Management Response

: Liberia
: 2020 - 2024 , Liberia (CO)
: Liberia

The evaluation was rigorous and used divers’ methodology as per UN Women Gender Responsive Evaluation and UNDG RBM handbooks. Despite the challenges of COVID-19 the evaluation found a very good satisfaction in the parties and beneficiaries involved. 100% achievement at outputs and a good change at outcome level. The prevailing sociocultural and traditional norms and perceptions preventing women from participating in peace and security engagement of women at the national agenda on UNSCR 1325 were reported as one of the successes of the project, as the NAP WPS provided platform for women to contribute to peacebuilding efforts. The report also indicated despite these efforts, there are still challenges in promoting gender equality and the advancement of the WPS agenda in the country.

: Approved
Recommendation: 1.1 UN Women, OHCHR and the donor (PBF) should conduct a vulnerable and marginalized group assessment in the counties and communities targeted by WPS interventions. The findings should inform the design of an appropriate strategy and plan for marginalized and vulnerable groups that will inform further programming on how WPS projects will involve people with disabilities and marginalized women and men at various levels. Support the plan with appropriate indicators to track progress.
Management Response: UN Women and PBF secretariat agreed to conduct the vulnerability assessment on the upcoming decentralization project 2023
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
agreed to conduct the vulnerability assessment on the upcoming decentralization project 2023 UN PBF secretariat and UN Women 2025/12 Initiated This action will be undertaken in 2024. This was not possible in 2023 due to the funding gap.
Recommendation: 2.1 The PBF should ensure that each project funded has a clear communication strategy and plan in place in line with the recommendations of UN guidance on ‘Communicating as One’ (2014). In the guide, the United Nations underlines the importance of a joint communications strategy, which includes shared messaging in support of the One Programme, and the development of standard joint communication products, as well as shared crisis communications and a common established visual identity for joint UN products and communications. 2.2 Assess the knowledge and skills of the UN Women and OHCHR project in results-based management (RBM) and take action to strengthen their capacities through various actions, such as coaching, mentorship or additional training. In addition, UN Women and OHCHR should ensure that RBM is effectively applied in programming, budgeting, monitoring and reporting. All joint interventions must meet RBM requirements. This measure/action will be very helpful with regard to the observed turnover of M&E staff in the two implementing UN agencies.
Management Response: 2.1 Ensure joint projects use the joint communication strategy and plan accordingly 2.2 Strengthen partner and UN Women staff capacity on RBM
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
2.1 Ensure joint projects use the joint communication strategy and plan accordingly 2.2 Strengthen partner and UN Women staff capacity on RBM PBF and UN Women 2024/12 Ongoing PBF to make sure partners plan and use the joint communication strategy UN Women initiated the recommendation and will work on this in 2023 and beyond. This action is now mandatory for all PBF projects and is being fully implemented.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATION 3
Management Response: 3.1 Provide further support for the implementation of the innovative financing strategy and plan that was validated in 2021 by the Government of Liberia. Further support the capacity of government representatives and CSOs in other counties and communities on GRB/innovative financing and WPS/human-rights based approach. Detailed recommendations on innovative financing and GRB are listed below in the recommendations section of this report. 3.2 Ensure that all WPS materials produced are accessible to all people with disabilities in the 15 counties and communities. Further disseminate the NAP WPS in the counties and districts to ensure understanding and accountability at district and community levels.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
3.1. GRB CAPACITY BUILDING FOR CSOS AND GOVERNMENT ALREADY IN 2023 ANNUAL WORKPLAN 3.2 UN WOMEN ALREADY PLANNED 2023 ANNUAL WORKPLAN UN Women 2024/12 Ongoing For GRB LBR_D_1.2.4.8 and 150,000 USD, however Innovative financing UN Women will mobilize resources Activity LBR_4.2.1.34 (25,000 USD) Strengthening capacities of CSOs and Government have taken place and is continuing. This activity is an ongoing one and will continue as usual.
Recommendation: 4.1 In future interventions on WPS in the communities, the Peace Hut movement should be involved as partners rather than beneficiaries to implement WPS activities at community level. This will strengthen the capacity and position of the peace huts in the communities and will contribute to ensuring their economic sustainability. Non-peace hut communities that are already organized around village savings and loan associations must be further supported to become peace huts and more structured organizations.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
• THE PEACE HUTS UNDER THE NEW DECENTRALIZATION PROJECT ARE GOING TO BE AN IMPLEMENTING PARTNER • NON-PEACE HUT COMMUNITIES WILL BE ASSESSED DURING THE VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT AND SUPPORT WILL BE PROVIDED UN Women 2024/12 Ongoing Economic sustainability of the peace huts will be based on the baseline data to ensure informed decision. PHs are now receiving direct grants as partners. In the just-ended Land Governance project, funds were transferred directly to the PHs for their sustainability projects in 2023. In addition, the PHs are earmarked as partners to receive grants in the approved YPI project from the PBF.