The final evaluation of the Project ‘Women for Equality, Peace and Development in Georgia’ (WEPD II phase) provided highly instrumental findings, lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations for UN Women Georgia country future office programming. The findings and recommendations of the evaluation have been taken into the consideration in the development of Georgia Strategic Note for the years 2016-2020 and the activities foreseen for the implementation of the evaluation recommendations spelled out in this Management Response are integrated into UN Women Georgia CO Annual Work Plan 2016. The evaluation has found that overall, UN Women has made important contributions in all areas of its interventions under the WEPD II; the project produced measurable impact in terms of IDP and conflict affected women and of targeted women belonging to ethnic minorities (rights-holders) increased access to legal aid and social services. The project also made impact level changes in the capacities of targeted government partners (duty-bearers) such as Ministry of Defence, IDP Ministry and local governments to work in the area of Women, Peace, and Security.