Management Response

: Somalia
: 2024 - 2025 , Somalia (CO)
: End of Program Evaluation: LEAP III Programme on Strengthening protection of women and girls from the disproportionate and adverse gendered impacts of drought and famine in Somalia
: Somalia

The LEAP III project supported drought and famine-affected women, girls, and youth in four districts in Somalia to strengthen resilience, livelihood opportunities, and protection interventions. Building on the successes of previous LEAP II project initiatives, the current projects enhanced the effectiveness and reach of interventions, ensuring that the specific needs of women and girls are addressed comprehensively by incorporating lessons learned and best practices from past efforts, these initiatives strive to create sustainable and impactful change in crisis affected communities. The evaluation was aimed to assess the progress and impact of UN Women's initiatives over the past year. The evaluation was undertaken to provide transparency to key stakeholders, including donors, community partners, and the affected population, on how resources were utilized and whether the project made meaningful progress towards the stated goals. Furthermore, it aimed to demonstrate accountability for the commitments of the project. Furthermore, it sought to identify areas of strength and weakness in the project and operations, in order to inform future planning and continuous improvement. It is encouraging to note the overall rating of the Independent Evaluation of LEAP III Project as "Very Good" and the recommendations guiding and forward looking in shaping the future programming on LEAP in Somalia.

: Approved
Recommendation: Expand the geographic reach of the project.
Management Response: The recommendation is accepted and will be taken in to consideration in future interventions through resource mobilization efforts. Consideration will also be given to the needs and priorities as well as the security context.
Description: The recommendation to expand the geographic reach of future Project acknowledges the importance of reaching more communities affected by drought and famine. By broadening the project's scope, it becomes possible to address the specific needs of women and girls in additional regions and provide a more comprehensive response to the gendered impacts of crises. This expansion can help ensure that vulnerable populations receive the necessary support and resources to overcome the challenges they face.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Humanitarian action, Climate change, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Sustainability, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Explore the possibilities for developing a joint program in partnership with UNFPA and other organizations. UN Women Somalia LEAP Program Specialist 2024/12 Completed Two proposals were done in collaboration with UNFPA.
Recommendation: Revise the duration of the project by: 1) extending the TVET project duration to at least 6 months, 2) conducting a thorough assessment of resource requirements and providing adequate in-kind grants to support graduates, and 3) offering ongoing business support and mentorship.
Management Response: The recommendation for planning the project TVET activity implementation at-least for 6 months is well noted and will be taken into consideration in programming on similar areas in the near future.
Description: Extending the Project duration to at least 6 months Conducting a thorough assessment of resource requirements and providing adequate in-kind grants to support graduates Offering ongoing business support and mentorship
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management, National ownership, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Engaging men and boys, Climate change
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Work closely with UNFPA in strengthening enabling environment. UN Women Somalia LEAP Program Specialist 2024/12 Completed Two proposals were done in collaboration with UNFPA.
Recommendation: Strengthen existing stakeholder partnerships to foster a coordinated and holistic approach, leveraging diverse expertise and resources.
Management Response: UN Women will further enhance its outreach leveraging on other programs such as the WPP Joint Program in expanding partnerships with local organizations, government agencies, and community leaders.
Description: Collaboration with a wide range of partners, including local organizations, government agencies, and community leaders, is critical for successful implementation and sustainability. Strengthening these partnerships fosters a coordinated and holistic approach to addressing gender equality and women's empowerment. By leveraging the expertise and resources of various stakeholders, future Project can benefit from diverse perspectives, local knowledge, and increased community buy-in, leading to more effective and sustainable outcomes.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, National ownership
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Humanitarian action
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women work closely with UNFPA and other partner organizations on the continued advocacy and support to creating an enabling environment. Omar Abdullahi, UN Women Program Specialist 2024/12 Completed
Recommendation: Diversify income-generating activities and support sustainable livelihoods, including access to financial resources and markets.
Management Response: In addition to the Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), future Project should focus on diversifying income-generating activities and supporting sustainable livelihoods. UN Women will also leverage on the study reports on business opportunities for women studies and experiences from implementation of climate resilience, livelihoods and economic opportunities in Somalia.
Description: While the project incorporates economic empowerment through the Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), future Project should focus on diversifying income-generating activities and supporting sustainable livelihoods. This includes exploring opportunities in sectors such as agriculture, entrepreneurship, and business skill-building. Facilitating access to financial resources and markets further enhances economic opportunities for women and girls, enabling them to become self -reliant and economically empowered.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Humanitarian action, Climate change
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will also leverage on the study reports on business opportunities for women studies and experiences from implementation of climate resilience, livelihoods and economic opportunities in Somalia. Omar Abdullahi, Program Specialist, LEAP and Triple nexus 2024/12 Completed Funding for LEAP IV programme was not successful. CO will seek JPs with other UN agencies
Recommendation: Integrate climate change action and resilience-building components to address the increasing impact of climate change.
Management Response: UN Women Somalia office will leverage on the experiences of implementation of integrate climate change action and resilience-building components implemented during LEAP 1 and 2 projects and the study reports. In addition, the COP 28 and 29 reports and Somalia commitments will also be taken into consideration..
Description: Considering the increasing impact of climate change, future Project should integrate climate change action and resilience-building components. This can involve providing training on climate change adaptation, supporting sustainable natural resource management practices, and promoting climate-smart agriculture techniques. By addressing climate change challenges, the project contributes to the long-term resilience and sustainability of communities, particularly those affected by drought and famine.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind, National ownership, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Humanitarian action, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women Somalia office will leverage on the experiences of implementation of integrate climate change action and resilience-building components implemented during LEAP 1 and 2 projects and the study reports. In addition, the COP 28 and 29 reports and Somalia commitments will also be taken into consideration.. Omar Abdullahi, Program Specialist, LEAP 2025/12 Initiated
Recommendation: Establish community-based support systems, such as women's organizations and community watch groups, to address and prevent SGBV.
Management Response: UN Women will leverage on the Women networks established in 17 districts across Somalia through the UN Women, UNDP, UNSOM implemented Joint Program on Women, Peace and Protection. The formation and linkages with the existing women's organizations or community watch groups dedicated to addressing SGBV and peace will help immensely in sustainable programming.
Description: Encourage the formation of women's organizations or community watch groups dedicated to addressing SGBV. These groups can act as support networks, providing guidance and assistance to survivors, and raising awareness about SGBV within the community. By fostering a sense of collective responsibility and support, community-based systems can effectively prevent and respond to SGBV incidents.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management, National ownership, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Engaging men and boys, Humanitarian action, Climate change
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality, Effectiveness, Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will leverage on the Women networks established in 17 districts across Somalia through the UN Women, UNDP, UNSOM implemented Joint Program on Women, Peace and Protection. The formation and linkages with the existing women's organizations or community watch groups dedicated to addressing SGBV and peace will help immensely in sustainable programming. Omar Abdullahi, Program Specialist, LEAP 2025/12 Initiated Initiated under WPP.
Recommendation: Improve access to justice and legal protection for survivors of SGBV, including strengthening legal frameworks and enhancing capacity in the legal and law enforcement sectors.
Management Response: UN Women will integrate GBV prevention and response including capacity development of relevant CSOs and other organizations into the projects on WEE and LEAP moving forward. In addition, the office will also leverage on the WPP Joint Program initiatives of establishment of 17 women networks, early warning systems and advocacy experiences.
Description: Establish mechanisms to ensure that survivors of SGBV have access to justice and legal protection. This includes strengthening the capacity of local law enforcement agencies to handle SGBV cases sensitively, providing legal aid services to survivors, and raising awareness about their rights and available legal remedies. Empowering survivors to seek justice not only holds perpetrators accountable but also sends a strong message against impunity.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Peace and security (SPs before 2018), Women economic empowerment (SPs before 2018), Leadership and participation in governance systems (SP 2018-2021), Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, National ownership, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Humanitarian action, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Effectiveness, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will integrate GBV prevention and response including capacity development of relevant CSOs and other organizations into the projects on WEE and LEAP moving forward. In addition, the office will also leverage on the WPP Joint Program initiatives of establishment of 17 women networks, early warning systems and advocacy experiences. Omar Abdullahi, Program Specialist, LEAP 2025/12 Initiated