Safe and Fair: Realizing women migrant workers’ rights and opportunities in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region (2018 – 2022) is part of the Spotlight Initiative to eliminate violence against women and girls, a global, multi-year initiative between the European Union (EU) and the United Nations (UN). The ILO and UN Women are implementing the project, in collaboration with UNODC, with the overriding objective of ensuring that labour migration is safe and fair for all women in the ASEAN region. Immediately following the Inception Phase from January-September 2018 the programme undertook an Evaluability Assessment to ensure that the programme design met minimum standards for monitoring and evaluation, by assessing a set of design-specific aspects prior to implementation defined as “evaluability”. The Evaluability Assessment recommended that the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) be conducted slightly later than the exact mid-way point of the programme (mid 2020), given the 9-month Inception Phase. The Mid Term Evaluation was undertaken from January –August 2021. This is the Management Response to the Recommendations of the MTE.
ILO and UN Women, in discussion with UNODC, welcome the findings, conclusions and recommendations of this midterm independent evaluation. The Safe and Fair Regional Management Team was pleased to note the overall evaluation finding that Safe and Fair is addressing a critical need to bring together gender equality, anti-trafficking and labour migration actors to end violence against women migrant workers and is filling important gaps with respect to protecting the rights of women migrant workers to a life free from violence. The Regional Management Team noted that there are further opportunities for increased synergies with other UN labour migration programmes in the region and engaging men and families as key players in providing direct support to women migrant workers throughout their migration journey, including before and after occurrences of violence.
The Regional Management Team also noted the finding that the programme successfully encouraged the active engagement of women migrant workers and has provided opportunities for them to use their voices and better connect with each other. The support to women’s networks and unions for women migrant workers will continue to further foster their empowerment. The Safe and Fair Programme has generated significant knowledge on violence against women migrant workers, gender and labour migration, and overall rights of women migrant workers that has helped to raise awareness of the rights of women migrant workers and further target its programming.
The Regional Management Team also acknowledges and supports the stakeholders’ interest in a stronger regional approach to further promote cross-country knowledge exchange and stakeholder networking. Safe and Fair has addressed a wide range of women migrant worker needs, including shifting needs because of COVID-19, across origin and destination countries. Safe and Fair has effectively contributed towards strengthening legislation and governance frameworks to protect the rights of women migrant workers, including when they experience violence. The Safe and Fair Programme has strengthened the capacity of service providers to respond to the needs of women migrant workers and has increased access to essential services across their migration journey. Safe and Fair will continue to harness and strengthen its established partnerships and collaborations with women migrant workers, ASEAN Member States’ government authorities, ASEAN institutions, and workers’, employers’ organisations, civil society and community-based organizations at the national and regional level.
The Regional Management Team notes that the Safe and Fair Programme reflects strong joint programming and UN Reform principles that facilitate achieving results that are greater than the sum of its parts with room to improve the efficiency of the joint working arrangements as well as the monitoring and reporting of joint results. The Regional Management Team also acknowledges the evaluation observations of challenges in collecting disaggregated and intersectional data on violence against women and labour migration, Communication for Development (C4D), and direct-targeted engagement of men as allies. Through the programme and the midterm evaluation, Safe and Fair has gained important insights around these challenges that can be applied to the remainder of the programme and to future programming on safe and fair migration. (due to space limitation full text available in report)