Management Response

: Brazil
: 2012 - 2013 , Brazil (CO)
: Final Evaluation of Sub-Regional Programme on Young Women Citizenship
: Brazil

The Young Women Programme evaluation, carried out during the first semester of 2013, identified lessons learned and provided useful insights regarding future programmatic developments. The consultant recommendations were consolidated and organized towards specific groups according to their core components.

: Approved
Recommendation: El Programa debe subir al sitio web de ONU Mujeres o al espacio que se considere pertinente toda la producción de conocimiento y la recopilación de experiencias generadas por el Programa: textos, videos, fotografías. Una política de linkeo con el Portal Latinoamericano de Juventud, la OIJ y la página de AWID, es fundamental. A partir de esta labor, se sugiere la publicación de un catastro de experiencias y sus referentes de ubicación, a efectos de diseminar vínculos y metodologías. En materia de producción de conocimiento, es necesario impulsar prácticas que incidan sobre tres campos: sobre la agenda de investigación; que sirvan de insumo para políticas públicas más pertinentes; y que alimenten la agenda de las unidades de estudios de las instituciones públicas donde se sitúan, esto a propósito de la sostenibilidad de los esfuerzos.
Management Response: Agreed. UN Women is negotiating a space in the Youth Participative Observatory (Participatório) to have a space in this recently launched governmental online tool to disseminate knowledge products. This process will be supported by the Jovens Feministas de São Paulo group that already have an organized depository of important knowledge products in this area. According to the consultant recommendation, links will be inserted on webpages of other important organizations working with youth - Organización Internacional de Juventud, Universidade Livre Feminista, Observatório de Gênero da SPM, AWID, and Portal Latinomaricano de Juventud - directing people to the Participatório space.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Organization and selection of materials, and negotiation with partners to improve dissemination. Programme Management 2014/01 Overdue-Initiated This process was initiated in Brazil but it will cover the identification and dissemination of knowledge products in the sub-region. March 30th: There have been no advances at these point. June 30th: There have been no advances at this point. The selection of materials and contact with partners will be made before December 20th.
Recommendation: En materia de diseño y pertinencia, se recomienda sistematizar la experiencia acumulada de los profesionales del Programa ?en especial de las sectorialistas que se desempeñan al interior del Estado- y realizar un seminario interno (con invitación a contrapartes) para volver sobre el concepto de juventud y género, tanto a nivel teórico como en sus implicancias prácticas en términos de enfoque de políticas públicas. Las temáticas de empleo y educación constituyen temas de reconocida presencia en la agenda pública de juventud en la región. Se propone aprovechar los conocimientos producidos en los distintos emprendimientos de investigación impulsados en el marco del Programa promoviendo un seminario de reflexión sobre estas materias. La experiencia paraguaya y brasileña en torno al tema de la trata de personas y la uruguaya en torno a los enfoques de políticas de juventud constituyen buenos ejemplos de este potencial. Se propone un seminario sobre políticas públicas de juventud y género, que permita poner en discusión el concepto de interseccionalidad y los distintos modelos de formulación existentes en la región.
Management Response: Agreed. This programmatic focus will be discussed with LPP Regional Group that will stimulate the exchange of knowledge and practices among the countries of the region to identify and disseminate best and smart practices. The process will be initiated through countries witch were part of the YW programme, involving governmental counterparts.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Request support from LPP Regional Group to promote the organization of a webinar to discuss programmatic issues regarding gender and youth policies, focusing on communication for change strategies, strategic planning and funding raise activities. Programme Management 2013/12 Overdue-Initiated This activity is under development through a partnership with LLP regional group. March 30th: There have been no advances at these point. June 30th: There have been no advances at this point. The webinar will be placed to February 2015, in order to have the results of the ongoing project with young women as an input for futures strategies.
Recommendation: Se propone realizar un seminario-taller sobre experiencias de transversalización de la perspectiva de género en las políticas de juventud. El impulso de espacios de reflexión y sistematización de las experiencias implementadas (Paraguay, Brasil, Uruguay y Argentina) debiera orientarse al diseño de una metodología de transversalización del enfoque de género en políticas de juventud. El espacio de MERCOSUR puede ser un lugar propicio para impulsar esta agenda de cooperación sur-sur. En la perspectiva de favorecer un enfoque subregional, se propone que junto al mecanismo de articulación de gobiernos, los espacios propios de sociedad civil sean estimulados y alimentados con acciones específicas (pasantías, seminarios temáticos, intercambios de experiencias, concursos de becas de investigación, publicaciones de sistematización de experiencias, recursos para organización de eventos ?sombra? a los de los gobiernos), tanto en lo que refiere a los movimientos sociales como a los espacios académicos (donde instancias como el Mercosur Universitario o CLACSO y sus grupos de trabajo parecen fundamentales).
Management Response: Agreed. This will be developed also with the support of LPP Regional Group that will stimulate the exchange of knowledge and practices among the countries of the region to identify and disseminate best and smart practices with a focus on design of a methodology to mainstream a gender perspective in youth public policies.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Request support from LPP Regional Group to promote the organization of a webinar to the identification and dissemination of best and smart practices in this programmatic area. Programme Management 2013/12 Overdue-Initiated This activity is under development through a partnership with LLP regional group. March 30th: There have been no advances at these point. June 30th: There have been no advances at this point. The webinar will be placed to February 2015, in order to have the results of the ongoing project with young women as part of the practices that can be disseminated.
Recommendation: Se propone un seminario sobre movimientos sociales que puedan ser aliados potenciales de las organizaciones de mujeres jóvenes. Se plantea como un espacio de reconocimiento e intercambio de prácticas, en la perspectiva de generar alianzas y agenda.
Management Response: Agreed. Initial contacts are under development to create an online space with SNJ/Participatório and the Universidade Livre Feminista to initiate this process as an online collective discussion that can potentially lead to the organization of the suggested seminar. Activities were incorporated in a new project focusing young women, developed with the support of Democratic Governance Thematic Trust Fund from UNDP.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Negotiate with SNJ and ULF to the development of regional online discussion group. Programme Management 2014/06 Overdue-Initiated March 30th: There have been no advances at these point. June 30th: There have been no advances at this point. Actually, in the ongoing project implemented with the SNJ and PNUD is being put on practice a dialogue through an on-line platform between young women and women leaders in different institution. These is consider a pilot platform for future discussions.
Recommendation: Desde el punto de vista de la auditoría social y función evaluativa de este tipo de programas, se sugiere dar el paso hacia la definición de indicadores para realizar el monitoreo. Desde un punto de vista global, el sistema avanza desde las demandas de diseño a las de implementación y evaluación de las políticas públicas de igualdad.
Management Response: Agreed. There are actually ongoing activities regarding this recommendation being implemented in an already existing partnership with SNJ.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Not applicable
Operating Principles: Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Include in the ongoing strategic planning process of UN Women Brazil activities focused on the creation of national indicator systems to support policy development. Programme Management 2014/12 Overdue-Initiated March 30th: There have been no advances at these point. June 30th: There have been no advances at this point.