Management Response

: Multi-Country Office for the Pacific (Fiji)
: 2018 - 2022 , Multi-Country Office for the Pacific (Fiji) (MCO)
: Final Evaluation of the Gender Inequality of Risk (GIR) and Promoting Community Resilience Project in Solomon Islands
: Multi-Country Office for the Pacific (Fiji)

The recommendations are accepted.

: Approved
Recommendation: UN Women and UNDRR should continue with efforts to build on the achievements of the Project, particularly at the community level. Recommended timeframe: February 2023 – December 2025
Management Response:
Description: Thematic Area: Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
The key actions will follow the two outcome areas of the Women's Resilience to Disaster's (WRD) Programme: - Building an enabling environment - Targeted actions UN Women will work with National Disaster Management Office Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) National Protection Committee Provincial Protection Committee Solomon Island Red Cross Society UNDP UNDRR Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) World Meteorological Organisations (WMO) UN Women, UNDRR 2024/12 Completed The formal signature between UNW HQ and the donor will be completed soon. The workplan and budget is being firmed up for approval by the board in January 2023. The formal launching is scheduled for February 2023. The programme activities will be implemented for 2 years as a pilot after which it will be reviewed to decide if additional resources will be requested for.
Support the roll out of Community Based Disaster Risk Manual (CBDRM) at the community level, and ensure the application of developed tools (including the Initial Damage Assessment (IDA) and GIHA Handbook) through National Disaster Management Office (NDMO) in partnership with Provincial Protection Committee (PPC) and Provincial Disaster Management Office (PDMO), more support to them to operationalize gender responsive and inclusive DRR (e.g. local DRR plans) UN Women will work with National Disaster Management Office (NDMO), Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs (MWYCFA) National Protection Committee (NPC), Provincial Disaster Management Office (PDMO) UN Women, UNDRR 2024/12 Completed Initiation and plans for implementation already in progress. This activity is already part of the concept note that was approved by DFAT, Australian Government. This will be part of the WRD Solomon Islands workplan for 2023-2024. Budget for this activity has already been approved this year, 2022. . Update: WRD Solomon Islands workplan completed.
Recommendation: UN Women should build on the achievements highlighted above by making training related to women’s participation in DRR more widely accessible and contextually grounded. Recommended timeframe: Feb 2023-Dec 2025
Management Response:
Description: Thematic Area: Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Organise Training of Trainers (ToT) on National CBDRM for stakeholders and roll out to provinces with local women CSOs and Women Faith Based Organisations (FBOs). UN Women will work with MWYCFA NDMO UN Women, 2023/12 Completed Planning in progress and confirmed to be part of the 2 years Workplan under the WRD Solomon Islands programme. Update: WRD Solomon Islands workplan completed.
Capacity development, including for gender responsive frameworks. UN Women will partner with Women FBOs and CSOs (Mother’s Union, Women’s Fellowships, Dorcas and Councils of Women) . . Update: WRD Solomon Islands workplan completed. UN Women 2023/12 Completed Planning in progress and confirmed to be part of the 2 years Workplan under the WRD Solomon Islands programme.
Recommendation: UN Women and UNDRR should continue to work with the SIG and the NDMO to support the development of a central database for DRR data. Recommended timeframe: Feb 2023-Dec 2024
Management Response:
Description: Thematic Area: Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Response Category: Not applicable
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Review local and provincial DRR strategies with recommendations on how to include gender and social inclusion and provide technical support. UN Women will partner with UNDRR NDMO, Ministry of Women, Solomon Islands, National Protection Committee, Provincial Protection Committee. Disability Organizations and EVAW programme within UNW. UN Women, UNDRR 2024/12 Completed This is in the planning stage and will be part of the WRD Solomon Islands workplan. Update: WRD Solomon Islands workplan completed.
Sex, Age and disability data mapping and analysis training for national and provincial protection committees. UN Women will partner with UN Women, UNDRR NDMO, Ministry of Women, Solomon Islands, National Protection Committee, Provincial Protection Committee. Disability Organizations and EVAW programme within UNW UN Women, UNDRR 2024/12 Completed This is in the planning stage and will be part of the WRD Solomon Islands workplan. Update: WRD Solomon Islands workplan completed.
Recommendation: Future projects should feature more consultation with local stakeholders during the design phase and avoid beginning activities until this consultation is complete. Recommended timeframe: Feb 2023-Dec 2025
Management Response:
Description: Thematic Area: Disaster Risk Reduction
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
More consultation with local stakeholders and coordination with other DRR adaptation and resilience initiatives are planned during the implementation of the WRD activities. UN Women will partner with MWYCFA, NDMO, UNDRR, World Bank, UNDP, WMO Ministry of National Planning and Development Coordination (MNPDC) Disability Organisations UN Women 2024/12 Completed In progress: Organising of meetings with relevant stakeholders for orientation and consultation of new programme such as WRD Update: Consultations completed. WRD programme has been launched.
Proper consultation with the relevant ministries, the City Councils, provincial protection committees and People with Disability Networks. UN Women will work with Government Ministries City Councils PPC PDOs UN Women 2024/12 Completed Consultations completed. WRD programme has been launched.