UN Women Timor-Leste welcomes the findings and recommendations of its Country Portfolio Evaluation (CPE). The CPE recognized the significant contributions of the Timor-Leste Country Office (TLCO) in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment, noting the relevance of the Strategic Note (SN) in aligning with national and international priorities. It highlighted the critical role of TLCO’s coordination mandate and leadership in gender equality platforms, it also emphasized the need for more strategic focus and consistent engagement. The evaluation also underscored the importance of embedding systematic capacity-building, inclusive programming, and intersectional analysis, particularly for marginalized groups such as LGBTIQ+ persons and women with disabilities. Additionally, the need for strengthening resource mobilization, monitoring, and reporting systems were identified to ensure sustainable results. As highlighted in the Management Response below, TLCO has already initiated the response to some of the recommendations from the CPE which were incorporated in the Annual Work Plan 2025. The recommendations of the CPE will further influence the development of the next SN 2026-2030 and guide UN Women's ongoing work in Timor-Leste, ensuring the continued relevance and impact of its programs.