Management Response

: Moldova
: 2014 - 2017 , Moldova (CO)
: Country Portfolio Evaluation/ SN 2014-2017
: Moldova

Management has reviewed the recommendations within the CPE 2014-2017 and accepts them. The 2017 AWP have reflected partially some of the recommendations during its formulation. The recommendation will inform the elaboration of the next SN 2018-2022 and will be consulted during the co-creation process with the national and local stakeholders during the period January –June 2017. Management also expresses thanks to the evaluation team for the strategic recommendations and RO for the support provided during the conduct of the evaluation.

: Approved
Recommendation: The Country Office should apply the skills and processes that it has learned for co-design to the process of formulating the strategic note so as to strengthen national ownership, particularly among the Gender Equality Mechanism, State Chancellery, CSAG and UNCT
Management Response: The next strategic note for 2018-2022 will be co-created jointly with women from various groups and important stakeholders from local, regional and national level and.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Co creations events organized for Strategic Note 2018-2022 with women from various groups and important stakeholders from local, regional and national level UN Women CO 2017/09 Completed Strategic Note 2018-2022 after the co creations process and revision from the RO and HQ approved.
Recommendation: Future programming in each of the impact areas, and/or flagships, would benefit from being brought together at each level of intervention (macro, meso, micro) to address common ‘life-scenarios’ for rights holders and duty bearers in an integrated approach. At the community level, UN Women should target some of the most excluded groups to demonstrate the possibility for change even in the most difficult circumstances.
Management Response: When developing the new Strategic Note, an overarching Theory of Change for the country will be developed based on an integrated approach across all thematic areas. As per recommendation, the ‘life-scenarios’ is being applied for the elaboration and later, for the actual implementation of the SN. In terms of the targeting, MDA SN will continue its focus on the furthest left behind as per CPE recommendation.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
An overarching Theory of Change for the country will be developed based on an integrated approach across all thematic areas UN Women CO 2017/09 Completed Overarching Theory of Change for the new SN 2018-2022 developed. Uploaded to the RMS
MDA SN will continue its focus on the furthest left behind as per CPE recommendation UN Women CO 2017/09 Completed The new SN will placing special focus on those from marginalized, excluded and under-represented groups. These include rural women, Romani women, women with disabilities, women living with or affected by HIV, women survivors of violence, women migrants, elderly women and others.
Recommendation: Expand working relations with the policy teams in State Chancellery, leverage UN Women’s role as convenor of the Gender Donor Group, and strengthen partnerships with the EU and World Bank to advance gender mainstreaming (including GRB) in the Public Administration Reform process
Management Response: Country Office will continue cooperation with State Chancellery with an increased focus on engendering major national development policy (National Development Strategy 2030) and ensure Public Reform Agenda is impacting women and men alike.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Contribute to alignment of National Development Strategy 2030 to SDG gender equality commitments UN Women CO 2018/06 Completed The national HR and gender equality consultant (paid by UN Women CO ) helped the State Chancellery initiative to evaluate the NDS Moldova 2020 and the elaboration of the new NDS Moldova 2030. The evaluation report issued by the Government looked at the gender issues and state that the NDS was gender neutral and a lot off gender dis-aggregated data are missing within the document. The recommendations for the next NDS to be more gender sensitive were provided and the new NDS will be defined by March 2018. The draft NDS Moldova 2030 under consultation process. UNCT supported the Government in elaboration of the NDS. The UN Women provided comments and suggestion to the content and to the monitoring and evaluation framework. Thus 12 gender sensitive indicators are part of the performance indicators to be used for Monitoring the results of NDS implementations. The indicators will measure the women participation in the decision making process (in Parliament,local governance, public service, justice sector); gender pay gap; gender parity in tertiary education; maternal mortality; adolescent birth rate; the incidence of physical and sexual violence; rate of reporting from victims of violence.
Provide support to State Chancellery on testing a new model of gender sensitive public service provision as part of the bigger reform agenda UN Women CO 2018/06 Completed Service providers from 3 pilot districts (Dubasari, Calarasi, Rezina) have knowledge in applying Design Thinking approach in (re)designing of public services at local level. Center for Electronic Governance (e-Gov) considers the 3 pilot districts (Dubasari, Calarasi, Rezina) as potential candidates for piloting CUPS based on JIBS model. A regional Forum on innovations in Governance: making progress in achieving the SDGs , held in 14-16 November. The aim of the forum was to present best practices, experiences and models on public services delivery. UN Women presented innovative tools, such as: co-creation, positive deviance and design thinking alike processes to make public services more citizen-oriented. The Government undertakes a multilayered reform that focuses on key administrative central government public services to reduce time and burden for citizens and businesses and improve service delivery quality, transparency and efficiency by using innovative solutions and ICT. One of Its key pillars are related to i) modernization of the public services so that they are more accessible to any citizen and business. UN Women support the ethnographic research of public services which will be considered on the modernization of public services under the Unified Public Services centers (CUPS) pilots.
Continue co-leading donors group on gender and mobilize development partners to increase efforts and funding for gender equality, including strengthening partnership for GRB. UN Women CO 2017/12 Completed UN Women CO co-lead donors group om gender during 2017. A dedicated donors meeting took place during the Q4. As a follow up of the last Board meeting of the regional GRB project ( from October 2016) a new financing agreement was signed between UN Women and ADA (Austrian Development Agency) for the implementation of a programm during 2017-2018 "promoting Gender Responsive Policies in South East Europe"
Continuous, with donors meeting co-lead twice per year UN Women CO 2018/12 No Longer Applicable Due to the structural modification within the Government on aid coordination mechanism the sectorial donors meeting at the level on Ministry of Health, Labour and Social Protection is not more relevant. The Ministry of Finance is teh coordinator of the financial aid and the State Chancellary is coordinating the technical support from donor community.
Recommendation: Apply lessons from WiP and CSAG to nurture a WEE network and ecosystem of private sector gender champions, including women social entrepreneurs, private businesses committed to the WEPs, social financing intermediaries, and business development services. Leverage this community to advocate for structural reforms to the economy to tackle barriers to decent work for women and marginalized groups
Management Response: Women’s economic empowerment will remain a priority thematic area of the new SN of UN Women in Moldova and the work in this area will be further expanded in the next SN 5-year period
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Work on WEP will be further expanded to capitalize on the existing positive experience of WEP signatories and other private sector companies. UN Women CO 2017/12 Completed Under the SN Outcome Area 2: Women have income security, decent work and economic autonomy UN CO will continue identifying champions among private sector companies that promote women’s increased access to economic opportunities promoting best practices through the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs)
Recommendation: Prototype community-level approaches to connecting prevention and response services for GBV to economic empowerment, leadership support, and education systems by building on the legacy of JISBs and the potential of e Governance. Use the opportunities that this prototyping creates to generate structured demand for graduates of GirlsGoIT and other women programmers.
Management Response: UN Women Moldova Country Office will continue working with partners to build on existing results of the innovation prototypes to bridge economic and education opportunities with leadership initiatves and the experience of positive champions
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Advanced innovation prototyps will be tested UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed The pilots project implemented in 2016 continuous the advanced innovation during 2017.
Recommendation: Convene a virtual media lab to apply innovation and action research techniques to influencing popular discourse and attitudes among selected target groups; especially groups that may not access mainstream media, such as rural areas and young people.
Management Response: CO will target specific groups such as Roma women, women with special needs, rural women, violence survivors, women in decision making processes by disseminating success stories and information (printed and video) and by organizing discussions in local communities with the participation of successful women from similar groups who will share good practices
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Advocacy, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
CO will increase work with local media to reach women and men in rural communities. Use social media friendly approach to target youth, and increased use of Odnoklassniki, the most popular social media platform in Moldova UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed CO continuously promoted its key messages on GE and WHR on social media. The number of social media followers increased from 4180 to 4710 on Facebook in Q4. CO video content on Facebook was most popular: 15,000 minutes of videos viewed, a 83.6% increase from Q3; and 35,000 video views, 198% from Q3. The number of followers on Twitter increased from 716 to 807. CO content reached 141.7K impressions on its twitter account in Q4.
Recommendation: Consolidate the central theory of change for the next strategic note around movement building and organisational outflanking: prioritize the establishment of capabilities that enable UN Women and gender advocates to access, analyze and use more relevant data more quickly to support tactical decision making. Work with gender focal persons from agencies such as the Military Academy to bring different types of knowledge and experience into the social change space
Management Response: The next SN will be guided by the central ToC, one of core element of which will be movement building and organizational outflanking
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Advocacy, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, UN Coordination, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
A series of high level dialogues will be organized to bring the voices and positive experiences of rights holders and duty bearers on theory of change which will served as a basses for next strategic note UN WOMEN CO 2017/10 Completed The new SN 2018-2022 approved (the full text in RMS)
UN Women Moldova country office will also continue consolidating national capacities for evidenced based decision making, using new layers of data UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed Data sets for decision making at the following links:,
Recommendation: Renew and revitalize coordination mechanisms, in particular the Gender Theme Group and the Gender Donor Coordination Group. Given the relatively small community of actors in Moldova, consider integrating multiple groups (including GTG, donors and CSAG) into a single Extended Gender Theme Group based on the positive experience of countries such as Tajikistan.
Management Response: UN Women will continue exercising its coordination role for GE within UN, development partners and civil society by exercising a single extended GTG as per recommendation from evaluation
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will continue exercising its coordination role for GE within UN, development partners and civil society by exercising a single extended GTG as per recommendation from January 2018. UN WOMEN CO 2018/12 Completed The GTG meetings took place on February and April 2018. The updates from agencies on funds and work related to gender equality shared and agree on further thematic gender focused discussion to be undertaken in sub-groups. The first thematic sub-group on GBV, under the UN Women lead, meet on May 16th to updates and inform each other’s on the work related to Gender based violence (GBV). 5 meetings of GTG conveyed during the year. The issues covered by the groups relates to: combating the violence against women, including 16 days of activism; gender equality and human rights related topics in education; well-being and safety of women in Moldova; National reporting to the International structures on GE (CEDAW); common stands in the UNCT to advance GEWE in the country.
Recommendation: Continue to build on the legacy of Joint Programmes with UNDP and other entities (JILDP, WiP, Statistics) using the opportunity of the Swedish grant to initiate collaboration in new spaces such as EVAW (with UNFPA, UNICEF, IOM, and UNODC).
Management Response: As part of the developemnt of the new SN, UN Women Moldova will co-develop a Country Theory of Change on GEWE, including EVAW, which will servce as bais for joint UN initiatves
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women Moldova will co-develop a Country Theory of Change on GEWE, including EVAW, which will servce as bais for joint UN initiatves UN WOMEN CO 2017/06 Completed The Theory of Change of the new SN include the impact area 3 on EVAW. (
Recommendation: Apply the innovation approach to UN Women Moldova’s own internal systems, processes and relationships. Identify, acknowledge and address the unique dynamics of UN Women Moldova’s approach, and ensure that all staff roles share equitably in the demands and benefits of innovation. Document the lessons and evidence from this process to present to UN Women HQ in support of recommendations for improving the efficiency and effectiveness of operations procedures
Management Response: UN Women CO will continue applying and sharing the innovation
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women Moldoca CO will continues applying innovation including related working space, and start testing new tools/techniques for operation processes UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed The CO has made considerable progress in standardizing operational protocols such as on travel management, low value transactions and segregation of management lines in procurement. Procurement management was strengthened, with procurement plans fully linked to and based on Annual Work Plans, embedded into operations processes and closely monitored. According to the Security Compliance Survey (SCS) the country SCS score is at the level of 99.7 per cent ( The new premises (the team moved in October 2017) are compliant with United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) requirements in terms of security. All UN Women staff and personnel have passed mandatory security training and are included in the UN Moldova security system as part of UNCT and the Security Management Team.
UN Women Moldova CO will share its innovation in operations experience with other office in the regions and HQ UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed Operations experience shared with the UN Women Office in Ankara, Turkey during three month of detailed assignment of MDA operation manager. Innovation and operation experiences was presented during the UN Women Executive Board meeting, field mission of the Executive Director of UN Women and regional representative to Moldova. Facebook, twitter page and HQ/RO newsletter used for dissemination of Moldova CO experiences.
Recommendation: Continue to strengthen UN Women’s independent communications capacity in addition to cooperation with the UN system capacity under Delivering as One. Study the international experiences of Global Citizen, One, More United, and political groups in building a ‘standing army’ of citizen activists that can be engaged in support of specific campaigns and actions. Focus UN Women’s communications campaigns around a few key messages – such as HeForShe and 16 Days of Action – to avoid dilution and confusion
Management Response: UN Women CO has extended its communication capacities as part of its recently developed country communication strategy, and continuosly building communications capacities of the entire UN Women Moldova team
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
CO will carry out community mobilization initiatives for causes such as HeforShe, Ending Violence against women, local development, and increased women’s activism. UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed campaign on ending violence under the 16 days of activism in combating violence against women and girls (November-December 2017) mobilizes communities.
CO will launch UN Women Moldova’s website in 2017 and create new social media accounts for having more control of our communications channels UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed The last technical issues addressed and at the beginning of 2018 the website will be launched
Recommendation: Combine the social and political capital of UN Women’s previous support to data and statistics, eGov and GRB into a single flagship positioned as the backbone of the strategic note. Provide targeted support to join-the-dots between administrative data, national reporting on the SDGs, enhanced service provision and gender responsive budgeting in local authorities, and generation of evidence for policy advocacy. Connect with the global flagship on data and statistics to open up new funding streams, building on evidence of UN Moldova’s existing commitment to innovation
Management Response: The recommendation will be taken into account during the planning and implementation of the next SN
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The social inclusion budgeting and new data collection tools will be piloted during the SN implementation UN WOMEN CO 2018/12 Completed Capacities building program for 23 gender focal points, members of the Gender coordination groups within five line ministries (MHLSP, MF, MEI, MARDE, MECR) and State Chancellery was provided. 20 CSOs, of which 12 from Chisinau and 8 from rayon/localities (30 participants, including 29 women and 1 men), have been trained to serve as budget watchdogs at local level as part of the first UN Women training program on Gender Budget Watchdog Reporting. The joint UNCT project under implementation to support national statistical system to prepare for SDG monitoring. Gender sensitive data was collected within NBS survey on enterprises regarding the entrepreneurial activity; 3 analytical notes drafted on topics: women entrepreneurs in ICT, ICT access and use by the population, innovation and R&D.
Recommendation: Apply UN Women’s innovation approach to strengthening to structure and agency of the Gender Equality Mechanism. Establish a facility within the Gender Equality Mechanism, or elsewhere, for ex ante gender assessment of policies, strategies and regulations. Explore means to incentive integration of recommendations from these assessments, through either reference to the legal framework or tools such as a gender equality seal.
Management Response: This is one of the priorities of the new National Strategy for Gender Equality 2017-2020 and CO will work closely with national counterparts to provide support for the achievement of this objective
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
CO will explore means for incentivizing the gender mainstreaming of policies and pilot it at the central and local level. UN WOMEN CO 2018/12 Completed CO continue to enhance capacity of national stakeholders ( central public authorities and CSOs ) on gender mainstreaming of policies. Training provided as well as curricula elaborated to be institutionalized within the Public Administration Academy for public servants. A concept note proposed to the EU Delegation in Moldova for the implementation of a project with an overall objective: Women and children rights in targeted districts are fully protected and respected by local stakeholders. The Action Fiches seeks to identify, support and promote the implementation of gender mainstreaming in local public administrations, which are already undertaking concrete measures to advance gender equality and which are willing to take this commitment further and become role models for other local authorities. The project proposal elaboration is ongoing and have to be presented for the next steps beginning of 2019.
Recommendation: Continue and strengthen work with Civil Society and Public Authorities on self-led gender mainstreaming. Use the strategic note to lay out UN Women’s long-term vision for the gender equality movement in Moldova, including the relationship between CSAG, the Gender Equality Platform, other civil society platforms and CALM.
Management Response: UN Women’s next SN will continue focusing on strengthening the CSOs by identifying and building networking among the positive deviants/champions and their collaboration with well established CSO Organizations and Public Authorities, including those from GEP, CALM and others
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women CO will identify and build networking among the positive deviants/champions and their collaboration with well established CSO Organizations and Public Authorities, including those from GEP, CALM and others UN WOMEN CO 2018/12 Completed A national consultant was hired to support 15 selected multidisciplinary teams from 5 districts in improving intervention services to prevent and combat domestic violence in their communities. “Mapping of the services for women and girls survivors of domestic violence” with 15 services available at local level, was elaborated with the participation of 88 grassroots service providers (including 60 women and 28 men) and representatives of NGOs. Around 11 survivors of domestic violence from Drochia district participated in a testing of peer-to-peer workshop (November 29, 2018) focused on co-creation of a set of tools for women positive champions that will be used for their work with other women and girls affected by domestic violence. The activities are the continuation of the process of Positive Champions engagement into different co-creation activities, which was initiated on 2016;
Recommendation: Fully apply UN Women’s new corporate risk management system, paying particular attention to the unique aspects of UN Women Moldova’s innovation approach – especially a strategy for future transition of the Country Office leadership
Management Response: The recommendations is accepted and UN Women CO will fully comply to it.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The CO risk management plan will be updated according the new corporate system UN WOMEN CO 2017/12 Completed The CO risk management plan updated and uploaded to the corporate system.