Management Response

: Independent Evaluation Service (IES)
: 2022 - 2023 , Independent Evaluation Service (IES) (EO)
: Corporate Formative Evaluation of UN Women's Work in the area of Climate Change
: Independent Evaluation Service (IES)

UN Women welcomes the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the corporate formative evaluation of the Entity’s work in the area of climate change. The evaluation is helpful in pointing to ways to strengthen and deepen UN Women’s climate and environment work across thematic and geographic areas, building on the Strategic Plan (2022-2025). UN Women appreciates the evaluation conclusions (based on the findings), but with caveats: 1) Although awareness among UN Women personnel of the totality of UN Women’s climate change and environmental work is limited, the organization has engaged in a significant amount of work in this area. While some of this work has tended to be ad hoc, it represents a foundation for more strategic engagement in the longer term on the gender equality and climate change nexus. In fact UN Women has done considerable strategic work responding to its triple mandate across the Regional and Country Offices and across thematic areas, including Economic Empowerment and Disaster Risk Reduction, but also Research and Data, Ending Violence Against Women and Women, Peace and Security, as evidenced by our portfolio on climate-resilient agriculture and the Women’s Resilience to Disasters programme across regions and the EmPower: Women for Climate-Resilient Societies programme in Asia-Pacific as well as our long-standing normative and policy work including support to the Conference of Parties of the UNFCCC. 2) There is an expectation that UN Women play a more proactive role (and demonstrate leadership) to ensure that gender equality and leave no one behind perspectives are central to climate change and environmental work. UN Women’s trajectory since its establishment indeed reflects this, as exemplified in its support to the elaboration and implementation of the UNFCCC Lima Work Programme on Gender and its Gender Action Plan (2014) and the 5-year Enhanced Lima Work Programme on Gender and its Gender Action Plan (2019) as well as the CSW66, COP27 and Feminist Action for Climate Justice Action Coalition processes that have built on years of normative, convening and policy and programmatic work. 3) Partnerships, although often ad hoc, have been central to UN Women’s climate change and environmental work to date. Going forward, forming longer-term, strategic partnerships will be critical for UN Women to magnify its impact in the climate change and environment space. Key partnerships were forged or strengthened with the Flagship Programme Initiatives under the previous Strategic Plan (2018-2021) and are being further consolidated through the Gender Equality Accelerators and ongoing programming as well as continuing intergovernmental and normative work with the Rio Convention Secretariats and their women and gender caucuses or constituencies, among others. 4) The absence of a corporate coordinating structure for climate change and environmental work has negatively affected the coherence and visibility of UN Women’s work in this area among both internal and external stakeholders. A corporate coordinating structure for climate and environmental work could be desirable to enhance the coherence and visibility of UN Women’s work, but this should be carefully considered. The current flexible and conjunctural coordination by the Economic Empowerment and Intergovernmental Support sections may be sufficient, as evidenced by the Gender Equality Accelerator on Gender-Responsive Climate Action and engagement with COP28 (see also #2). 5) UN Women requires some additional capacity to successfully mainstream its work on climate change and the environment, but also needs to build organizational competencies by strengthening the knowledge of all personnel. While the evaluation recommends using the Climate Change and Gender Equality Maturity Matrix to establish a baseline and monitor and assess progress in this area, it is felt that the resources required to use this tool effectively are not yet available. 6) UN Women’s reputation and credibility may be affected if it does not demonstrate and amplify its own institutional climate mitigation efforts. UN Women’s Social and Environmental Sustainability Policy and Procedures has been recently promulgated and should set the benchmark in this regard. The management response notes that the recommendations will have resource implications.

: Approved
Recommendation: UN Women should develop a strategy to guide the mainstreaming of its climate change and environmental work across thematic areas and ensure resources are available to implement it.
Management Response:
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Climate change
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Development of gender-responsive climate action strategy, cutting across thematic and geographical areas and that is aligned with the Strategic Plan (2022-2025) and relevant Gender Equality Accelerators, evaluation, CSW66 Agreed Conclusions, UNFCCC COP28 engagement strategy and forthcoming COP29 engagement strategy PPID / Economic Empowerment in consultation IGS and with Regional and Country Offices 2024/06 Overdue-Initiated
Inclusion of capacity strengthening and resource mobilization components in strategy PPID / Economic Empowerment in consultation with Regional Offices 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated
Review, adaptation and validation of Climate Change and Gender Equality Maturity Matrix as an aid to implementation of the strategy PPID / Economic Empowerment in consultation with Regional Offices 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated If consultations so indicate and resources permit
Monitoring and reporting through the existing Integrated Results and Resources Framework of UN Women’s Strategic Plan 2022–2025 and corporate RMS structure. Use the current MTR as an opportunity to review whether the IRRF enables us to adequately monitor and report on the climate change work. PPID, SPRED, Regional and Country Offices 2024/12 Overdue-Not Initiated Report with annual reporting cycle
Recommendation: UN Women should develop an environmental sustainability policy by 2024.
Management Response:
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Organizational efficiency, Climate change
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Finalize UN Women's Environment and Social Sustainability Policy and Procedure for better integration of environmental sustainability considerations within programming. PAPDU/PPID 2023/12 Completed
Building on and strengthening existing mitigation and adaptation strategies to achieve the goal of climate neutrality and environmental sustainability across all management functions – particularly travel and procurement, facilities, ICT and enterprise risk management. DMA 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated The Terms of Reference (TOR) for an Environmental Sustainability Consultant was not defined for the total scope of work in 2023 due to some undergoing processes in formulating requirements for the TOR related to the Hybrid Work model and common premises to environmental sustainability project. However, the issues of environmental sustainability are cross cutting along programme, policy and operations discussions are underway with all parties involved on developing processes to mainstream climate neutrality and environmental sustainability throughout UN Women. UN Women will finalize the scope of work in 2024 and commission a consultancy to review and consolidate the existing operational environmental sustainability policies and procedures (in the areas of ICT, Facilities and Procurement) and develop new ones where they may be required. Thereby, contributing to the newly launched Social and Environmental Sustainability Policy and Procedures.
Developing a system to track and report progress (including challenges faced) and a communications strategy that signals the corporate importance of addressing environmental sustainability management, including regular updates on progress made and increase awareness and knowledge of sound environmental stewardship and identifying and deploying individual, office and corporate incentives to generate interest and action to adopt new practices. DMA and PPID 2024/12 Overdue-Not Initiated Reported through annual reporting cycle
Adopt the goal of climate neutrality and mitigation and reviewing travel policy in line with comments to the Joint Inspection Unit report by the Chiefs Executive Board for Coordination. DMA 2024/06 Overdue-Not Initiated The Terms of Reference (TOR) for an Environmental Sustainability Consultant was not defined for the total scope of work in 2023 due to some undergoing processes in formulating requirements for the TOR related to the Hybrid Work model and common premises to environmental sustainability project. However, the issues of environmental sustainability are cross cutting along programme, policy and operations discussions are underway with all parties involved on developing processes to mainstream climate neutrality and environmental sustainability throughout UN Women. UN Women will finalize the scope of work in 2024 and commission a consultancy to review and consolidate the existing operational environmental sustainability policies and procedures (in the areas of ICT, Facilities and Procurement) and develop new ones where they may be required. Thereby, contributing to the newly launched Social and Environmental Sustainability Policy and Procedures. .
Engage in knowledge sharing and coordination platforms across the UN system PPID and DMA 2024/12 Overdue-Not Initiated This is currently done on needs based e.g during COP
Recommendation: UN Women should develop and strengthen the organizational architecture for its gender equality, climate change and environmental work.
Management Response:
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Oversight/governance, Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Climate change
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Strengthen overall coordination of UN Women’s climate and environmental work based in the Economic Empowerment section to support gender-responsive climate action, identify and act upon emerging opportunities, support resource mobilization and highlight UN Women’s work and results PPID / Economic Empowerment in consultation with IGS and Regional Offices 2024/12 Overdue-Initiated If resources permit, a new expert role would be established in the Economic Empowerment section. If sufficient resources do not materialize, then the function devolves on the Sustainable Development team in the EE section that has been coordinating work on climate and environment together with IGS. Even in the second case, additional resources are needed to support consultants, consultations and knowledge production.
Establish an inter-disciplinary/cross-sectional team that includes DRR team and WPS colleagues working on climate security, Humanitarian Team addressing the climate crisis. PPID / Economic Empowerment to coordinate 2024/06 Overdue-Initiated
Recommendation: UN Women should formalize further partnerships at the corporate level with key stakeholders for a more coordinated and comprehensive approach.
Management Response:
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication, Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Climate change
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Strengthen existing partnerships and form new ones as necessary to support normative, policy, programmatic and coordination work globally on the gender equality/ climate/ environment nexus, including with Rio Convention Secretariats, UN agencies, international organizations and academic and research institutions PPID / Economic Empowerment in consultation with IGS and Regional Offices 2025/12 Initiated
Prioritize strategic engagement with climate and environment funds, such as the Green Climate Fund, Global Environment Facility, Adaptation Fund, and others to increase gender-responsive financing PPID / Economic Empowerment and Regional Offices 2025/12 Initiated Resources permitting
Establish, set up and capitalize a Women’s Climate Fund to channel resources to feminist and women’s organizations and national gender equality mechanisms PPID / Economic Empowerment 2024/12 Overdue-Initiated Resources permitting