The Evaluation Report commends the relevance of the programme in strengthening national and sub national governance processes from a gender perspective, further acknowledging the critical role played by UN Women in building the capacities of the governance institutions. The Evaluation further commends UN Women’s approach to capacity building as a strategic investment in ensuring institutionalization and sustainability of Gender Responsive Governance (GRG) interventions in India. The Evaluation highlighted that UN Women leveraged its unique position as an intergovernmental agency to bring together national and state government and other stakeholders on the same platform to implement the programme. The programme was successful in identifying the needs of the target beneficiaries and addressing them. The Evaluation brought forth the fact that UN Women was able to leverage partnerships and networks from phase I and expanded them for better quality results and coverage for the phase II of the programme. This has resulted in expansion of necessary capacities at national and local levels. Complementarity of efforts with duty-bearers was critical to continuing and expanding these efforts. The programme was able to successfully navigate existing political, practical and bureaucratic constraints, particularly with respect to GRG. The programme also had several unintended positive impacts that were not a part of the original programme objectives. The programme had detailed reporting mechanisms.