The overarching goal (impact level) of the GG4GEG project is to ensure that governance systems, programmes, and policies along with private sector partners are gender sensitive and enable women’s economic empowerment and broader gender equality in Georgia. The project had two outcomes: (1) Governance systems are gender-sensitive and enable gender equality in Georgia and (2) Women in rural areas benefit from increased income-generation opportunities in the agrotourism and ICT sectors and fully realize their economic rights with the support of a gender-responsive private sector.
Interventions developed in the framework of the project had nation-wide coverage and, in case, of the second outcome, more emphasis was set on more economically disadvantaged and conflict affected regions of Western Georgia (Imereti, Guria, Ratcha-Lechkhumi, Samegrelo and Shida Qartli). The project design targeted gender mainstreaming across a broad scope of reforms, such as decentralization, public service reform and public finance management reform, economic diversification (entrepreneurship), tourism (agritourism), financing, vocational education and training (work-based training), startups development, ICT industry, trade (value chain) and other. Due to that fact, the project implementation benefited from strategic partnerships developed with a large number of representatives from the Government, public administration institutions, non-governmental sector – CSOs and professional associations, and private enterprises.
As a result of the evaluation, the project received six broad recommendations that have been all accepted by the Country Office.