Management Response

: Moldova
: 2014 - 2017 , Moldova (CO)
: Joint Integrated Local Development Programme Evaluation
: Moldova

Besides the great job done by the project and implementing entities and the enhanced capacities of local authorities the policy and legal framework as mandated by the National Decentralization Strategy are not yet fully in place in order to ensure local autonomy, availability of resources, and more effective local management for better and equitable service provision. The recommendations for further steps to be undertaken in those directions are not directly addressed

: Approved
Recommendation: Continue the initiatives started by the Programme towards further institutionalization of positive results and to contribute to the Programme goal to support better and equitable service provision and sustainable local development, facilitated by the improved legal and institutional framework resulting from the implementation of the National Decentralization Strategy.
Management Response: UN Women will continue supporting central/local capacities for gender mainstreaming in development policies as well as for more women Involvement in development agenda Issues, including through replication of best practices through on-going projects (such as the regional project for promoting gender responsive policies).
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Within the continuous reform of public services provided to the population UN Women will support the functionality (capacity building) of the Joint Information and Services Bureaus (JISBs) UN Women 2016/06 No Longer Applicable UN Women launched a co-creation of the public services re-engineering as part of the social innovation support to the Government jointly with UNDP. The Government Action Plan on public services modernization strategy mentions that this work needs to be built on the exisitn one-stop-shops (Joint Information and Services Bureaus) that were created with the support of UN Women. Three out of 28 districts where JISB is operational are prototyping the co-creation of the services re-design with end-users, particularly women from various vulnerable groups. The ethnographic research was finalized with the opinion and recommendations of women who are recipient of services on how the services needs to be provided in the ideal way. This will further inform the Government on the service- re-design. The Government is under the implementation of public services reform aiming to further strengthen citizen-centric public service delivery in Moldova . The Unified Public Services centers (CUPS) will modernize the public services so that they are more accessible to any citizen and business.
Capacity building of selected local governments through the regional project for promoting gender responsive policies, using the same approach and methodology focused on participatory and inclusive local development planning and service provision, increased transparency, accountability and efficiency of local governments. UN Women 2016/11 Completed During 2016 – 43 representatives from LPAs (35 women / 8 men) from din 23 rural and district authorities were trained on gender responcive planning and budgeting atr local level. Out of this the LPAs of Causeni, Ocnita, Drochia, s.Ciuciuleni/Hîncesti, s.Tataresti/Straseni, s.Cobusca Noua/Anenii Noi benfited from on job coaching on using evidences to develop transparent and participatory gender responsive budgets.
Recommendation: Conduct Impact Assessment of the (J)ILDP Programme(s)
Management Response: Subject to political will and support to advancing the on-going decentralization reform, particularly the territorial-administrative reform, UN Women will conduct an assessment of outcomes and impact (against the baseline) of JILDP interventions and will use the findings in order to tailor appropriate new local development intervention, using innovation tools, that will bridge the development gaps and scale up impact
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities
UNEG Criteria: Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will explore the possibility of conducting a comprehensive impact assessment at the induction phase of a potential new local development intervention, with results and findings to be used to shape the programmatic activities UN Women 2016/12 No Longer Applicable Upon request of the Government to proceed with the ex-ante assessment of development intervention UN W will address it respectfully
Recommendation: Ensure good governance principles are mainstreamed into all development efforts towards integrated local development
Management Response: This is a very general recommendation and is more appropriate to the general principles of good governance which by default is part of development efforts.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Impact
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
UN Women will continue applying good governance principles through FPs Implementation for the whole period. UN Women 2016/12 Completed it is a continuous and by default commitments to the good governance principles.
Recommendation: Identify and provide capacity building support to local/community experts (agents of change) for community facilitation and mobilization (Community Facilitators)
Management Response: UN Women will support enhancing local capacities of targeted women group to facilitate the community development process by developing the capacities of selected community level agents of change. For this innovative practices will be applied during the Implementation of FPs.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Leadership and political participation (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Operational activities, Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Anual working plans will be elaborated for capacity building for targeted communities and groups UN Moldova 2016/03 No Longer Applicable
Recommendation: Continue investing in local economic development and IMCs
Management Response: UN Women will provide capacity building support and gender mainstreaming policy development.
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Not applicable
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Support a mentoring programme with ODIMM and TEKEDU to assist women from particular excluded groups accessing entrepreneurship and ICT opportunities. UN Women 2016/12 Completed GirlsGoIT multi-partner initiative to advance the women and girls empowerment in ICT continued duringQ3 2016. 35 girls from 7 regions participated in the 12 week boot camp to learn about web development and were digitally empowered. Moreover, 40 girls from all over the country participated in the second edition of the GirlsGoIT Summer Camp, for two weeks. They learned about building web applications, networked. The Summer Camp participants came from various backgrounds. Based on our survey 46% of participants have experienced violence. 64% of the girls have/had a close family member living abroad. Among others, UN Women Moldova supported one team of girls to participate in the Global Technovation Challenge event in the US. The girls gained valuable experience, inspiration and international network. Upon return they organized an event where they shared their experience with other girls and media to spread the inspiration and build a stronger image of Moldovan girls in IT industry. The partnership of GirlsGoIT Program include UN Women, eGovernment Center, IREX/Novateca, Association of IT Companies/ATIC and the NGO TEKEDU and it was established at the initiative of UN Women in 2014. This partnership enjoys a great support and collaboration of many other partners, including from the Ministries of Education, ICT, private companies, local public authorities and others.
Support capacity building of Diaspora women leaders abroad and returned women in the country in entrepreneurship and ICT to initiatve income generating activites UN Women 2016/12 No Longer Applicable 40 women migrants both from Diaspora and returnee have the knowledge and abilities strengthened on elaboration of advocacy objectives, project writing, leadership and communication. This is due to the two training sessions organized on August 15 and 17, 2016. The general roadmap for engaging with local authorities was developed and decided at the training sessions. In order to make the training available also to other women migrants from Diaspora the training organized on 17 august 2016 has been broadcasted live via internet. Due to this fact, the activity had a reach of circa 130,791 persons online, which had the possibility to beneficiate of the content and discussions held during the training. Under the new SN 2018-2022 UN Women launched a partnership agreement with a national NGO active in ICT domain to support the realization of one of the output of the SN linked to the women's, including those from excluded groups, have skills and knowledge to access economic opportunities". The expected results of this cooperation by the end of 2018 will end with the: 500 women educated in Tech and 200 girls will be supported to start up in tech.
Recommendation: Invest in CSOs representing business interests (e.g. Business associations, associations of employers, etc.)
Management Response: UN Women will provide capacity building support and GEWE agenda advocacy
Management Response Category:
Thematic Area: Governance and planning (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
Capacity development of unions and women’s associations in collective bargaining, basic accountancy, contract negotiations skills; and in advocating with key line ministries to establish enabling legal framework for promotion of women in employment, entrepreneurship and ICT UN Women 2016/12 Completed A draft Programme for Women's Entrepreneurship was co-created with women from rural area and presented to the Ministry of Economy for further consideration under the National Strategy for SME development. The Women in Business Group is following up from the March Forum and lobbying for the adoption of the state funded programme for women’s entrepreneurship. The National programm pilot "Women in business" under implementation since September 2016. First 100 women identified for financial support (grants) to their business.