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Incorporate in the Strategic Note 2020-2025 thematic issues that are relevant to the national situation of gender equality.
a. strengthening the capacities of elected women in the framework of parity.
b. violence against women linked to insecurity, organized crime and the public policies that address these issues.
c. the strengthening of interagency initiatives to enrich the application of instruments aimed at closing gender gaps in the labor market.
d. more active participation at state and municipal levels. |
Management team UN Women Mexico CO:
Project Managers
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Considering the country context analysis, the emerging issues in Mexico and the main areas of attention according to the UN Women SP 2018-2022, UN Women Mexico SN 2020-2025 opened action lines which are key for gender equality.
Outcome 2.1 UN Women Mexico will focus its efforts on supporting the effective implementation of gender parity, with a special focus on the local level, strengthening the capacities of federal and local stakeholders to guarantee the full participation of women in decision-making in all areas; provide technical support for the implementation of parity standards and policies at all decision levels; promote the coordination of relevant actors to implement regional and international tools that measure women’s participation and the impact of gender parity in public policies; and the capacities of social organizations and women's networks will be strengthened.
Outcome 3.2 As for decent work programs to address labor market needs, the CO will work with women and young women belonging to left behind groups, especially indigenous women, rural women, so that they may increase their access to the labor market, specifically through innovative STEM studies and training programs.
Outcome 4.1 In the next five years, UN Women Mexico will have a comprehensive approach to eradicating violence against women and girls. In this sense, efforts will be focused in generating data, statistics and quality information on the different forms of violence, in line with international standards, to support the development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies.
To achieve these results, the CO will catalyze the planned actions with other UN Agencies and will pay special attention to ensure a focus on gender-sensitive human rights, life cycle and intersectionality, with a territorial level approach, especially the municipal level, in order to have a visible impact and to guarantee the “leaving no one behind” principle. |
Maintain UN Women strong relationship with the RC and the UNCT, funds and programs to promote gender equality and raise attention on Mexico’s major gender equality challenges and priorities. |
Management team UN Women Mexico CO:
Project Managers
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UN Women Mexico’s CO has actively participated and contributed to the formulation of the Mexico UNSDCF which includes a robust gender perspective throughout its outcomes, direct effects, and strategic lines, and has defined several direct effects that specifically target women’s rights and empowerment.
A gender perspective and UN Women’s expected impacts are included in all four outcome areas of the UNSDCF, in all 10 direct effects that build these outcome areas and in 70% of all strategic lines. Innovatively, all outcome areas include activities that target the need for a cultural change towards gender equality and eradicating social norms and habits that discriminate women. To contribute with our interagency coordination mandate, the Interagency Gender Group, headed by UN Women, has also made relevant contributions to make sure that a gender perspective is included in the UNSDCF.
Additionally, Mexico’s CO co-led with the RO a comprehensive assessment to expand networks and understanding across UN System the joint responsibilities for gender equality and women empowerment. To increase the gender sensitivity, a Scorecard Toolkit Resource was created. The toolkit contains concrete steps toward the minimum requirements established for the UNCT-SWAP Scorecard Performance Indicators.
Among the interagency projects, Spotlight and the SDG Fund are examples of high-level results of the coordination mandate of gender equality. The Spotlight Initiative is the largest joint program in Mexico, in which six UNS agencies participate, co-coordinated by UN Women and the OCR. The implementation integrates the agencies according to their expertise and with the objective of making scalable and replicable programs at national and regional levels. Some examples that stand out are the methodology of analysis and prioritization of the legislative reform package, the pact with the media, adaptation to the essential services package, the recommendations for the creation of information systems and specialized training for civil society.
The SDG Fund inter-agency programme: Closing Gaps: Making Social Protection Count for Women, implemented by UN Women, ILO and FAO. The overall purpose of the joint programme is to increase Mexican women’s access to social protection and expand its coverage and supporting the adoption of a permanent social protection regime by the Mexican Social Security Institute. The programme identifies policy levers to t improve access, coverage and adequacy of social protection and care for groups of marginalized women, particularly women in situations of exclusion, including domestic workers and women temporary agricultural workers at national level.