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Global: UN Women has already incorporated the 'governance' approach to work on HIV in the Strategic Plan 2014-2017 which includes an outcome and two outputs, along with key indicators that will track results focused on support for the development of gender-responsive national plans, policies and budgets to address HIV, to strengthen national and local coordinating authorities for addressing HIV, and to support and mobilize women living with and affected by HIV. |
HQ HIV team with Policy and Programme Divisions |
Global: Draft a Theory of Change for a gender-responsive governance approach to HIV |
HQ HIV team with COs |
Overdue-Not Initiated
Cambodia: The Governance approach is integrated into the DRF (2014-2015) and the AWP (2014) incorporates support to strengthening leadership and substantive participation of WLHIV in the HIV response, and to gender responsive planning and budgeting by government stakeholders, including the National AIDS Authority and MoWA. |
All programmes and their key stakeholders |
UN Women focal point to provide technical, advisory support to ensuring integration across CO programmes, and to national policy development |
Cambodia: Mobilization of resources for and support to the development of a gender component in the NSP IV (2016-2018) as well as the reformulation of the National Policy on Women, the Girl Child and HIV/AIDS. |
CO in partnership with NAA, MoWA, CSOs, WLHIV and KAP networks; and Joint UN Team on HIV&AIDS (JUTH) members |
Overdue-Not Initiated
UN Women focal point to provide technical, advisory support to ensuring integration across CO programmes, and to national policy development |
Jamaica: Provide technical support to the NHP to support the monitoring and implementation of a gender-responsive national HIV/AIDS response |
UN Women MCO and UN Women Jamaica Project Office, in collaboration with the UNCT |
Overdue-Not Initiated
Kenya: A review of the gender mainstreaming action plans developed during PHASE I of the programme will be carried out to guide and inform the continuous work with the NACC. |
Kenya CO and UNAIDS |
Kenya: Integration of gender into the Kenya National AIDS Strategic Plan (KNASP) IV currently under development and ensuring the active involvement of WLHIV in the process |
UN Joint team on HIV (UN Women is lead) and WLHIV |
Kenya: Develop a strategic concept note on UN Women?s gender equality and HIV programming for Kenya in 2014 and onwards. |
UN Women and East and Southern Africa Regional Office with HQ HIV Team |
A consultant will be supporting the development of this strategic note |
PNG: Support NACS integration into the Department of Health in 2014 with TA on gender mainstreaming with particular emphasis on WLHIV. |
PNG CO in collaboration with UNAIDS |
Overdue-Not Initiated
Will commence when Government of PNG passes legislation in Feb 2014 to integrate NACS to Department of Health.Actions depend on when the official transfer of the NACS into Dept of Health occurs. CO will attend and contribute in all UNAIDS/NACS quarterly meetings with key stakeholders in the NACS responses and with PLHIV groups. |
Rwanda: Support the establishment of a gender Unit charged with the mainstreaming of gender in the RRP+ interventions with particular emphasis on WLHIV. |
Rwanda CO in collaboration with Rwanda RP+, Rwanda Biomedical Centre and UNAIDS |
Rwanda Biomedical Centre has been very supportive of RRP+ Gender Unit and has released funds to support the convening of its partners in June 2013 |