Management Response

: Bosnia Herzegovina
: 2015 - 2019 , Bosnia Herzegovina (CO)
: Final Evaluation of the project “Standards and Engagement for Ending Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016-2019)”
: Bosnia Herzegovina

The purpose of the evaluation of the project “Standards and Engagement for Ending Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina” was to asses in more detail the level of progress in the project and performance of the intervention of considering the following evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness, impact, organizational efficiency and sustainability. This evaluation provided UN Women with useful insights into project achievements and produced actionable findings, recommendations and documented lessons learnt. Evaluation was performed by responding to 6 main evaluation questions related to level of harmonization with relevant international and national policies, relevance and inclusiveness, effectiveness and achieving of project outcomes and outputs, unintended results, obstacles and innovation, efficiency and effectiveness of management approach and sustainability of the results. Project exceeded its targets (except in output 2.2. where end-line data was not available at the time of the research) namely, increased the availability of new or improved the exiting services for victims of violence against women and increased the engagement of youth and media in prevention activities. The evaluation found that project is fully harmonized with the main regional human rights instrument on domestic violence (namely Council of Europe’s Convention of Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence) and is directly relevant to the priorities and needs of the government institutions, implementing partners and first responders from target locations. Majority of trained service providers found the that acquired knowledge was applicable to their job. While the project did not focus on direct support to victims and survivors of domestic violence, project successfully adapted and directly supported the work with victims and perpetrators when professionals were testing new innovative approaches. Overall project management was efficient, despite relatively underdeveloped monitoring and testing system and limited visibility. There is a high likelihood that many of the project results will last beyond the project’s end.

: Approved
Recommendation: UN Women should step up its human rights-based approach to EVAW by recognizing and addressing already in Project design the intersectional discrimination which some survivors face.
Management Response: UN Women recognizes this is critical to implement its human rights-based approach to EVAW. Marginalized women face multiple discrimination and service providers’ response need to be tailored to their needs. UN Women will work understanding the key issues on intersectional discrimination that survivors in BiH face; incorporate key findings and recommendations into project design and closely monitor and quality control their implementation.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Not applicable
UNEG Criteria: Human Rights
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
In order to step up its human rights-based approach UN Women will take following measures in the Project design: a. Organize a training for relevant governmental and NGO partners in order to raise their capacities to recognize and address the intersectional discrimination which some survivors face UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed UN Women organized a training for 10 representatives of relevant governmental and NGO partners in order to raise their capacities to recognize and address the inter-sectional discrimination which some survivors face. The one-day training focused on several key aspects of the issue, namely challenges in identifying inter-sectional discrimination, including causes and consequences, response to inter-sectional discrimination. Training plan included 2 theoretical units, 2 discussions in small groups and plenary discussions. The questionnaire that participants filled after the training shows that training was rated useful, having in mind the fact that training helped in better understanding of intersectional discrimination, as participants claimed. 70% of participants reported that the training was extremely useful. Finally, 90% of participants reported that the training will improve their recognition of intersectional violence in society.
In order to step up its human rights-based approach UN Women will take following measures in the Project design: b. Develop and describe clear indicators that would track and monitor progress on recognizing and addressing intersectional discrimination which some survivors face UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed In the design of the next phase of project implementation within Strategic Note Support, UN Women has defined that focus will be put on marginalized group of women, particularly when working of enhancing the quality of multi-sectoral response. Furthermore, activities and project indicators of responsible parties have this reflected.
In order to step up its human rights-based approach UN Women will take following measures in the Project implementation: a. Develop set of criteria for evaluation of project that give higher rate to projects that recognize and address the intersectional discrimination which some survivors face; UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed In the development of the CfP for CSOs To contribute to implementation of UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina Strategic note (for 2019-2022) output 3.3.2 Women, girls, men and boys at community and individual level are mobilized in favor of respectful relationships and gender equality, has mandated that: - Each intervention should show how it includes and is beneficial to groups of population facing intersecting inequalities and other forms of marginalization; - making sure to apply a “leave no one behind” principle in the design of the activities.
In order to step up its human rights-based approach UN Women will take following measures in the Project implementation: b. Develop and describe clear indicators that would track and monitor progress on recognizing and addressing intersectional discrimination which some survivors face in the projects of responsible parties and implementing partners UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed UN Women has entered into discussion with governmental partners in order to set targets for the next phase of implementation (until the end of 2020, under Sida funding of the Strategic Note). Clear guidelines have been given to the partners to reflect the way activities would impact the lives of marginalized groups of women. Project proposals have included indicators that will serve to track and monitor progress on recognizing and addressing intersectional discrimination which some survivors face. Furthermore, UN Women internal indicator table includes these indicators.
Recommendation: UN Women, in collaboration with key government and non-governmental partners, should advocate legislative amendments and increase in resources for key EVAW sectors.
Management Response: Collaborating with key government and non-governmental partners in advocating legislative amendments in one of the key functions of UN Women in the country. In line with UNDAF, UN Women will continue to hold regular consultations with the key government and non-governmental partners in order to identify key needs and consequently advocate legislative amendments and increase in resources for key EVAW sectors. Still primary responsibility lies with the government and non-governmental.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Advocacy
Organizational Priorities: Normative Support
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
In collaboration with key government and non-governmental partners UN Women will organize a participatory discussion to: a. Present results and lessons learned of the project that are related to the need to advocate for legislative amendment and increase in resources for key EVAW sectors UN Women BiH CO 2019/06 Completed UN Women has organized a final conference of the project in a form of lessons learned and stock taking event. All implementing partners of the project have shared their experiences and good practices related to policy and legislative aspect of their work. Clear recommendations for legislative changes have been identified with the aim to increase resources for key EVAW sectors
In collaboration with key government and non-governmental partners UN Women will organize a participatory discussion to: b. Build a consensus around the legislative amendments and increase in resources for key EVAW sectors. UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed UN Women has organized a final conference of the project in a form of lessons learned and stock taking event. Clear recommendations for legislative changes have been identified with the aim to increase resources for key EVAW sectors
In collaboration with key government and non-governmental partners UN Women will organize a participatory discussion to: c. Develop conclusions and recommendation on how to move forward in relation to advocating for legislative amendments and increase in resources for key EVAW sectors UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed UN Women has organized a final conference of the project in a form of lessons learned and stock taking event. Clear recommendations for legislative changes have been identified with the aim to increase resources for key EVAW sectors
Recommendation: UN Women should design a Youth Prevention approach in which all schools in target areas have access to a less demanding program, while those which show interest and commitment in that first phase should be engaged in a more comprehensive, gender transformative program in the next phase.
Management Response: Prevention of VAW by addressing the root causes of violence against women is essential in elimination of VAW and is one of key actions that UN Women set to undertake in its programs focused on EVAW. As prevention strategies need to include multiple targeted and mutually reinforcing interventions, UN Women will continue to support and design Youth Prevention activities in schools targeted by their needs.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development, Promoting inclusiveness/Leaving no one behind
Organizational Priorities: Youth engagement, Engaging men and boys
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
In future project design UN Women will design a Youth Prevention approach in a way to ensure pre-evaluation of needs and capacities of high schools going through a less demanding program in order to identify schools that should be engaged in a more comprehensive, gender transformative program in the next phase ensure that element of accessing the needs of the schools is incorporated UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed In designing CfP for CSOs to contribute to implementation of UN Women Bosnia and Herzegovina Strategic note (for 2019-2022) output 3.3.2 Women, girls, men and boys at community and individual level are mobilized in favor of respectful relationships and gender equality, UN Women has included following elements: - Analysis of entry points in social lives of men and boys and women and girls, to determine strategic points and innovative ways to engage them in prevention of violence against women at local level; - Engagement of men and boys and women and girls as agents of change in addressing gender stereotypes and preventing violence against women in their communities. In designing ways of engagement, proposed projects need to contain elements of innovation and be based on the finding of the Analysis; - Each project proposal needs to have in place an evaluation framework in order to be able to measure the change achieved during the implementing period. In line with requirements of the CfP, and recommendations of final project evaluation, selected project partner has submitted a project with two different teaching models that will be used depending on the capacities and needs of high school students.
Recommendation: Capacity building for the multi-sector teams needs to be improved. This should be done through the application of sector-specific, continuous, sequential and sustainable professional development.
Management Response: Ensuring access to quality multi-sectoral services for women victims of domestic violence and violence against women remains one of the key priorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. While the key responsibility for this activity lies with the gender institutions as well as with the line ministries, UN Women will continue to support the government in improving capacity building of the multi-sectoral teams. Depending on the priorities of the key government and non-governmental partners in the country, UN Women will define the modality of the support, namely in capacity building for the multi-sectoral teams will be improved through the appreciation of sector-specific, continuous, sequential and sustainable professional development.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Partnership
UNEG Criteria: Effectiveness, Sustainability, Relevance
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
In collaboration with key government and non-governmental partners UN Women will organize a participatory discussion to: a. Present results and lessons learned of the project, and build consensus around the need to improve capacity building of the multi-sectoral teams, through the application of sector-specific, continuous, sequential and sustainable professional development. UN Women BiH CO 2019/06 Completed UN Women has organized a final conference of the project in a form of lessons learned and stock taking event. All implementing partners of the project have shared good practices and lessons learned related to necessary next steps in enhancing capacity building of the multi-sectoral teams through the application of sector-specific, continuous, sequential and sustainable professional development. Project steering board (consisting of key governmental stakeholders) validated the presented results and lessons learned of the project in relation to capacity building of multi sectoral teams.
In collaboration with key government and non-governmental partners UN Women will organize a participatory discussion to: b. Develop conclusions and recommendations on improving capacity building of the multi-sectoral teams, including through the application of sector-specific, continuous, sequential and sustainable professional development. UN Women BiH CO 2019/06 Completed UN Women has organized a final conference of the project in a form of lessons learned and stock taking event. All implementing partners of the project have shared good practices and lessons learned related to necessary next steps in enhancing capacity building of the multi-sectoral teams through the application of sector-specific, continuous, sequential and sustainable professional development. Recommendation on on improving capacity building of the multi-sectoral teams, and application of sector-specific, continuous, sequential and sustainable professional development have been made. UN Women will ensure there recommendation are reflected in the next phase of project implementation.
Recommendation: UN Women in collaboration with gender institutional mechanisms should design clear measures of success for each approach and/or mechanism supported in the Project. Testing new approaches should be done in a more strategic manner to enable for impact evaluation.
Management Response: Measuring success of applied approaches and /or mechanisms in ending violence against women is of critical importance. While the key responsibility for this activity lies with the gender institutions as well as with the line ministries, UN Women will continue to support the government in improving capacity for designing clear measures of success for each supported approach and/or mechanism in order to enable for impact evaluation.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Capacity development
Organizational Priorities: Culture of results/RBM
UNEG Criteria: Impact, Efficiency, Effectiveness
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
In collaboration with gender mechanisms and other key government and non-governmental partners UN Women will organize a participatory discussion and a stock taking meeting to: a. Present results and lessons learned of the project and ensure initial commitment for designing clear measures of success for each approach and/or mechanism that will be supported in the future UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed UN Women has organized a final conference of the project Standards and Engagement for Ending Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. Conference brought together all relevant stakeholders, and project team as well as implementing partners (governmental and CSO) presented results and lessons learned of the project. In the discussions and through recommendations, participants have expressed initial commitment for designing clear measures of success for each approach and/or mechanism that will be supported in the future
In collaboration with gender mechanisms and other key government and non-governmental partners UN Women will organize a participatory discussion and a stock taking meeting to: b. Develop conclusions and recommendations on applying a more strategic manner to design clear measures of success for each approach and/or mechanism in order to enable for impact evaluation UN Women CO BiH 2019/12 Completed Following the conclusions of the final conference of the project "Standards and Engagement for Ending Violence against Women and Domestic Violence in BiH" UN Women held a number of meetings with government counterparts from gender machinery, ministries responsible for police, education, family. It was decided to apply a more strategic manner in when applying different approaches. In that respect in their upcoming interventions, gender machinery will include lessons learned and good practices, develop clear indicators for measuring success of the intervention.
Recommendation: UN Women should strengthen the decision-making role of the Project Steering Committee (PSC) in cases of disagreement on policies between the Project and Project Partners or other implementing parties.
Management Response: Management and oversight of project implementation is an important element in achieving tangible project results. UN Women will keep on investing in strengthening the role of Project Steering Committee including disagreement on policies between the Project and Project Partners or other implementing parties.
Management Response Category: Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Internal coordination and communication
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Not applicable
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
When designing the next phase of project implementation, Project Steering Committee composition will be based on following criteria: a. Provisions of the Terms of Reference (ToR); UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Ongoing As the activities of this project are now being implemented within the scope of Sida support to UN Women Strategic Note that covers several programmatic areas, steering agreements are being decided between donor and UN Women management. During these discussions, this evaluation recommendation will be taken into consideration.
When designing the next phase of project implementation, Project Steering Committee composition will be based on following criteria: b. Principle of ensuring no conflict of interest UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Ongoing As the activities of this project are now being implemented within the scope of Sida support to UN Women Strategic Note that covers several programmatic areas, steering agreements are being decided between donor and UN Women management. During these discussions, this evaluation recommendation will be taken into consideration.
Recommendation: UN Women should consider investing a portion of the promotional budget into setting up a project or a multi-project website and making resources and different information available online in local language for various stakeholders, ranging from partners to victims.
Management Response: Visibility of the results of project results is an important element in working towards ending violence against women, as in enables stakeholders to enhance their knowledge and skills as well as reaches out to the survivors. Due to our policies, UN Women is not able to design a project or a multi-project website, however it will ensure that resources and different information are available online in local language for various stakeholders, including partners and survivors.
Management Response Category: Partially Accepted
Thematic Area: Ending violence against women (SPs before 2018)
Operating Principles: Knowledge management
Organizational Priorities: Organizational efficiency
UNEG Criteria: Sustainability
Key Actions
Responsible Deadline Status Comments
In UN Women will develop visibility guidelines and policy in order to ensure that resources and difference information are available online on UN Women designated and accessible web site in local language for various stakeholders, ranging from partners to victims UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed Visibility guidelines and policy are being guided by the agreement between Sida and UN Women on Strategic note financing. All the data are uploaded on UN Women ECA regional website, UN Women BiH designated website, as well as partner web sites.
In UN Women will develop visibility guidelines and policy in order to ensure that resources and difference information are available online on designated and accessible web site’s on UN Women partners in local language for various stakeholders, ranging from partners to victims UN Women BiH CO 2019/12 Completed Visibility guidelines and policy are being guided by the agreement between Sida and UN Women on Strategic note financing. All the data are uploaded on UN Women ECA regional website, UN Women BiH designated website, as well as partner web sites