Overall Management Response: UN Women welcomes the findings and recommendations of the Corporate Evaluation of UN Women’s Contribution to Humanitarian Action. The evaluation assessed UN Women’s contribution to humanitarian action from 2014-2018 at global, regional and country levels. Based on an extensive desk and portfolio review, country visits, online survey and meetings with key stakeholders in Geneva and New York. The evaluation assessed the relevance and effectiveness of UN Women’s contribution in line with rights-based approaches and gender equality principles. UN Women appreciated the evidence generated from the evaluation which will inform organizational learning and future direction within the framework of organizational-wide efforts to optimize and align presence and engagement, specifically in the context of UN Development System Reform. The evaluation highlights the centrality of gender equality and women’s empowerment considerations to an effective and responsive humanitarian action. It highlights the strong recognition and appreciation of external partners of the relevant and positive contribution of UN Women in ensuring that gender equality and the empowerment of women remain central to Humanitarian action. UN Women welcomes the recognition of the evaluation, UN and donor organizations interviewed of its pioneering and highly effective normative and coordination role at the global level and key regional foras which resulted in the integration of gender equality and women empowerment into framework and policies that guide humanitarian action despite UN Women’s lack of membership in the IASC. UN Women agrees with the assessment of the evaluation team that these efforts provide a foundation for stronger engagement and links between UN Women’s global normative work and humanitarian coordination mechanisms, and efforts at country level. UN Women recognizes the opportunities outlined by the evaluation to increase UN Women’s effectiveness and impact at the country level by building on UN Women’s strengths in the development side of the nexus, sustaining catalytic transformative programming, and better linking its work to system-wide responses while minimizing small scale humanitarian programming that is not done in partnership or that does not have broader strategic importance. The evaluation notes that UN Women’s contributions to humanitarian action have been growing at a fast pace in influence and in budget, with a 700% growth in the past 6 years. UN Women appreciates the recognition of this growth and agrees with the evaluation that the heavy reliance on non-core funding for humanitarian assistance-(currently at 95%) poses significant challenges to UN Women’s staffing capacities and render it reactive and supply driven at times. UN Women recognizes that it has risen to a point where a more strategic and consistent approach is required to strengthen its contributions to humanitarian action, from emergency response to longer-term transformative change. This will require more resources and investment in UN Women’s humanitarian and nexus capacity to fully implement the recommendations of the evaluation.