The final evaluation of the UN Peacebuilding (UN-PBF) funded joint project: “Hidden Challenges: Addressing Sexual Bribery Experienced by Female Heads of Households Including Military and War Widows to Enable Resilience and Sustained Peace,” provides an analysis of the relevance of the project’s implementation strategy and approaches to UN and national development policy priorities; reviews the relevance of the logical framework and respective Monitoring and Evaluation Plan of the project; assesses effectiveness and organizational efficiency in progressing towards the achievement of the project’s results; assesses the sustainability of the results and the feasibility of ongoing, nationally-led efforts in the thematic areas tackled by the project from the viewpoint of national ownership, national capacity development, partnership and coordination between the recipient UN agencies (RUNOs) – UN Women and UNDP - and other project implementing stakeholders including CSO implementing partners/service providers. The evaluation considered the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Development Assistance Committee´s (DAC) dimensions of Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact, Sustainability and Gender Equity and Human Rights. It was also conducted in accordance with the United Nations Evaluation Group Norms and Standards as well as the UN Women Evaluation Policy and Handbook. The evaluation documents lessons learned, best practices, success stories and challenges informing future work of UN Women and UNDP within the frameworks of Peacebuilding and beyond. Out of 11 recommendations provided in the final evaluation, eight were jointly addressed to UN Women and UNDP, while the remaining three were addressed to PBF as the funding partner. Thus, the Management Response entered hereby is concentrated on the eight recommendations addressed to UN Women and UNDP.