The CERF Global Grant for GBV response and prevention jointly implemented with UNFPA was a successful programme with innovative features including 30% direct funding to WLOs/WROs, extensive capacity strengthening activities for WLOs/WROs for service delivery and humanitarian coordination, social norm interventions in emergency contexts, and leveraging the complementarity of UNFPA and UN Women, with the GBV expertise and GEEWG expertise respectively. As the evaluation recommends, the collaboration with UNFPA and GBV AoR is to be explored further based on the programme’s lessons learnt. The strategic discussion at the global level is crucial to accelerate the collaboration to maximize synergy and complementarity. Beyond GBV response, the prevention work such as social norm interventions and livelihood support including cash-based interventions was the critical component of the programme, which enhanced recovery and resilience of the crisis-affected women in emergency settings. Building on the programme experience, UN Women aims to strengthen corporate guidance, technical support, and capacity building of UN Women personnel in social norms change and livelihood services in humanitarian settings through development of relevant policies, procedures, knowledge products, webinar and training. The evaluation included the recommendation of capacity strengthening of WLOs/WROs which supported UN Women’s project implementation in the field. Utilizing the existing policy, procedure, and guidance, UN Women HQ also increases the field staff knowledge and capacity in engaging, consulting, and training WLOs/WROs.