The Research and Data team thanks Paige Arthur and her team for their work to conduct the first evaluation of UN Women’s Flagship Report, Progress of the World’s Women. We acknowledge that there are few precedents for evaluating similar flagship publications or knowledge products, and therefore particularly appreciate the insights and learning that the process and the final evaluation report have provided.
The evaluation demonstrates that Progress is widely used and valued, is generally regarded as high quality, and helps to position UN Women as a global knowledge hub on gender equality. It also provides concrete lessons on how we can ensure that the report has even broader outreach, greater uptake by our key stakeholders and can inform policy processes to a larger extent. Another important lesson is about the critical necessity of tracking the use of the report in a timely way, so that specific examples of the report’s use and influence on policy processes are not lost due to short personal and institutional memories.
The evaluation reinforces the utility and value of having long form flagship reports for an organization like UN Women, while also pointing to the need to make better use of a range of shorter formats for different audiences, and throughout the report cycle rather than only at the time of the launch. The evaluation recommends that we publish Progress more often, but recognizes that in order to do so, and to improve our outreach, we will require greater human and financial capacity. Compared to the Human Development Report, Progress has only one sixth the amount of staff resources and one seventh of the annual budget available to it. The evaluation recommends that we work to foster greater buy-in and support for the report from senior management and ensure that it is recognized as a key resource informing UN Women’s advocacy in global policy debates.
The final evaluation report and recommendations came at a time when we had already started the 2019-2020 edition of Progress, so we will implement as many of the recommendations as possible within this report cycle, and aim to implement the others in the following cycle. Since our team is responsible for other flagship reports and research publications, we will apply these recommendations to all of our reports, as relevant.