UN Women and UNEP welcomes the joint evaluation of the EmPower: Women for Climate Resilient Societies Project, which aims to strengthen UN Women and UNEP’s programming with respect to gender-responsive rights-based climate change, renewable energy, and DRR. The findings of report are encouraging and reaffirms the added value of the project towards addressing key gaps in regional and country capacities, engendering existing normative frameworks on climate change, as well as its contributions to COVID-19 recovery. The project is a key example of an emerging modality on innovative regional programming which builds on complementary mandates of the two UN agencies. Lessons on project governance and implementation captured in the report serves as important input to strengthening working modalities to scaling up results and deliver quality and accountable programming for women and the most marginalized communities.
UN Women and UNEP accepts the four recommendations outlined in the report and have already taken immediate steps in ensuring that key actions are embedded into the design of the second phase of the EmPower Project.
• Recommendation 1: Review ToC
The revised ToC of the EmPower Phase II have been developed to achieve broader impact through three key outcomes: strengthening capacities of regional and national government actors, recognizing women’s leadership in decision-making, and strengthening adaptive capacity through climate-resilient livelihoods. The results framework of the project is aligned and will contribute to the national cooperation frameworks across the three focus countries of Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Viet Nam and will ensure coherence and synergies with other UN agencies, governments, and other development partners.
• Recommendation 2: Enhance Project Coordination
The governance mechanism under the new project consistently follows the UNDG guidelines for Joint Programmes and will put in place mechanisms to ensure better coordination between agencies and among project partners. Monitoring, learning, and accountability activities is embedded throughout implementation to ensure that activities/ approaches remain relevant to the changing priorities of project stakeholders as well as to the operational context. A resource mobilization plan will be developed and implemented jointly by the two agencies to scale up actions and achieve the ambition outlined in the proposal.
• Recommendation 3: Review approaches on coordination
UN Women and UNEP will continue to build on lessons and strengthen partnerships bringing together governments, intergovernmental organisations, women’s organizations and women focused CSOs, academe, donors, private sector and financial service providers to ensure coherence and advance gender-responsive climate, RE, and DRR action in the region. The project will strengthen existing coordination and accountability mechanisms building on comparative advantages of partners to ensure that actions deliver on collective outcomes anchored on commitments to mitigating climate risks and building resilience of women and the most marginalized groups. Adaptive management approaches will be ensured across the project cycle to ensure activities relevant, effective, and sustainable to the context.
• Recommendation 4: Strengthen social norms change and LNOB strategies
UN Women and UNEP will focus on ensuring transformative and sustainable changes in the process of scaling up its project outcomes. The project will support CSOs working with grassroots women and marginalized groups in implementation and will introduce risk management strategies to ensure that the project do not do harm. Capacity development across project stakeholders will underpin social norms change and protection as key focus areas, prevention, and response to GBV particularly in the context of climate change and disasters will also be provided for service providers and first responders. The project will undertake tailored awareness raising campaigns engaging men and boys to reinforce positive messages and ensure inclusion in changing behaviors and attitudes. Collection and analysis of gender data to measure transformative progress will be undertaken by the project. UN Women’s institutional mandate and expertise remains as important resource for advancing the recommendation.
Moreover, beyond the EmPower project, UN Women and UNEP intends to utilize the recommendations to inform internal capacity development, building staff capacity and strengthening institutional mechanisms to ensure that future actions are informed by the lessons from the evaluation and that both organisations, jointly and individually, demonstrate stronger accountability to women and other marginalized groups from at-risk communities in the region.