Management Response

: Papua New Guinea
: 2023 - 2023 , Papua New Guinea (CO)
: End of programme evaluation of the safe and prosperity districts projects (SPD 1 and 2) and the market economic recovery and inclusion projects (MERI 1 and 2) I)
: Papua New Guinea

During programme’s implementation, PNG went through turmoil because of 2022 general elections, tribal fights, political interference in market management and economic challenges which led to fuel shortages and inflation. Internally, UN Women PNGCO faced several transitions in WEE Staff in 2022 and 2023 and Senior Management during 2023, as well as the changing of operational system from Atlas to Quantum. All these challenges affected the delivery of the WEE programme. PNG Country Office has taken actions in the last quarter 2023 and first quarter 2024 that are aligned with findings and lessons learned from the evaluation. Findings, lessons learned, and recommendations of the end-of-programme evaluation were taken into account for the design, intervention strategies and management and governance arrangements. Having a 5-year Programme will allow the Country Office to engage in long term partnerships for sustainability in markets (conversations with the Asian Development Bank have already started). It is important to highlight that, although most of the recommendations have been accepted, their implementation will depend on the availability of funding, as projects ended in December 2023, particularly those key actions recommended for 2024.

: Approved
Recommendation: Consolidate and build on the gains made to empower women vendors and improve infrastructure, maintenance, operations and security in existing markets and expand the WEE Programme to more markets, positioning markets as business hubs for informal economy transition to formality and incorporating integrated and holistic approaches in design and implementation modalities.
Management Response: PNGCO accepted all key actions recommended and included them in the Prodoc of the next phase of the WEE programme for which the Country Office is currently mobilizing resources. Therefore, the actual implementation of key actions 1 to 4 will initiate when resources will be available. Regarding Key action 5 (Adopt more integrated approaches internally in UN Women to optimize impact in markets and at community level), it was initiated in 2023 with GBV awareness activities performed jointly with the EVAW team and will be extended for the activities that share common grounds with other areas of PNGCO.
Description: Consolidate and build on the gains made to empower women vendors and improve infrastructure, maintenance, operations and security in existing markets and expand the WEE Programme to more markets, positioning markets as business hubs for informal economy transition to formality and incorporating integrated and holistic approaches in design and implementation modalities.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Impact, Human Rights, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
With the participation of VAs, market managers and owners, and subject to funding, review infrastructure and maintenance conditions of existing markets with a view to their upgrading and putting in place maintenance plans with budgets WEE Programme Manager 2024/12 Not Initiated The next phase of the WEE programme includes in output 3, a revision of infrastructure and maintenance conditions of all targeted markets in SN 2024 - 2028 implementation period. and the elaboration of maintenance plans with budgets.
Document and advocate for a vision of markets as business hubs providing a range of services and facilities by improving their infrastructure and setting up vendors’ resource centres and SME hubs to support vendors in selling their produce, impart knowledge and provide access to skills training UN Women WEE Programme Team 2025/06 Not Initiated The design of the WEE programme 2024 – 2028 will incorporate the recommendation ensuring the design consider markets as business hubs, one stop shop providing a range of services to the vendors and consumers. The programme will address specific needs of both vendors and consumers digitalization market.
In cooperation with market managers and owners, continue to organize national conventions as a key space for exposure of vendors and market management teams to successful market models and market management approaches, at the same time as providing visibility and highlighting the importance of the marketplace in PNG as business and economic development hubs and its role in the economic empowerment of women. UN Women WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated One National Market Convention per year is planned for 2024 – 2028 programme cycle.
Adopt more integrated approaches internally in UN Women to optimize impact in markets and at community level (coordinate and sequence interventions on gender equality and GBV awareness with women’s economic empowerment activities, women organizing, governance for vendor associations and women in leadership through joint planning with UN Women PNG programmes). UN Women WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated PNG CO WEE programme will strengthen joint programming with other pillars, partnerships with other pillars, government, CSO, and NGOs to improve on coordination and programme interventions on gender equality, EVAW and women economic empowerment.
Promote and support linkages between VAs across provinces and districts for exchanging lessons learnt, trade, and supply and demand chain interactions PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated WEE programme will strengthen networking between market vendors across associations. WEE programme will facilitate private and public networks and partnerships linking them with market vendors and NGOs working in GEWE to open markets for vendors.
Recommendation: Improve the quality of UN Women’s capacity building interventions, expanding their reach to include larger numbers of beneficiaries, including more PWD in specific markets and locations, to demonstrate successful and sustainable intervention models for women’s economic empowerment in markets and attaining a more significant impact, that could be replicated in other markets and locations.
Management Response: PNGCO accepted all key actions recommended capacity building interventions including expanding their reach to include larger numbers of beneficiaries and designing specific interventions to address PWD. PNGCO has met with potential partners and allies, and some strategic alliances have already been forged-discussed. In furtherance of working collaboratively across programmes, the WEE team will engage the Governance training to Vendors’ Associations with UN Women’s Area of Governance and Political Participation in Public Life. Capacity building of market managers and Market Vendors Associations will be initiated when resources are mobilized.
Description: Improve the quality of UN Women’s capacity building interventions, expanding their reach to include larger numbers of beneficiaries, including more PWD in specific markets and locations, to demonstrate successful and sustainable intervention models for women’s economic empowerment in markets and attaining a more significant impact, that could be replicated in other markets and locations.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Coherence, Impact, Sustainability, Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Ensure coherence, coordination, and technical know-how across interventions on financial literacy training, business skills development, livelihood initiatives and women’s entrepreneurship through joint programmes and partnerships with DfCDR, ILO, FAO, UNDO and UNCDF PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated As part of the design of the next phase of the WEE programme, meetings with DfCDR, ILO, FAO, UNCDF, the World Bank have been organized, and potential partnerships and alliances for joint implementation have been advanced. The organization conducted consultations with government, women, women led organizations during UNSDCF development and used CCA to develop 2024 – 2028 programming cycle that ensures coherence, coordination, and technical know-how across capacity building interventions. This includes the decision to launch the "Second Chance Education" flagship intervention if funds are mobilized.
Continue and expand market management training for market managers and market owners on good governance of markets. PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated Market management training for market managers and market owners on good governance of markets is planned to continue, focusing on the finishing and approval of market operational plans and the installation of fee payment systems in all market. The starting date depends on donor funding.
Plan and budget for governance training in cooperation with UNDP for the VAs to address issues of representation, roles of office bearers, vision creation, strategy development planning and budgeting and conflict resolution PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated WEE team will work in collaboration with UNDP on UN Women’s area of Governance and Participation in Public Life for capacity building of Vendor’s Associations.
Promote and support training of market managers and owners on recruitment procedures for market staff (job advertisements, job descriptions and selection process, etc.). PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated In the next phase of the WEE programme, UN Women expects to build capacities of market managers and authorities to prevent and respond to GBV and negative gender stereotypes, as well as on recruitment procedures for market staff, and supervision on market maintenance, safety and sanitation, among other topics.
Develop partnerships and joint programmes to improve the technical quality of training activities with qualified trainers and partnerships with agencies (national and UN-ILO, FAO, UNDP, UNCDF) having the required expertise and knowledge as part of their mandates and operations PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated As mentioned in recommendation 2.1., UN Women has already initiated conversations for further collaboration in the next phase with: UNCDF for activities regarding connectivity, digitalization and financial inclusion; ILO for the implementation of entrepreneurship development programs with vendors; and FAO for the implementation of activities with women growers, and the elaboration of the Women in Agriculture Policy.
Recommendation: For more effective WEE Programme results, develop joint UN programmes and strengthen coordination with national counterparts on policy development and implementation on women’s economic empowerment and on UN Women’s normative mandate and the transformative aspects of the SDGs.
Management Response: PNGCO has accepted and initiated the implementation three of the key actions: initial conversations for further collaboration in the next phase with UNCDF, ILO, FAO, as well as working with DfCDR; and has deepened resource mobilization efforts. However, join programming will be developed according to opportunities that arise. Local Project Implementation Teams (LPIT) will encourage collaboration at local levels. However, the signature of MOUs will not be promoted so as not to raise unrealistic expectations. The next WEE programme contemplates hiring a communications consultant to improve internal and external communications. The starting date depends on donor funding.
Description: For more effective WEE Programme results, develop joint UN programmes and strengthen coordination with national counterparts on policy development and implementation on women’s economic empowerment and on UN Women’s normative mandate and the transformative aspects of the SDGs.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Impact, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Explore and develop joint programmes with UN agencies and UNCT in the context of One UN and the specific PNG gender equality outcome of the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2023-2028 for PNG. PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated As mentioned in recommendation 2.1 and 2.5, UN Women has already started conversations for further collaboration with UNCDF, ILO and FAO. Collaboration with national bodies such as DfCDR will also be sought. Regarding joint programmes, there have been conversations with FAO for UN Women to join the second phase of the EU-STREIT programme in Papua New Guinea to support rural entrepreneurship.
To address structural barriers on gender equality and women’s economic empowerment, strengthen the focus of the WEE Programme on policy level and support the integration of the Voice Strategy into the ongoing Revision of the ‘Informal Economy Policy’. PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated The next WEE programme will have a specific output 1 to work at policy level. As part of the consultation process, DfCDR informed that the Informal Economy Policy is at its very final stage, and that it will be introduced to the Prime Minister probably in March. It is expected to be approved during the 1st quarter 2024. Once approved, UN Women will be invited to integrate the implementation committee. To support Vendors Associations sustainability and voice at national stage, DfCDR will be signing a MOU with IPA to support with business/MVA registrations. It also proposes that VAs come under Informal Economy Sectoral Community through the Voice Strategy of the IE policy, subject to approval.
Continue cooperation with donors to advance market infrastructure improvements in tandem with strengthening the voice and capacity of VAs and the management capacity of market managers and owners. PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated PNGCO will maintain meetings with donors such as Australian High Commission, Japan Government, the Asian Development Bank and the New Zealand High Commission to advance market infrastructure improvements in tandem with strengthening the voice and capacity of VAs and the management capacity of market managers. A concept notes WEE programme 2024 - 2028 was shared with all donors.
With the view to supporting inclusive market systems, research and establish a dialogue mechanism to engage relevant stakeholders (city governments, provincial governments, and national government) to reflect on ways to rationalize and develop such systems, spanning provincial distribution centres and urban satellite and district markets to meet the needs of wholesale and individual vendors and growers within and across provinces, as well as the requirements of customers PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated The design of the next phase of the WEE programme follows the vision of markets as community hubs trade and entrepreneurship. The design ensures addressing the needs of wholesale, individual vendors, growers within and across provinces, as well as the requirements of customers
Collaborate and sign MOUs with Departments of Provincial and Local-level Governments, DfCDR, and Provincial Administration in different market project sites PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated PNGCO will review and sign new MOUs with LLGs and DfCDR and strengthen Local Project Implementation Teams (LPIT), which consist of key stakeholder representatives such as implementing partners, contractor (if involved), UN Women, provincial and district Divisions of DfCDR, market authorities, the Provincial Disaster and Emergency Response Committee, market committee, women’s vendors’ associations, representatives of PWD and local NGOs, in the new programming cycle 2024 – 2028
Work more closely with the provincial and district Divisions of DfCDR to better understand how to implement programmes in the community. Work in partnership so that DfCDR can assist in the roll out of programmes and sustain them in the longer term PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated As mentioned in recommendation 3.5, collaboration at the local levels will be encouraged through Local Project Implementation Teams (LPIT), which will be integrated by provincial and district Divisions of DfCDR. The 2024 – 2028 WEE programme will work closely with DfCDR.
Improve communications at all levels for more effective collaboration, and synergies, by providing regular updates, reports and opportunities for exchange with stakeholders and partners including district, provincial and national government agencies PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated To improve internal and external communications, the design of the next WEE programme contemplates a communications consultant, who will be responsible for developing and implementing the communications strategy with stakeholders and the visibility plan. In the meanwhile, the WEE team will leverage on the technical support of the communications specialist at UN Women for communications support to prepare a report to share with UN and external stakeholders. The organization will also capitalize on the Local Project Implementation Teams (LPIT) meeting to communicate with stakeholders.
Recommendation: Generate sustainability pathways through increasing engagement and capacity building with endogenous stakeholders for greater ownership of results.
Management Response: Recommendations regarding engagement and capacity building with endogenous stakeholders for greater sustainability and ownership of results have been accepted. An initial mapping was made for the consultation process during the design of the next phase of the WEE programme, which will be deepened as part of the inception phase once funds are mobilized. Besides, recommendations regarding governance arrangements have been followed in the design through a Steering Committee at the coordination level and LPIT at the local levels. All planned arrangements are subject to available funding.
Description: Generate sustainability pathways through increasing engagement and capacity building with endogenous stakeholders for greater ownership of results.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights, Impact, Coherence, Gender equality, Sustainability, Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Map and identify relevant institutions to work with for sustainability of the CO’s WEE Programme PNG CO Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated An initial mapping was made for the consultation process during the design of the next phase of the WEE programme. A deeper mapping will be developed as part as the inception phase, once funds are mobilized.
Reconvene LPITs for holding regular meetings for oversight and decision-making on market improvements with UN Women providing logistical support to implement activities PNG CO Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated Recommendation addressed in 3
Align future markets programmes with District and Provincial Development Plans. PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated UN Women will align market programmes with district and provincial development plans to ensure sustainability of the programme and coordination of the activities. The starting date depends on donor funding.
Improve coordination with government agencies, (e.g. DfCDR) and donor development agencies/partners (e.g. DFAT subnational programmes) and Provincial Project Management Units for a wider reach and effective and sustainable interventions of the WEE Programme. PNG CO Programme Team 2025/12 Not Initiated The design of the next WEE programme contemplates a Steering Committee (SC), responsible for strategic oversight of the programme, regular information sharing and strategic decision-making. The SC will be chaired by UN Women and could be co-chaired or integrated by DfCDR, donors, provincial counterparts, and stakeholders.
Research, assess and document the concept of Independent Market Authorities (e.g. Kokopo) as a model to ensure the safety, wellbeing, and income opportunities for women vendors in the markets, as well as maintaining market facilities. PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated PNGCO will improve on evidence based programming, through research and study to establish the best governance models for markets. Independent market authorities will be analyzed in the study of the market system in PNG, as part as the policy work.
Develop a transition/exit strategy which includes deliverables for institutional strengthening and present to key stakeholders in PNG. PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2025/12 Not Initiated A sustainability and an exit strategy have been included in the Prodoc of the next phase of the WEE programme.
Recommendation: Strengthen PNG CO’s technical, operational, monitoring, and organizational capability, streamline administrative processes and systematically implement shared electronic filing for greater efficiency and accountability.
Management Response: PNGCO has faced several transitions in and Senior Management during 2023 that impacted in efficiency and delivery capacity of the WEE programme. The new SMT in place since November 2023 has initiated actions to overcome this situation, particularly through a Fit-for-Purpose Dialogue that will align CO Structure, functions and teams. Regarding the WEE programme, an international technical specialist has been supporting the CO on Detail Assignment until March 2024. Besides, subject to availability of resources, it is planned to reinforce the team with communications and monitoring & evaluation consultants.
Description: Strengthen PNG CO’s technical, operational, monitoring, and organizational capability, streamline administrative processes and systematically implement shared electronic filing for greater efficiency and accountability.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Relevance, Sustainability, Gender equality, Coherence, Impact, Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Review staffing modalities of UN Women programmes in PNG PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated PNGCO has started a Fit-for-Purpose Dialogue. The objective is to assess the alignment of the CO structure, functions, and teams with the strategic goals outlined in the SN 2024-2028 and the UNSDCF.
Strengthen operational capacity and systems in the CO PNG PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated This analysis will evaluate time management, teamwork dynamics, operational processes, systems strengthening and engagement within coordination spaces.
Improve monitoring and reporting processes for the WEE Programme PNG CO WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Not Initiated Recommendations will be followed in the next phase of the WEE programme: i) International WEE Technical Specialist: Provides general oversight and technical advice, represents the programme and negotiates with donors and strategic partners. ii) National Programme Coordinator, will analyze and resolve aspects related to the daily operation of the projects; iii) Project Analyst: Will provide support to the Programme Coordinator in everyday aspects of the implementation; iv) Project Assistant will be responsible for administrative and procurement support and follow-up; v) Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist: to support with monitoring and reporting, training stakeholders. Vi) Communications; supporting programme internal and external communications. vii) In each of the provinces, a full-time operational coordinator or implementing partners will be in charge, depending on the availability of CSOs and women’s networks that meet the criteria and standard of UN Women compliance requirements. Tools will be developed for data collections and reporting. Programme team will be trained on data collection and reporting.
Improve communications within the CO and with partners and donors PNG WEE Programme Team 2024/12 Initiated The WEE team will leverage on the technical support of the communications specialist at UN Women for communications support to prepare a report to share with UN and external stakeholders with human interest stories and results of the WEE programme. The WEE team will ask to make a presentation on the GEWE Technical Meetings coordinated by DFCDR and the GEWE Donor Coordination meetings