UN Women agrees with the evaluation recommendations and will make use of the findings and recommendations, including in the context of the Mid Term Review of the 2022-2025 Strategic Plan. UN Women echoes the findings of the evaluation that the Entity has made significant strides in gender statistics over the last several years. However, important gaps remain, and the Entity has yet to fully realize its potential in this area. The Gender Equality Accelerator 10 – Women Count – which builds on the successful namesake program provides a unique opportunity to scale-up UN Women’s work in this area. Through a mix of short-, medium- and long-term actions suggested by the evaluation, UN Women will leverage its triple mandate to support Member States to produce and use gender statistics and to enhance coordination and collaboration with key regional and global actors, while continuing to build its own capacity in key areas, including for instance in humanitarian action and conflict settings and gender and environment. UN Women will continue to leverage the vast technical resources generated through the Women Count program, including the variety of technical guidance, Gender Statistics Training materials, and other resources available on the Women Count Data Hub. The R&D Section will also initiate an internal UN Women monthly seminar dedicated to specific gender data topics, to build staff capacities and promote knowledge exchange, including with experts outside of UN Women.
However, it should also be noted that some of the recommendations contained in the report are not resource neutral and UN Women’s ability to fully implement them depends on the availability of resources. Addressing these challenges in a sustainable way will require both short- and longer-term efforts, including reviewing and reprioritizing core resource allocation for critical staff positions and concerted non-core resource mobilization at national, regional and global levels. Requiring integration of gender statistics objectives more systematically in all Strategic Notes and project documents will be key. In addition, in line with the current Strategic Plan, gender statistics needs to be an integral part of the next strategic plan (2026-2030).