Management Response

: Vietnam
: 2020 - 2020 , Vietnam (CO)
: Country Portfolio Evaluation + Audit - Viet Nam
: Vietnam

UN Women Viet Nam thanks the cooperate support to its learning and improvement through the country portfolio evaluation and audit exercise in 2020 and the timeliness of its findings and recommendations. As the report indicates, the evaluation found UN Women’s works in Viet Nam relevant and acknowledged by different stakeholders. Through the management response, the Viet Nam Country Office will aim at addressing areas for improvement to seize the opportunities for a stronger and more strategic presence for GEWE during the period 2022-2026 under a new UNSDCF and UN Women SN.

: Approved
Recommendation: ROAP and CO management, in consultation with Change Management in headquarters, to define a vision for the CO’s sustainability and footprint in the country for the next SN cycle, considering the external and internal context, particularly the impact and opportunities of COVID-19. Based on this vision the CO should conduct a functional analysis to review its office structure and necessary skill set to fulfil this vision.
Management Response: Vietnam Country Office (VCO) accepts this recommendation. Defining a vision for the CO’s sustainability and footprint in the next 5 years (2022-2026) should be considered a corporate process that will include a close involvement of the RO, a very detailed alignment with the new Viet Nam UNSDCF being designed in 2021, and the particular conditions and priorities of Viet Nam as a Lower Middle Income Country (LMIC) with very clear ambitions for economic recovery and growth in the post-covid-19 era, in alignment with international commitments made (including SDGS and CEDAW).
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Impact, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW UN WOMEN VIETNAM STRATEGIC NOTE 2022-2026 THAT CLEARLY DEFINES VISION AND SUSTAINABILITY OF THE COUNTRY OFFICE UN Women Viet Nam Country Representative, HQ and Regional Office Leadership (RD and others) 2021/12 Completed VCO has followed the recommended process by the RO and corporate guidance. VCO SN 2022-2026 has been developed and submitted for HQ approval in December 2021 in alignment with the UNSDCF for Viet Nam for 2022-2026 and the global UN Women SP 2022-2025, in consultation with national stakeholders, and corporate leadership (HQ and RO) for strategic guidance.
2. HR FUNCTION ANALYSIS FOR THE SN 2022-2026 RO HR and Viet Nam Country Rep 2021/04 Completed The HR Functional Analysis was undertaken in 2021 in coordination with and lead by RO HR. A team survey and individual interviews of all CO staff was undertaken and results were presented to the team. Findings and Recommendations of the CPE and Audit 2020 were taken on board. Recommendations from the HR Functional Analysis have been integrated in the development of the SN 2022-2026 for an optimal set up of VCO HR arrangements/structure for the next SN period.
3. DEVELOP A RESOURCE MOBILIZATION STRATEGY WITH CLEAR TARGETS FOR THE SN PERIOD, THAT IS REVIEWED AND READJUSTED YEARLY IN LINE WITH AWP PROCESS CR, with support from Programme Specialist 2021/09 Completed The RM Strategy was developed as part of the SN development for the period 2022-2026, built on lessons learned from the past and analysis of the current and future context, including the impact of COVID-19 pandemic. The RM as included as Annex 9 of the SN submission. Targets and strategies will be adjusted as part of the AWP bi-annual review.
Recommendation: The CO should prioritize the thematic areas and activities underneath with a view to building a coherent theory of change, identifying possible areas of duplication with development partners, and leveraging partners expertise. This should be done through the Strategic Note, with the aim of advancing GEWE in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) and ROAP priority areas and within the context of MIC and COVID-19 to ensure that the Strategic Note is relevant, impactful and cost-effective.
Management Response: VCO accepts the recommendations. The parallel development of a UNSDCF and the UN Women corporate strategic plan offers the unique opportunity for the development of a strengthened strategic note that accomplishes better our triple mandate for improved relevance, impact and cost effectiveness for the achievement of GE/WE in Viet Nam.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Impact, Sustainability, Relevance, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
STRENGTHEN THE GENDER ANALYSIS AVAILABLE FOR THE UNSDCF DEVELOPMENT (PROVIDING GENDER INPUTS TO THE ONE SP EVALUATION AND CCA) AND LEAD THE COUNTRY GENDER EQUALITY PROFILE DEVELOPMENT TO INFORM THE SN’S TOC. Country Rep, Pro Specialist and PMs 2021/09 Completed UN Women Viet Nam has actively participated with UNCT members in the mainstreaming of gender analysis throughout the evaluation of the ONE SP Evaluation, the CCA preparation and development of the UNSDCF 2022-2026 for a coherent and gender-responsive UN Country Framework. During Mid-2021 UN Women coordinated the UNCT SWAP Gender Scorecard review exercise which resulted on recommendations that were immediately included in the UNSDCF development document. Moreover, in Oct 2021 UN Women launched the CGEF 2016-2021, developed in partnership with DFAT Australia (donor), ADB, ILO Viet Nam and the NWM (MoLISA – Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs), becoming the most comprehensive and up-to-date framework on GE data available in the country, and will serve as baseline for further measurements of gender indicators in the UNSDCF period 2022-2026. UN Women Vietnam’s inputs to the One SP 2018-2021 (Viet Nam’s current UNDAF) and CCA, were done through the UN Gender Theme Group (GTG) and UN Results Groups (UNRGs).
AS PART OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW SN 2022-2026, MAP THE EXISTING RESPONSIBLE PARTNERS IN KEY THEMATIC AREAS TO LEVERAGE THE EXPERTISE AND TO AVOID DUPLICATION AND INCREASE SYNERGY PMs, Programme Specialist 2021/09 Completed UN Women Vietnam has mapped key stakeholders and potential partners for each of its outcome areas in the Strategic Note Narrative Document. It also will continue participating or leading different coordination groups to strengthen synergies, avoid duplication and leverage its gender expertise.
Recommendation: Building on the existing plans of the UN system and development partners for strengthening synergies and coordinating efforts to leave no one behind, the CO should prioritize the needs of the most disadvantaged groups of populations through timely and participatory engagement of rights holders and duty bearers in project design, monitoring and reporting (i.e. in needs analysis, target group selection and validation, feasibility assessment and value for money analysis). The CO should also strengthen its analysis and data collection of intersecting forms of inequality and its approach for measuring social norm change, including through its partners.
Management Response: VCO accepts the recommendation. Through its works UN Women Viet Nam has demonstrated to prioritize the LNOB principle and the most vulnerable groups of women (i.e. ethnic minority, rural, with disability or HIV, etc.) or the LGBTQI community in all our work. Yet, for the greater impact, we acknowledge the need to strengthen the ME and RBM aspect of our work with these groups.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable, Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance, Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support, Culture of results/RBM, Faith based, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Impact, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
CONDUCT NEEDS ASSESSMENT IN CONSULTATION WITH THE MOST VULNERABLE GROUPS DURING THE PROJECT DESIGN PHASE TO ENSURE NEW PROJECTS/ACTIVITIES MEET THEIR NEEDS Programme Specialist, PMs 2021/12 Completed Appropriate timing for direct consultation with vulnerable groups will be consistently allocated as part of the project design phase during the SN period 2022-2026. Programme Specialist needs to oversee that this is complied by all PMs. Capacity building of programme staff may be needed.
DURING PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING, INCLUDE A TABLE CAPTURING DISAGGREGATION OF BENEFICIARY BY DIFFERENT VULNERABLE GROUPS IN MONITORING REPORTS, AND COLLECT DATA CONSISTENTLY Programme Specialist, PMs 2021/12 Completed The compilation of this data accross all VCO programmes will be compiled during the SN 2022-2026 period. Programme Specialist needs to oversee this and ensure compliance by all PMs. Capacity building of programme staff may be needed.
ENHANCING VCO PARTICIPATION INTO EXISTING UNCT DATA WORKING TO STRENGTHEN THE GENDER DISAGREGATED DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS ON INTERSECTING FORMS OF INEQUALITY Programme Specialist 2021/12 Completed VCO PMs participate in all the UN Results Group and have advocated to strengthen gender disaggregated data as part of the new UNSDCF framework development. Active participation from all PMs and Programme Specialist will continue in the new UNSDCF period 2022-2026 to ensure UNCT commitment and accountability for data collection and analysis of intersecting forms of inequality.
ENSURES THAT NEW SN RESULTS FRAMEWORK CONTAINS INDICATORS AND IS SET UP FOR DATA COLLECTION ON INTERSECTING FORMS OF INEQUALITY AND VULNERABLE GROUPS CO Rep, Programme Specialist, Intl Consultant 2021/09 Completed As part of the design process of the new SN 2022-2026 for Vietnam, UN Women has advocated to use indicators that allow for the collection of sex-disaggregated data among different population groups in Viet Nam, especially those in the most vulnerable situations, in line with the UN principle of LNOB. Yet, significant data gaps remain in the country.
Recommendation: In line with UN reform, under the Resident Coordinator’s overall guidance, the CO to • Leverage its mandate for UN system coordination for GEWE and urge for integration, coherence and synergies between UN system actors to further amplify impact. • Develop a CO coordination strategy and success indicators that are regularly measured, consolidating key stakeholders’ expectations and addressing potential overlaps between different existing forums to ensure that coordination mechanisms are leveraged for strategic issues. • Within the context of the new UNSDCF planning process, advocate for a dedicated gender outcome and gender responsive indicators across the next UN–Government One Strategic Plan for Viet Nam and a review of the coordination architecture to ensure coherence of results and working groups.
Management Response: VCO partially accepts the recommendation. There is room to refine the coordination function on gender by UN Women Viet Nam to make it more strategic and interconnected between the different spaces where UN Women leaders in this role. Regarding the upcoming UNSDCF, the outcomes have already been negotiated and agreed with the government and there is no room for a gender only outcome. However, UN Women Vietnam is advocating for a separate gender output and indicators. By 31 Oct, UN Women completed Recommendation 4: Develop a Country Office coordination strategy and success indicators that are regularly measured. The VCO Coordination Strategy addresses 2 layers of coordination to advance GEWE: within the UN System and with external stakeholders. Moreover, it adds a third objective/key area of action that is to strengthen the capacity and effectiveness of UN Women Viet Nam’s coordination efforts, including by tracking VCO resources (financial and HR) dedicated to coordination and value added/strategic results delivered thanks to it, in order to increase UN Women’s credibility and visibility. The staff that took the charge of this work: Ms Vu Phuong Ly, Programme Specialist of Viet Nam CO, with the support of Ms. Kim Lan, Programme Manager on WEE, and the country representative, who dedicated a lot of time after working hours to complete this task. The Strategy received the technical input and was cleared by Ms. Hulda Otieno, Coordination Specialist at the Regional Office for APAC.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Capacity development, Alignment with strategy, Internal coordination and communication, Innovation and technology, Evidence, Data and statistics, Resource mobilization
Organizational Priorities: Faith based, Normative Support, Operational activities, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Gender equality, Sustainability, Impact, Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
DEVELOP A COORDINATION STRATEGY AS PART OF THE SN 2022-2026 (INCLUDING ALL RELEVANT STAKEHOLDERS AS PER UN WOMEN’S MANDATE) CR and Programme Specialist 2021/09 Completed The SN 2022-2026 includes a coordination strategy where UN Women will aim to establish strategic interconnection among the different coordination spaces led by UN Women (i.e. GTG, GM in the UNRGs, the GAP group with gvt, CSOs and development partners working on gender, and the Informal Ambassadors and Head of Agencies Gender Policy Coordination Group). VCO will also leverage opportunities for joint programming for a wider reach of UN gender-responsive interventions.
CONDUCT THE UNCT SWAP SCORECARD TO IDENTIFY THE CONCRETE ACTIONS FOR IMPROVED AND ACCOUNTABLE UN SYSTEM COORDINATION ON GEWE CR and RCO with the assistance from Programme Specialist 2021/09 Completed The SWAP exercise was completed in Q3 2021 and the gender recommendations were immediately integrated in the Viet Nam UNSDCF development process with the support from the RC and Head of RCO.
ADVOCATE FOR GENDER-RESPONSIVE OUTCOMES, A SEPARATE GENDER OUTPUT, AND GENDER-RESPONSIVE INDICATORS IN THE NEW UNSDCF CR, Programme Specialist and All PMs 2021/09 Completed The Draft UNSDCF 2022-2026 document (awaiting government approval) includes 2 gender related outputs: 4.3 on Gender Equality, and 4.4 on EVAW, both containing gender specific indicators. These two outputs fall under the 4th Outcome on Governance and Access to Justice. Note that the 4 broad outcomes were negotiated and agreed with the government early on 2021, thus, we successfully achieve the inclusion of these 2 outputs together with other agencies during the UNCT negotiation process.
Recommendation: The CO should establish an integrated strategic partnership and capacity building approach based on its thematic priorities and programmes: • Integrate work across thematic areas, projects (horizontally) and different levels of the partner organization (rather than on a siloed project basis), consolidating established partnership principles and building upon existing efforts. The strategy should specify how the CO will specifically engage in strengthening civil society through its convening role and platform which offers a bridge between civil society and the government on issues related to GEWE. • Develop a capacity building strategy for those strategic partners with performance indicators so that its cost-effectiveness can be measured over time. This strategy should be based on principles for capacity building, partner needs/capacity assessment, followed by an implementation plan with measurable indicators and collaborative review.
Management Response: VCO accepts the recommendation. Establishment of strategic partnerships across its works (avoiding the tendency to a siloed project approach) Recommendation 5: The Country Office should establish an integrated strategic partnership and capacity building approach was completed. The Capacity Building Strategy is currently under development. An International Consultant has been hired and is currently in the document review stage. By December 2022 we expect to have the document review and outline of the strategy and methodology for data collection finalized. We are requesting an extension until February 2023 to undertake the necessary consultations with Stakeholders and develop a strong and implementable Capacity Building Strategy to accompany the VCO SN 2022-2023.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, National ownership, Resource mobilization, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Operational activities, Normative Support, Culture of results/RBM, Faith based, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Relevance, Impact, Sustainability, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
SYSTEMATICALLY ESTABLISH LINKAGES WITHIN AND ACCROSS THEMATIC AREAS AND PARTNERS WORKING IN DIFFERENT PROJECT AREAS (EXAMPLE GBV-WEE; GBV-CCA/DDR) Programme Specialist and all project managers 2021/12 Completed The new SN 2022-2026 clearly establishes establish synergies between VCO 3 themes/sectors in WEE, EVAW and Gender and DRR/CC and other topics such as WPS and LNOW, to better integrate the work horizontally, avoid siloed projects, and strengthen our partnerships with critical multi-sectoral partners such as Gender Equality Department of MOLISA and the Vietnam Women’s Union. The this approach will be strongly promoted during the new SN implementation.
DEVELOP A STRATEGY TO STRENGTHEN CIVIL SOCIETY AND INCOPORATE IT INTO THE COMING SN CR, PS and PMs 2021/12 Completed The new VCO SN2022-2026, which included consultation with Vietnamese CSOs for its development, establishes CSOs as part of its key strategic partnerships in Viet Nam. The SN recognizes the importance of continuing strengthening its existing allies and expanding to reaching new CSOs and women's organizations, while building the capacity of CSO networks in different areas (GBV, CCA/DRR, WPS, etc.) to reach further at the provincial and local level. Moreover, the strategic approach for CSO engagement will also include collaboration with community and specialized organizations working with youth, people living with disabilities, ethnic minorities and LGBTQI people to strengthen their voice and to provide specialized local level responses to demonstrate good approaches, practices and models to policy makers and national level partners. VCO aims to continue deepening its CSO Strategy through a mapping and a capacity assessment of existing CSOs in Viet Nam and a capacity building road map for the CSOs and its networks for the years to come.
CONDUCT NEEDS/CAPACITY ASSESMENT OF STRATEGIC PARTNERS AND DEVELOP CAPACITY BUILDING STRATEGY Programme Specialist and PMs 2021/12 Completed This action is being integrated as part of VCO coordination function and the support provide to other partners in existing coordination groups, such as GTG, the GAP (with Gvt, CSOs and development partners) and HoA/Ambassadors' group on gender policy coordination.
Recommendation: The CO should strengthen its RBM practices, and identification, prioritization and control of key risks and opportunities in its project management and operations. • Develop an integrated M&E framework consolidating strategic priorities and annual workplans cascading into project and partners results frameworks and consolidate efforts of all relevant stakeholders involved in monitoring. During planning/inception phase conduct a needs assessment, feasibility analysis of interventions, value-for-money analysis and provide for the sustainability of CO initiatives (including projects, communications, and coordination efforts) and regularly monitor these aspects during implementation. • Ensure that data in the reports is independently validated from those who collect those data, including validation on a sample of reached beneficiaries compared to targeted ones. • Establish a knowledge management system that captures monitoring, evaluation, and reporting information in a systematized manner to facilitate learning both internally and externally. • Depending on available resources (budgeted and pooled from different projects), consider establishing a dedicated M&E post. If not available, the monitoring function could be shared between project managers with monitoring and data validations protocols and training. The M&R Officer from RO could provide technical support in establishing this.
Management Response: This recommendation is partially accepted by the VCO. Although VCO recognizes the need to strengthen its RBM practices reinforce its evidence-based and result based programming, the feasibility of the proposed recommendations depends on the availability of resources in the medium term. Therefore, this recommendation needs to be reassessed in the process of development of the SN. By Nov 2022, VCO nearly completed the recommendation 6 on the integrated M&R framework for VCO that combines and links the outputs and indicators from (1) Viet Nam One UN Country framework, (2) UN Women SN 2022-2026, (3) Country/regional Programme/project; and (4) Partner agreements. This is responding to the Recommendation 6 of the Country Portfolio evaluation.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Capacity development, Alignment with strategy, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency, Faith based, Culture of results/RBM, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Sustainability, Impact, Relevance, Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
WITH SUPPORT FROM THE REGIONAL OFFICE, DEVELOP AN INTEGRATED M&E FRAMEWORK CONSOLIDATING STRATEGIC PRIORITIES AND ANNUAL WORKPLANS CASCADING INTO PROJECT AND PARTNER RESULT FRAMEWORK. Programme Specialist, Regional Evaluation Specialist, Project Managers 2021/12 Completed This activity has been delayed due to the development of the SN, to better understand the needs of the office before proceeding. Yet, the office does not have the technical capacity to develop an Integrated M&E Framework. The need of the RO and outside expertise will be needed to develop this in 2022. A budget has been allocated with 2022 Core resources and initial TORs for an external consultant have been drafted and need to be further discussed with the RO. As part of this process, VCO will collect information on how other country offices in the region establish a monitoring systems.
COLLECT DATA INDEPENDENTLY AGAINST KEY AWP AND PROJECT INDICATORS TO ASSESS UN WOMEN'S PROGRESS AND RESULTS Programme Specialist, OM and PMs 2021/12 Completed VCO currently collects data as part of its project implementation and monitoring activities. In order to creating a system for independent data collection beyond the regular project monitoring and results’ data collection by the project PM and partner, further guidance and support is needed from the RO. To be discussed and decided in early 2022. VCO completed as part of the 2022 exercise.
ESTABLISH A NEW DEDICATED POST ON M&E FOR THE PERIOD 2022-2026 Country Representative in discussion with the Regional Office 2021/04 No Longer Applicable VCO does not have resources for an M&E post under its current composition and funding structure. Establishment of this new post will be decided based on funding growth and availability, and the feasibility analysis of resources to sustain that position over time.
ORGANISE ANNUAL REFRESHER TRAINING FOR PROGRAMME STAFF ON RBM This has been part of the OEEF activities of UN Women AWP under the SN 2017-2021. RO or HQ support could be requested as needed. 2021/12 Completed This has been part of the OEEF activities of UN Women AWP under the SN 2017-2021. RO or HQ support could be requested as needed.
Recommendation: The CO should strengthen its risk management and controls in key operational areas to ensure cost-effectiveness and to avoid unnecessary delays in implementation. In particular: • Strengthen its management of SSA recruitment by designing clear ToR with well-defined deliverables, timely recruiting and managing performance, and by ensuring competition, transparency, and fairness. • Proactively use procurement plans to ensure timely procurement, justifying significant deviations from planned procurement actions. • Ensure that field travels are consolidated and limited to necessary ones focusing on results and demonstrating cost-consciousness • Creating a network and/or roster of potential partners for future competitive selection.
Management Response: VCO accepts the recommendation and will seek to improve risk management and controls to improve the overall competitiveness, transparency and fairness of SSA recruitments, efficiency/effectiveness of procurement and of field travel and networking. Recommendation 7 Strengthening Risk management practices was completed in Oct 2022. The VCO team developed a database of consultants and partners that have engaged with UN Women Viet Nam in the recent years. The database includes an assessment of performance and information on strengths/weakness to be taken into consideration for future engagements. The VCO will also seek to map new/additional available resources (individuals/organizations) in Viet Nam, to expand its pool of partnerships in the different areas of our work. In the sharepoint link that VCO developed, there are two types of databases: 1) one with 65 individual past and potential consultants: and 2) one with CSOs orgs and networks that could serve as implementing or strategic partners for VCO in the future. Also, in attachment there is an introductory document to both Databases and the process to collect the information. Note that these are living documents to be updated at least once a year.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Effectiveness, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
IMPROVE THE SSA RECRUITMENT PRACTICES BY: A) REVIEWING SSA TOR TEMPLATE BASED ON CORPORATE REQUIREMENTS AND PRACTICE; AND CREATE A GUIDANCE AND CHECKLIST FOR SSA TORS DEVELOPMENT; B) CONSOLIDATING CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO REDUCE THE NUMBER OF SSA CONTRACTS REQUIRED BY YEAR; AND C) UPDATING THE WORKFLOW FOR SSA RECRUITMENT AND DEVELOP A TRACKING SYSTEM Programme Specialist, Operations Manager and PMs 2021/09 Completed A) We are working to simplify the TORs and ensure well-defined deliverables, in comparison to other UN agencies in Viet Nam templates and practices of other UN Women country offices and regional office. B) We have worked to reduce at least by 20% of the amount of SSA contracts with the same delivery amount by the end of 2021 compared to 2020. C) We have use the suggestions from the working group in the 2020 staff retreat to increase the efficiency in our SSA related workflow.
DEVELOP A ROASTER OF POTENTIAL CONSULTANTS AND PARTNERS Operations Manager in consultation with the Programme Specialist and PMs 2021/09 Completed The roster will include past consultants and an assessment of their performance, including whether they are recommended or not for re-engagement with UN Women. It will also include technically qualified candidates that were not selected for the position.
QUARTERLY UPDATE OF PROCUREMENT PLAN Procurement officer and PMs 2021/06 Completed The procurement plan has been included in the 2021 annual plan.
CONSOLIDATED QUARTERLY TRAVEL PLAN FOR THE VCO WITH TO OPTIMIZE STAFF TRAVEL Programme Specialist and Project Managers 2021/12 Completed Travel was been reduced to the minimum or nothing in 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Thus, distance monitoring has been put in place, and efforts for better coordination and optimization of travel have been tried (by assessing carefully the rational and justification for any given travel). This practice will continue beyond the pandemic. Other strategies to optimize travelling to be considered are combine travel in a same geographic area. However, as VCO often follows a direct implementation modality because of some existing government restrictions, field missions are mainly for the provision of technical assistance and implementation of activities together with our partners; thus, often they cannot be delegated to others.