Management Response

: Albania
: 2017 - 2021 , Albania (CO)
: Evaluation of the SN 2017-2021
: Albania

The Albania CO fully concurs with the CPE report and would like to acknowledge the IES for coordinating and implementing the Country Portfolio Evaluation. The CPE exercise was instrumental in distilling key lessons learned from the implementation of the current Strategic Note 2017-2021, and for informing the new SN 2022-2026. The CPE was highly consultative and drew fully on available data and evidence to identify its key findings and elaborate recommendations to the CO. The present management response to the CPE builds on and is consistent with the overall approach presented in the new SN and endorsed through the regional technical review and global PRG process.

: Approved
Recommendation: The Country Office should focus the next Strategic Note with a clear theory of change that maintains its systems approach and introduces an agenda for advancing visibility, leadership and impact.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation and will work with the ECA RO to ensure that the finding of the CPE will be reflected in the ToC of the new SN for UN Women Albania (2022-2026). The UN Women Country Office is uniquely positioned to build on its existing strengths to tackle the structural causes of gender inequality, and to address persisting discriminatory practices in Albania. The ToC that underpins the new SN unpacks the unique contributions that UN Women brings to the implementation of the new UNSDCF 2022-2026. These include its unique comparative advantage to: 1) support the translation of gender international norms and standards and the EU gender equality acquis into national policies and legislation; 2) influence gender responsive governance systems and sustainable financing for gender equality across sectors, including through strengthened gender responsive budgeting and improved gender statistics; 3) promote a strong feminist agenda to transform social norms, challenge gender stereotypes, and ending violence against women, including through its work with women civil society organisations at central and local levels and; 4) introduce a gender lens across programmatic interventions and sectoral areas, ensure the application of the LNOB approach, and nurture synergies amongst its programme areas as well as with other partners and UN agencies. In full compliance with the UNSDCF (2022-2026), UN Women SP (2022-2026), international commitments, and national priorities, UN Women Albania aims to advance gender equality and women empowerment in the country through holistic and sustainable interventions in collaboration and in support to government institutions and grassroot organizations and feminist activists. The CO will leverage UN Women’s normative mandate to strengthen GEWE legislation and policies, to improve institutional capacities to implement international commitments, and to promote positive social norms around gender equality. Programmatic work, including different levels of interventions and thematic areas, contribute to the overall intended impact of the SN so that “All women and girl in Albania fully enjoy and exercise their human rights, in a gender equal society and meaningfully contribute to the country’s sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development and EU integration.” Adopting a LNOB across its outcome areas, the SN promote redressing disadvantage, countering stigma and violence, transforming social and institutional structures, fostering participation and social inclusion. The CO has identified and adopted an intersectional approach to its programmatic work to address the needs of those most marginalized and vulnerable, such as disabled women and men, LGBTI persons, elderly persons, and Roma and Egyptian women and men.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Sustainability, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
ToC workshop for CO team to kick start SN preparation and develop new ToC aligned to UNSDCF 2022-2026 CO with support from ECA RO planning and coordination specialist 2021/06 Completed
Elaborate new approach to ToC in new SN narrative CO Program Team 2021/11 Completed ECA RO/HQ technical review of new SN praised CO for strong oriented ToC underpinning the new country program
TOC is reviewed as part of SN quality assurance from RO and HQ PRG RO and HQ 2021/11 Completed Final PRG review held on 15 November 2021 with endorsement of ToC and full SN proposed approach
Recommendation: The Country Office, in concert with the Resident Coordinator, should develop a strategy to maintain UN Women’s strong position in the UNCT and to continue supporting the meaningful contributions of UN Women to United Nations Joint Programmes.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation. The CO will continue to be a key member of the UN Country Team, supporting the Resident Coordinator’s efforts to strengthen the overall strategic positioning of the UN system in Albania as a key partner for sustainable development. It will ensure that gender remains central to the agenda of the UNCT, leading on the development of relevant joint analysis, policy positions and advocacy, on the design and implementation of UN interventions that prioritize gender equality and the empowerment of women, and on advancing UN accountability on gender mainstreaming. The SN, its theory of change and results framework will be fully aligned to the new CF 2022-2026. Through a dedicated outcome level result and the integration of gender outputs and indicators across other CF outcomes, the UN in Albania has adopted a twin track approach to gender equality and empowerment of women that is consistent with relevant QCPR guidance and ECOSOC resolutions, providing a window of opportunity to help Albania consolidate and accelerate progress on SDG 5 and other SDG gender-related targets, also in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and related UN SERP. UN Women has made a rigorous effort to identify and distil key comparative advantages that it brings in the context of the new Cooperation Framework. Building on the history of Delivering as One in Albania, the CO will keep leveraging pooled funding mechanisms (both locally and at global level), to promote greater programmatic coherence and to expand its programmatic footprint. UN Women will lead and coordinate the EU4GE joint action (with UNFPA) that aims to strengthen governance structures and practices in central and local level institutions for the implementation of EU gender equality acquis, and to ensure effective gender mainstreaming in the new National Strategy on Sustainable Development and Integration, as well as in other sectoral strategies and actions plans. Joint interventions and approaches will continue on LNOB (with UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA), Economic empowerment of rural women (with FAO) and on EVAW (with UNDP and UNFPA). The CO also aims to scale up joint actions with UNHCR, IOM, and other UN agencies in the area of mixed migration. The CO will continue to lead the UN Gender Thematic Results Group (GTRG), whose functions and set up have been validated in view of the new CF. The GTRG will implement the UNCT SWAP Scorecard and workplan, design and roll out joint advocacy campaigns, and serve as a UN policy conversation platform on key issues and challenges that stand in the way of gender equality and the empowerment of women. The Group will also support more systematic review of joint programs where UN Women is not a PUNO to ensure adequate gender mainstreaming, and work with other inter-agency groups on areas of common interest (e.g. UN Association, UN Youth Advisory Group, Joint Communication Group, PSEA TF and UNOMT).
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Ensure gender equality updates from the GTRG are a standing item on UNCT agenda Country Representative 2023/01 Completed GEWE updates are regularly shared with the UNCT. This practice is continuing in 2023.
Develop and circulate to key policy makers a UN Joint Position paper on accelerating gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls in Albania Country Representative/GTRG 2022/01 Completed Joint paper also recirculated to new Speaker of parliament following Parliamentary Elections and new Deputy Prime Minister in his capacity of national gender coordinator
Ensure strategic engagement of the RC and UNCT in prioritizing gender equality and the empowerment of women in the new UNSDCF and related JWPs, and in the development of the new SN Country Representative Head of Program Team 2022/03 Completed UNSDCF includes a GEWE-dedicated outcome and GEWE is mainstreamed across other outputs and outcomes of the CF. The following JWPs benefitted directly from UNW’s inputs: • 2.1 on employment and skills development • 2.2 on sustainable and resilient economic growth and green and blue economy transition • 2.3 on innovation • 2.5 on DRR • 3.1 on access to justice • 3.2 on good governance- UN Women chairs this output • 3.3 on data and evidence • 3.6 on migration and asylum • Output 4.1 on VAWG • Output 4.2 on social norms • Output 4.3 on GRB • Output 4.4 on GEWE machinery • Output 4.5 on women’s political participation UN Women is also co-chair of the gender-dedicated outcome of the CF, outcome 4, together with UNFPA.
Ensure UNJPs continue to represent at least 30% of CO’s programme portfolio in the next BWP Country Representative 2022/01 Completed Based on current estimated, the 2022 budget for Joint Programmes will be at 28% of the total programme budget (noncore and part of core funds). This percentage increases to 47% when considering the GREAT project, being implemented by UN Women and FAO as Implementing Partner. In addition, second tranches are expected to flow for the GREAT project; the Joint Programme with UNFPA on EU 4 Gender Equality, and the UN Joint Programme on Leaving No One Behind. Update as of November 2023: UN JPs continue to represent a significant portion of the CO portfolio (over 40% in 2024).
Conduct a capacity assessment of UN staff on gender mainstreaming with a view to foster integration of gender perspectives across the new UNSDCF 2022-2026 Head of Program/GTRG 2022/04 Completed A Capacity and Learning Needs Assessment was launched on 2nd February 2022 jointly by the RCO and UN Women on behalf of the GTRG. 63% of UN personnel in Albania took the survey and a report on the findings and a draft capacity development plan were completed in late March 2022. The GTRG, under the leadership of UN Women and RCO, finalized the capacity development plan in Q2 2022, and the plan started to be immediately implemented. To date, the following learning sessions were organized: 1. Circulation of the ‘I Know Gender’ module to all personnel in operations, finance and procurement 2. M&E and gender data training, conducted in Q1 2023 3. Gender responsive communications and unconscious bias, conducted in Q4 2023 In 2024, a session on gender analysis and gender data will be planned.
Develop and roll out a UNCT gender checklist for UN Joint Programmes Head of Program/GTRG 2022/04 Completed The Gender equality screening tool for Joint Programmes has been finalized and will be launched by UN Women and the RCO in late March 2022. The tool will be piloted during 2022 as soon as a new JP is being designed in UN Albania and will be continuously adjusted/improved on the basis of feedback and needs, and in line with the latest guidance in Joint Programmes being developed by the UN Development Coordination Office. In addition, the UN JP Screening tool has been identified as a best practice that can be replicated by offices around the world as part of the UNCT SWAP requirements for Performance Indicator 2.1. In particular the tool was presented in UNCT Serbia, during workshops and meetings amongst UNCTs in Asia Pacific, UNCT Kenya and UNCT Georgia.
Recommendation: The Country Office should build an innovative culture in the office and in the development of its upcoming Strategic Note, including in relation to UN Women’s gender equality and women’s empowerment coordination mandate within the United Nations system.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation. The CO has made full use of the finding and lessons learned from the CPE and other key evaluations in framing and developing the new SN for the period 2022-2026. In order to maximize ownership and promote innovation, the CO has made a deliberate choice to prepare the new SN without resorting to any external expertise. As confirmed by the CPE, the CO’s strong cross-programmatic synergies and integrated approaches proved effective in ensuring impact and sustainability of efforts, and helped keep a strong alignment with the SDGs, UNSDCF outcomes and GoA priorities. Such synergies will be further consolidated and expanded including by developing cross-thematic approaches to advance culture change, tackle discriminatory social norms and shift public discourse on the role of women and men in Albania. The CO specifically aims to draw on its participation in the innovation boot camp in the context of the ECA RO gender equality innovation lab, and to test innovative approaches to its interventions in the area of EVAW, by promoting enhanced participation of VAW survivors in programme supported strategies and activities. In response to two major shocks that hit the country in the past two years (the November 2019 earthquake and the COVID-19 pandemic) the Country Office was able to quickly readjust its programme implementation modality, using its expertise and knowledge across thematic areas to provide evidence based technical advice on gendered issues to national partners involved in the emergency response, as well as by strengthening the capacity of local CSOs to continue offering essential services in the new environment. The CO continues to be a key member of the UNCT, leads the gender outcome of the new CF as well as the UN GTRG, and cochairs the donor coordination group Gender, jointly with Sweden.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Innovation and technology
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
All CO personnel contribute to CPE exercise, are fully informed of and understand new corporate programmatic requirements and priorities as reflected in the new corporate SP and guidance for the development of the new SN/BWPs CO SMT – All CO 2022/01 Completed CO sessions with CPE team, participation in global conversations around the SP, dedicated sessions on new SN with ECA RO
Innovative approaches of involving survivors of VAW are tested through the UNJP on EVAW in Albania and the UN Women project on supporting the implementation of Istanbul Convention in the WB Head of Program Relevant project managers 2023/01 Completed In the context of the new JP on EVAW, the CO is placing a stronger focus on engagement of men and boys and working with perpetrators as innovative ways to address and tackle GBV/EVAW.
CO fully participates in the forthcoming evaluation of UNJP on EVAW in Albania, to make sure future collaborative engagement of the UN in Albania on GBV draws on a solid body of evidence and lessons learned, identifying innovative approaches to accelerate results Head of Program Relevant project managers 2022/10 Completed UNW actively and fully participated in the evaluation of the JP on EVAW in Albania, which was led by UNDP, with contributions from the CO as well as from the regional evaluation specialist. UN Women contributed to the evaluation by: i. Ensuring that key stakeholders were part of the evaluation, including women’s CSO that are UNW partners and beneficiaries as well as other key stakeholders that partnered with UNW during the JP (including relevant municipalities, police, state institutions) ii. Taking part in the evaluation’s interviews iii. Reviewing and shared feedback on the draft evaluation report iv. Validating the final evaluation report v. Contributing to the development of the Management Response vi. Presenting key findings of the evaluation at the Evaluation Reference Group in July 2022 UNW is already using and leveraging the findings of the JP Evaluation to design the new phase of the JP, for which UNW will be the leading agency. In addition, the new JP’s design will aim to implement the commitments that the implementing agencies have made in the context of the evaluation’s management response.
Recommendation: The Country Office should find ways to build the capacity of its personnel in flagship areas as well as in new and emerging topics in gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation. UN Women Albania personnel capacity has been a key of its historic high operational performance, demonstrated through consistent compliance with all operational results benchmarks and recognized across UN Women business units and departments, as well as UN agencies and other partners. In the context of UN Women ongoing change management efforts, continuing to invest in capacity development and strengthening of the CO is an important element of the overall right sizing approach, although there is not clarity on how further enhancement in CO capacity should be resourced. As pointed out in the CPE, the CO has recently gone through a significant increase in its number of personnel, thanks to successful resource mobilization in several programmatic areas, including gender responsive post-earthquake/COVID 19 actions, as well as women rural economic empowerment and gender responsive governance for the implementation of EU GE acquis. Sustaining CO capacity to perform key functions is also a priority, especially as there aren’t any core resources expected to be available in the short to medium term. This includes areas such as monitoring and reporting, UN coordination and data statistics. The CO will continue to rely on existing mechanism such as the UNV and JPO programs, UN Women internships, staff exchanges and detailed assignments to support its work in this area, and to also expand capacity in emerging areas, such as youth, climate change and women economic empowerment. CO will also continue to diligently take advantage of capacity building opportunities that are available within the Organization (both in RO and HQ) through its existing CoPs and knowledge networks across key impact areas.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
CO Annual Learning Plan includes project management training courses for all relevant personnel, as well as learning opportunities in relevant substantive programmatic areas Operation Manager 2022/04 Completed CO Annual Learning Plan completed
Field new JPO to support CO on program development, UN Coordination and partnerships Operation Manager 2022/01 Completed
Reactivate CO internship program Operation Manager 2022/07 Completed Internship programme effectively reactivated as of May 2022 with an intern on board for 4 months. Ever since, the CO has hosted 4 interns since February 2024, respecting the principle of diversity and hosting interns for periods from 4 to 6 months.
Recommendation: The Country Office should develop a more strategic approach to resource mobilization.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation. Albania is an upper middle-income country with a limited funding base to support development cooperation. Main opportunities for financial support derive from the EU accession process through the EUD to Albania, and with few (mostly EU member) countries providing bilateral development assistance, including Germany, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, the UK and USA. The CPE has confirmed that a new strategic approach to resource mobilization and long-term internal sustainability is already underway as part of the overall resource mobilization and planning for the new SN. The CO will continue to work to identify opportunities for diversified resource mobilization that build on donor priorities, on UN Women global strategic direction, and on the CO’s key comparative advantages. A UNCT joint resource mobilization strategy was developed in 2020 and will be reviewed and updated in early 2022, following the adoption of the new CF and related Funding Framework. UN Women will further detail its resource mobilization strategy and actions plan as needed, following the finalization of the joint UNCT approach, to which it will actively participate. The CO aims to consolidate and further enhance the positive results achieved in the last part of the existing SN with regards to increasing its financial resources. Key elements that will inform the CO strategic approach include the following: 1) leveraging the UN Albania SDG Acceleration Fund for continued access to a fair share of resources for development and implementation of JPs, and for ensuring that government cost sharing commitments to the Fund also address resource gaps for gender mainstreaming in the CF; 2) work with the UNRCO and other UNCT members to tap into opportunities from other global pooled funding mechanisms (e.g. the SDG Global Fund, the Peace Building Fund etc.); 3) Draw on global flagship programs (e.g. MEWGC) and ECARO resource mobilization efforts to address cross boundaries development challenges in the Western Balkans (e.g. on WPS, WEE, Digitalization etc.); 4) continue to expand its donor base and seek a diversified approach to funding, including by pursuing opportunities for unearmarked funding to the new SN; 5) reinforce partnerships with the private sector. UN Women will also pursue funding opportunities for horizontal positions such as monitoring, reporting and evaluation, UN coordination and data. A UN Youth volunteer funded by Switzerland is currently serving in the CO until February, while a JPO supported by Italy will enter on duty before the end of 2021.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Resource mobilization
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Actively engage in the development of the new UNCT RM strategy and related implementation through the UN Joint TF on RM Country Representative Head of Program 2022/07 Completed UNW actively engaged in the development of the new RM Strategy and the Head of Programme has been part of the UNCT RM Taskforce. UNW actively engaged in the development of the UNCT RM strategy including by taking part in a dedicated taskforce. The strategy is currently being rolled out and the CO also secured funding for the SN from Sida and Italy, and expanding the partnership with the private sector through the WEPs.
Develop a new CO RM strategy and action plan and update it as needed on an annual basis Country Representative Head of Program 2022/01 Completed A new RM strategy and action plan was prepared as part of the new SN package. It will be updated as needed drawing on the new UNCT RM strategy and as part of AWP/BWP preparation.
Organise donor’s visits to the field to showcase CO’s results Representative, Project Managers, CO Communications team 2026/12 Completed Embassies of Sweden, France and Spain joined ESD bus tour in November 2021. In 2023, SDC visit to LNB project site. More to be planned in 2024 including on EVAW JP. Engaging the donor coordination group on gender for normative and intergovernmental work supported by UN Women (CEDAW, CSW, B+30) as well as 16-days and IWD campaigns. UN JP EVAW Steering Committee went on project field visit in May 2024.
Recommendation: The Country Office should continue to work with the national and local governments to drive towards a sustainable model for the gender machinery in Albania.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation. Promoting and supporting a functioning gender machinery in the country is a key concern and objective for the CO and the larger UNCT. The CO has identified a specific output level result in the SN 2022-2026 to ensure that ‘National Gender Machinery and public administration at central and local levels, public oversight institutions and CSOs have increased capacities to support, design and monitor implementation of international and national commitments and EU priorities for gender equality’. This intervention represents a key contribution to the UNSDCF Outcomes result according to which ‘By 2026, all persons contribute to, gender-responsive governance that strengthens equality and non-discrimination, promotes women’s empowerment and human rights, and reduces violence against women and children.’ The Albania CO will leverage its mandate and unique expertise to further the country’s normative framework and policy environment for women’s human rights. The CO will enhance the capacities of the national gender machinery, oversight institutions and civil society organizations to monitor and report on progress towards achievement of GEWE commitments. This includes Albania’s upcoming CEDAW reporting, UNSCR 1325, UPR, the SDGs as well as EU priorities for gender equality. In light of the Beijing+30 progress review, the CO will engage with its governmental and non-governmental partners to take stock of progress and identify strategic priorities for GEWE in line with other international commitments. To integrate international normative frameworks and standards on GEWE (including the EU GE acquis) the CO will identify and address gaps in the national legislative and policy framework for gender equality and women’s empowerment. The CO will also continue to ensure the sustainability of the Monitoring Network Against Gender-Based Violence, a platform of 50 CSOs established in 2018. It should be noted however that decisions on the institutional set up and related coordination mechanisms to ensure policy direction and implementation to the GEEW agenda are beyond the scope of the CO.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership, Oversight/governance, Advocacy, South-South cooperation
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Impact, Gender equality, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Engage with key development partners (Sida, EUD) in high-level dialogue with government representatives to advocate for a strengthened national GE mechanism. Representative, Head of programmes 2023/01 Completed Joint UN Position paper on amendments on the GE Law was finalized and was distributed to development partners and members of the donor coordination group on gender in Q1 2023. In addition, UN Women facilitated dialogue between Sida, EUD and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection regarding the importance to continue strengthen the national gender equality mechanism, in the context of discussions held at the Development Partner Coordination Group on Gender, co-chaired by Sida and UN Women. As highlighted in the meeting minutes, the EUD "shared concerns regarding the insufficient human resources of the GE structure at the ministry and related budget allocation. Despite efforts from the EU and other donor partners through the EU4GE programme, challenges remain in the capacities for gender mainstreaming in policy sectors that are not traditionally gender-sensitive. The EU Delegation highlighted persisting lack of gender mainstreaming in the national strategies that are being developed by GoA, while expectations from EUD and other partners are high in ensuring that all strategies include and respond to the needs of women and girls". UN Women and partners will continue following up on these discussions through dedicated meetings. The CEDAW Concluding Observations, issued in October 2023, also highlight the need to amend and update the Gender Equality law, which would include also an adjustment and strengthening of the gender equality machinery. The GoA is expected to report in 2025 on this specific concluding observation and UN Women, jointly with partners, will continue support the GoA in implementing the CEDAW recommendation. During 2024, UN Women has supported the GoA to amend the GEL including stronger provisions for the gender equality machinery, and its role in gender mainstreaming across all government policies and programmes.
UN Women will ensure to address sustainability of national gender machinery, including through UNSDCF JWP that it leads Head of Programme 2022/01 Completed CF JWPs have been finalized and signed by GoA and Output 4.4 focuses on strengthening national gender equality mechanisms.
Recommendation: The Country Office should develop a cross-thematic approach to culture change and shifting social discourse on the roles of women and men in Albania.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation. As noted by the CPE, the CO’s strong cross-programmatic synergies and integrated approaches proved effective in ensuring impact and sustainability of efforts. Such synergies will be further consolidated and expanded by the CO including by developing cross-thematic approaches to advance culture change, tackle discriminatory social norms and shift public discourse on the role of women and men in Albania. The new SN 2022-2026 features an output level result that focuses on ensuring that ‘Influential leaders, communities, men and boys, women and girls have improved knowledge and capacities to address harmful norms, stereotypes, and behaviors that drive VAWG and gender discrimination, with an intersectional lens.’ This intervention directly contributes to the CF outcome result of according to which ‘By 2026, all persons contribute to, gender-responsive governance that strengthens equality and non-discrimination, promotes women’s empowerment and human rights, and reduces violence against women and children’. The CO will promote positive social norms and relationships that counter deeply rooted inequalities that justify and normalize violence. It will engage with men and boys, women and girls, feminist activists, and the media to address harmful norms and stereotypes. It will also continue engagement of faith leaders, as key allies and interlocutors for change in the community. Cultural change will be addressed in schools through resilience building approaches such as Empowerment Through Self-Defense (ESD). The CO will also target youth through the Peace Building Fund action for the Western Balkans on strengthening the role of youth in promoting constructive narratives, respect for diversity, and trust, with focus on supporting social movements and actors to address toxic masculinities, hate speech and social cohesion. Working with youth intends to help them gain confidence in the future through active participation and contribution to Albanian society, enhancing their trust in public institutions and countering the negative population growth in the country.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Youth engagement, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Human Rights, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Include a specific result in the UNSDCF and CO SN on promoting culture change and shifting social discourse on the roles of women and men in Albania. Representative, Head of Program 2022/01 Completed
Develop a strategy that supports the introduction of innovative approaches to promoting culture change Head of Program and relevant project managers 2023/01 Completed The CO has included elements of culture change in its programming. For example, the PBF-funded regional project includes a regional awareness raising campaign which is designed to foster important values in youngsters, promote respect for diversity on different nationalities and cultures among them, and support positive peace and tolerance. In 2023, the CO has developed a checklist for promoting culture change across programmatic interventions, which is currently under HQ review. In newly developed proposals, elements of culture change were successfully, such as the proposal submitted to AICS fully focused on rural women. In addition, culture change was the main focus of UN Women's contribution during the UN Week 2023.
Leverage the CO supported Media Forum to enhance public dialogue on culture change and social discourse on the roles of women and men in Albania. Head of Program and relevant project managers 2023/01 Completed Media Forum was convened twice in 2022 and engaged journalists focused on social issues as well as economic issues, aiming to share information and tools for journalists to promote changes in popular discourse on GEWE and align reporting with best practices. In 2023, the media forum also convened twice: in April ahead of the local elections, and in November ahead of the 16 Days campaign to discuss violence against women in politics, best practices on reporting on issues pertaining to VAW and on economic issues. In addition, the CO, through the PBF-funded project, published in September 2023 a regional Youth Led Research which engaged students, young activists, youth organizations and young researchers, media to articulate issues of toxic masculinities, gender equality, and promote constructive narratives and counter hate speech, patriarchal gender norms and social cohesion. In 2024, the journalists of the media forum were engaged already twice to discuss items pertaining to the CSW theme and on the revisions of the criminal code, and sports journalists were presented the main findings of the gender and sports assessment conducted as part of the PBF regional project "Youth for Inclusion, Equality and Trust". They were engaged ahead of the 2024 Olympics to ensure that they had the necessary best practices, knowledge and skills to report about sports in a gender sensitive manner.
Recommendation: Building on its current success, the Country Office should ensure that the needs of the most marginalized women and girls are directly targeted in the next Strategic Note.
Management Response: The CO fully accepts this recommendation The new draft SN includes a strong LNOB focus to ensure that its interventions reach women and girls at greatest risk of being left behind. A stakeholder mapping reveals the synergies built with civil society organisations to address the complexity and intersectionality of gender-related issues, notably by partnering with organisations across Albania detaining expertise on the marginalisation of vulnerable populations, such as people with disabilities, LGBTI persons, elderly persons, and Roma and Egyptian communities. Adopting LNOB Principles across its outcome areas, the new SN promotes redressing disadvantage, countering stigma and violence, transforming social and institutional structures, fostering participation and social inclusion. The CO has identified and will continue to apply an intersectional approach to its programmatic work including through participation in Joint Programmes to address the needs of those most marginalized and vulnerable, such as disabled women and men, LGBTI persons, elderly persons, and Roma and Egyptian women and men.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Advocacy, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Gender equality, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Use CO PUNO role in phase 2 of LNOB UNJP to ensure a systematic approach to integrating interventions for marginalised women and girls across thematic areas of the SN, in partnership with grassroot CSOs and communities in remote areas. Programme team 2023/01 Completed The CO is leveraging the new Phase of LNB JP as well as other ongoing and newly developed interventions to ensure a strong outreach to women and girls from marginalized communities. - For instance, UN Women continues partnership with the PRISMA network consisting of 50 grassroot organizations working on gender participatory budgeting processes, to activate women and youth, to strengthen public discourse with Local Government Units to promote gender equality, foster implementation of participatory budgeting processes and include the voice of the most vulnerable groups in the local decision making processes, including vulnerable women and girls. For instance, through the GREAT project, UN Women Albania is reaching out to rural women and girls. Thanks to the Post-earthquake recovery project, UN Women has strengthened its support to women entrepreneurs living in the areas hardest-hit by the 2019 earthquake, as well as providing support to women victims of violence in these areas; through the regional VAW programme, UN Women Albania has reached out to women and girls survivors of violence thanks to stronger partnerships with CSOs supporting women with disabilities, LGBTI women, and Roma Egyptian women. Thanks to the joint intervention led by UNHCR, UN Women Albania was able to support migrant women and girls who suffered from violence in 2022. Finally, the new phase of the EVAW Joint Programme will continue to include a strong LNOB approach and target women and girls most marginalized such as women with disabilities and Roma/Egyptian women.
Use SILC survey with INSTAT to expand policy dialogue on targeting most marginalized women and women at risk of poverty. Use SILC survey with INSTAT to expand policy dialogue on targeting most marginalized women and women at risk of poverty. 2023/01 Completed SILC survey was largely used in the local level work for engendering social care plans of 5 municipalities in 2022 and 8 additional municipalities in 2022-23. The survey provides key data and evidence on social vulnerabilities of women which are later translated into costed proposed actions to be Included in municipal social care plans. In addition, UN Women work explicitly targets the most marginalized groups as part of the SN and ongoing/new projects, including the GREAT project (targeting rural women), the PBF funded project (targeting young people in the Western Balkans), and the EVAW JP (which includes a specific component on intersectionality as part of UN Women's activities in the project document). New projects submitted to donors include a renewed focus on rural women.