Management Response

: Ethiopia
: 2017 - 2020 , Ethiopia (CO)
: MID-TERM EVALUATION Making Every Woman and Girl Count in Ethiopia: Supporting the Monitoring and Implementation of the SDGs through better Production and Use of Gender Statistics
: Ethiopia

UN Women emphasizes the importance and relevance of the MEWGC Programme in Ethiopia in ensuring the production of regular, quality, and comparable gender statistics that support the implementation, monitoring and reporting of national and global gender equality and women’s empowerment commitments including the Ten Years Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UN Women is closely working with national partners including the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) and the Planning and Development Commission (PDC) which are relevant offices, on the implementation of the MEWGC Programme as a whole.

: Approved
Management Response: UN Women emphasizes the importance and relevance of the MEWGC Programme in Ethiopia in ensuring the production of regular, quality, and comparable gender statistics that support the implementation, monitoring and reporting of national and global gender equality and women’s empowerment commitments including the Ten Years Development Plan and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). UN Women is closely working with national partners including the Central Statistics Agency (CSA) and the Planning and Development Commission (PDC) which are relevant offices, on the implementation of the MEWGC Programme as a whole. Furthermore, UN Women intends to technically support the establishment of an Inter-agency Committee on Gender Statistics, that will be led by the CSA, to coordinate and follow-up on gender statistics efforts in the country. To ensure a strengthened collection of gender statistics and a better use of gender data, a systematic approach is required to address the root causes that are hampering the regular production, analysis and use of gender statistics. One of such gaps was identified in the national assessment conducted by UN Women demonstrating that there is a lack of adequate policy frameworks that guide the production of gender statistics in the country. The CSA is currently reviewing the Statistical Act of Ethiopia, Central Statistics Authority Establishment Proclamation no. 442/2005, which gives an entry point for the inclusion of gender statistics as one of the components. The revision of the National Statistical Act also needs to be followed by supporting directives and guidelines to ensure its implementation is gender responsive. Thus, UN Women’s efforts in addressing the existing policy gap in administration of gender statistics is recognized and acknowledged by diverse partners including the PDC and CSA.
Description: Continue emphasis on relevance. UN Women should continue to articulate the relevance and importance of the MEWGC programme for Ethiopia and the relevance and importance of a better framework for gender statistics, strengthened collection of gender statistics, and better use of gender statistics remains of vital importance for meeting national goals as well as UN targets.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Support the revision of the National Statistical Act with a gender perspective UN Women 2021/09 Completed After CSA produced a draft revised National Statistical Act, UN Women financially and technically supported a consultative meeting on the draft Act in December 2020. One of the key feedbacks was that the draft Act is missing a gender component. UN Women will continue its technical support to ensure the inclusion of gender as a key element of the Act through identifying other countries experience in developing a gender sensitive National Statistical Act and proposing to CSA Legal Drafting Committee. NSA is being reviewed by the CSA at the moment to be endorsed.
2. Establish an inter-agency committee on gender statistics UN Women 2021/10 Ongoing The establishment of an inter-agency committee on gender statistics is one of the key activities under the LoA signed between UN Women and CSA. UN Women will lead on the drafting of ToR to guide the establishment of the Committee and provide technical support for its establishment. Update: 7 April 2022 Ongoing due to the recent restructuring of the Government Update: 20 July 2022 Ongoing due to the recent restructuring of ESS (former CSA)
3. Finalize the guideline on the production, analysis and use of Gender Statistics, publish, and widely disseminate, in collaboration with the CSA UN Women 2021/09 Completed A draft Guideline on the Production, Analysis and Use of Gender Statistics has been developed in 2020 with the technical support of UN Women. UN Women will financially and technically support the validation, finalization, publication, and dissemination of the Guideline in collaboration with the CSA. Note: The guideline is to be disseminated in early 2022.
Management Response: UN Women understands the challenge and the set back the programme implementation has faced due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and limited partner’s capacity. Thus, reviewing the set targets in light of changing circumstances may be relevant, however, the agreed indicators remain valid as evidenced by the assessment conducted on the Mainstreaming of Gender in the National Statistical System together with the CSA. Thus, UN Women is working towards setting up a baseline for the missing indicators and collaborating with partners to report on these indicators on a regular basis. This effort is ongoing and in line with the adoption of relevant and contextualized SDG gender indicators for Ethiopia by government sectors, conducted under the leadership of the PDC.
Description: Review and finalize the results framework. UN Women should consider engaging its staff and partners to review and finalize the results framework from the programme document (ProDoc), setting the agreed targets where they are missing, revising the targets based on learned experience and delays due to the COVID-19 situation, and changing or ratifying the revised indicators as appropriate. UN Women should also engage with the implementing partners (Ips) on how the partners can together not only collect and report on the data but also use these measurements for programme management. This step should also support relevance, efficiency, impact, sustainability, and ownership, inclusiveness, and participation of MEWGC. Detailed suggestions of potential indicator changes for UN Women for consideration are included as Annex 6.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Establish a baseline for the missing indicators UN Women 2021/06 Ongoing UN Women has conducted an assessment on the mainstreaming of gender in the National Statistical System that enabled the establishment of baselines for the set indicators under the MEWGC programme. However, there are indicators in the ProDoc with a missing baseline for which further assessment will be conducted to establish the baseline. Update: 7 April 2022 Checklist developed to guide the collection of gender-sensitive indicators Update: 22 July 2022 Baselines have been established for some if the indicators and for the remaining ones, UN Women will recruit a national SSA to finalize the process
2. Organize review meetings with IPs to assess the impact of the delay caused by COVID-19 and revisit the annual plans UN Women 2021/06 Ongoing UN Women holds annual review meeting with its IPs to assess the implementation of programmes. It will hold a review meeting with a focus on the impact of COVID 19 on programme implementation. CSA is undertaking the preparation of the third National Strategy on Development of Statistics which is expected to be finalized in June 2021. Similarly, the Planning and Development Commission is undergoing office reconstruction and will start functioning at full capacity at a similar time. Therefore, the review meeting will take place in June 2021. Update: 7 April 2022 The review meeting will take place in April 2022. Update: 22 July 2022 The review meeting will take place in Q3 2022 and agree on the way forward under the Phase II MEWGC
3. Translate, publish, and disseminate the agreed SDG gender indicators together with the Planning and Development Commission UN Women 2021/10 Completed The PDC has identified and agreed upon the SDG gender indicators in 2019. UN Women plans to translate these indicators to local language, publish and disseminate among sectors to enable timely and regular reporting on the indicators.
Management Response: Cognizant of the existing capacity gaps within the implementing partners, UN Women has seconded technical experts to the CSA and PDC to support not only the implementation of the MEWGC programme but also to strengthen the capacity of gender directorates and staff members of the respective organizations through the provision of hands-on trainings. For instance, in 2019, UN Women provided two rounds of trainings to CSA senior officials and statisticians with a focus on gender, gender mainstreaming and gender statistics that reached more than 100 CSA staff both at the federal and regional level. The technical support provided through its secondee staff and the capacity building trainings has been much appreciated by the CSA senior officials and experts. However, regarding the PDC, there have been challenges in relation to the implementation of the MEWGC programme, that could not be addressed merely by seconding a staff. The Gender Mainstreaming Directorate has been vacant with no intention of replacement which has made the work of the secondee staff challenging with regards to administrative issues. Therefore, the PDC should assign a gender director to provide a leadership role on gender related activities within the Commission. UN Women’s continuous dialogue and negotiation with the PDC senior management and its’ strategic advice has resulted in the appointment of the Gender Directorate Director to the Commission who has recently left her role. Hence, UN Women will continue its engagement with the PDC to ensure the vacant positions are occupied with qualified personnel. Depending on the needs of the Directorate, UN Women may recruit a secondee staff to support the PDC. Additionally, based on the positive and impactful experience with CSA, UN Women will continue its technical support to the CSA by seconding a qualified expert to assist the Gender Directorate and CSA’s work.
Description: Continue to second staff. UN Women should continue to second staff to IPs and should work closely with IP staff to build their capacity in the M&E and reporting to facilitate high-quality, timely reporting from IPs to UN Women and its donors. MEWGC should increase the capacity of the PDC by filling the gap in staffing capacity that may be created as a result of UN Women secondee’s end of contract and the concurrent resignation of the gender director at PDC.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Gender equality, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Organize dialogue meetings with the PDC senior officials to discuss the programme implementation in light of the absence of a gender directorate UN Women 2021/05 Ongoing As part of its annual review meeting with its IPs, UN Women will facilitate a meeting with PDC senior officials. Update: 7 April 2022 Planning is ongoing Update: 22 July 2022 Planning is ongoing
1. Recruit a secondee staff to support the CSA in the mainstreaming of gender in its overall work UN Women 2021/05 Completed UN Women has advertised a replacement for the CSA secondee staff in April 2021. The secondee staff will be brought on board by May 2021.
Management Response: The MEWGC has selected the CSA, PDC and Ministry of Women Children and Youth (MoWCY) as key government implementing partners because of their mandates in statistics administration, the SDG implementation and gender mainstreaming, respectively. Furthermore, the programme has been engaging with other sector ministries such as Ministry of Education (MoE), Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), and Ministry of Health (MoH) in its key interventions. While engaging with a broad spectrum of stakeholders has been identified as a mitigating measure to the challenge posed due to the limited capacity of the selected IPs, involving more partners at implementing partner level will disperse the efforts and may affect the possibility of leveraging the gained partnerships. However, UN Women intends to broaden its partnerships through the programme interventions. One of such programme interventions is the on-going review of the Routine Existing Data Collection Tools and Survey Manuals from a gender perspective, underway through the financial and technical support of UN Women to CSA,which requires the engagement of all government sectors and a wide range of institutions including in follow-up trainings. UN Women will engage with recommended institutions to ensure the proper utilization of Standard Basic Data Collection Tools and Manuals to be produced through the revision exercise
Description: Engage more stakeholders. UN Women should consider involving more stakeholders such as Policy Research Institute and Job Creation Agency to the list of programme implementors as their contribution for policy advocacy, analysis and employment data generation respectively is an added value to the programme implementation.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy, National ownership, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable, Gender equality, Impact, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Finalize the review of the Routine Existing Data Collection Tools and Survey Manuals from a gender perspective and publish the standardized tools and manuals for surveys and administrative data UN Women 2021/05 Completed A review of routine existing data collection tools and supplementary survey manuals from a gender perspective has been initiated in December 2020 led by CSA with the financial support of UN Women. The review exercise will result in the development of a standard basic data collection tools and supplementary manuals for surveys and administrative data. UN Women will continue its financial and technical support for the finalization and publication of the standard tool and manuals.
Management Response: One of the key components of the MEWGC Programme in Ethiopia is the engagement with CSOs. UN Women has been working with the Network of Ethiopian Women’s Association (NEWA), Ethiopian Women Lawyer’s Association (EWLA) and Women Can Do It (WCDI) to popularize the SDGs and to enhance their implementation that ran until end of 2019. In 2020, UN Women started a pilot project on the Citizen Generated Data (CGD) with the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) that runs until November 2021. UN Women, as an organization that works for women and girls and the advancement of gender equality, understands the significance of working with women-led CSOs. Therefore, under the pilot project on the CGD, the interventions focus on women-led CSOs and CSOs that work on gender issues. These interventions include capacity building trainings on the CGD and user-producer dialogue platforms on gender statistics. UN Women will ensure that women-led CSOs and CSOs that work on gender issues fully participation in and benefit from the full scale from the project. Furthermore, UN Women is supporting the development of a Guideline on the Production, Analysis and Use of Citizen Generated Data to monitor and report on the SDGs. The adaptation of the Guideline is expected to guide and improve the practice within CSOs including women-led organizations in supporting the production, analysis and use of gender statistics and the CGD.
Description: Consider more engagement with CSOs. UN Women should consider re-engaging with CSO partners given the significant role women’s organizations have in research and advocacy, monitoring and accountability of international normative frameworks. The MEWGC programme should reconsider re-engaging with women-led NGOs to advance the implementation of the programme outcomes, particularly the outcome 3. UN Women has started a 2 year’s project with CSOs on citizen’s generated data under the leadership of the International Institute for Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) which is an international agency which will work with a number of CSOs working on gender data and GEWE.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership, Advocacy, Knowledge management, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Impact, Gender equality, Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Ensure the participation of women-led CSOs in capacity building trainings and dialogue platforms on the production, analysis and use of the CGD to support the implementation, reporting and monitoring of the SDGs and the Ten Years Development Plan. UN Women 2021/11 Completed With IIRR, UN Women is planning to hold two rounds of capacity building trainings on how to use CGD to report and monitor the implementation of global and national development plans to CSOs at the federal level and Amhara Region. UN Women will hire an international consultant that will support the IIRR to develop a Guideline on the Production, Analysis and Use of Citizen Generated and to facilitate the first round of training to CSOs based on the Guideline.
1. Finalize the development of the Guideline on the Production, Analysis and Use of Citizen Generated, publish, and disseminate UN Women 2021/08 Completed UN Women will hire an international consultant that will support the IIRR to develop a Guideline on the Production, Analysis and Use of Citizen Generated and to facilitate the first round of training to CSOs based on the Guideline. Note: Publishing and dissemination to be done in early 2022
Management Response: UN Women will continue its work in supporting and ensuring the production of gender statistics in Ethiopia. UN Women has started initiatives towards the regular production of gender statistics including the production of the Gender Asset Gap Survey, the conduct of Time Use Survey and an assessment on Unpaid Care Work. These important efforts will ensure the maintenance of the focus on gender statistics both within IPs and UN Women. Furthermore, UN Women will advocate for the inclusion of gender statistics initiatives in the third National Strategy for the Development of Statistics which is at the drafting stage at the moment. The inclusion of key activities on the production of gender statistics in the Strategy will guide the work of the CSA in the next five years and will create accountability within the CSA to ensure the regular production of gender data.
Description: Maintain a focus on the production of gender statistics. Since the existence and availability of gender statistics are prerequisites for use in policy planning, advocacy, and monitoring and evaluation, MEWGC should continue to focus on the production and analysis of gender statistics.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Culture of results/RBM, Climate change, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Sustainability, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Continue the technical and financial support to the CSA to finalize the Gender Asset Gap Survey UN Women 2021/07 Completed The conduct of the Gender Asset Gap Survey has been initiated in January 2020 with the technical and financial support of UN Women. The data collection tools, and manuals have been developed and finalized. UN Women will technically support the collection of data on the field for the survey and support the analysis of data and development of the first Gender Asset Gap Survey in the Country. Note: The report will be released in early 2022
2. Conduct a survey on Time Use and Unpaid Care Work together with the CSA and selected CSOs UN Women 2021/08 Ongoing UN Women has provided technical support to Action Aid Ethiopia to develop a ToR that will guide the assessment on Unpaid Domestic Work. The ToR is being used to mobilize fund for the assessment. Once the fund is secured, UN Women will partner with CSA and a selected CSO to conduct the assessment on Unpaid Care Work that will supplement the Time Use Survey to be conducted with CSA. Note: CSA postponed to early 2022 due to ongoing conflict and restricted movement in Ethiopia Update: 7 April 2022 Process is ongoing and activity is in UNW WP 2022 Update: 22 July 2022 Process is ongoing
3. Support the finalization of NSDS III with key initiatives in the production of gender statistics and the recognition of gender statistics as a key component UN Women 2021/07 Ongoing The development of the NSDS II is on-going. UN Women has provided first round of inputs for the NSDS III to ensure the mainstreaming of gender in the Strategy. It will continue the technical support to the finalisation of the Strategy. Update: 7 April 2022 Activity is going Update: 22 July 2022 Activity is going
Management Response: UN Women has been supporting the Ministry of Women, Children and Youth to set up a National Gender Information System (NGIS). The support provided includes capacity building trainings, purchase of necessary equipment and the support in developing the indicators that will be used to collect data for the system. Currently, the plan is to link the regional Bureaus to the Information System to have a more centralised and comprehensive system connecting all regions and city administrations. For this purpose, UN Women intends to continue its support to the MoWCY to cascade the Management Information System (MIS) and to ensure the proper functioning of the NGIS. A major component of the cascading approach is focused on building the capacity of staff/ experts from regional Bureaus on the management of the NGIS. Experts/staff at the federal level have been already trained on the use of NGIS, therefore the focus will be on supporting trainings to regional experts. UN Women will collaborate with MoWCY to provide the trainings as the internal expertise is there in MoWCY.
Description: Support a functioning NGIS. To ensure the full functionality of the National Gender Information System (NGIS), MEWGC should continue to provide capacity building to sustain the programme on data analysis, interpretation, and generation of gender statistics. UN Women should consolidate the efforts to provide the necessary training to make the system fully functional and functioning.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018), Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Culture of results/RBM, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Sustainability, Impact, Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Purchase required equipment to effectively run MIS and cascade it to regions UN Women 2021/09 Completed Note: Completed in collaboration with MOWSA
Management Response: UN Women understands that attaining the goal of making gender statistics available, accessible, analysed, and used to inform policy making, advocacy and accountability for delivering on the GEWE commitments requires the collaboration of all actors involved at various level in the implementation of the MEWGC programme. The role each of the key partners play in the implantation of the programme is quite distinct, yet complimentary to one another. The CSA, as the national statistical office, principally coordinates and leads the production of gender statistics. The PDC is mandated with monitoring and reporting on the implementation of global and national development plans. And the MoWCY is the mandated gender machinery that leads and coordinates gender equality and women’s empowerment efforts in the country. Thus, strengthening the inter-IP coordination among all IPs will be crucial to avoid duplication of efforts and to capitalize on the comparative advantage and collaborative results. Hence, UN Women has been in discussion with CSA to establish an Inter-agency Committee on Gender Statistics, that will be led by the CSA, to coordinate and follow-up on the gender statistics efforts in the country. While the establishment of such agency will strengthen the overall coordination in gender statistics, as well as, among IPs, the MEWGC programme will also need an internal coordination mechanism that will exclusively address issues related to the MEWGC programme. Based on this, one of the key components of the MEWGC programme is to conduct the joint M&E activities with the IPs that will help setting up the platform to coordinate and collaborate. Such joint events have not yet taken place as planned in the past implementation period and UN Women intends to undertake such joint M&E activities for future implementation.
Description: Enhance Inter-IP coordination. The evaluation found that inter-IP coordination and linkages of the MWGC programme are loose. The linkage between the MoWCY and CSA has also been found weak affecting some aspects of the implementation. Therefore, UN Women should consider supporting the establishment of a regular coordination and review platform -perhaps bi-monthly - to facilitate a regular exchange of views among IPs and UN Women, provide inputs to the programme implementation, review and monitor the progress.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management, Advocacy, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable, Gender equality, Effectiveness, Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Organize the review meetings with IPs to assess the impact of the delay caused by COVID-19 and implement the agreed upon action points UN Women 2021/11 Ongoing UN Women will hold its annual review meeting with IPs with a focus on COVID 19 and its impact in implementation. Update: 7 April 2022 Ongoing Update: 22 July 2022 Ongoing
Management Response: The assessment on the mainstreaming of gender in the national statistical system (NSS) identified a resistance to gender issues as one of the key institutional challenges to produce gender statistics, as well as overall mainstreaming in the NSS. Therefore, UN Women has been providing training to the CSA senior officials on key gender concepts such as gender mainstreaming and gender responsive budgeting for statistics. UN Women plans to expand such capacity building trainings on gender, gender mainstreaming, gender responsive budgeting for statistics and gender statistics to all its IPs with a focus on those that do not have a gender-focused mandate. This includes the CSA, the PDC and the IIRR.
Description: Expand gender awareness training and engagement with IP leaders. UN Women should expand the gender trainings provided to the IPs to address gender resistance issues and enhance ownership.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Establish an inter-agency committee on gender statistics UN Women 2021/10 Ongoing The establishment of an inter-agency committee on gender statistics is one of the key activities under the LoA signed between UN Women and CSA. UN Women will lead on the drafting of ToR to guide the establishment of the Committee and provide technical support for its establishment. Update: 7 April 2022 Ongoing Update: 22 July 2022 Ongoing
2. Hold continuous M&E meetings and visits with IPs UN Women 2021/10 Completed The establishment of an inter-agency committee on gender statistics is one of the key activities under the LoA signed between UN Women and CSA. UN Women will lead on the drafting of ToR to guide the establishment of the Committee and provide technical support for its establishment. Note: The M&E visits are challenging due to restricted movement, security situation and working form home modality Update: 7 April 2022 Ongoing in coordination with ESARO office and deployment of expert on data analysis to CSA. Update: 20 July 2022 UN Women continued secondment of the staff to ESS (former CSA) who monitors closely the implementation of the activities under the ProDoc on MEWGC
Management Response: The assessment on the mainstreaming of gender in the national statistical system (NSS) identified a resistance to gender issues as one of the key institutional challenges to produce gender statistics, as well as overall mainstreaming in the NSS. Therefore, UN Women has been providing training to the CSA senior officials on key gender concepts such as gender mainstreaming and gender responsive budgeting for statistics. UN Women plans to expand such capacity building trainings on gender, gender mainstreaming, gender responsive budgeting for statistics and gender statistics to all its IPs with a focus on those that do not have a gender-focused mandate. This includes the CSA, the PDC and the IIRR.
Description: Expand gender awareness training and engagement with IP leaders. UN Women should expand the gender trainings provided to the IPs to address gender resistance issues and enhance ownership.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Gender equality, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Conduct capacity building trainings to the IP’s staffs on key gender concepts and gender statistics UN Women 2021/10 Completed UN Women has been training CSA staff on gender concepts since 2019 as part of its awareness creation programme. The continuous training provided has, evidently, resulted not only in the improvement of the understanding of CSA staff with regards to gender and related concepts; but also caused a shift of priority in CSA work where focus has been provided to gender-focused engagements. UN Women will undertake similar gender-focused trainings to IPs, both staff and management. Note: completed but UN Women will continue to build capacity of staff due to huge staff turnover
Management Response: The MEWGC programme has been developed in alignment to the global and national GEWE commitments and development frameworks including the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), Sustainable Development Goals and Growth and Transformation Plan II. The BPfA calls for the collection and dissemination of quantitative and qualitative data on women and men to support the implementation of the action plans in the declaration. The SDGs also demand the availability of quality, accessible, timely and reliable disaggregated data for the measurement of progress and to ensure no one is left behind. The GTP II also emphasises the need for data to monitor and evaluate the progress on its implementation. The programme is also in line with the National Statistical Development Strategy II (2015/16-2019/20) Strategic Theme 2 on Data Development, sub-theme 2.6 on Gender Mainstreaming and Development of Statistics. Based on the above, therefore, UN Women emphasises the aligning the programme to national priorities and needs, as well as global frameworks. Additionally, UN Women is providing support to the CSA in the development of the NSDS III to ensure that priorities on gender statistics under the MEWGC and NSDS III mirror one another. Where the MEWGC is extended beyond its current time frame, it will continue this alignment with the NSDS III and the Ten Years Development Plan.
Description: Increase harmonization and alignment. Ensure the programme activities of the MWGC programme are further aligned and harmonized with the IPs strategic documents and plans of actions to enhance the IPs’ ownership of the programme. UN Women should also seize the opportunity of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) III development which is currently is underway, to provide strategic support to the gender directorate to ensure gender issues are integrated and addressed. Alignment of the MWGC programme should also be done to the new NSDS III
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: National ownership, Evidence, Data and statistics
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Support the finalization of the NSDS III with key initiatives in production of gender statistics and the recognition of gender statistics as a key component UN Women 2021/07 Ongoing The development of the NSDS II is on-going. UN Women has provided first round of inputs for the NSDS III to ensure the mainstreaming of gender in the Strategy. It will continue the technical support to the finalization of the Strategy. Update: 7 April 2022 Ongoing and included in the UNW WP 2022. Update: 20 July 2022 Ongoing
Management Response: UN Women duly notes the importance of an exit strategy at the end of the programme cycle to ensure the sustainability of the gained results and achievements under the programme. Thus, it will undertake the development of an exit strategy with its IPs
Description: Jointly develop an exit strategy. UN Women and IPs should jointly plan and develop an exit strategy to be agreed upon with its IPs that clarifies how the programme will end or transform at the end of the programme cycle or once the programme outcomes have been achieved.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Develop an exit strategy for the MEWGC programme together with its IPs UN Women 2021/11 Ongoing Update: 7 April 2022 Ongoing and to be completed in Q2 2022 Update: 20 July 2022 Ongoing and will be explored together with IP during the Phase II MEWGC consultations
Management Response: The main goal of the MEWGC programme is to make gender statistics available, accessible, analysed, and used to inform policy making, advocacy and accountability for delivering on gender equality and women’s empowerment commitments and has gender equality and the rights of women at its core. The programme has been developed giving due emphasis to gender equality and the rights of women where the key GEWE commitments have been referenced and used for the development of the programme. This includes the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) Constitution, the CEDAW, the BPfA, the National Action Plan on Gender Equality, and the Women Development and Change Strategy and Package. In addition, the MEWGC programme is developed in the alignment to the SDG goals with leave no one behind principle, which speaks to the principle of GE & HR. Thus, UN Women will continue translating this emphasis given to normative frameworks to the implementation of the programme and adopting gender-responsive approach to implementation. To ensure the focus on gender equality and women’s empowerment, UN Women has been supporting its IP’s gender mainstreaming efforts where gender directorates of the IPs have been provided technical support to undertake their roles and responsibilities. UN Women is the entity adheres to the principles of GE & HR and therefore facilitates effective mainstreaming of gender at all levels.
Description: Be explicit about GE and HR in programme implementation. UN Women’s core business is ensuring gender equality and women’s rights are understood and addressed as human rights issues to continue to raise attention on GE and HR with partners, UN Women Ethiopia should continue to explicitly refer to GE and HR in the development and implementation of programming to encourage the understanding and use of the concepts by partners; this continued attention to the goals and ways of operating has the potential to support further progress towards GE and HR in Ethiopia through partner adoption of this orientation – that GEWE are fundamental HR issues.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Global norms and standards (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Human Rights, Impact, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1. Provide technical support to the CSA to effectively mainstream gender in periodic surveys and assessments. UNWomen 2021/12 Completed UN Women will second a gender expert to the CSA that will support the mainstreaming of gender in periodic surveys and assessments.
2. Support the PDC to implement the Ten-Years Development Plan with a gender perspective UNWomen 2021/12 Completed UN Women has been supporting the implementation of the Growth Transformation Plan (GTP) with a gender perspective by ensuring a standalone Annual Progress Report is prepared on the performance of gender commitments under the GTP. Similarly, UN Women will support PDC to track, monitor and report progress in the implementation of the Ten-Year Plan, identify gaps and support the implementation of the Plan.