs, normative and technical work on women’s political participation at the global level to the regional and national levels through the provision of high quality policy and programmatic support to countries and regions, including through the targeted interventions funded with the WiPF mechanism.
SPF Management Team (Technical Advisors and Programme Manager) and UN Women Offices receiving the SPF funds.
SPFII is instrumental to advance two priority areas of the FPI on WPP directly linked with implementation of SDGs 5:
Violence Against Women in Politics (VAWP)
The SPF has enabled UN-Women to advance in this area supporting: engagement with academia and global partners in academic conferences and symposiums, and public hearings; a jointly-published programming guide on Preventing Violence Against Women in Elections with UNDP; awareness-raising through participation in side events with the Inter-Parliamentary Union at CSW 61; and partnership-building with the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women Its Causes and Consequences (SRVAW) and OHCHR.
Within this partnership, UN-Women and the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women convened an Expert Group Meeting on Violence Against Women in Elections (VAWE) in March 2018 and provided the space for a diverse, specialized and influential group of 40 experts to identify institutional, advocacy and legal means to address Violence Against Women in Politics.
UN-Women has provided substantive contributions to the Special Rapporteur’s upcoming report on this topic to the 73rd UNGA.
Support country programming to promote gender responsive electoral frameworks and arrangements includes as a priority area, the development and/or implementation of initiatives to monitor VAWP. Countries supported in 2018 with seed funding to advance on this area are Afghanistan, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Sierra Leon and Zimbabwe.
Monitoring SDG indicator 5.5.1b
UN Women PP Unit has led the development of the methodology to measure indicator SDG indicator 5.5.1b including through extensive research on local government organization in 120 countries, mapping of current practices in national data collection and regional data compilation, and wide consultation with national and international stakeholders through the means of technical and expert group meetings, regional workshops, and presentations in international fora of statisticians.
As a result of these efforts, the indicator was recently re-classified by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG-SDG) from Tier III (indicators for which the methodology or data collection standards do not yet exist) to Tier II (indicators with developed methodologies and data collection standards but for which data are not yet widely available).
The reclassification of the indicator as Tier II gives new impetus to countries to include the indicator in their strategic and development plans and regular programmes of data production and use. The consistent use of the proposed methodology across all countries will also enable a key achievement: the first-ever global measurement of women’s representation in local government.
SPF WPP has prioritized support to build national institutional capacity to ensure regular and systematic availability of statistics on women’s political participation at local level and their use for policy making.
Data collection is being coordinated with UN Regional Commissions in three regions: Western Asia (ESCWA), Europe and Central Asia (UNECE), and Africa (UNECA).
Support to country programming provided through the funding mechanism (WiPF) will also be aligned with SDG 5 implementation.
Update Dec 2018
Key results on SDG 5.1.1b monitoring in 2018:
Improved global knowledge of women’s political participation at local level, by increasing the availability of comparable quality data on SDG indicator 5.5.1b on women’s representation in local government. UN Women, conducted the first global data compilation covering 167 countries and territories. The data compilation was undertaken with the support of the Statistics Divisions of UN Regional Commissions and it involved (a) building a sustainable partnership with the UN Regional Commissions, (b) development of data request forms customized for the organization of local government in 70 countries, and (c) quality checks and follow-ups on all responses received as of December 2018. Data reporting and quality checks are expected to continue in 2019.
Improved global knowledge on local government organization, through development and sharing of local government profiles with national stakeholders. As part of the work on SDG indicator 5.5. UN Women developed in 2018 40 additional profiles of local government organization by reviewing constitutions, local government acts and other relevant legislation. Furthermore, summaries of profiles and the list of relevant legislation on local government were shared, for validation, with statistical offices, as part of the quality assurance mechanism for the data compilation process.
Improved capacity among National Statistical Offices to measure and report data on women’s political participation at local level. This result was achieved through training and expert presentations in statistical fora, including (a) the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Gender Statistics (IAEG-GS) in the Arab Countries & Regional training workshop to improve use of existing data for monitoring gender equality and women’s empowerment (organized by ESCWA and Jordan Department of Statistics, 16-20 October 2018); (b) the UNSD/SIAP Training Workshop on Gender Statistics for SDG Indicators (targeting countries in Asia and the Pacific, 16 November 2018); and (c) the UN Women side event on Measuring women’s political participation using electoral administrative sources (organized at the 7th Global Forum on Gender Statistics, 16 November 2018).
Improved partnership and user-producer dialogue among national data stakeholders on SDG indicator 5.5.1b in Asia. A workshop dedicated to SDG indicator 5.5.1b, organized in collaboration with UN Women Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, brought together 20 representatives from Statistical Offices, Electoral Management Bodies, Women’s Ministries, and National Development Commissions in 6 Asian countries with elected local government (28 March 2018).
Increased knowledge among UN Women Regional and Country Offices on local government organization and the methodology of SDG indicator 5.5.1b was targeted through a UN Women-wide Webinar, induction sessions for colleagues in two regional offices (West and Central Africa and Latin America), involvement of regional offices (in Latin America and Asia-Pacific) in some of the activities conducted, and updates through the internal SDG knowledge portal.
Increased awareness on SDG indicator 5.5.1b among representatives of UN Member States, civil society organizations and UN entities through participation in a side event on women’s political participation at the sixty-second session of CSW (12-23 March 2018) organized by Mexico.
EGM on VAWP report available here:
Special Rapporteur’s report available here:
Continue to use the FPIs as the template for WPS and Humanitarian Action programming, thus aligning SPF support and overall programming with SDG targets. |
SPF Management Team (Technical Advisors and Programme Manager) and UN Women Offices receiving the SPF funds.
*SPF/HA: Extensive support provided to COs and ROs to align programming to FPIs and link to the SDGs.
The UN Women Strategic Plan (2018-2021) contributes to the SDG targets related to humanitarian and DRR, including target 11.5. The GIR programme accelerates the path towards realization of the SDGs through its emphasis on prevention and resilience, with a specific focus on targets 11.5 and 13.1.
*SPF/WPS: The UN Women Strategic Plan (2018-2021) highlights UN Women’s contribution to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development across all impact areas, including women, peace and security. At the working level, UN Women, Peace and Security has also aligned its annual work plan with that Flagship Programme on women’s engagement in peace, security and recovery, streamlining internal monitoring of activities, outputs, and outcomes towards the goal of more peaceful and gender equal societies. P/S interfaces with UNW country and regional offices weekly, providing integrated support. UNW P/S is currently exploring efficient and useful ways of capturing this support – both its scope and thematic content to provide relevant and timely support to RO/COs. These efforts are being streamlined through our Community of Practice focal point who has launched the WPS COP and continues to update a shared intranet platform with relevant normative frameworks, common questions, and soon to be released webinars on topics requested by country and regional offices. |