Final evaluation of the project EU Gender Equality Facility Bosnia and Herzegovina was implemented in timely manner and with good cooperation between the consultant, UN Women and key interlocutors, who provided inputs into the evaluation findings, which are rated as positive. GEF was characterized as relevant to improved response of BiH to international obligations and continues to be relevant and becomes even more relevant as BiH gained the status of EU candidate country in December 2022. In terms of coherence, through GEF project, UN Women BiH implemented its integrated mandate, particularly normative, and ensured complementarity with other initiatives focused on increasing capacities of gender equality mechanisms and other governmental stakeholders for gender responsive and EU aligned policy making processes. In terms of effectiveness, GEF project has achieved majority of planned results and it can be expected with high probability that remaining results will be achieved by the end of the project. Small project budget comparative to other GEF projects in the region, particularly in such complex governance architecture and political situation was efficiently allocated to achieve results. When it comes to impact, processes have been initiated and are visible: gender equality mechanisms increased capacities for the EU accession and IPA programming processes, new relations have been established between gender equality and IPA mechanisms, as a result of the project some new initiatives were launched with new partnerships and focused on further alignment of domestic laws and policies to international frameworks, statistical institutions are empowered and gender mainstreaming of sectoral policies has been increasingly applied in policy making. When it comes to sustainability, newly acquired EU candidate status will require further gender mainstreaming of all reforms in the negotiation processes. Project is fully committed to gender equality, and it is grounded in human rights approach. Key limitation of the evaluation is related to the withdrawal from project participation of the stakeholders from Republika Srpska. Their perspective on the reasons for withdrawal, as well as experience with activities in which they initially participated was not fully captured due to the lack of readiness of the main project partner, Gender Centre of Republika Srpska to provide information during the evaluation mission.