Management Response

: Brazil
: 2017 - 2021 , Brazil (CO)
: Regional Programme Win Win: Gender Equality Means Good Business
: Brazil

The Win-Win Programme Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) was carried out to determine progress from January 2018 to August 2019 towards the achievement of programme outcomes and identify relevant course corrections for optimizing progress over the remaining programme period. The evaluation’s objectives were to: i) assess effectiveness and efficiency in progressing towards the achievement of outcomes; ii) identify issues of programme design, implementation, and management; iii) identify lessons learned and good practices; and iv) provide actionable and strategic recommendations. According to the MTE, the programme is positively viewed by stakeholders, who value programme contributions in capacity-building, awareness-raising activities, development and dissemination of tools and knowledge products, outreach and establishment of national and regional partnerships, and in providing opportunities for promoting dialogue and knowledge exchange. The Gender Gap Analysis Tool (GGAT) was highlighted, for instance, as the most valued tool by companies. In addition to this, the MTE recognizes that Win-Win personnel have generated strong buy-in and are considered a notable programme strength and that the programme is increasing the profile of UN Women and ILO as valued partners for the private sector. The MTE equally identifies opportunities to enhance impact in the final stages of programme implementation, including: enhancing communications strategies to promote greater visibility of results; clearer articulation of expectations among the three key partners; addressing delays in administrative processes and the uneven distribution of the budget between the three programme outcomes; and increasing focus on more discrete activities in lieu of a strategic focus on high-level goals. With a view to addressing these challenges, the MTE report was presented to Win-Win´s staff (UN Women and ILO), as well as to UN Women country and regional representatives, during the January 2020 Win-Win Programme Strategic Planning Meeting held in Chile. The recommendations and discussions on how to tackle the observations raised by the MTE formed the basis for the definition of the 2020 priorities. The results of the internal planning and priority setting exercises following the Strategic Planning Meeting were presented and agreed on at the March 2020 Steering Committee meeting and since then, the team has been directly addressing these priorities. Following the approval of the MTE Report and uploading to the UN Women Global Accountability and Tracking of Evaluation Use system (GATE) in December 2020, the present management response was prepared by the Regional Coordination team, as required according to UN Women’s Evaluation Policy, and discussed with and approved by all implementing partners (including UN Women and ILO implementing country and regional offices, and the EU). UN Women and ILO fully accept the nine recommendations and the present document outlines key actions for their implementation as well as their status as of November 3rd, 2020. Most of the actions have already initiated or are completed, especially in face of the elapsed time between the MTE and the management response. Namely, notable progress has already been made in terms of communication of results and in terms of support for the implementation and monitoring of gender-sensitive practices in the private sector, even in a challenging COVID-19 scenario which has called for the adaptation of the topics and formats (from face-to-face to virtual) of some activities. In addition to the recommendations hereby presented, lessons learned have emerged from this MTE. Among them: the importance of developing in a participatory manner a robust and clear programme logic linking activities and outcomes; ensuring access to relevant experts from the outset; considering inception periods to align expectations of all implementing partners; enhancing unified and strategic communications; adequately resourcing and planning for coordination and relationship-building work; and building from the outset strategies for addressing gender norms and engaging men. These lessons learned have the potential not only of informing future projects and programmes, but also have been incorporated when appropriate into the key actions below, including for instance into the restructuring of implementing team with a focus on stronger coordination, onboarding of communications and knowledge management specialists, enhanced communications among partners to align expectations, revisiting of programme logic, among others.

: Approved
Recommendation: Conduct a joint, “quick” strategy exercise to examine the Programme logical pathways (an abridged theory of change exercise) to help clarify the link between activities and expected high-level outcomes, leading to a review and, if necessary, revision of the Programme LogFrame to guide and help prioritize the final year of Win-Win.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. Joint UNW-ILO planning exercises were undertaken for 2020 (in January 2020) and 2021 (in December 2020). Programme´s theory of Change and Annual Work Plans (AWPs) of all implementing partners were presented and discussed in such meetings, in light of the findings and recommendations of the MTE, the COVID-19 outbreak and the LogFrame status and financial delivery, so as to ensure timely achievement of programme results as per Donor´s agreement.
Description: This exercise is suggested to ensure a clear, shared understanding of Programme outcomes, change pathways, and expectations among all key partners. This should be the basis for refocusing efforts and making practical decisions about what the Programme can and should accomplish in its remaining year. All ILO and UN Women Programme implementation personnel as well as key EU stakeholders and ILO and UN Women decision-makers relevant to the Programme should participate in this exercise which, ideally, should be carried out with the assistance of an outside facilitator. If necessary, some elements of this process could be facilitated online, via written exchanges followed up by web meetings. During this exercise, the logic connecting Programme activities, outputs, outcomes, and impact should be carefully examined, with due attention to relevant risks and assumptions as described in this report; Programme achievements to date; and available human and financial resources and time constraints. If changes in the LogFrame seem warranted, these should be made. Use the findings, conclusions, lessons, and recommendations from this midterm evaluation as a reference point for this exercise.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Conduct a Strategic Planning Meeting and revisit the programme Theory of Change and LogFrame to account for key contextual changes in the first half of programme implementation. Win-Win Regional Coordinators and Regional Coordination team, with the participation of EU and UN Women and ILO senior managers. *** Throughout the text, the term Win-Win Regional Coordinators/Regional CoordinationTeam implies the participation of UN Women and ILO Regional Win-Win´s coordinators. 2020/03 Completed A Win-Win Strategic Planning Meeting took place in January 2020 in Chile and from January through March UN Women and ILO undertook internal planning exercises. Theory of Change and linkages between outcomes were discussed and changes were proposed, especially with respect to Outcome 3. The result was presented and approved at the March 2020 Steering Committee meeting, and implementing team requested then a programme extension. A formal No Cost Extension was requested and approved in August 2020, extending the programme timeframe until 31 August 2021.
2. Discuss and identify a common Win-Win Annual Work Plan (AWP), for 2020 and 2021. Win-Win Regional Coordinators, Regional Specialists (Communications, M&E and KM) and National Private Sector Specialists (NPSS) 2021/02 Completed As part of the 2020 Win-Win Strategic Planning Meeting, a joint UNW-ILO (including all implementing country and regional offices) AWP 2020 was discussed and designed to incorporate the findings and recommendations of the MTE (e.g.: focus programme approach in 2020 on communications and visibility of results, knowledge management, exit and sustainability strategies). 2020´s planning process counted with the participation of the EU. Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and travel restrictions, priority actions were re-defined and the 2020 AWP was updated (commercial missions to Europe and regional WEPs forum were postponed; face to face meetings, technical assistance or events were changed to virtual exchanges making use of the technology tools available). In order to constantly share relevant and clear information regarding these changes and adaptations, the programme coordinated with EU the biweekly sending of a BCP document (Business Continuity Plan). Also, programme coordinators were in permanent communication with EU programme coordinator, in order to ensure all relevant changes were duly agreed and coordinated accordingly. Programme country teams and UNW and ILO regional coordinators and specialists undertook a 2021 AWP planning exercise in December 2020. The regional coordination team consolidated a common 2021 AWP, which will be presented to the EU in January 2021.
Recommendation: In the Programme’s final year, seek to consolidate results achieved, narrowing rather than broadening the focus of activities based on a critical assessment of which activities and partnerships are best aligned with achievement of overall outcomes and likely to yield greater sustainability. This should lead, among other things, to: a. Continued focus on consolidating relationships with – and among – existing partners and stakeholders rather than outreach to new stakeholders – with the exception of continued and strengthened efforts to expand contacts to higher-level decision makers and/or men within stakeholder organizations such as WEPs; b. Greater focus on consolidating, organizing, and disseminating existing tools, methodologies, and knowledge products to support capacities and promote sustainability of results; c. Building on efforts in areas with greatest potential to contribute to sustainability, including; d. Capitalizing on opportunities to share, scale-up, and replicate successful Programme activities across countries and regionally, including initiatives such as work on masculinities that address gendered norms.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. Win-Win Knowledge Management (KM) Regional specialist was hired to support the implementation of a KM and a sustainability strategies (which include the development or strengthening of online hubs and a Community of Practice - CoP, capacity development packages, networks and communities of practice, etc.), as well as support knowledge sharing among implementing partners and across programme countries. These are needed to ensure valued programme contributions and ground a legacy/sustainable exit strategy, as identified by the MTE (e.g.: in capacity-building, development and dissemination of tools, partnerships, promoting dialogue and knowledge exchange), are systematized and continue beyond programme implementation. The KM and sustainability strategies are being supported by results-oriented communications, which is contributing to the already increasing programme visibility.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Implement a programme knowledge management (KM) strategy to organise and disseminate existing tools, methodologies and other knowledge products in consultation with programme KM specialist. Win-Win´s KM Specialist, Regional Coordination team, and NPSS. 2021/03 Completed Knowledge management specialist hired in late 2019 elaborated a knowledge products (KPs) mapping matrix, which is being constantly updated and already brings together over 200 KPs developed by the six Win-Win country teams, and by both UN Women and ILO Regional coordination teams. Specialist also elaborated proposal for programme’s KM processes flows and templates in July 2020 as part of the support to the implementation of the KM strategy.
2. Develop and implement a systematic workflow for the documentation, data collection and reporting and knowledge sharing mechanisms among the six programme countries and regional scope of work. Win-Win KM Specialist, Regional Coordination team, NPSS and ILO´s team 2021/06 Completed Permanent exchange and participation of the six Win-Win countries NPSS and Regional coordinators in all knowledge management activities has consolidated synergies and knowledge sharing opportunities. A standardized data collection format was developed and is being implemented. Furthermore, the KM specialist will elaborate a report on innovative mechanisms to share and manage knowledge within the Programme, including recommendations on the use of existing knowledge systematization methodologies and tools.
3. Enhance the communications strategy to better communicate programme results (refer to recommendation 5, action 1). Win-Win Communications´ specialist 2021/06 Completed A regional communications senior specialist was hired in March 2020 as approved by EU in the March 2020 Steering Committee Meeting. Specialist developed a Strategic Communications Plan 2020-2021 to be executed in agreement with EU. Specialist also sends Weekly key activities reports to the EU and ensures access to webinars and events to enhance communications. EU has furthermore given the opening words and participated in the coordination of the events carried out since. Specialist has also elaborated new communications products to communicate results, such as newsletters disseminated on a quarterly basis to the EU as well as the general public.
4. Conduct meetings to revisit and assess AWP 2020 and elaborate AWP 2021, prioritizing activities best aligned with outcomes and likely to yield greater sustainability (refer to recommendation 1). Win-Win Regional Coordination´s team and NPSS 2021/02 Completed Regional Coordination´s team and NPSSs elaborated AWP 2020 incorporating results and recommendations from MTE. Programme country teams and regional specialists and coordinators undertook 2021 AWP planning exercise. The regional coordination team consolidated the AWP including the main regional 2021 activities (both UNW and ILO).
5. Consolidate the capacity development modules developed in 2019 in a regional package. Win-Win KM specialist, with support from NPSSs and in cooperation with G7, WeEmpowerAsia and ITCILO specialists and with Win-Win translation consultants 2021/06 Completed Capacity development modules on WEPs are being developed (in English) as part of a joint effort between EU-supported programmes Win-Win, G7 and WeEmpowerAsia, in addition to ITCILO. The Win-Win programme will translate into Spanish and Portuguese. The KM specialist is also bringing together modules and materials already developed and implemented as part of a legacy project (refer to recommendation 2, action 7).
6. Develop an online knowledge hub (or strengthen and integrate existing websites) to disseminate tools and methodologies, and to promote the creation of national and regional networks (refer recommendation 5, action 3). Win-Win Communications and KM specialists with Regional coordinators 2021/06 Completed Programme has allocated funds to integrate Win-Win´s information, tools and methodologies in one singular online hub. Furthermore, the KM specialist is investigating functionalities of potential web hubs (i.e. Yammer) to host a community of practice and promote exchanges among national and regional networks. Complementary online hubs to disseminate tools and resources include the Virtual Skills School (through which the programme conducted two editions of a regional-level training for women entrepreneurs and women-led businesses in 2020 –with an additional edition scheduled for Q1 2021) and (a website that consolidates global information on WEPs and resources to support companies in implementing them). The KM specialist will support the integration and articulation of all knowledge management platforms used by the programme.
7. Develop and implement a sustainability strategy that identifies the areas, programme activities and partnerships with the greatest potential for sustainability, scaling up, and replicability opportunities, among others. Win-Win KM specialist, Regional Coordination team, National Private Sector Specialists (NPSS) 2021/06 Completed KM specialist is developing, as part of programme’s sustainability and exit strategies: a legacy project (toolbox for transferring knowledge with relevant content collected from the six Win-Win programme countries), a Win-Win programme community of practice (CoP) and capacity-building activities aiming at employers’ organisations to develop their own products and services for women entrepreneurship development (in addition to the use of knowledge products developed within the scope of the programme). A WEPs allies initiative (group of top managers of WEPs companies to promote WEPs and engage new companies) is being developed by the Regional coordination team hand in hand with NPSS.
Recommendation: Depending on whether such action is aligned with the results of the exercise described in Recommendation 1, step up efforts to build and formalize linkages between EU and LAC woman-led businesses and entrepreneurs. Recognizing that this is unfamiliar territory for UN Women, consider the following strategies: a. Actively enlist the EU, through its Brazil Regional Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) programme, to contact trade promotion agencies both in LAC and Europe. b. Actively enlist ILO to build on ILO connections with employers’ organizations in Europe. c. Engage the six LAC country embassies in European countries and EU delegations in the six LAC countries to help identify business opportunities. d. In all interactions with potential EU and LAC stakeholders in this area, communicate a concrete value proposition for their involvement; ideally, this would be linked to the design of the financing mechanism in Outcome 3, but at minimum it should demonstrate that engagement with Win-Win has the potential to lead to new business opportunities and/or opportunities for joint advocacy and action around the enabling environment for women’s entrepreneurship and business participation. e. In line with point d, design a proposal for a formal networking platform to link identified woman-led businesses and entrepreneurs and their organizations from the six LAC countries and the EU countries. f. Contract experts in trade facilitation to support implementation in this area. g. In moving this work forward, seek opportunities to build on the advances to date through the MoU with RedIbero and activities with IWCA.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. Programme activities already valued by stakeholders, such as trainings, high-level events, networking mechanisms and commercial missions, are being improved and intensified (adapted to the COVID-19 travel restrictions), through active enlisting of partners and experts and through stepped-up efforts, in order to strengthen linkages between EU and LAC women-led businesses and entrepreneurs. Communications materials are also being developed to support these efforts, especially by communicating the value of involvement in the programme, which has the potential of attracting new partners and is already increasing UN Women and ILO’s profile as valued partners for the private sector.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Connect women-led business associations and networks and women entrepreneurs in EU and LAC, through: A) mapping of stakeholders and of business opportunities (including engagement with the six LAC country embassies in European countries and EU delegations in the six countries to help identify these opportunities); B) establishment of formal and informal partnerships (including building on existing ones with RedIbero and IWCA, and active engaging EU to foster partnerships with other stakeholders mapped, including trade promotions agencies in LAC and Europe and employer’s organizations in Europe); Win-Win Regional Coordinators, NPSSs 2021/06 Completed NPSS have mapped and nurtured partnerships with RedIbero (the Ibero-American Network of Entities for the Promotion of Exports and Attraction of Investments), the International Women Coffee Alliance, IESE Business School, Impulse for Women, the European Enterprise Network (EEN), the Latin America and the Caribbean Businesswomen Network, International Organisation of Employers (IOE), the six countries’ national employers’ organisations and bilateral European-LAC business chambers, to mention a few, to conduct joint work and promote exchanges between women in LAC and Europe. An expert in trade facilitation was hired in Brussels jointly by G7, Win-Win and WeEmpowerAsia from November 2019 until August 2020 to seek opportunities for exchanges and partnerships. A catalogue to promote 16 women-led business to potential buyers in Europe is being developed they will participate in a virtual commercial mission in April 2021. Programme has also been facilitating bilateral meetings between the EU and Mercosur, Chile, Costa Rica and Jamaica in order to promote business opportunities and present tools for exporting to Europe.
C) promotion of high-level dialogues and exchanges between EU and LAC woman-led businesses and entrepreneurs, employers’ organisations, etc.; Win-Win Regional Coordinators, NPSSs, and Win-Win Communications specialist 2021/06 Completed Government of the Canary Islands (Spain) through its exportation hub (PROEXCA), with support from Win-Win, organized the Women Impact Summit in Nov/2020 to foster exchanges between LAC and EU. Win-Win worked on communications materials to enhance women-led LAC and EU companies’ active participation, connected WEPs companies with PROEXCA so that they presented best practices, and programme personnel participated in and moderated panels. A regional high-level dialogue on the energy and mining sectors in Europe and Latin America was also held in Sep/2020, with the purpose of creating awareness regarding growing gender inequalities as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and reflect on how these sectors are able to respond to these changes. Programme is also holding a series of online events led by ILO to promote the Latin America and the Caribbean Businesswomen Network and to connect businesswomen from LAC and EU. It includes sharing of best practices from Win-Win countries’ women-led businesses and workshops on Trade Agreements signed between the EU and each country, and will include three international online forums and meetings between European employers’ organisations and LAC organisations.
D) support to the establishment of a formal network platform grounded/based on existing platforms to reinforce LAC and EU women-led business connections; Win-Win Regional Coordinators, NPSSs 2021/06 Completed The Venture Academy, through IESE Business school from Spain, led virtual training from July to September 2020 for women-led start-ups from the six Win-Win countries to pitch their business case and access European investors through IESE networks. The programme is also working with the EU to enhance the European Enterprise Network (EEN), a platform developed to connect companies around the world with European companies. The partnership focuses on promoting concrete business opportunities for women-led businesses in three key sectors: green solutions, technology and energy. After companies sign up, a match-making process of 2-3 weeks will take place by the end of February 2021, followed by bilateral meetings between connected companies.
E) commercial missions. Win-Win Regional Coordinators, NPSSs 2021/06 Completed Postponed due to COVID-19 travel restrictions. Programme continues to cultivate strategic partnerships and to hold virtual events. RedIbero mission planned for 2021 will happen virtually and will include a market analysis for selected women-led businesses and online commercial meetings to promote business opportunities.
2. Develop communications material for disseminating women entrepreneurship business cases in LAC and EU that convey concrete value for potential EU and LAC stakeholders’ involvement in the programme. NPSSs and Win-Win Communications specialist 2021/06 Completed UN Women and ILO are working together on a call for best practices and case studies on women entrepreneurs, as well as on a Women Entrepreneurship Development (WED) assessment. Newsletters in new format communicate better to stakeholders the value for their involvement in the programme. Communications specialist will develop other communications products by building upon existing audiovisual material from ILO events and testimonials by women entrepreneurs.
Recommendation: In alignment with the results of the exercise described in Recommendation 1, top level programme representatives from UNW, ILO and EU must agree on realistic targets – and potentially a revised outcome or outputs – to guide efforts on Outcome 3 until the end of the Programme period. If the decision is to concretize the investment facility, a set of practical steps must be identified, linked to other Win-Win programme activities. Recognizing that this is very unfamiliar territory for all three Programme partners, consider the following strategies: a. Build on the contacts already established in the impact and gender lens investment ecosystem to engage a trusted technical advisory group to play an active technical and leadership role in this initiative. Priority members of this group must be those who have actual experience in creating impact investment funds such as PROMUJER, Ventures of Mexico, Deetken Impact, IFC, CAF, IDB and OPIC. b. Contract a qualified expert to lead this work in consultation with the above technical advisory group and oversight from the Programme partners. c. Reach out to EU investors, in conjunction with work described in Recommendation 3, to include them in this endeavour, in keeping with the overall programme aim of facilitating EU-LAC business and investment linkages. d. Determine whether a realistic goal would be to design and pilot a limited initiative as a trial run of the financing initiative, possibly in just one or two of the Programme countries, or with a limited geographic thematic focus. e. Ensure direct involvement in this initiative by one or two selected country Programme teams and key financial stakeholders from those countries, including participation by woman-led businesses to identify their practical needs as consumers of financing.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. Efforts on Outcome 3 were carefully assessed and reoriented. Building upon this, key stakeholders (including potential investors and women beneficiaries) are being involved, partnerships are being formalized to advance the initiative and provide sustainability, a set of impact indicators with a gender perspective is being developed and a proposal for a future implementation of the originally envisioned innovative finance mechanism will be developed.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Innovation and technology
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Conduct a meeting with key implementing partners to revisit the programme LogFrame, especially Outcome 3 and its logical links to Outcomes 1 and 2, and redefine realistic targets. Win-Win Regional Coordinators (UNW), Innovative Financing specialist and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) specialist, in consultation with EU 2021/03 Completed Regional coordination team and Innovative Financing specialist revised: i) Outcome 3 targets and activities (implementation of investment facility was redefined as development of proposal for an investment facility and of a set of indicators, within the scope of a broader investment initiative), ii) logical links to other Outcomes (involvement of investors and banks offering financing possibilities for other outcomes, in addition to synergies between Outcome 1 networking and Outcome 3 outreach activities) and iii) defined a specific Outcome 3 2020 AWP. The initiative was presented at the annual Win-Win planning meeting (January 2020) and at the Steering Committee meeting (March 2020), with the presence of the EU. It was rebranded as “Investors for Equality” and was launched November 11th 2020. New set of indicators for Outcome 3 have been elaborated with support from M&E specialist to reflect programme efforts and set realistic targets, and are currently under revision by the EU.
2. Identify steps for developing and launching the Innovative Financing and Gender Impact Investment Initiative, including: A) Define UN Women’s role in the investment ecosystem; Win-Win Regional Coordinators (UNW) and Innovative Financing specialist 2020/06 Completed Mapping of impact investment experiences and relevant players of the investment ecosystem was undertaken, as well as identification of financial and non-financial needs from women-led businesses. This diagnosis oriented the definition of the role of UN Women as an articulator, besides contributing to the identification of potential members for the initiative.
B) Engage and form a technical advisory group with experience in creating impact investment funds to play a leadership role in the initiative, with support from a qualified expert; Win-Win Regional Coordinators (UNW) and Innovative Financing specialist 2021/03 Completed Specialist formed an Experts Working Group, and first meeting held in October 2019 included IDB Invest, International Finance Corporation (IFC), FINDEV Canada, Promujer, Acumen, Elevar Equity, Fundación Microfinanzas BBVA, Value for Women, Aspen Enterprise Network, WE FINTECH Ibero-american Fintech Network, and BANISTMO. Second meeting in May 2020 presented the initiative, its structure and projects to be implemented, and participants were invited to formalize their relationship with the Group and to participate in one or more of three working groups.
C) Reach out to EU investors through mechanisms developed in Outcome 1; D) Involve key financial stakeholders, including women-led business who will directly benefit from the initiative; Win-Win Regional Coordinators (UNW) and Innovative Financing specialist, with support from NPSSs 2021/06 Completed Win-Win held a High-Level Event with the Council of the Americas in June 2020, with participation of stakeholders of the financial ecosystem, and co-organized two other events in partnership with IE University in September-October. The first was aimed at Ibero-American governments, multilateral institutions and the private sector to discuss financing for women entrepreneurs and women-led small and medium enterprises. The second one was aimed at European Union and EU and LAC governments, companies and business organizations.
E) Establish membership and governance mechanisms for the initiative; Win-Win Regional Coordinators (UNW) and Innovative Financing specialist 2021/03 Completed High-level consultant, financing specialist and programme/communications assistant were hired to form the governance mechanism. Innovative Financing specialist is coordinating the development of a membership mechanism and guiding principles of gender lens investments as a reference guide to the promotion of this type of investment for new members and investors joining the initiative.
F) Develop a set of impact indicators to allow investors, financial intermediaries and asset owners to define impact strategies and monitor investment performance from a gender perspective; Innovative Financing specialist, with support from consultants 2021/06 Completed A consultant is being hired to design a set of gender-sensitive investment impact indicators. Other activities will include identification of best practices on investment funds and on financial performance of investments with a gender focus, and elaboration of a WEPs companies’ portfolio.
G) Develop a proposal for an investment facility/instrument for women-led businesses/entrepreneurs, and identify opportunities for implementing it after the end of the programme. Innovative Financing specialist, with support from consultants 2021/06 Completed A consultant is being hired to develop a proposal for an investment facility/instrument. It will include a guide and methodological tools to orient its future implementation. Articulation for piloting the facility within the scope of SDG Fund Uruguay is being carried out.
Recommendation: Over the remaining Programme period, consolidate and promote Win-Win’s function as a convenor, and promote sustainability of results, through efforts to develop and formalize national and regional “Win-Win” networks, linked to dedicated online resource and knowledge exchange hubs. Accelerate the full operationalization and promotion of online hubs for the Programme, building on approval of and engagement with the “Win-Win” brand and motto. This is a critical action to respond to many external stakeholders’ expressed needs and recommendations and to strengthen potential for sustainability by ensuring ongoing access to a complete package of relevant tools and information, as well as opportunities for networking and exchange that could sustain momentum initiated by the programme. This online space should be linked to related international and national initiatives in order to ensure that it is not perceived as competing with these but, rather, capitalizes on the identified value added of the Win-Win Programme as a convenor and bridge offering products, services, and approaches complementary to those of other actors working to promote gender equality in the private sector. A potential model might be found in the online women’s political participation knowledge hub, iKNOWPolitics ( In terms of creating and hosting such a hub, practical options could be: a. Highlight Win-Win more prominently with its own space on, and ensure prominent links are promoted online between this space and the ILO Win-Win website; b. Actively promote the new ILO website and the Win-Win space on in person during workshops and meetings as well as in all email communications and via LinkedIn or other opportunities; c. Build into existing Win-Win hub(s) ( and the new ILO Win-Win site) space for an online community of practice, with opportunities for hosting webinars, sharing resources, and hosting conversations on specific topics of interest; for example, if human resources allow, facilitate online conversations with women entrepreneurs on specific challenges or opportunities: when the communications function is filled at regional level this team member could manage this process; other options include having national NPSS rotate this task, or engaging external stakeholders with high level of commitment to Programme goals to take this on as a contribution to Win-Win; d. Link special “online events” and interactive opportunities to Win-Win social media channels (i.e. LinkedIn). For example, consider following the lead of WeEmpower and launching a call for WEPs case studies, to be compiled and showcased on LinkedIn and the online hubs; e. Ensure the online hub(s) will continue to be hosted by a partner or ally to ensure sustainability after programme end, with a view to ensuring that this is seen as an open forum for knowledge-sharing and promoting synergy among a range of relevant stakeholders rather than an initiative that “belongs” to one organization in particular.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. Internal and external communications were revamped (contributing to increasing the programme´s visibility and to bringing implementing partners closer to each other), knowledge management activities are being undertaken (including the improvement and potential integration of websites to disseminate programme knowledge), and a sustainability strategy is being developed.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Elaborate and implement a new external communications strategy to provide a unified programme narrative and ensure visibility efforts serve programme results (this could include newsletters, calendar of events, rebranding, social media presence, online events and webinars, call for case studies to be compiled and showcased, etc.). Win-Win Regional Coordinators and Communications specialist 2021/03 Completed Regional communications senior specialist hired in March 2020 developed, in agreement with EU, a Strategic Communications Plan 2020-2021 (guided by a regional and unified branding). It includes rebranding of the Win-Win programme; integration of Win-Win´s information, tools and methodologies in one same online hub; dissemination of newsletters on a quarterly basis; press releases; monthly communications plan and calendar of events. Graphic design, translation of all newsletter and events to the three languages of Win-Win, social media packages and data collection focusing on gender and race for research purposes are also in place as part of this strategy.
2. Elaborate and disseminate communications material to bring key implementing partners closer together. Win-Win Regional Coordinators and Communications specialist 2021/06 Completed Communications specialist rebranded newsletters, which now communicate results in a more effective manner. Specialist also sends key activities reports to the EU weekly and granted them access to the webinars and events spreadsheet to enhance communications. In addition to this, social media packages directed at EU have also enhanced synergies – in programme countries such as Uruguay and Argentina, content is distributed through local EU social media, in the absence of specific dedicated Win-Win social media channels. Regional communications coordination has also established links with EU in Brussels to enhance the impact of programme communications.
3. Develop an online hub (or strengthen existing ones) to raise programme visibility, make tools and resources accessible, manage programme knowledge, and promote the formation of national and regional networks (refer to recommendation 2, action 6). Win-Win Regional Coordinators, KM and Communications specialists 2021/06 Completed Besides the integration of Win-Win´s information, tools and methodologies in one same online hub, KM specialist is also assessing possibilities for hosting a community of practice and assessing synergies and potential for integration with other websites, such as
4. Disseminate the online hub through dedicated communications strategies, which include addressing potential overlaps and promoting strategic complementarities in relation to other partners’ or programme’s websites and online resources. Win-Win Communications and KM specialists, with support from translation consultants 2021/06 Completed Communications specialist is supporting the r integration of Win-Win´s information, tools and methodologies in one same online hub. The KM specialist will support the integration and articulation of all knowledge management websites used by the programme (including UN Women-supported websites and ILO-supported websites).
5. Elaborate a sustainability strategy, which includes strategies for maintaining the programme-supported websites after the end of the programme (refer to recommendation 2, action 7). KM specialist is preparing a sustainability and exit strategy, in coordination with the NPSSs and the Communications specialist, and will address website maintenance after the end of the programme. 2021/06 Completed Win-Win KM specialist, with support from Communications specialist and NPSSs
Recommendation: Identify critical bottlenecks in contracting and other administrative procedures in UN Women and seek solutions to expedite and ease needed actions in these areas over the remainder of the Win-Win Programme cycle or plan well in advance for any contracting needs.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. In response, the programme’s core regional team was restructured and expanded, which was made possible by a programme-requested budget revision approved by the EU. This restructuring was perceived as necessary given the labor-intensive outreach, networking, and partnership-building involved in the Programme.
Description: Broad recommendations about improving UNW administrative procedures would require an organizational analysis beyond the scope of this evaluation. However, findings clearly show that these issues have undermined Programme effectiveness. Moreover, given that a number of other recommendations rely on contracting outside expertise to move outcomes forward, taking steps to prevent costly delays in this area is critical. A targeted assessment of upcoming Programme needs in these areas and how they can be met most efficiently is suggested. Notably, hiring for the full-time Regional Communications Specialist and full-time Regional Finance Associate and to fill any continued vacancies in the EU-approved staffing complement should be completed urgently to ensure the Programme has the human resources required as it moves into its crucial final year.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Identify bottlenecks, revise budget and implement viable solutions to expedite contracting processes. UN Women senior managers and administrative and finance personnel, in coordination with the Win-Win Regional Coordinators and with the EU 2020/03 Completed Administrative and finance personnel and Regional Coordinators carried out budget revisions in July 2019 which, when approved by the EU, allowed for the expansion of the programme core regional team, which now consists of: two regional programme coordinators for UNW and one for ILO, a programme assistant, an administrative assistant, a monitoring and evaluation associate, and a half-time regional finance officer. Full team has been onboard since March 2020. Building upon MTE recommendations, there has been a restructuring of the management team (including splitting up programmatic and managerial functions into two dedicated coordinating positions), which has fostered specific responsibilities and processes.
Recommendation: Across all Programme outcomes, seek opportunities for greater integration of ILO and UN Women work to allow the Programme and each partner to take advantage of each one’s value added and promote sustainability of progress post-programme. To facilitate this, consider: a. Periodic remote meetings with participation of all Win-Win ILO and UNW personnel, including both Regional Coordinators, to share progress and identify areas of potential cooperation and synergy; b. Additional efforts by ILO to engage with UN Women in disseminating and highlighting ILO knowledge products among all relevant Programme stakeholders to maximize the reach and the benefit from these; c. Additional efforts to engage employers’ organizations in WEPs-related activities and encourage their promotion of WEPs among their members, promoting these organizations as national “Win-Win champions” and seeking opportunities to provide awards and incentives for these organizations, in order to capitalize on their potential as multipliers; d. Encouraging the involvement of employers’ organizations in the development of formal Win-Win networking platforms as described in Recommendation 7; and e. Joint ILO and UNW work to identify the most promising pathways for sustaining results after Programme end, based on the comparative advantage of each, and building on a strengthened communications strategy.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. Integration between implementing partners ILO and UN Women is being sought through regular remote meetings, communications efforts, and through joint work regarding events, annual planning and WEPs-related activities, among others.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Conduct periodic remote meetings with participation of all Win-Win ILO and UN Women personnel to increase communication, share knowledge products, discuss progress, define priorities and identify areas of potential cooperation and synergy. Win-Win Regional Coordinators and Regional Coordination team 2021/06 Completed Regional coordination teams holds biweekly meeting. As of Q2/2020, ILO and UN Women events and activities have been incorporated into each other’s planning documents. A COVID-19 response framework was also articulated between them.
2. Enhance joint work between ILO and UN Women on sustainability and communications strategies and regarding the knowledge management platform (refer to recommendation 2). Win-Win Regional Coordinators, KM and Communications specialists 2021/06 Completed Integration of Win-Win´s information, tools and methodologies in one same online hub has initiated to join efforts to raise programme’s visibility, develop and share existing knowledge tools and products and foster exchanges and networks. Communications specialist also made Win-win LinkedIn channel available for both ILO and UN Women programme-related content sharing.
3. Through ILO´s expertise and added value, promote efforts to engage employers’ organizations in WEPs-related activities, in Win-Win networking platforms and in promoting WEPs among their members, to capitalize on their potential as multipliers and ensure programme sustainability. Win-Win Regional Coordinators, NPSSs 2021/06 Completed Win-Win has initiated the formulation of a WEPs allies proposal and joint efforts are being undertaken in creating a community of practice and in strengthening networking platforms. The programme is also working on a call for best practices and case studies on women entrepreneurs, as well as on promoting ILO’s Women Entrepreneurship Development (WED) assessment.
Recommendation: Within Outcome 2, and aligned with the results of the exercise described in Recommendation 1, focus efforts and resources on consolidating support for implementation and monitoring of gender-sensitive practices in the private sector. In this area, consider the following strategies: a. Work with existing WEPs signatory companies and other interested companies and employers’ organizations on effective ways to help them transform the Principles into practice and connect with others doing the same. b. Build on existing efforts to work more intensively with “pilot” companies, ensuring that these experiences are captured and shared, through effective communications, with other interested companies and with ILO counterpart employers’ organizations who are in a position to multiply impact. c. In relation outreach and going work with WEPs signatories and other companies – particularly large companies, focus efforts to get beyond corporate contacts in areas such as human resources (for example, “diversity and inclusion managers”), sustainability, and procurement to reach a wider audience of men and higher-level decision-makers. d. Continue to adapt tools and approaches to the needs of smaller companies and to the differing national contexts. e. Consolidate and disseminate a practical package of tools and guidance, including guidance on indicators and monitoring of WEPs implementation, ideally making this available via the online hub described in Recommendation 8. f. Continue to prioritize cooperation and synergy in this work with other related initiatives associated with non-Win-Win partners, identifying and capitalizing on opportunities to participate in joint events, share information, and promote other relevant approaches to private sector engagement, in keeping with analysis of the different context in each country.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. Building on the outstanding progress in the number of companies committed to WEPs, more effort is being put into technical assistance and high-quality webinars and trainings to help signatories put principles into practice and into reaching wider audiences, including efforts to diversify outreach to also include men, to attract non-traditional Win-Win partners, to reach small and medium enterprises with useful tools as well as big companies, and to consolidate and widely disseminate best practices and trainings.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Offer technical assistance and support sessions to WEPs signatories, national employers’ organisations and interested pilot companies to help put principles into practice and to monitor gender-sensitive practices. Regional Coordinators, ILO´s team and NPSSs 2021/06 Completed In addition to recruiting companies to commit to principles, NPSS have intensified assistance for putting principles into practice since March 2020, building upon MTE recommendations and in answer to the challenges posed by COVID-19. There was great advancement in the number and quality of webinars and trainings, and support sessions were organized with WEPs signatory companies to share solutions linked to each WEP (for instance, meetings with signatories are held periodically to share gender-sensitive practices, including in response to COVID-19). ILO’s team is also organizing high-level dialogues between LAC CEOs to exchange measures taken to continue with their business in face of COVID-19.
2. Document and disseminate lessons learned and best practices from companies already implementing the principles, including experiences from similar regional initiatives. NPSSs and ILO's team, with support from Communications specialist 2021/06 Completed Argentina NPSS coordinated the publication of “Best practices in WEPs companies”, disseminated with support from Communications specialist. Uruguay NPSS is preparing a similar publication, while Chile NPSS is elaborating a publication on best practices from WEPs signatory companies for COVID-19 responses. Jamaica is undertaking a similar study and Brazil will film videos on the importance of implementing WEPs from the perspective of private companies. ILO’s team also coordinated elaboration of a regional publication on best practices for business continuation under COVID-19 and on demands for public and private measures to mitigate its negative impacts.
3. Consolidate trainings and methodologies developed to support WEPs companies’ advancement and women entrepreneurs in a regional package, ideally available at an online hub. Win-Win KM specialist, with support from NPSSs and in cooperation with G7, WeEmpowerAsia and ITCILO specialists and with Win-Win translation consultants 2021/06 Completed Capacity development modules on WEPs are being developed as part of a joint effort between EU-supported programmes Win-Win, G7 and WeEmpowerAsia, in addition to ITCILO. Win-Win programme will provide the translation into Spanish and Portuguese.
4. Diversify outreach beyond corporate contacts already committed to advancing gender equality to reach a wider audience of men and higher-level decision-makers. NPSSs 2021/06 Completed NPSSs have conducted outreach to men and work on masculinities in partnership with the NGO PROMUNDO in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay. The work being developed with WEPs allies is also aimed at forming a group of committed individuals to replicate and disseminate principles among greater audiences in companies, chambers of commerce and unions.
5. Adapt practical tools to small and medium enterprises (SMEs), ensuring easy access at online hub. NPSSs 2021/06 Completed Costa Rica NPSS developed and implemented a pilot self-assessment tool aimed at SMEs and next it will be tested by SME also in Argentina, Chile, Brazil and Uruguay. After necessary adjustments, it will be made available to all SMEs in any country. ILO is carrying out a Women Entrepreneurship Development (WED) assessment to identify relevant policy and programme actions to improve the ecosystem for WED in micro, small and medium enterprises in each of the six programme countries and may support the process of adapting practical tools to SMEs by identifying specific demands they have to address.
6. Identify and capitalize on opportunities to participate in joint events, share information and promote other relevant approaches to private sector engagement beyond Win-Win partners. Win-Win Regional Coordinators, NPSSs and ILO's team 2021/06 Completed Engagement with the private sector beyond programme partners include cooperation with bilateral chambers (such as the French and German chambers in various programme countries), chambers of commerce, Women Economic Forum (WEF), Women's Association of Executives of Tourism Companies (AFEET), etc. This is carried out through information sharing, participation in events, organization of trainings or addition of gender modules to their own trainings, etc.
Recommendation: Consider options for adapting M&E processes for a more streamlined and user-friendly approach that allows ongoing consolidation of key performance indicators to support agile and strategic Programme management over the final programming year.
Management Response: The recommendation was accepted. In response, the Monthly Report structure was revised and changed to a Quarterly Report and the indicators matrix was revamped into a more user friendly-format and regularly updated and shared with the implementing staff.
Description: In the final year of the Programme, needs associated with the EU PIMS should take second place to the potential of monitoring data to feed Programme learning and facilitate both regional coordination and more information-sharing across programme countries. The current monthly reporting format, which is one of the main monitoring tools, is a valuable means of gathering detailed narrative information that may be useful in preparing annual reports and has the value of highlighting to country and regional personnel the specific indicators relevant to their agreed work plans. However, it is time-consuming for the Programme team to complete and difficult for the Regional Coordinator to make use of. Consider a Performance Measurement Framework-style monitoring spreadsheet capable of aggregating all quantitative indicator data, shared via Googledocs so that all team members have quick access to information about progress across the Programme. This could be hyperlinked to brief narrative reports, or comment fields could be integrated for adding key qualitative information. It is important that any modified approach should replace, and not add to, existing processes.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Revise the Monthly Report structure. Win-Win Regional Coordinators and M&E specialist 2020/03 Completed Coordinators revised the Monthly Report structure and reports are now delivered on a quarterly basis, in a format less time-consuming to prepare and equally useful for monitoring.
2. Publish indicators status dashboard in the Win-Win Sharepoint to better communicate programme achievements. Win-Win Regional Coordinators, M&E specialist and NPSS 2020/12 Completed M&E specialist reshaped programme’s indicators matrix into a more user-friendly format and with clearer indication of results and gaps to be addressed. M&E specialist updates data in coordination with NPSS and regularly publishes in SharePoint to ensure information-sharing across programme countries and relevant implementing personnel.