The final evaluation of the UN Joint Programme to Enhance Gender Equality in Georgia (UNJP) provided a good assessment of the strategies used in the UN Women’s component of the Programme aimed at creating an enabling environment to eliminate violence against women and girls (VAWG), in particular domestic violence (DV). Strategies rated as successful will continue to be applied in UN Women’s work on EVAWG taking into account all of the recommendations under the final evaluation report. Specifically, the recommendations have been taken into consideration in the drafting of the project document for the UN Joint Project to Enhance Gender Equality in Georgia Phase II (hereinafter referred to as the “UNJP II”) – a five year continuation of the UNJP phase I, will be also implemented by UNDP, UN Women and UNFPA and is expected to start in November 2015. The EVAWG component of the UNJP II will be implemented by UN Women, whereas the political and economic empowerment and reproductive health components will be implemented by UNDP and UNFPA respectively -building on each agency previous work and comparative advantage at the country level.