Management Response

: Independent Evaluation Service (IES)
: 2020 - 2020 , Independent Evaluation Service (IES) (EO)
: Corporate Evaluation of UN Women’s UN System Coordination and Broader Convening Role In Ending Violence Against Women
: Independent Evaluation Service (IES)

UN-Women welcomes the Corporate Evaluation of UN-Women’s UN coordination and broader convening role in Ending Violence Against Women, which sought to analyze the strategic significance, operationalization and results of UN-Women’s UN system coordination and broader convening role on ending violence against women (EVAW) issues, including during the COVID-19 global pandemic. The evaluation also provides useful findings and lessons learned that will feed into corporate programmatic thinking and practice on UN system coordination and broader convening role on EVAW, including in ongoing global EVAW programmes (e.g. the Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces for Women Global Initiative, the Spotlight Initiative, Joint Global Programmes on Essential Services and VAW Data) and relevant initiatives on prevention, Generation Equality and corresponding Action Coalitions, and will serve as a key input to the development of the next UN- Women Strategic Plan (‘SP’) (2022-2025). UN-Women acknowledges a key evaluation’s finding, that a large part of coordination in thematic areas takes place within the context of normative work and programming (e.g., joint planning; development and propagation of knowledge products; programme implementation; and advocacy and communications), and that coordination needs to be viewed from the value it adds to normative and programming results and outcomes. UN-Women welcomes the evaluation recommendations on the need for this aspect to be further recognized, resourced, leveraged and strengthened. UN-Women appreciates the evaluation finding on its strong positioning with external actors at the country level and recognition as the ‘go-to’ agency for EVAW matters. In particular, the evaluation notes the strong technical capacity, including among the EVAW HQ team, and in several field offices, and the Entity’s established on-the-ground networks where strong constituencies have been built with national women’s machinery, government-led coordination structures, civil society organizations (‘CSOs’) and women’s organizations, resulting from long-standing engagements in advocacy for a human rights-based, woman- and survivor-centred and multisectoral approach to EVAW. This has enabled UN-Women to play a lead role in external coordination-- even in countries with small programme portfolios, or where UN-Women does not have a country presence. UN- Women appreciates the evaluation finding on UN-Women’s credentials in a system-wide coordination role on EVAW throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, especially its thought leadership, expeditious mobilization of evidence, and strong and cohesive advocacy for action to respond to and prevent VAWG in public and private spaces. UN-Women has achieved a number of successful results in leveraging its UN coordination function and collaborative action in support of efforts on EVAW. UN-Women has been able, through several global high impact initiatives (e.g., the Spotlight Initiative, Joint Global Programmes on Essential Services and VAW Data, prevention work, the UN system wide Trust Fund to End Violence against Women) to work through interagency challenges, develop pragmatic interagency arrangements in joint programming, global knowledge products, and strengthen a shared inter-agency understanding of and approach to VAW prevention and responses, advocacy and communications. UN-Women also acknowledges the evaluation finding that interagency dynamics were enhanced through agreed division of roles and responsibilities. UN-Women agrees with the evaluation’s recommendation for the establishment of clear accountability frameworks that better reflect its coordination and convening functions in the UN-Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025, which will amplify UN-Women’s delivery footprint, based on field capacity and resource mobilization targets set out in the next SP. A clear roadmap for the development of the next SP has been designed, which contains several consultative processes with the Executive Board and other key partners at global, regional and country levels, as well as internally. The initial work on a corporate Theory of Change and Theory of Action aims at sharpening UN-Women’s programmatic focus and addressing cross-cutting issues that can fully integrate our triple mandate and ensure programming impact and effectiveness for delivering high-quality results. UN-Women has established a Working Group as part of the SP development process, including on indicators for inter-agency coordination.

: Approved
Recommendation: UN-Women should reaffirm its coordination mandate for results in key thematic areas, i.e., not merely a mandate to promote gender mainstreaming in UN entity functions.
Management Response: UN-Women accepts this recommendation. This evaluation is very timely as UN-Women is currently developing its new Strategic Plan with a theory of change (TOC) and theory of action (TOA), and will develop key indicators under the SP Integrated Results and Resources Framework (IRRF) to track this effort and related results. It will continue to pay close attention to its triple mandate, drawing in part on the findings of the Corporate Evaluation of the Effectiveness and Efficiency Assessment of UN-Women Flagship Programme Initiatives and Thematic Priorities of the Strategic Plan 2018-2021. UN-Women continues to leverage its UN system coordination role and promote comprehensive and joint approaches on EVAW through strategic partnerships, for example through its leadership of an interagency working group on EVAW; as well as the development, support to and monitoring of the implementation of the UN system-wide mobilization of stakeholders in support of the Secretary-General’s call on ‘Peace in the Homes’ during Covid-19. As it continues to work with interagency partners on COVID-19 response and recovery, the following two actions are in line with this recommendation.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
As part of processes related to the development of thematic TOC and TOA for EVAW in the next SP, and drawing on UN-Women’s comparative advantage, reaffirm the coordination mandate, including through signature programming, to maximize collective efforts to achieve agreed results (i.e., EVAW goals and outcomes (SDG 5.2) PPID/EVAW with support from ROs, COs, SPRED 2021/10 Completed UN Women's Strategic Plan 2022-2025, endorsed by the Executive Board on 15 September 2021, has an outcome dedicated to coordination, Outcome 7: UN System coordination for gender equality and women's empowerment. UN Women will leverage its UN system coordination mandate to support the achievement and systemtic monitoring and reporting of results in key thematic areas such as EVAW. The IRRF contains one outcome indicator on EVAW aligned to the QCPR indicator (Fraction of UNCTs meeting/exceeding requirements in preventing and eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls through multisectoral and coordinated approaches (derived from QCPR indicator 1.4.22) and data will be disagregated for EVAW on a number of output indicators to report on the number of intergency mechanisms on EVAW (0.7a), Number of interagency products (0.7c), fraction of UN Joint-Programmes on EVAW (0.7d). Furthermore, the EVAW TOC/TOA includes a strong focus on coordinating and convening UN entities and other partners to progress results on VAWG prevention and response.
As the UN system lead in EVAW coordination, work with strategic partners (e.g., Group of Friends on Sexual Harassment; Group of Friends on Ending Violence against Women) and through other global policy fora (e.g. Generation Equality Forum and GBV Action Coalition; High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, etc.) to transmit coherent messaging that coordination for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) and EVAW results is the collective responsibility of all actors in the system. PPID/EVAW with support from Executive Leadership Team (‘ELT’) 2022/01 Completed A number of global policy advocacy events were implemented to share concrete results, policy recommendations and a common message on the coordination work of EVAW as a collective responsibility. Four relevant global events took place in the 2021 including: i) Generation Equality Forum – Paris- GBV Action Coalition session (07/01/21) that encompassed UN system coordination as well as coordination across multiple stakeholders related to mobilization of commitments to address gender-based violence against women and girls in all of their diversity, ii) the Commemoration of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (11/24/21). iii) Global Policy Advocacy Virtual Session on Online Sexual Harassment and other forms of ICT facilitated violence against women and girls (10/20/2021) which highlighted the importance of UN Women’s convening role in working with partners to address normative, data, and operational gaps in this area, and a iv) Global Policy Advocacy Virtual Session on Implementing a victim / survivor-centered approach to address sexual harassment (12/01/21), which highlighted UN Women's role in convening experts, Member States and other partners to adapt tools produced by UN Women in partnership with governments and other agencies to different sectors to implement the comprehensive set of principles in this approach.
Recommendation: UN-Women should clearly articulate the value proposition of coordination to accelerate EVAW outcomes and the risks and costs of non-coordination; present UN-Women’s credentials to ‘lead, promote and coordinate’ UN system accountability for thematic area results; and propose a ‘coordination for EVAW results’ framework with clear results and indicators.
Management Response: UN-Women takes note of this recommendation. UN-Women has already led significant inter-agency efforts that resulted in a strengthened shared understanding of and integrated UN system-wide approach to VAW, including through the ground-breaking and first ever Essential Services Package and the UN VAW Prevention Framework. UN-Women, in leading the development of key global inter-agency processes and frameworks, including through the Spotlight Initiative, work on prevention, Essential Services and Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces, included coordination for EVAW results and convening of multi-stakeholder partners, as a key requirement for driving change and in support of its normative and operational work. This also demonstrates the importance of mainstreaming coordination within adopted EVAW frameworks. In addition, UN-Women manages on behalf of the UN system the interagency UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, where more than 20 UN organs and bodies take an active part in designing strategic direction of the fund and in strategic allocation of the resources through a grant selection process. UN-Women is currently working to articulate the value proposition of coordination to accelerate EVAW outcomes, including in the formulation of the new Strategic Plan, where it will move forward with a clear framework on ‘coordination for EVAW results.’
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Working group established to review and select indicators for UN coordination (QCPR indicators, consideration of cross thematic, specific indicators) and to identify relevant indicators for integration in the new SP and as part of processes to enable effective coordination for system-wide results in thematic areas. PPID and SPREAD with support from UNSCD and EVAW 2021/10 Completed UN Women's Strategic Plan 2022-2025, endorsed by the Executive Board on 15 September 2021, has an outcome dedicated to coordination, Outcome 7: UN System coordination for gender equality and women's empowerment. UN Women will leverage its UN system coordination mandate to support the achievement and systemtic monitoring and reporting of results in key thematic areas such as EVAW. The IRRF contains one outcome indicator on EVAW aligned to the QCPR indicator (Fraction of UNCTs meeting/exceeding requirements in preventing and eliminating all forms of violence and discrimination against women and girls through multi-sectoral and coordinated approaches (derived from QCPR indicator 1.4.22) Data will be disaggregated for EVAW on a number of output indicators to report on the number of interagency mechanisms on EVAW (0.7a), Number of interagency products (0.7c), fraction of UN Joint-Programmes on EVAW (0.7d). The indicator on EVAW for the QCPR Results Framework has been provisionally incorporated while the methodology for reporting will be defined. UN Women is leading discussions with UN agencies at HQ level to explore different approaches to enable stronger accountability, coordination and results at country level.
Identify knowledge gaps on coordination; conduct webinars with ROs and COs on coordination as part of integrated policy support and programming on EVAW, including sessions organized in established Global Communities of Practice. EVAW with support from ROs and COs 2025/12 Completed UN Women EVAW Section has convened with ROs and in collaboration with several country teams several webinars from March 2023 to end of December 2024 related to coordination for GEWE results, and global policy advocacy sessions in areas related to safe cities, essential services, prevention, sexual harassment, online TF GBV, including with UN Partner agencies.
Explore areas with partners that could inform the development of a ‘Coordination for EVAW results Package’, including through linkages made with other global guidance. EVAW with support from UNSCD and ROs 2022/01 Completed Informal consultations have been taken place with UNCTs and relevant UN Agencies to assess the scope and feasibility of the EVAW Results Accountability Framework in Q3 and Q4 2021. This discussion included the potential need and usage of an EVAW results package for Coordination for UNCTs to support Governments implementing EVAW policies and programmes. During the pilot phase of the EVAW RAF (Feb-April 2022), coordination areas will be further distilled and validated aligned to global guidance.
Recommendation: UN-Women should appropriately recognize and reflect coordination and convening functions in the UN-Women Strategic Plan 2022-2025 thematic areas with specific results indicators and resource requirements at global, regional and country level to present a full picture of actions and funding gaps.
Management Response: UN-Women accepts this recommendation. UN coordination is an important building block of the work of UN-Women and the forthcoming SP. As part of the next steps towards creating UN-Women 2.0, the next SP aims to fully integrate UN-Women’s triple mandate as part of its programming and better capture how its UN coordination mandate supports the delivery of development results across thematic areas and funding gaps. In the context of their next SPs, UNDP, UNICEF, UNPFA and UN-Women are aiming to further strengthen their joint work in pursuit of strategic and coherent results that are both harmonized and standardized. UN-Women is also seeking to deepen its collaboration with other UN entities across the UN system.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Specify contribution and results from UN coordination in thematic TOA and TOCs of the next SP PPID with support from SPRED, UNSCD, EVAW 2021/10 Completed The thematic TOC/TOA final draft (approval forthcoming) includes a strong focus on UN Women's UN system coordination and broader convening role across all four signature interventions. UN Women will coordinate and convene governments, UN entities and other partners and strengthen capacities to develop and implement comprehensive EVAW laws, policies and action plans; to mainstream EVAW across different policies and sectors; to develop comprehensive approaches to prevention; to implement and build to scale FPIs such as Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces for Women and Girls, and to strengthen the availability, accessibility and quality of essential services.
UN-Women will develop key indicators to specify how UN-Women plans to deliver results and measure results jointly with key UN-Women partners under the next SP IRRF PPID with support from SPRED, UNSCD, EVAW 2021/10 Completed Under the IRRF of the new Strategic Plan, there are a number of key indicators on EVAW that are common or complementary indicators with other agencies including Impact Indicator 3: Ending Violence Against Women (SDG indicators 5.2.1, 5.2.2, 5.3.2 and 5.3.1) which are common indicators with UNFPA, UNDP, UNICEF and WHO) and outcome indicator 0.3.3 Number of countries and/or other actors with comprehensive and coordinated VAW prevention strategy (complementary with UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF) and output indicator 0.3f Number of countries with a process to design and implement VAW prevention strategies, or with VAW prevention interventions based on global norms and standards (complementary with UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF); outcome 0.4.1 Number of countries where there has been an increase in the number of women who access services after experiencing violence or discrimination (complementary with UNAIDS, UNFPA, UNICEF); output 0.4b Number of countries supported to develop and/or implement guidelines, protocols and standard operating procedures to strengthen EVAWG services in line with the global Essential Services Package (complementary with UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, WHO) and output 0.4e Number of countries with multi stakeholder initiatives in place to prevent and respond to sexual violence including sexual harassment in public and/or private spaces (complementary with UNDP, UNICEF, WHO). As Methodological notes are developed for these indicators, it will also be determined how UN Women will measure these common and complementary results with key UN partners.
Conduct a mapping of resources related to coordination (i.e., human, time and financial) at headquarters, regional and national level, which are linked to UN coordination and broader convening actions for accountability and (EVAW) development results, with targets for financing PPID with support from EVAW, UNSCD 2022/01 Completed An initial mapping exercise was undertaken using data for the year 2020 to identify resources allocated to coordination for EVAW at HQ, regional and national level. Activities that explicitly used the term coordination (or related terminology) in the activity description were tagged when the attribute or impact area was EVAW. Additionally, activities where the activity description was EVAW (or sub-thematic and related areas) were also tagged when the impact area was coordination or partnerships. The total resources identified through this exercise was just over 2 million (USD). This is believed to be a large under-estimate of resources, since much of UN Women’s coordination work is not programmed as such, but rather coordination functions are an integral part of advocacy, normative, policy and programmatic at HQ, regional and national levels. In order to address this gap, advances made in the new strategic plan will assist in having a more complete picture for the level of resources for coordination for EVAW work, including the development of a specific indicator that captures the investment on coordination on EVAW where feasible.
Recommendation: UN-Women should lead and strengthen inter-agency mechanisms for coordinated actions in the thematic area of EVAW towards accountability for development results as envisioned in UN-SWAP and internationally agreed goals on EVAW, especially SDG 5.2
Management Response: UN-Women is a strong partner in UN Joint Programming modalities (e.g., Spotlight Initiative, Joint Programme on VAW Data, UN Joint Programme on Essential Services) where the joint management of programming with strategic partners which are common to multiple UN entities, as well as established relationships, offer an opportunity to scale-up these partnerships. This is an area that UN-Women will work to strengthen at the global and country levels, including where UN-Women leads/chairs donor gender thematic groups. UN-Women’s capacity to coordinate also partially rests on other Entities ‘accepting’ its coordination role. This requires not only the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG) support and engaging in robust dialogue with other UN agencies, including on the issue of comparative advantage. UN-Women also manages on behalf of the UN system the interagency UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women in support of civil society-led demand-driven initiatives, where more than 20 UN organs and bodies take an active part in designing strategic direction of the fund and in strategic allocation of the resources through a grant selection process.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Explore with the EOSG and UN agencies, as appropriate, the possibility of reconstituting an official inter-agency mechanism for coordinated reviews of system-wide EVAW initiatives and results, as part of accountability for development results in UN-SWAP 2.0 and Secretary-General reports on EVAW, Trafficking in Women and Girls and Eliminating FGM. PPID/EVAW with support from UNSCD 2022/04 Completed UN Women continues to convene a series of meetings in 2022 to explore with other UN agencies on the possibility of reconstituting an official inter-agency mechanism for coordinated reviews of system-wide EVAW initiatives.
Propose/establish an inter-agency or multi-stakeholder coordination subcommittee to lead a periodic, comprehensive global report of EVAW progress and attainment of SDG 5.2, which will inform the SG biennial report and SDG progress reports, and seek funding for a UN system collaborative knowledge product on EVAW PPID/EVAW with support from UNSCD, UNTF 2022/10 Completed A working group in the Ending Violence against Women Section was created in 2022 to support the development of a concept proposal for the development of a biennial International Report on Trends and Progress to End Violence against Women and Girls managed by UN Women that would include a multi-stakeholder coordination committee, and collaboration with the UN System and women’s rights experts and partners. Funding is currently be sought in 2025 to be able to develop this collaborative knowledge product.
Explore with CEB agencies interest in articulating a collaborative areas section for SDG 5.2 in the Strategic Plans based on principles of engagement under a coordinated response framework for EVAW, including common coordination success indicators and metrics. PPID/EVAW 2022/01 Completed The 2020 Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review has requested the UN development system entities to assist Governments in preventing and eliminating all forms of violence against women and girls. Given the scale of the challenge, the UN Women Executive Board also requested the development of a strengthened system-wide mechanism for coordination, achieving and reporting on results, and accountability vis-à-vis EVAWG – a Results and Accountability Framework (RAF). The RAF will support the UN system at country level in coordinated strategic planning, achieving and reporting on results, ensuring accountability for the UN’s interventions on EVAWG at the highest levels. A first draft of a Results and Accountability Framework (RAF) on EVAW was developed in consultation with UN Agencies including WHO, UNDP, UNICEF and UN Women focal points at the regional offices. The RAF will build on and be cognizant of existing UNCT reporting requirements, and will support UNCT’s and UN entities in meeting requirements as per agreed UN system standards on preventing and ending violence against women and girls. The next step is to identify 5 countries to pilot and validate the RAF methodology in early 2022.
Recommendation: UN-Women should strengthen in-house mechanisms for coordination, to better represent thematic area highlights and coordination challenges in inter-agency mechanisms and reporting.
Management Response: UN-Women takes note of this recommendation and is already strengthening in-house mechanisms on coordination. For example, coordination takes place in different ways, including at the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), Senior Management Team (SMT), and BRC levels (UN-Women’s Management Framework was promulgated last year), as well as through the Annual Workplan (AWP) planning process and an internal UN-Women taskforce on EVAW with a whole-of-organization approach to the issue. UN-Women also manages the UN Trust Fund on behalf of the UN system, which allows for a synergetic and complementary approach to the EVAW agenda. UN-Women delivers its triple mandate in the field of EVAW through its strong policy and knowledge lead (e.g., through development of guidance such as the UN Prevention and RESPECT framework, the Essential Services Package and Safe Cities and Safe Public Spaces Global of package of tools and Community of Practice), while at the same time supporting demand-driven civil society-led initiatives through the consolidated grant-giving processes of the UN Trust Fund. The operational working level internal coordination within UN-Women units working on EVAW and other thematic areas benefits from a continuous exchange and coordination across the house, including leveraging our respective expertise in areas of ending VAWG to support and inform each other’s work and that of our external partners in this area. UN-Women as the global technical lead on EVAW, consolidates, analyzes and disseminates evidence and learning from the development and implementation of EVAW policies and programmes, including from partnerships with Governments, UN agencies and civil society, and those from UN Trust Fund grantees. Conversely, the UN Trust Fund provides technical support to the development of key policy tools on VAWG prevention and response developed by UN-Women, including gender-responsive policing, and strengthening responses to VAWG and other practice-based learning and knowledge.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Relevance, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Review work processes to enhance coherence around coordination between UNSCD, PPID/EVAW and the UNTF on EVAW to better compile, review and report on coordination-related initiative results in the EVAW thematic area. Jointly by PPID/EVAW, UNSCD, and UNTF 2025/12 Initiated
Undertake reviews of country-level annual reporting in relation to approaches to UN coordination and convening on EVAW PPID/EVAW with support from ROs 2025/12 Initiated UN Women EVAW section has been providing regular reviews on country level annual reporting to approaches to UN coordination and convening on EVAW, including in relation to Spotlight, Safe Cities, Essential Services and most recently in the launch of the new ACT global programme.
Conduct regular global exchange sessions with ROs and COs (webinars, global/regional meetings) on main thematic areas of EVAW and coordination for results EVAW with support from ROs/COs 2025/12 Initiated UN Women EVAW Section continues to conduct annually regular global exchange sessions with ROs and COs (webinars, global/regional meetings) on main thematic areas of EVAW and coordination for results including in relation to Spotlight, Safe Public Spaces, Sexual harassment in other settings, tech facilitated violence against women, VAW data, and essential services, including with UN agencies, governments, and women's rights organizations.
Review TORs to make more explicit the EVAW coordination tasks of UN-Women policy and programme personnel PPID/EVAW with support from HR 2025/12 Initiated
Recommendation: UN-Women should systematically document and compellingly communicate the impact of coordination to the UN system, donors and national stakeholders through high-level messaging of the value proposition of its coordination work using metrics and case studies suitable for external audiences.
Management Response: UN-Women accepts and is already implementing this recommendation. For example, UN-Women implements comprehensive approaches to ending VAW in public and private spaces, including through the convening of a wide range of strategic multi-stakeholder partnerships with, inter alia, national and local governments, women’s groups and associations, community leaders, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector, academia, development partners and the UN, including through joint programming, and at multiple levels. UN-Women has already embarked on joint programmatic work with agencies. Close partnerships with UNFPA, WHO, UNODC, UNDP and other agencies is essential to strong implementation of UN-Women’s work on EVAW across the normative, UN coordination and operational mandate. In addition to thematic sessions held in global multi-stakeholder fora on EVAW, the production of global compendia of practice/and or results reports for flagship Initiatives which illustrate the power of convening and coordination of partners for development results, UN-Women will work with a range of partners (e.g., UN agencies, women and youth organizations, private sector) to continue to diversify its knowledge and visibility products, including good practices and linkages with human interest stories, and explore modalities that can further systematize and communicate the impact of coordination within the UN system.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Sustainability, Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Document good practices and include ‘impact’ stories which highlight opportunities and challenges of coordination and share how they are overcome to support the implementation and acceleration of transformative results. User friendly and interactive multi-media formats for production and dissemination of high-level messaging on coordination will be considered. EVAW with support from ROs, COs, Comms team. 2025/12 Initiated
Explore the potential of including a Coordination Highlights Brief covering key coordinated action for normative and operational results, challenges and shares forward-looking perspectives on EVAW in multiple settings. EVAW with support from ROs, COs, PPID 2023/01 Completed EVAW section explored this action and at the present time a separate knowledge product is not feasible.
Inform and integrate high-level messaging in UN and UN partner-led global and national fora (including those organized as part of 16 Days of Activism against GBV etc.) on the impact of coordination for the achievement of normative and operational results, including across thematic areas that include EVAW as part of integrated programming. EVAW with support from ROs, COs PPID, EDO, Comms Teams. 2025/12 Initiated
Document and disseminate promising practices, challenges and lessons learnt on EVAW coordination arising out of the Generation Equality and GBV Action Coalition EVAW with support from ROs, COs and PPID 2025/01 Overdue-Initiated
Explore the inclusion of a regular feature on a UN coordination case study/good practice on EVAW, as part of UN-Women Flagship Reports and other UN Agency Flagship Reports, including the EDAR PPID/EVAW with support from ROs, COs, UNTF, Comms teams. 2025/12 Initiated