The above recommendations are part of UN Women's work in South Sudan - as detailed in the Strategic Note, and contribute to building local and grassroots capacities to empower women and girls, including people with disabilities; the CO strategic interventions under Women, Peace and Security (WPS) and key project focused intervention eg. Constitution making process (CMP), Women leadership and political participation and Climate security focus on engaging men and women, including PWDs and all the selected institutions both at national and state levels in the electoral processes through civic education and awareness, public dialogue sessions capacity building etc. Gender data and statistics is one of the strategic outputs of UNW CO strategic note. Under different projects being implemented including the WORLD BANK funded project, AfDB bank and PBFO funded projects, there are components related to strengthen interventions and partnership with the CSOs, especially women led organisations and MGCSW, Peacebuilding ministry to enhance local capacity to promote gender equality and women empowerment, especially in the electoral processes. Disability assessment is one of the planned activities to be conducted whose outcome will form position paper to inform constitution making processes and electoral processes. |
WPP Specialist, WEE Specialist and EVAW Specialist
The country office (CO) established two field offices in Yambio, Western Equatoria and Wau, Western Bahr El Ghazal and has been implementing projects at the state level in areas such as Pibor, Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity, Northern Bahr El Ghazal, and Pibor to reach women and adolescent girls in rural areas. Additionally, the CO supports women-led or focused organizations at the grassroots level to enhance their capacity to address women's needs in a timely and effective manner. For example, in 2023, the CO assisted 73 women’s organizations in improving their ability to deliver and monitor the quality of services, resources, and goods for women in humanitarian and development settings. |