Management Response

: Moldova
: 2023 - 2025 , Moldova (CO)
: final evaluation of the “Strengthened Gender Action in Cahul and Ungheni districts” (EVA) Project funded by the European Union
: Moldova

The overarching goal (impact level) of the EVA project was to promote gender equality, women’s empowerment through strengthened implementation of gender mainstreaming in local public policies, and to combat domestic violence affecting women and children, in two selected districts (Cahul, Ungheni) from Moldova. The project had two outcomes: (1) Gender equality is mainstreamed in the local policymaking and decision taking by the local public authorities (LPAs); (2) Victims of domestic violence, including sexual violence, have greater access to effective survivor-focused multidisciplinary services, and violence prevention is piloted in local schools and communities. The purpose of the final evaluation of the EVA Project were twofold to: i) Assess the programmatic progress and final project performance based on the evaluation criteria (Relevance, Coherence, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Sustainability and Gender Equality and Human Rights) and identify good practices and lessons to be learned; and ii) Develop recommendations for the next phase of the project or other similar initiatives. As a result of the final evaluation, the CO received eight broad recommendations that have been accepted fully/partially by the Country Office and key actions identified under each recommendation. The findings and the recommendations help the CO to further fine-tune the project design, scale up the good practices and consider the lessons learned for the development of the new project documents for negotiation with development partners, including EU.

: Approved
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATIONS 2
Management Response: UN Women CO will continue supporting civil society organizations, local public authorities and change agents in future projects as this will assure the sustainability of the project and efficiency in capacity building efforts.
Description: Fine-tune the project design, scale up the good practices and consider the lessons learned. Involve the change agents and gender champions generated by the EVA Project in future projects.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Oversight/governance, Capacity development, National ownership, Advocacy, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Normative Support, Youth engagement, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
To involve further change agents and gender-champions generated by EVA project in UN Women projects/initiatives (EVOLVE project, etc.) UN Women 2026/01 Not Initiated It will be considered for implementing project partner engagement Within EVOLVE4GE, gender champion communities will receive support to transform their budget programs to be more gender-responsive. Initially, efforts will focus on developing budget circulars at the local level. Starting next year ( 2025), the program aims to expand the number of gender champion communities by incorporating the experiences from EVA, adding another ten localities.
Recommendation: recommendation 1
Management Response: This recommendation is partially accepted by UN Women, as Gender based violence is complex phenomenon and for curbing it, all actors need to work on 1. Prevention; 2. Protection;3, prosecution, 4 integrated responses. The response cannot be complete also without working with public prosecutors, lawyers and judges, so that cases of GBV do not fail in court, because of lack of evidence, or improperly documented case or lack of securing protection to the victim during court proceedings. One project cannot do at once all, in specific if it is not entirely focused on EVAW. The TOC choice of EVA project of investing in services for victims was conscious one, as it can be lifesaving to women who suffered sexual violence as this project was limited in time and funding. To build the services for victims first, while it did not prevent LPAs to negotiate with the central authorities and other development partners to invest in service for perpetrators. And also, other development partners present at country level who are working with the Government institutions on EVAW were more focused on preventions as well, Including some services for perpetrators.
Description: Capitalize on achievements, continue GM in the local policies and support for improving services for victims of violence and child protection. Consider supporting/developing the offender-oriented services.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Oversight/governance
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Initiate negotiation with the EUD on possible new project for expanding the gender mainstreaming and services for victims of violence. UN Women CO 2023/11 Completed During the Q2 of 2023 UN Women Moldova was invited by the EUD to present a new project proposal and negotiate the cooperation. Agreement signed with the EU for the new supported project (October 2023). The new project will cover the areas of gender mainstreaming and enhancing of services for victims of violence
Provide further support for Central and local Government authorities in the design and implementation of gender responsive policies and budgets for the improved services for victims of violence . UN Women 2027/12 Ongoing The ongoing SN 2023-2027 under two Outcomes (1 gender-responsive services and 2 gender-responsive governance) has the outputs and key activities related to continuous support of national stakeholder in expanding services to survivors of gender based violence and designing and implementing gender responsive policies and budgets. The new agreements signed with EU and SIDA will cover the activities under this two-outcome mentioned. The ongoing SN 2023-2027 under two Outcomes (1 gender-responsive services and 2 gender-responsive governance) has the outputs and key activities related to continuous support of national stakeholder in expanding services to survivors of gender based violence and designing and implementing gender responsive policies and budgets. The new agreements signed with EU and SIDA will cover the activities under this two-outcome mentioned. As part of the EVOLVE4GE project ( 2023-2027), the support for national central authorities will continue, focusing on enhancing their knowledge and abilities in designing and implementing gender-responsive policies and budgets. Specifically, at least two line ministries, the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection, and Family (MLSP) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Industry (MAFI), will receive support to advance Gender Responsive Budgeting. This initiative aims to improve policy and implementation practices that address the needs and priorities of women and girls, as well as boys and men. In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding with the State Chancellery, a series of capacity-building activities will be organized to promote gender mainstreaming. Furthermore, Moldova’s National Agency for the Prevention and Combating of Violence Against Women and Domestic Violence will receive additional support as it shares its priorities and commitments to enhance mechanisms and services for victims of violence.
Recommendation: Recommendation 3
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted by UN Women CO and will be implemented starting from the current year.
Description: Use a three-level approach in promoting and mainstreaming the GRB. Advocate for adjustment of the regulatory framework on the GRB
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Alignment with strategy, Capacity development, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Operational activities, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Initiate a close collaboration with the MOF for enhancing advocacy and action on adjustment of the regulatory framework on the GRB. UN Women CO 2023/11 Completed As a follow up of the EVA project implementation and as part of the SN 2023- 2027 CO initiated in September 2023 and signed (19 September, 2023) a MOU with the MoF Moldova for a period of 3 years to support the integration of gender-sensitive budgeting into existing policy and budget planning processes
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATIONS 4
Management Response: This recommendation is accepted by UN Women CO and adjustment actions will be undertaken by the CO starting from next year. Meanwhile the UN CO coordination will also be pursued in the frame of the relevant RGs on governance, services and economic development
Description: Improve the internal coherence, particularly coordination and synergy between the partners
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
. To reflect in ToR of the Board of New EU Project (EVOLVE) the provisions which will address more coherent coordination and synergies between partners UN Women CO 2024/03 Ongoing The Inception phase of the new project will reflect on the TOR provisions. Q2.) The Terms of Reference (ToR) for the EVOLVE4GE project Steering Committee are presently undergoing development, incorporating provisions aimed at fostering greater coherence in coordination among project partners, as well as with external stakeholders.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATIONS 5
Management Response: Small grants support serves as important entry points for women beneficiaries, local communities, local authorities facilitating their participation and contribution to apply in practice the gender equality concepts and testing the positive social norms. As part of lessons learned and based on the evaluation recommendation the CO will consider for future work the possibilities to engage in longer partnership and sustainable logic of interventions.
Description: Support more consistently the local stakeholders’ initiatives - more financial resources, longer duration and adjusted logic of intervention
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018), Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, National ownership, Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Operational activities, Engaging men and boys, Youth engagement
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will continue partnering with responsible organizations for a longer duration (for up to three years) with more financial resources and adjusted logic of interventions UN Women CO 2023/12 Ongoing This activity will be realized under the new signed EVOLVE project and other UN Women interventions. Under EVOLVE Project, small scale local initiatives will be supported in the 10 target localities based on gender mainstreamed local strategies/budgets. UN Women continue the partnership with responsible organization (Women Law center) for a duration of 2 years, for economic empowerment of women survivors as part of the local referral system of protection which has been piloted in Ungheni and where the local organization Faclia has been cooperating with WLC. In addition, UN Women continues to support La Strada for service provision of the SSVS, for 2 years, and will continue to do so under the new project ,signed with EUD>
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATIONS 6
Management Response: As the SN 2023-2024 maintain the focus area on, gender responsive policies designed to provide equal economic opportunities for women the WEE subcomponent will be continuously under implementation by the CO. The WEE component will be considered as part of holistic approach on GEWE and will be considered as part of all areas of SN implementation as will link the women political participation through the influencing better policies and also reaching the women survivors of violence to provide them opportunity for economic participation
Description: Reinforce the WEE subcomponent. Consider developing a separate project or component
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Continue supporting WEE component as part of new project document development for new resource mobilization purposes. Un Women CO 2027/01 Ongoing The new EU and Sweden resources mobilized during 2023 will cover the outcome 3 of the SN dedicated for WEE (Outcome 3: By 2027, all people of Moldova, especially the most vulnerable, benefit from inclusive, competitive and sustainable economic development and equal access to decent work and productive employment.) This will entail more women supported in STEM/ICT related Under the EVOLVE4GE project (EU funded project), an in-depth approach is taken toward women's entrepreneurship. Starting with statistical data and methodology, comprehensive data and evidence of women's overall participation and representation in entrepreneurship will provide a baseline for further analysis and, at the request of the project, update. Following the data assessment, further measures are focused on developing and implementing business support programs for skills and business development of women-led companies. Assistance will be offered to women entrepreneurs to access existing programs and funds for business development, ensuring synergies with state and non-state funding organizations, including specifically dedicated programs for Women in business. Support will be focused on pre- and post-financing assistance to enhance the entrepreneurial success of beneficiary enterprises. To encourage women’s equal economic and labour participation, support will be provided for implementing the National Fund for Regional and Local Development to expand the number of groups of public creches.
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATIONS 7
Management Response: The sustainability strategy was also considered by EVA project from the inception phase and the thorough coordination and communication was undertaken during the finale stage of the project. The evaluation recommendation highlighted once more the importance of the sustainability aspect and the issue of the functionality of the Integrated Center was considered by the national stakeholders under the national plans and budget.
Description: Consolidate the sustainability of the achievements, especially of the Integrated Center and increase the ownership commitments
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Identify with the national stakeholder the Sustainability Plan for the Regional Integrated Center, established under EVA project UN Women CO 2023/12 Completed The Regional Integrated Service for victims of sexual violence in Ungheni will continue to function with the support from UN Women in the next 2 years, in line with the Government Decision No. 508 from 19 July, 2023. In meantime a sustainability plan will be discussed with the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection for its inclusion under the new integrated package of services under the RESTART Reform, as well the new National Agency on Prevention and Combating Violence against women and domestic violence, whose mandate is to assess the work of multidisciplinary teams and integrated service services
Recommendation: RECOMMENDATIONS 8
Management Response: The suggested actions under the recommendations indeed are linked to the process of the M&E system and it requires continuous improvements. As part of the system UN Women is following the HQ Policies on Planning, Monitoring and reporting and upon the guidance developed for the implementation at local level CO is applying those in partnership agreements. As part of the standard of operation (SOP) development CO will use the suggested questions and the step to be in relation with the RPs.
Description: Further improve the M&E system.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Efficiency
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Reflect under the revised RPs reporting template the questions which will emphasize the change-oriented results: What are the most significant changes? Why are they considered the most significant comparing to other changes? Who are the change agents and how they can be involved in future programming? Un Women CO 2024/10 No Longer Applicable The Annex Q ‘Final Progress report Template “of the new released policy on Selection of Programme partners procedures provides new elements under the revised reporting templates which address the Recommendation 8 of the evaluation. The new template has a new section for Stories of Change. We will suggest as corrigendum to the template at the agreement signature stage to reflect the sugested additional questions under the key activity ;- What are the most significant changes? Why are they considered the most significant comparing to other changes? Who are the change agents and how they can be involved in future programming?
Provide management response to the implementing partners’ recommendations reflected in their progress/final narrative reports. This will be part of the final report approvals by the Managers and reflected within the monitoring tools available or to be developed. UN Women CO 2024/04 No Longer Applicable Based on the new policy on Selection of Programme partners procedures all aspects under this key action will be addressed using the Annexes Q -Final Progress Report; R – Final Lessons Learnt Report; and S- Programme Partner Final Performance Evaluation .