Responsible |
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1. Design WEESC-III with a focus on sustainability |
UN Women GEO CO |
As recommended by the WEESC-II evaluation, the design for the third phase was developed with a focus on sustainability, ensuring the continued support and reinforcement of the achievements from the first two phases. This focus is reflected in the WEESC-III Prodoc, where the majority of outputs are designed to sustain and enhance efforts made during the initial phases. This includes preserving and strengthening grassroots initiatives, reinforcing partnerships established during the first and second phases, and institutionalizing these results to secure a long-term impact. Respective indicators are developed and included in the WEESC III Logframe to enable sound monitoring and evaluation of the sustainability of project results. |
2. Preserve and strengthen the network of active rural women established in Phases I and II |
UN Women GEO CO |
As part of the project's commitment to women's empowerment, Phase III will focus on preserving and strengthening the network of active rural women established during Phases I and II across Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia, with an emphasis on sustainability.
Building on the success of Phase II, where the establishment of Women's Resource Centres (WRCs) in Azerbaijan provided a centralized platform for women to access resources, training, and networking opportunities, the project will continue to support, preserve, and strengthen the existing WRCs in Sabirabad, Gusar, Baku-Khazar, and Fuzuli districts of Azerbaijan. In Phase III, WRCs will focus on developing sustainability strategies.
In Armenia and Georgia, to enhance women's voice, agency, and participation, the project will focus on preserving and further developing the skills and capacities of socially mobilized rural women from Phases I and II in the same target regions. This effort aims to engage them in local planning and budgeting processes with a strong emphasis on sustainability. The activities will continue in the same communities in Armenia and municipalities in Georgia to ensure a more sustainable approach.
Moreover, the project will continue to strengthen the capacities of local government representatives in target communities and municipalities to enhance their receptiveness to Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB). Dialogue platforms will be established between relevant representatives of local and central governments and mobilized women's groups to address issues pertinent to women's economic empowerment at both the local (community) and national levels. Furthermore, the project will explore sustainable options to ensure these platforms continue beyond the project's duration, such as the village assembly model among other alternatives in Georgia.
3. Support the expansion and sustainability of women-owned small businesses |
UN Women GEO CO |
WEESC-III will largely focus on the women farmers and entrepreneurs who were supported during the WEESC I and II phases. The project will continue to assist these women by providing additional support, tailored consultancy, and mentorship in the final phase, aiming to help them sustain and upscale their businesses.
As recommended by the evaluation, the project will adopt a value chain approach to grant provision, offering small-scale incentives/grants with more comprehensive technical support for each initiative than was available in Phases I and II.
Few of the other components of the project will be also synergized with this work to enhance women’s access to finances; namely, UN Women cooperation with Rural Development Agency, other government bodies in Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and private sector (especially banking sector through WEPs) will be leveraged to diversify financing sources that are accessible to women farmers / entrepreneurs.
4. Strengthen strategic partnerships for sustainable women's economic empowerment |
UN Women GEO CO |
The phase III of the project will focus on consolidating interventions with existing strategic government partners, ensuring more consistent cooperation as recommended by the WEESC phase II evaluation. A key priority will be mainstreaming gender within their policies and programs while enhancing the capacity of their staff. The project will continue to build the institutional capacity of these organizations, supporting them in developing targeted programs and implementing institutional amendments to further women’s economic empowerment in a sustainable manner.
During the third phase, the project will finalize the technical assistance initiatives launched in Phases I and II, leveraging Gender Impact Assessments (GIAs), Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs), and other forms of assistance in collaboration with governmental stakeholders in Armenia and Georgia. For instance, the project will continue its support to the RDA, focusing on enhancing and expanding specialized programs for women and ensuring gender mainstreaming within RDA’s existing programs. During Phase II, UN Women and the RDA collaborated to implement a stand-alone program that provided financing for women to establish greenhouses. Additionally, by the end of the second phase, UN Women, in collaboration with the RDA, designed a new stand-alone program aimed at supporting women entrepreneurs in the following directions – agrotourism, crafts, sewing, flowers production. UN Women plans to continue this partnership in the third phase to further support institutionalization of the achieved results.
Furthermore, in Armenia and Georgia, during the third phase, the project will work to promote the institutionalization of educational courses on gender equality and Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE) among both governmental and non-governmental partners.
5. Develop a sustainability and exit strategy |
UN Women GEO CO |
Overdue-Not Initiated
A specific sustainability and exit strategy will be developed in close collaboration with partners, using a participatory approach that involves current project beneficiaries in its creation. This strategy will aim to ensure that the project's benefits remain effective and enduring in the long term, even without continued external funding. |