Management Response

: Kenya
: 2012 - 2013 , Kenya (CO)
: Joint Programme on GE and Women's empowerment in KENYA (Joint Midterm evaluation)
: Kenya


: Approved
Recommendation: Evaluation Recommendation 1: Strengthened Role of Governance Structure (Steering Committee) i. Hold at least 2 meetings a year to enhance effectiveness of the Steering Committee ii. Clarify the role of the Steering Committee in resource mobilization vis-à-vis the management function of the UNCT and UN Women. iii. Support high level advocacy on JP GEWE with government, donors and other stakeholders; and leverage existing media relationships for PR.
Management Response: Management Response: Agree with the recommendations. Indeed, the Steering Committee has since its inception been meeting at least twice a year and sub-taskforces have been set up to discuss crucial more substantive issues on GEWE. At the time of the MTE, the Steering Committee had met once and was still at infancy. Key actions taken within the JP GEWE SC include (i) the setting up of a taskforce for the development of National Coordination structure for GEWE; (ii) the setting up of a taskforce for enhancing the gender focal points system and hence advocacy within government; (iii) agreed on how to ensure gender is adequately addressed in the development of Kenya?s next MTP II; (iv) highlight resource allocation processes and funding gaps. The latter will require further discussion within the Steering Committee once resource mobilization resource mobilization actions are agreed to within the UN first (see recommendation 2 and 5). In terms of the last bullet point. The JP GEWE is currently recruiting a Communications and Information Management Analyst who will develop a communications strategy (external and internal) and will ensure the role of the Steering Committee therein is clearly articulated and approved by its members.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability, Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
1.1 Ensure the Steering Committee and its relevant sub-committees meet regularly as per the ToRs and agreement in Steering Committee meetings 1.2 Initiate the process of the recruitment of a IUNV Information and Communication Analyst JP Coordinator 2013/12 Completed On-track. Two meetings held in 2012 of the Steering Committee. 2 sub-committee meetings held in first half of 2012 and draft report produced and reported back to the Steering Committee members. On-track. Candidates interviewed in August. Awaiting UNV office confirmation.
1.2 Initiate the process of the recruitment of a IUNV Information and Communication Analyst JP Coordinator 2012/04 Completed Candidates on Board
Recommendation: Recommendation 2: Coordination Capacity of UN Women i. Clarify UN Women position on coordination and implementation for communication to staff and UNCT to guide discussion on financial risk, resource mobilization/allocation and accountabilities. ii. Utilize JP GEWE lessons to support discussion on gender priorities in the next UNDAF to enhance the coordination role of UN Women iii. Continuously assess financial risk in local resource mobilization for own agency activities in favor of ?One fund for GEWE? and inform UNCT for decision making
Management Response: Agree with the reccommendation
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Discuss recommendation 2.i with the UN Resident Coordinator and UN Women CD for Kenya and agree on key actions to take in this regard. JP Coordinator 2012/06 Completed The Finnish agreed to organize 2 meetings, one with the donor community internally, the other with the UN RC and UN Women where (i) will be clarified. This will also be communicated to the PWG Gender.
Clarify (i) on paper ? analysis. Actively engage with the PCG and UNCT in the development of the next MTP and UNDAF. Joint Program coordinator 2012/09 Completed ToRs for PCG developed which speak to this; UNCT Gender Scorecard Exercise conducted; MTP II concept note analysed from a gender lens.
Recommendation: Recommendation 3: Strengthened Delivery Capacity of CSOs i. UNPWG to support coordination of women?s organizations into a harmonized national structure to enhance their ability to engage government and deliver as a cohesive structure. ii. Capacity of CSOs to deliver services to their constituents to be enhanced through adequate resourcing of gender programs and corresponding administrative expenses. Dialogue is encouraged between UNPWG and CSOs. iii. MYWO to pretest harmonized planning, monitoring and reporting tools over a planning and reporting cycle and provide feedback to UNPWG on areas of improvement. iv. UNPWG to continue support to strengthen capacity of women organizations to deliver on economic empowerment. v. Women?s organization to continue advocating for government passing of GBV related bills, with support from the UNPWG
Management Response: Management Response: Point (i) This will be taken up as the Taskforce on national coordination for GEWE develops its draft on coordination, which includes CSO?s and the private sector. However, this will speak to CSO engagement with government on GEWE issues, it will not seek to harmonize CSO?s or the women?s movement to speak with one voice. The latter is a complex issue in Kenya that should be discussed in depth in the Annual Work Planning Session for the JP GEWE in October 2012. On point ii and iii ? this is a larger and complex discussion that should happen (i) within agencies; (ii) within UNCT and the RCO. The PWG on Gender and UN Women can only facilitate this dialogue for action in the next UNDAF. These actions are reliant on UN in Kenya?s collective operational actions. On points iv and v. ? Noted and agreed. UN Women has agreed to focus more on economic empowerment in 2012/13. Advocacy for the passing of bills is on-going through the Africa UNiTE Kenya Chapter.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership, Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
(i) Facilitate the development of a national coordination structure for GEWE. Joint Program coordinator 2012/06 Completed
(ii) Highlight need to ensure CSO?s receive capacity development and longer-term, predictable financial support. Also emphasize the need to harmonize administrative and project management tools to ensure CSO?s and GoK transaction costs with UN agencies reduce. Particularly important in next UNDAF process development. UN Women management/ JP Coordinator/RCO/UNCT 2012/12 Completed
Recommendation: Evaluation recommendation 4: Support Government Ownership of Gender i. Ministry of Finance to lead discussion with the UN on government expectation on aid effectiveness related to the JP-GEWE and the centralization of aid delivery, reporting and communication in line with the Paris Declaration. ii. Ministry of Planning to build capacity in systematic use of disaggregated data for JP GEWE stakeholders. iii. Government line ministries to work closely with UNPWG to focus investments on core activities that will have an impact on operations of the line ministries. iv. GoK to facilitate discussion with CSOs, a key stakeholder in the national gender machinery with support of UNPWG to address gender parity at national level v. GoK should continue to establish gender sensitive policies and coordination mechanisms with support of the UN to turn policies into action vi. Government institutions engaged in economic empowerment to be included in the Steering Committee to enable their concerns to be heard at governance level.
Management Response: Management Response: The recommendations are broad and not all can be undertaken by the UN Women or the UN. The RCO/RC will facilitate discussions around aid effectiveness and delivering as one with the government (MoF/MoPND) and use the JP GEWE as a key example ? in the Aid Effectiveness Group. The Ministry of Finance is part of the JP GEWE Steering Committee and through its enhanced knowledge and success of the JP it will be used as an example to inform/enhance donor coherence more broadly. Point (ii) The Ministry of Planning may not be best placed to build capacity in systematic use of disaggregated data for JP GEWE stakeholders. The JP PUNO?s, under UN Women?s leadership is undertaking an assessment of the training requirements in the sectors (education, heath, gender, higher education) and the MoPND is a key partner in this process. This should inform way forward for the identified gap in the evaluation. Point (iii) This is an on-going process and occurs within output 1 of the JP GEWE. Line ministries currently being supported: MoH, MoE, MoHEST, MoGCSD, Min. of Environment. This can be expanded in the next annual planning process. Point (iv/v) See under Recommendation 1 the support the UN can provide as a collective entity in the next few months. UN Women is also providing capacity development support through a gender advisor based at the MoGCSD in this regard. Support to policy and legal developments is on-going under output 1 and 2 of the JP GEWE. The gender quota in the next general elections is a key focus area of output 3 of the JP GEWE in 2012 and beyond that in output 1 for fiscal and administrative decentralization processes. The UN is seeking to ensure the gender machinery has a coordinated strategy to support the fiscal and administrative decentralization process. Point (vi) This point has already been acted on. The Kenya Private Sector Alliance is part of the Steering Committee.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Partnership, Not applicable, Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Discuss a structured approach to gender-responsive fiscal and administrative decentralization within the UN and the Steering Committee. Ensure the Kenya Private Sector Alliance is part of the Steering Committee JP Coordinator/ UN Women gender advisor to the MoGCSD. JP Coordinator. 2012/12 Completed On-going. Discussed in Steering Committee in August. MoGCSD and NGEC taking this forward. KEPSA is part of the Steering Committee and active in the taskforce on national coordination for GEWE.
Recommendation: Evaluation recommendation 5: Accountabilities for Strategic Issues Elevated to UNCT i. UNCT needs to take ownership of strategic issues of the joint programme, manage risk and develop strategies that are binding to all Participating UN Organizations at senior level. ii. Assign business development and resource mobilization function of JP GEWE under the RCO to leverage credibility of his office with donors. iii. Participating UN Organizations to revise their local fundraising strategies to prioritize the JP GEWE and reduce competition or conflict of interest for local funds between own agency activities and JP GEWE activities. iv. Develop binding norms for defaulting Participating UN Organizations with specified timelines for contribution to the One UN Fund for Gender. It is important that Participating UN Organizations understand that goodwill exhibited with the JP sign off carries responsibility to resource the initiative. Lack of accountability should result in names of defaulting Organizations struck off the list of Participating Organizations. v. Utilize JP GEWE lessons to support the development of gender priorities for the next Medium Term Plan
Management Response: Management Response: These recommendations are taken on board and will be discussed within the UNCT by UN Women. Of particular importance will be to clarify the resource mobilization issues and key actions in this regard have been agreed to under recommendation 2. For point v. see action points under recommendation 2.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women CD to highlight resource requirements for coordination in particular following the development of the AWP 2013 at the UNCT. JP to highlight these in the PCG. UN Women CD/ JP Coordinator 2013/11 Completed
The UNCT Gender Scorecard exercise to highlight this in report and feedback to UNCT. UN Women CD/ JP Coordinator 2010/01 Completed Finalized ? see report. UNCT informed by consultant in feedback.
Recommendation: valuation Recommendation 6: Strengthen Delivery Capacity of the UNPWG and Output Teams i. Develop guidelines, toolkits and other material to support gender analysis, gender mapping and systematic use of disaggregated data by development partners ii. Broaden GBV to include (i) adolescent girls as a vulnerable group under GBV, (ii) develop specific strategies to address their unique needs. iii. Expand scope of stakeholders on GBV to include men who support gender activities. iv. Revise results matrix and include an outcome on delivery of coordinated service to development partners. v. Strengthen coordination capacity of output lead agencies vi. Develop indicators to track aid effectiveness at partner level vii. Output Leads to develop schedule of meetings and abide by it for regular information sharing with their teams viii. Rollout harmonized JP GEWE planning and reporting tools to partners to improve efficiency. ix. Expedite recruitment of a communications specialist to lead development of harmonized strategy. x. Identify UN Participating Organizations with skills in communication and seek support in development and roll out of a comprehensive communication strategy
Management Response: Management Response: See actions below for recommendations agreed to. On bullet point iv. Revise results matrix and include an outcome on delivery of coordinated service to development partners ? this has been taken up as an action point under recommendation 1 ? the National Coordination Structures and has been included in the AWP for Output 5 already. Point vi. Develop indicators to track aid effectiveness at partner level ? this action is beyond the remit of the JP GEWE. See also recommendation 3 point ii/iii. The JP GEWE will see how best to introduce indicators that speak to this within its remit. Rollout harmonized JP GEWE planning and reporting tools to partners to improve efficiency ? these have been developed for internal purposes already and simplified in 2012. However, harmonization to partners externally cannot be done by the JP GEWE. This requires RCO and corporate level discussion for the UN system more broadly. Point X. - Identify UN Participating Organizations with skills in communication and seek support in development and roll out of a comprehensive communication strategy ? this is a challenge and not workable due to the workload of sitting communication staff. The recruitment of a IUNV communication and information officer this year will alleviate this issue.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Culture of results/RBM, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Efficiency, Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
On point (i) The UNCT Gender Scorecard Exercise will be undertaken to reinforce the need to training of inter-groups, including the PWG. A consultant will be recruited to support the training process, including the development of modules which should include the tools mentioned in point (i). JP coordinator 2012/06 Completed ToRs developed for training consultant. Gender Scorecard exercise conducted.
Point (ii) to be taken up with UNICEF and output 2 of the JP GEWE. JP Coordinator. Output 2 coordinator (UNFPA) 2010/01 Completed UNICEF on board with the VAC study and UNiTE Kenya chapter launch.
On point (iii) ? seek opportunities to engage men more actively in GBV prevention JP coordinator and output 2 lead. 2010/01 Completed Million father campaign launched. Male engagement is a key component of the Africa UNiTE Kenya Chapters ToRs and action Plan.
Strengthen coordination capacity of output lead agencies ? to be discussed based on funding at AWP 2013 planning process ? agency support UN Women to ensure full commitment under Output 1 JP Coordinator/ UN Women CD. 2013/10 Completed UNDP has a Gender Advisor who leads output 3, funded by the Finnish Embassy.
Review indicators in light of point (iv). M&E analyst 2013/10 Completed
Output Leads to develop schedule of meetings and abide by it for regular information sharing with their teams Output leads 2010/01 Completed
Expedite recruitment of a communications specialist to lead development of harmonized strategy. See recommendation 1 action point 2. 2012/12 Completed Communications analyst recruted
Recommendation: Evaluation Recommendation 7: Donor Commitment for the JP-GEWE i. Leverage existing donor structures e.g. High Level Donor Group for financial guide discussion for financial support through meetings with JP GEWE Steering Committee co-chairs. ii. Proactively keep donors informed on JP GEWE progress through targeted mail, newsletters and e-mail updates. iii. Steering Committee co-chairs to arrange half year high level meetings with donors to discuss strategic partnerships, concerns and opportunities for funding of the JP GEWE. iv. Continue to engage donors in JP GEWE events and consultative meetings to maintain level of interest.
Management Response: Management Response: Agree with the Recommendations
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Not applicable, Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: UN Coordination, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Gender equality
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Finland (lead of GGP and GCSG) organized a forum for the JP GEWE to highlight its niche. JP Coordinator/UN Women CD 2013/09 Completed
At least 2 newsletters produced and disseminated M&E Analyst JP GEWE 2013/12 Completed One produced and disseminated (on-line)
Printing/dissemination of MTE report, annual report and gender scorecard joint program coordinator 2013/12 Completed
Steering Committee co-chairs to arrange half year high level meetings with donors to discuss strategic partnerships, concerns and opportunities for funding of the JP GEWE to be discussed in SC meeting when appropriate 2013/12 Completed
Continue to engage donors in JP GEWE events and consultative meetings to maintain level of interest: engage in MTE, Gender Scorecard, Annual Planning process and SC meetings etc. program officer 2013/12 Completed Ongoing