Background and Information:
UN-Women’s Anti-Human Trafficking (AHT) programme is being implemented in six panchayats across six States of India - Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha, Rajasthan and West Bengal from 2011-2014. The programme aims to reduce the vulnerability of internally trafficked women and children in source areas through community action and participation, research, and enhancement of governmental protection and prevention mechanisms that focus on trafficking in source areas. The programme is expected to enhance the role of local governance platforms in preventing trafficking, bringing about a change in societal attitudes towards women, and thus creating a strong social environment to prevent trafficking. EU support
To ensure that results have been achieved as a consequence of activities undertaken during programme implementation, the progress of the programme is being tracked over a period of time through a Results Based Monitoring System. At the start of the programme, a Baseline Evaluation was conducted in 2012 to obtain baseline estimates for programme outputs at the panchayat, State and national levels. A Mid-Term Evaluation was then conducted in 2013, with the Endline Evaluation being completed in 2014.
The overall objectives of the Evaluation were:
1. To evaluate results and impacts, including an assessment of sustainability
2. To assess the effectiveness and efficiency of resources use
3. To document, provide feedback on, and disseminate lessons learned
4. To assess programme response to, and the validity of, recommendations made by the mid-term Evaluation
5. To provide a basis for decision making on actions to be taken post-programme
Scope of the Final Evaluation
The programme was assessed against standard Evaluation criteria including:
(i) Relevance – the extent to which the programme was suited to local and national development priorities and organizational policies
(ii) Effectiveness – the extent to which programme objectives were achieved
(iii) Efficiency – of programme implementation especially in terms of financial resources
(iv) Results/impacts – positive and negative changes produced directly or indirectly by the programme
(v) Sustainability – the likelihood of the programme results to continue to deliver benefits for an extended period of time after completion