Management Response

: Brazil
: 2017 - 2021 , Brazil (CO)
: Country Portfolio Evaluation
: Brazil

The present management response was prepared by the Brazil CO, as required according to UN Women’s Evaluation Policy, discussed with Brazil CO staff, and approved by UN Women Brazil CO Head of Office. UN Women Brazil CO fully accepts the 4 recommendations and will incorporate lessons learned and key actions here described into the formulation of the Strategic Note (SN) 2023-2027, as well as in the process of Annual Work Planning (AWP) for 2023, where appropriate.

: Approved
Recommendation: Implement measures in the conceptualization, execution, and monitoring of the next Strategic Note to further enhance programmatic focus and coherence, building on the notable gains made since the midterm review exercise with a view towards enhancing the strategic positioning of the Country Office.
Management Response: The recommendation was considered by the evaluation as high priority and to be implemented in the short term. The Office accepts the recommendation and is committed to immediately incorporating the proposed key actions in the selection of new projects, and to more critically incorporating them in the process of formulating the new Strategic Note, which has been postponed to the first semester of 2023.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Review the portfolio of current and planned actions according to strategic selection criteria established for the new Strategic Note with a view to heightened focus and impact across portfolio areas. Representative, Deputy Representative, Impact Leads 2023/06 Completed The draft SN, including TOC and high impact results chain has been submitted for review of the ACRO.
Incorporate criteria in the selection of future funding opportunities (e.g., effort demanded, potential impact with focus on gender transformative initiatives, and relationship to core competencies and mandate). Representative, Deputy Representative, Impact Leads 2023/03 Completed Ever since the new government took office, we have organized our approach towards new partnership with government with clear criteria (cluster approach towards meetings, proposed activities to each Ministry, priority ministries to engage with, strategic links to our mandate). In previous years we did not have an opportunity to fully implement our collaboration with government functions. This opportunity requires a strategic and structured approach, taking into consideration our added value. The CO has been undertaking regular strategic thinking workshops for each impact area and carried out strategic prioritization of resource mobilization vis a vis existing opportunities. These discussions will land in the drafting of the new SN. Criteria have been incorporated into the selection of funding opportunities.
Identify in which initiatives the Office will engage, including to clearly articulate where it provides a value-add vis-à-vis its revised theory of change (e.g., policy advice, advocacy, research, communication, normative work, etc.). Representative, Deputy Representative, Impact Leads 2023/03 Completed Ever since the new government took office, we have organized our approach towards new partnership with government with clear criteria (cluster approach towards meetings, proposed activities to each Ministry, priority ministries to engage with, strategic links to our mandate). In previous years we did not have an opportunity to fully implement our collaboration with government functions. This opportunity requires a strategic and structured approach, taking into consideration our added value. The CO has been undertaking regular strategic thinking workshops for each impact area and carried out strategic prioritization of resource mobilization vis a vis existing opportunities. These discussions will land in the drafting of the new SN. Criteria have been incorporated into the selection of funding opportunities.
Identify areas of high-impact research related to monitoring the implementation of relevant legislation (e.g., fulfilment of quota, electoral time on television, feminicide protocol implementation) to meet the unmet demand for UN Women support. Deputy Representative, Project Managers 2023/06 Completed The draft SN with an indication of the priority areas of action, including legislation monitoring, has been submitted for review of the ACRO.
Identify possible links that can be made between the grass-roots work of the office and policy dialogue with the government at various levels Representative, Deputy Representative, Project Managers 2023/06 Completed Collaboration with the government was resumed in January as the new government took office, which has positively impacted existing collaboration with grass-roots movements. The importance of engagement with CSOs has been flagged in all meetings with the government, including the reactivation and reestablishment of regional conferences and civil society councils. Many representatives of grassroots partners now hold strategic positions in the government. This is being taken into consideration in project design and proposal. The CO has also been holding regular consultations with the grass-root/regional/biomes-based and national networks, including AMNB, CONAQ, ANMIGA, as well as the state/municipality based women’s organizations to map the needs, identify the required links with the key government processes, including national and state planning processes to ensure their inclusion and responsiveness to the needs of the grass-root women and diverse women’s networks.
Recommendation: Review partnership framework and capacity development strategy with a view to: foster links with the government; systematize private sector engagement; clarify the role of the Civil Society Advisory Group; engage with civil society organizations and other partners; and further enhance dialogue with donors and United Nations partners in Brazil.
Management Response: The recommendation was considered by the evaluation as high priority and to be implemented in the short to medium term. The Office accepts the recommendation and is committed to immediately incorporating the proposed key actions in the design of new projects, into partner selection and engagement (including government, private sector, and engagement of other partners as responsible parties), and short-term coordination efforts on race and gender accountability. For recommended action points regarding new areas of work and coordination efforts developed through the IATG-GRE, the actions are expected to be implemented in the medium term, following the formulation of the new Strategic Note and the signing of the new Cooperation Framework.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Identify scenarios of strategic areas of interest between the Office and the government beyond the focal point for the SNPM to different branches and levels. Representative, Deputy Representative, Project Managers 2023/06 Completed As the new government took office, UN Women is actively collaborating with the Ministry of Indigenous Peoples, Ministry of Racial Equality, Ministry of Women and the Ministry of Social Development. Also, the CO is exploring possible partnerships with the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Environment. In the Legislative Branch, UN Women continues to be a member of the Observatório da Mulher na Política, and has recently joined a working group on Gender Responsive Budget led by the Women’s Caucus coordinator, Deputada Benedita da Silva.
Intensify work in the Parliament with a view of increasing advocacy in key areas of interest, identifying new areas and promoting key research in support of UN Women’s research and normative areas of work (e.g., good practices for women in elections including vis-à-vis political violence, strategies for engagement of women politicians after the election, actual implementation of national norms at a state and local level). Deputy Representative, Human Rights Analyst 2023/12 Completed As the new government took office, in 2023 UN Women prioritized building partnerships with the executive branch. Nevertheless, the CO continued to engage with the Parliament and establish connections with caucuses, such as the one representing indigenous women. In this framework, in 2023 UN Women Brazil provided support to national debates around PL 490 (Marco Temporal), by bringing out the gendered impacts of this piece of legislation that hinders Indigenous Peoples' territorial rights. Additionally, as mentioned in Recommendation #1, UN Women is also a member of Observatório da Mulher na Política at the House of Representatives, and joined in 2023 the working group on Gender-Responsive Budget, led by the Women’s Caucus coordinator, Representative Benedita da Silva. Finally, UN Women hired an expert consultant to provide advice for the CO's drafting of a strategy for engagement with the Parliament, which is being further refined considering the analyses and insights of the political risk analysis consultancy. As such, perspectives on work with the Legislative branch have been incorporated in the new SN and are expected to be further developed in 2023-2027.
Identify internal focal points, responsibilities, and engagement for high-level partnerships for managing long-term engagement within the organization. Representative, Deputy Representative 2023/03 Completed Focal points have been identified at technical levels, and they have clarity about responsibilities and areas of work. Ever since the new government took office, there has been day-to-day collaboration by internal focal points (often, impact leaders) and focal points within the Ministries.
Embed and systematize the current approach to private sector engagement as a cross-cutting enabler of Country Office work. Private Sector Specialist 2023/03 Completed Private sector engagement strategy was developed as a cross-cutting approach. It will be incremented after two consultations in May and June 2023. After SN discussion, it will include the connection of private sector priorities to Strategic Note priorities, and capitalization of the legacy and lessons learned of existing and former private sector engagement initiatives.
Embed sustainability strategies more explicitly into project design, including through partnership selection and engagement. PMSU, Project Managers 2023/06 Completed All recently approved projects include exit strategies to ensure sustainability of the results.
Train staff on best practices for managing partners and regularly exchange through staff meetings the status of partnerships. PMSU (training), Project Managers (exchange) 2023/06 Completed Status of partnerships are regularly exchanged during Impact team meetings with senior management. Partner agreements, outstanding reports/financial information are also discussed at month end closures. Trainings on best practices for managing partners took place on Q1 2024. A new training session is expected for Q2.
Develop a training menu for external partners that can be delivered upon demand and used as a fundraising opportunity, including a training calendar considering the electoral cycle and key dates for the gender equality and women’s empowerment agenda in Brazil. PMSU, Deputy Representative/Head of Programme, Project Managers 2023/06 No Longer Applicable The CO is shifting its approach to capacity development from the one-time/project specific training activities to a more integrated and comprehensive plan, which would among the rest integrate the menu of readily available trainings. This menu is expected to be developed by Q2 2024. The CO is renewing the website and intranet to make KPs and trainings available for internal and external partners.
Review and strengthen the coordination strategy on accountability for gender equality in close partnership with United Nations partners of the Interagency Thematic Group on Gender, Race and Ethnicity with a focus on joint advocacy work. Coordination Analyst 2022/11 Completed The UNCT SWAP-scorecard assessment conducted in 2020 and the plan of actions implemented since then represent the UNCT accountability framework. The progress is assessed on annual basis and the recommendations inform the update of the plan of actions for the following year. The RC and UNCT are actively engaged in the process. The practice will continue in the following years.
Reinforce the role of UN Women in the UNCT through the strengthening of the inter-agency group and the use of innovative methodologies. Coordination Analyst 2023/06 Completed The CO concluded a review process of the Inter-Agency Thematic Group on Gender, Race and Ethnicity (IATG-GRE) that led to its strengthening, in dialogue with the members of the group, the Resident Coordinator and the UNCT. This process included the review of its Terms of Reference in line with the UNSDG Standards and Procedures to Gender Theme Groups and the Management Accountability Framework (MAF), clarifying the role of the Resident Coordinator, the Heads of Agencies, UN Women as Chair and the focal points, as well as the functions and responsibilities of the IATG-GRE. It also included the review of the group’s functioning and its contribution to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), adopting an innovative methodology of work in which the IATG-GRE is represented in all UNSDCF Results Groups (to be established) to provide timely technical assistance to the integration of gender, race and ethnicity perspectives and to ensure smooth coordination between the Results Groups and the IATG-GRE. In addition, the key issues on gender, race and ethnicity in each UNSDCF thematic area were already mapped to inform the preparation of the Joint Work Plans, a process to which the IATG-GRE is expected to contribute.
Clarify the role of the inter-agency group and its modus operandi to the other United Nations agencies and agree on a working method that is suitable to the agencies involved. Coordination Analyst 2023/06 Completed The CO concluded a review process of the Inter-Agency Thematic Group on Gender, Race and Ethnicity (IATG-GRE) that led to its strengthening, in dialogue with the members of the group, the Resident Coordinator and the UNCT. This process included the review of its Terms of Reference in line with the UNSDG Standards and Procedures to Gender Theme Groups and the Management Accountability Framework (MAF), clarifying the role of the Resident Coordinator, the Heads of Agencies, UN Women as Chair and the focal points, as well as the functions and responsibilities of the IATG-GRE. It also included the review of the group’s functioning and its contribution to the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF), adopting an innovative methodology of work in which the IATG-GRE is represented in all UNSDCF Results Groups (to be established) to provide timely technical assistance to the integration of gender, race and ethnicity perspectives and to ensure smooth coordination between the Results Groups and the IATG-GRE. In addition, the key issues on gender, race and ethnicity in each UNSDCF thematic area were already mapped to inform the preparation of the Joint Work Plans, a process to which the IATG-GRE is expected to contribute.
Recommendation: Further promote a culture of collaboration and innovation, building an enabling work environment for personnel while also strengthening results-based management practices to capture and communicate Country Office results and fine-tune its programming.
Management Response: The recommendation was considered by the evaluation as high priority and to be implemented in the short term. The Office accepts the recommendation and is committed to immediately incorporating the proposed key actions in human resources, operations, monitoring and training activities. For the recommended action points regarding Strategic Note indicators and partnerships for project implementation, the actions are expected to be initiated in the first semester of 2023, when the new SN will be formulated.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication, Innovation and technology
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Review current standard operating procedures and collect staff feedback for continuous improvement, training and enhanced use. Programme and Operations Management Unit 2023/03 Overdue-Initiated SOPs have started to be reviewed in light of the transition to Quantum, and in the form of a RACI matrix. Procurement and HR RO missions are planned to support the CO in refining the SOPs and providing related training, especially to recently recruited Procurement, HR and Operations staff/personnel. The full review of the SOPs is expected to be completed in Q4 2024.
Identify partners that can help with local implementation of projects, avoiding direct implementation. Project Managers 2023/06 Completed The CO has expanded the use of Partner Agreements for the implementation of project components.
Review the workload distribution of personnel with a view to achieving greater work–life balance. Representative; Deputy Representative; Head of Programme Management Support Unit; Operations Analyst 2023/03 Completed The CO applies a diversity of mechanisms for fair distribution of workload between the staff members and takes timely measures to support staff struggling with performance. In the 3rd quarter of 2022 based on the agreement with the HQ, the CO drafted the pilot initiative on pooling the project assistance under the CO Programme and Operations unit. The CO aims to accomplish a highly consultative and participatory preparatory process by the end of 2022 to launch the initiative as of beginning of 2023. Another measure put in place was the recruitment of two full-time positions on UN Coordination and Normative mandates, installing cross-cutting expertise and releasing related day-to-day workload from the CO team. The project teams are using the SSA modality to hire the clerks to release workload from project assistants, Clerks perform small-scale tasks, not related to core functions, yet very time-consuming. The work-life balance initiatives have been supported by the mental health support to the staff through the Mental Health Councilor and the regular sessions with the HQ Stress Councilor.
Designate a staff member who can oversee internal communication and post relevant decisions and office news on an accessible platform. Deputy Representative, Head of Programme and Operations Management Unit, Operations Analyst 2022/12 Completed Deputy Representative, Head of Programme and Operations Management Unit and Operations Analyst have the primary responsibility for organizing, recording and disseminating information, including key management decisions. This is currently done in Sharepoint and through staff meetings. UN Women Brazil CO Teams channel might be further used for this purpose.
Enact measures to increase trust and collaboration among team members, providing safe spaces for feedback to personnel on an individual basis. Representative; Deputy Representative, Project Managers 2023/03 Completed Since May 2023, the CO has implemented the on-line survey and face-to-face staff consultations with the HQ HR to identify the needs and potential solutions to address them; organized the retreat with participation of the HQ HR Business Partner and the Workplace Relationship advisor; established the Action Plan for Inclusive and Empowered Workforce. The plan includes 6 areas, such as (i) enhancing capacities of senior managers (through coaching) and clarification of roles and responsibilities; (ii) building middle managers’ capacities; (iii) managing high workloads; (iv) mental health support; (v) team building and (vi) wellbeing. As a part of the plan implementation, all staff/personnel has enrolled in the series of 4 trainings with the Ombudsman’s Training Unit and the HQ HR Stress Councilor. The plan is under implementation.
Assign to each new team member a peer or buddy to help with information, induction and integration in the organization. HR Associate, Operations Analyst 2022/12 Completed The CO has established the practice of assigning to each new team member a peer or buddy to help with information, induction and integration in the organization. For example, the new Procurement Assistant was assigned the RO Procurement Specialist and other Procurement Assistants in the region; the new HR Associate was assigned the RO HR Specialist; the new Operations Analyst was assigned the Programme Manager.
Develop an introduction session for new team members – as part of wider new hire corporate practice – for in-person training on relevant UN Women work areas, procedures and employment conditions. Representative, Programme and Operations Management Unit, HR Associate 2023/03 Completed While the Country Office has been practicing the regular inductions sessions on Programme (run by Representative) and on Operations (co-led by operations team), the Country Office aims to utilize the findings of the Capacity Needs Survey to inform the new innovative approaches to the incremental capacity building. The recently recruited staff in Q4 2022 has already benefitted from the new approach.
Decrease the gender imbalance in the office and increase diversity for an inclusive work environment. HR Associate, hiring managers 2023/03 Completed The Country Office explored the opportunities to get advantage from the existing gender parity policies, mechanisms and good practices to address the gender imbalances to the extent possible, being mindful of the labor market and an existing asymmetry in women being the majority among the jobs candidates with the required gender equality expertise. The newly hired Operations Manager, for instance, is a man who had the required technical expertise to work in a gender equality-oriented organization. Another area of the Country Office’s attention and action is increasing a diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, which must be integrated in the staff recruitment strategies.
With support from the Regional Office, provide targeted training on results-based management methods. Programme Management Support Unit 2023/03 Completed Instilling the culture of RBM in the CO is a top priority for capacity development of staff, which is continuously implemented through the mandatory UN Women RBM training and RBM tailor-made training (regularly provided by PMSU in light of planning, monitoring and reporting processes during the year).
Standardize the planning and monitoring processes of projects and programmes, establishing clear connections with the Strategic Note and the Strategic Plan through the deployment of clear and feasible monitoring tools. Programme Management Support Unit 2023/03 Completed Programme Management Support Unit gives continuous support to developing data collection tools for existing projects, and to developing RRFs, MERPs and PMF for new projects, so as to ensurestheir quality and compliance with PPGF. A mapping of alignment of SP, SN and ProDocs indicators was elaborated as an input for the formulation of the new SN.
Focus Strategic Note indicators on areas of plausible outcome and impact-level change linked to the theory of change and operationalized communications strategy of the next Strategic Note. Deputy Representative, Project Managers, PMSU, Communications Analyst 2023/06 Completed During the drafting process of the new SN, the CO developed results and identified indicators in line with the priorities of the UNSDCF and with expected outcome and impact-level change.
Reinforce the sense of communal office results achievement, in recognition that initiatives are cross-cutting and the joined nature of operation–programme personnel working together. Representative; Project Managers 2023/03 Completed The Country Office has been consistently investing in synergetic annual strategic thinking workshops involving all staff of the office, annual work planning sessions, participatory donors and annual reports. To address the silos between programme and operations the establishment of the new Programme and Operations Management Unit is yet another step in this direction.
Recommendation: Build on the Country Office track record of programming the leave no one behind principle with a stronger focus in the next Strategic Note on intersecting types of vulnerability.
Management Response: The recommendation was considered by the evaluation as medium priority and to be implemented in the short term. The Office accepts the recommendation and is committed to immediately start incorporating the proposed key actions in the selection of new funding opportunities, in the design of new projects and into project implementation. Given their medium priority (in face of other priority recommended action), and although they will start being implemented immediately, the CO proposes a medium-term deadline for their conclusion, especially the action point regarding data production and dissemination, as it is a new area of work that will be discussed during the formulation of the new Strategic Note.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Incorporate into project design more explicit criteria for identifying the most marginalized women as primary target groups for transformative change. This means to continue focusing on the seven groups defined as leave no one behind priorities in the previous Strategic Note, but also to include other social groups that are being left behind, such as people with disabilities and LGBTQI+. Representative; Deputy Representative; Project Managers 2023/06 Completed Through the mid-term review, the Country Office has amended its Strategic Note with the Leaving No One Behind annex summarizing the primary target groups in focus. The newly adopted UN Women corporate policy and guidance for Intersectionality Approach to LNOB, guided the development of the CO’s Strategic Note. The list of groups affected by multiple forms of discrimination is annexed to the SN.
With Regional Office support, apply best practices and policies for the implementation of the leave no one behind principle across the rest of the project life cycle (e.g., partnership selection, data collection and strategy, results monitoring and reporting). Deputy Representative, Project Managers, Programme Management Support Unit 2023/06 Completed The Country Office applies the leave no one behind principle across the project life cycle (e.g., partnership selection, data collection and strategy, results monitoring and reporting).
Invest in the production and user-friendly dissemination of data disaggregated by gender, race, ethnicity and age, seeking to fill data gaps with potential for driving advocacy and promoting social awareness on target issues. Deputy Representative, Project Managers, Programme Management Support Unit, Communications Analyst 2023/12 Completed The CO will, in partnership with the World Bank and national statistics institutions, facilitate production and use of disaggregated data on violence against women and girls (VAWG), seeking to fill inconsistencies in the production and use of VAWG data, as well as implement programmes in ways that build and strengthen national data collection and use and strengthen IBGE and other national institutions capacities to monitor the SDGs implementation with gender and race perspective, mainly the SDG 5.
Use the leave no one behind principle for new project selection and agree with partners on how to best define the criterion in project design. Deputy Representative, Project Managers, HR Analyst 2023/06 Completed The revised Leaving No One Behind of the Strategic Note will guide the integration in the projects and participatory project design with the partners